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The nonlinear evolution of a partially open coronal magnetic configuration is considered, assuming that corona responds to photospheric footpoint motions by small-scale reconnection events that produce a relaxed lower-energy state while conserving the global magnetic helicity of the system. The results of numerical calculations for such a relaxed equilibrium show an essential role of the amount of helicity injected to the closed-field region. If photospheric perturbations are incoherent (small-scale shearing with inefficient helicity injection), the relaxed state becomes close to an initial potential field. In this case reconnective relaxation does not result in a substantial global evolution, just providing heating of the corona (Vekstein et al, 1993). On the contrary, sufficient injection of the magnetic helicity can lead to a considerable restructuring of the coronal magnetic configuration, with possible change of its topology (formation of magnetic islands), and even catastrophic loss of equilibrium (Wolfson et al, 1994)  相似文献   

A self-consistent time-dependent, two-dimensional MHD model with a realistic energy equation is developed to understand the origin of bright coronal emission accompanying the occurrence of a new bipolar magnetic region. The motivation for this study is the interpretation of anticipated observations to be made by the SOHO mission.Purple Mt. Obser., PRC  相似文献   

Some theoretical aspects of solar coronal streamers are discussed with emphasis on the current sheet and reconnection processes going on along the axis of the streamer. The dynamics of the streamer is a combination of MHD and transport, with acceleration of particles due to reconnection and leakage of plasma outwards as a slow solar wind as the observable results. The presence of the almost-closed magnetic bottles of streamers that can store high-energy particles for significant times provides the birdcage for solar cosmic rays, the reconnection in the sheet feeds medium-energy protons into the corona for the large-scale storage needed for certain flare models, and the build-up of excess density sets the stage for coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

This paper presents a short summary of observations of coronal structures at microwaves using an instrument with high spatial resolution and good wavelength coverage. The comparison of the RATAN-600 data with optical observations of coronal loops in the green line and with the Very Large Array maps at 21 cm has shown that the loops represent only a small part of coronal matter, although their role may be of great importance in the physics of the solar corona. Prominence (filament) associated sources, especially peculiar ones, are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Coronal plumes are believed to be essentially magnetic features: they are rooted in magnetic flux concentrations at the photosphere and are observed to extend nearly radially above coronal holes out to at least 15 solar radii, probably tracing the open field lines. The formation of plumes itself seems to be due to the presence of reconnecting magnetic field lines and this is probably the cause of the observed extremely low values of the Ne/Mg abundance ratio. In the inner corona, where the magnetic force is dominant, steady MHD models of coronal plumes deal essentially with quasi-potential magnetic fields but further out, where the gas pressure starts to be important, total pressure balance across the boundary of these dense structures must be considered. In this paper, the expansion of plumes into the fast polar wind is studied by using a thin flux tube model with two interacting components, plume and interplume. Preliminary results are compared with both remote sensing and solar wind in situ observations and the possible connection between coronal plumes with pressure-balance structures (PBS) and microstreams is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that the solar wind speed at Earth is inversely correlated with the areal expansion rate of magnetic flux tubes near the Sun. Recent model calculations that include a self-consistent determination of the coronal temperature allow one to understand the physical basis of this relationship; they also suggest why the solar wind mass flux is relatively constant.  相似文献   

We show that magnetic field annihilation depends strongly on the behaviour of the vorticity and is quite different in 2D and 3D. In 3D the vorticity can be increased locally by the stretching of vortex lines (an effect that is absent in 2D). This leads to the onset ofcellular flow at quite low vorticities and the fragmentation of the simple current sheet.  相似文献   

The coronal magnetic field in the northern polar coronal hole in 1986 is predicted on the basis of the photospheric magnetic field observations and the horizontal current-current sheet coronal model (Zhao and Hoeksema, 1993). The predicted magnetic field intensity is stronger near the center of the hole than near the edge. The calculated expansion factor for the entire hole does not match the expansion factor of any flux tube in the hole, suggesting that it would not be appropriate to use the expansion factor for entire hole to represent the divergence of the flux tube in analyzing the acceleration and heating of the plasma in coronal holes.  相似文献   

