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一种用于无节点战术数据链的TDMA协议   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍了时分多址(TDMA)技术在一种无节点战术数据链中的应用;并简要介绍了这种数据链的基本通信原理;具体讨论了如何利用时分多址技术进行数据链组网,以及终端入网、同步、和TDMA的实现等几个关键问题。  相似文献   

叶片加工误差对压气机性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
程超  吴宝海  郑海  高丽敏 《航空学报》2020,41(2):623237-623237
在压气机三维动叶片结构参数中,叶型的前缘角、后缘角、前后缘形状、弦长、厚度、不同叶高位置这6个典型参数同时受加工误差影响,对压气机性能影响较大。为找出叶片加工误差对压气机性能的影响规律,对某跨声速压气机转子叶片的加工误差进行了研究,针对加工误差引起的上述6个典型结构参数变化,归纳出3个加工水平,并采用正交实验法设计出27个样本,通过数值计算对所有样本的性能进行对比分析。结果表明这6个典型结构参数的加工误差综合作用对压气机的总压比、效率、流量影响较大,增加的最大量分别为2.02%、1.47%、1.87%,减小的最大量分别为-0.87%、-1.42%、-0.88%,极差分析表明影响效率的主要参数为前缘角误差、厚度误差,影响总压比的主要参数为前后缘形状、厚度误差、不同叶高位置,影响流量的主要参数为前缘角误差、前后缘形状,回归线性分析证实压气机效率、流量的变化与上述典型参数的加工误差综合作用成线性关系。  相似文献   

基于OPNET的TDMA多路访问技术仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
OPNET是一个功能强大的网络建模和仿真工具,在通信协议的设计、优化和评估中得到广泛的应用。文中详细介绍了用OPNET仿真实现TDMA多路访问技术的主要过程,仿真结果验证了协议的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

采用自适应块确认(B-ACK)减轻频繁握手造成的长延时,通过自适应编码和调制(ACM)来克服 吞吐量下降的问题,提出了基于时分多址(TDMA)的联合自适应B-ACK 和ACM 的MAC 协议,根据误包率 变化,自适应地调整节点接入网络的策略,从而解决现阶段航空无线协同网络存在的吞吐量低和延迟大的问题。  相似文献   

调整参数误差对齿面接触质量的影响   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
从齿面接触分析(Toothcontactanalysis,TCA)内含的啮合信息分析机床调整参数误差对齿面接触质量的影响,研究机床调整参数误差与螺旋锥齿轮齿面接触分析之间的关联规律.以SGM(螺旋锥齿轮,大轮展成法,小轮变性法加工)调整卡加工的弧齿锥齿轮副为研究对象,分析得到各个调整参数误差引起的齿面接触质量的变化规律.在此基础上,确定对齿面接触质量有较大影响的机床调整参数.   相似文献   

小轮齿面误差与调整参数误差敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究SFT(spiral format tilt)加工法加工的弧齿锥齿轮小轮齿面误差与调整参数误差之间的敏感性关系.给出含刀倾法加工的弧齿锥齿轮齿面模型建立方法,基于齿轮啮合原理建立调整参数误差敏感性分析模型,推导了弧齿锥齿轮小轮的理论齿面方程和误差齿面方程,继而推导了机床调整参数误差作用下的齿面任一点加工误差的解析表达式,并提出了机床调整参数误差对齿面误差的影响系数概念,依此判断各项机床调整参数误差对齿面误差的影响程度.通过理论齿面和误差齿面的比较,确定了各项机床调整参数误差作用下的全齿面法向误差的变化规律.由解析法和数值法求解共同确定了弧齿锥齿轮加工过程中对齿面误差影响较大的调整参数误差项.研究结果可为弧齿锥齿轮齿面误差补偿修正提供理论依据和实践指导.   相似文献   

基于FTP协议客户端软件的实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在Internet传输文件的FTP协议及软件实现,其功能多,实现技术复杂,许多功能用户很少使用.文章介绍了在Win2000环境下应用Visual C 6.0开发的FTP客户端软件.软件在Internet/LAN的环境下实现了客户机和服务器之间文件传输和操作等功能.软件实现FTP协议的基本和常用功能并采用可视化界面,用户使用简单方便.  相似文献   

An algorithm for estimating navigation system accuracy without the use of so-called ground truth data is presented. The estimates are expressed in terms of system covariance matrices and relative bias vectors; if one of the systems is a dead-reckoning (DR) or inertial system, the algorithm also estimates drift rate parameters. A summary of tests with US Navy ships backs up the results of Monte Carlo testing. The algorithm should also have applications outside the field of navigation  相似文献   