From magnetic fields and coronal heating observed in flares, active regions, quiet regions, and coronal holes, we propose that exploding sheared core magnetic fields are the drivers of most of the dynamics and heating of the solar atmosphere, ranging from the largest and most powerful coronal mass ejections and flares, to the vigorous microflaring and coronal heating in active regions, to a multitude of fine-scale explosive events in the magnetic network, driving microflares, spicules, global coronal heating, and, consequently, the solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The detection of overtones of coronal loop kink oscillations has been an important advance in the development of coronal seismology. It has significantly increased the potential of coronal seismology and has thus initiated important theoretical and observational improvements. New detections of overtones have been made and a reduction of the error bars has been obtained. The efforts of theoreticians to extend eigenmode studies to more general coronal loop models is no longer a matter of checking the robustness of the model but now also allows for the estimation of certain equilibrium parameters. The frequencies of the detected (longitudinal) overtones are in particular sensitive to changes in the equilibrium properties along the loop, especially the density and the magnetic field expansion. Also, attempts have been made to use the limited longitudinal resolution in combination with the theoretical eigenmodes as an additional seismological tool.  相似文献   

We present a solar wind model which takes into account the possible origin of fast solar wind streams in coronal plumes. We treat coronal holes as being made up of essentially 2 plasma species, denser, warmer coronal plumes embedded in a surrounding less dense and cooler medium. Pressure balance at the coronal base implies a smaller magnetic field within coronal plumes than without. Considering the total coronal hole areal expansion as given, we calculate the relative expansion of plumes and the ambient medium subject to transverse pressure balance as the wind accelerates. The magnetic flux is assumed to be conserved independently both within plumes and the surrounding coronal hole. Magnetic field curvature terms are neglected so the model is essentially one dimensional along the coronal plumes, which are treated as thin flux-tubes. We compare the results from this model with white-light photographs of the solar corona and in-situ measurements of the spaghetti-like fine-structure of high-speed winds.  相似文献   

The effect of heating on the mass of load-carrying structures is analyzed using the weight Komarov formula in the framework of the design calculations by examples of a panel and spar. The results obtained have been compared with the data on real structures of supersonic passenger aircraft and aerospace aircraft of reusable transport systems.  相似文献   

Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II(NSGA-II)with multiple constraints handling is employed for multi-objective optimization of the topological structure of telescope skin,in which a bit-matrix is used as the representation of a chromosome,and genetic algorithm(GA)operators are introduced based on the matrix.Objectives including mass,in-plane performance,and out-of-plane load-bearing ability of the individuals are obtained by fnite element analysis(FEA)using ANSYS,and the matrix-based optimization algorithm is realized in MATLAB by handling multiple constraints such as structural connectivity and in-plane strain requirements.Feasible confgurations of the support structure are achieved.The results confrm that the matrix-based NSGA-II with multiple constraints handling provides an effective method for two-dimensional multi-objective topology optimization.  相似文献   

周丞  林杰  刘勇 《航空工程进展》2020,11(1):109-115
直升机旋翼桨叶剖面结构设计是研究旋翼动力学设计的基础。提出一种联合拓扑优化和形状优化的 两级优化设计方法,可用于桨叶剖面结构的设计。第一级优化以变密度法(SIMP)作为拓扑优化的材料插值方 法,以桨叶体积最小化为设计目标,约束桨叶节点位移和应力,建立桨叶的拓扑优化求解模型;第二级优化以重 构的桨叶模型为基础开展形状优化,降低局部应力集中以及找到合理的边界节点位置。对优化后的模型进行 有限元分析,结果表明:通过拓扑优化和形状优化的两级优化,能够得到满足强度和稳定性要求的结构布局,为 桨叶结构设计提供指导方案。  相似文献   

Tuned Mass Dampers(TMDs) are often attached to a main structure to reduce vibration, and the TMDs’ positions are important to affect the structural dynamic performance. However, the TMDs’ positions and the material layout of the structure act on each other. This paper suggests a design optimization method by combining the topology optimization of the main structure and the layout of the attached TMDs under harmonic excitations. The main structure with the attached TMDs are modeled by the continu...  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections and post-shock streams driven by them are the most efficient drivers of strong magnetospheric activity, magnetic storms. For this reason there is considerable interest in trying to make reliable forecasts for the effects of CMEs as much in advance as possible. To succeed this requires understanding of all aspects related to CMEs, starting from their emergence on the Sun to their propagation to the vicinity of the Earth and to effects within the magnetosphere. In this article we discuss some recent results on the geoeffectivity of different types of CME/shock structures. A particularly intriguing observation is that smoothly rotating magnetic fields within CMEs are most efficient in driving storm activity seen in the inner magnetosphere due to enhanced ring current, whereas the sheath regions between the shock and the ejecta tend to favour high-latitude activity.  相似文献   

Although the elemental composition in all parts of the solar photosphere appears to be the same this is clearly not the case with the solar upper atmosphere (SUA). Spectroscopic studies show that in the corona elemental composition along solar equatorial regions is usually different from polar regions; composition in quiet Sun regions is often different from coronal hole and active region compositions and the transition region composition is frequently different from the coronal composition along the same line of sight. In the following two issues are discussed. The first involves abundance ratios between the high-FIP O and Ne and the low-FIP Mg and Fe that are important for meaningful comparisons between photospheric and SUA compositions and the second involves a review of composition and time variability of SUA plasmas at heights of 1.0≤h≤1.5R .  相似文献   

Non-linear evolution of reconnection is too slow to explain-by itself-fast phenomena such as internal disruptions in tokamaks or flares in the solar atmosphere. It has been proposed that the change in topology could lead to field line stochastization, and hence to highly increased transport. An important objection to this idea is that the increase of transport coefficients should smoothly follow the amplitude of the perturbation, while the observations show a catastrophic transition. We have shown 1) that the shape of the structures (and not only their size or amplitude) evolve during non-linear evolution 2) that the stochastic threshold can be strongly influenced by the detailed shape. Therefore, sharp transitions can appear during the evolution, due to the combination of these two effects. We will first consider an idealized situation, namely the two-waves problem in slab geometry, for which we will study the effect of the separatrix shape on the stochastic threshold. In the second part, we will present an application to the internal disruption in tokamaks, with anm=1 perturbation in a toroidal magnetic configuration. In the last part, we will discuss possible applications of the studies on shape effects to the behaviour of trapped particles in structures of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

By combining quiet-region Fe XII coronal images from SOHO/EIT with magnetograms from NSO/Kitt Peak and from SOHO/MDI, we show that the population of network coronal bright points and the magnetic flux content of the network are both markedly greater under the bright half of the large-scale quiet corona than under the dim half. These results (1) support the view that the heating of the entire corona in quiet regions and coronal holes is driven by fine-scale magnetic activity (microflares, explosive events, spicules) seated low in the magnetic network, and (2) suggest that this large-scale modulation of the magnetic flux and coronal heating is a signature of giant convection cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We review recent observations by the Yohkoh-SXT in collaboration with other spacecraft and ground-based observatories of coronal loops and prominences. These new results point to problems that SoHO will be able to address. With a unique combination of rapid-cadence digital imaging (32 s full-disk and 2 s partial-frame images), high spatial resolution (2.5 arcsec pixels), high sensitivity (EM 1042 cm–3), a low-scatter mirror, and large dynamic range, SXT can observe a vast range of targets on the Sun. Over the first 21 months of Yohkoh operations, SXT has taken over one million images of the corona and so is building up an invaluable long-term database on the large-scale corona and loop geometry. The most striking thing about the SXT images is the range of loop sizes and shapes. The active regions are a bright tangle of magnetic field lines, surrounded by a network of large-scale quiet-Sun loops stretching over distances in excess of 105 km. The cross-section of most loops seems to be constant. Loops displaying significant increase in the ratio of the footpoint to loop-top diameter () are the exception, not the rule, implying the presence of widespread currents in the corona.All magnetic structures show changes. Time scales range from seconds to months. The question of how these structures are formed, become filled with hot plasma, and are maintained is still open. While we see the propagation of brightenings along the length of active-region loops and in X-ray jets with velocities of several hundred km/s, much higher velocities are seen in the quiet Sun. In XBP flares, for example, velocities of over 1000 km/s are common. Active-region loops seem to be in constant motion, moving slowly outward, carrying plasma with them. During flares, loops often produce localized brightenings at the base and later at the apex of the loop. Quiescent filaments and prominences have been observed regularly. Their coronal manifestation seems to be an extended arcade of loops overlying the filament. Reliable alignment of the ground-based data with the X-ray images make it possible to make a detailed intercomparison of the hot and cold plasma structures over extended periods. Hence we are able to follow the long-term evolution of these structures and see how they become destabilized and erupt.  相似文献   

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