Array errors are inherent in a realistic phased array radar system. The influence of array errors on the clutter degrees of freedom and the clutter subspace in an airborne phased array radar is analyzed. Based on the presented theoretic results, a method of short-time processing followed by coherent integration is proposed for clutter suppression in airborne phased array radars. It can approximate the two-dimensional optimal processor well even in the presence of array errors, clutter fluctuations and aircraft drift, with a considerable saving in computations  相似文献   

本文利用SPSS软件,对我国民航公司航空器维修差错的主要原因情况的数据进行了对应分析。通过二维图可以直观地看出航空器各类维修差错所引起的主要原因,并依据分析结果提出了民航公司应采取的措施,从而给出了我国民用航空公司航空器维修操作方面的建议指导。  相似文献   

The effects of IF bandpass mismatch errors on adaptive cancellers are investigated. Frequency mismatch errors occur because of errors in the synthesis process of the bandpass filters which are designed to be identical and are in each input channel. Tapped-delay line transversal filters can be used to compensate for these frequency mismatches and thus improve cancellation performance. A pole/zero error model of the filters is developed whereby closed-form solutions of the maximum achievable average cancellation are obtained. This cancellation is a function of the order of the ideally matched frequency filters, the number of time-delay taps in the compensating transversal filter, the bandwidth-tapped time-delay product, and the constraints on these parameters. A design procedure is outlined for optimizing the canceller with respect to these parameters and their constraints; specifically, results are presented for Butterworth-type input filters. It is shown that an arbitrarily low output noise residue cannot be achieved by arbitrarily increasing the number of time-delay taps  相似文献   

A self-organizing protocol is proposed for small ad hoc networks. Among this protocol's original features is the initial creation of an asynchronous sparse tree topology followed by a transition to a more fully connected network and synchronous scheduling. An efficient address bundling technique and unique reliability simulation results for this protocol are also presented  相似文献   

随着国际民航业的飞速发展,如何解决人的因素对航空安全的威胁已经成为全民航急需解决的问题。本文通过对事故树模型中人为因素的分析,以空管不安全事件的源头——人的因素为例,提出了一些改进方法,以减少管制过程中管制员的人为差错,从而对今后的空管工作提供了保障,使其能够安全、顺畅、高效地实施。  相似文献   

A pragmatic approach is presented to the on-orbit calibration of the spaceborne gimbaled parabolic reflector antennas to enhance their pointing and tracking accuracies in the presence of unknown structural deformations and other errors. The technique described is based on the second-order extended Kalman filter. Except for some knowledge of Kalman filtering, the work is self-contained and tutorial in character, developing necessary error models and deriving most pertinent equations from first principles. Preliminary simulations, from which covariance analysis results have been obtained, indicate a 66% improvement in the accuracy of the antenna pointing angles  相似文献   

Ad—hoc网络是一种无线网络,它在通信时通常使用TCP协议。这种协议是为有线网络开发的,直接应用将导致错误地启动拥塞控制,这会降低网络的通信效率,因此必须修改TCP协议,提高它在无线网络环境中的工作效率。本文分析Ad—hoc网络中TCP的性能表现,在Vegas的基础上分析其拥塞控制机制,修改该部分的实现算法,进而提出VegasE,利用NS2网络模拟软件对Tahoe,Reno,Vegas和新的VegasE进行模拟测试并对比结果。通过对比可以发现Vegas和VegasE在整体上明显优于Tahoe和Reno;VegasE在一些方面优于Vegas,但在另一些方面表现不佳,这说明需要进一步研究Vegas并对其做出更细致的修改,以便提出更好的通信协议。  相似文献   

The effects of in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) amplitude errors and low-pass-filter (LPF) errors on adaptive cancellers are investigated. I,Q errors occur because of errors in the synthesis process of the mixers and LPFs designed to be identical for each input channel. These I,Q errors among the channels result in cancellation degradation. Tapped delay line transversal filters have been proposed as a way to compensate for these errors and thus improve cancellation performance. However, it is shown that if there is any LPF mismatch, then transversal filtering has a small effect on improving canceler performance. The use of individual I,Q adaptive transversal filter weighting is suggested as a means of completely eliminating the phase amplitude errors, and making the canceler performance responsive to transversal filter compensation  相似文献   

集成了传感器、嵌入式技术、分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术而形成的无线传感器网络(wireless sensor network,简称WSN)是一种全新的信息获取和处理技术。但由于无线传感器网络的特点,使其路由协议即不同于传统的网络,又有别于ad hoc网络。对几种典型无线传感器网络路由协议进行了详细分析与比较,并针对LEACH算法存在的问题提出了一种改进方案。  相似文献   

One of the steps in creating a mathematical model of a system is to test the model after it has been fully specified, to see whether it is performing adequately. Often, it is found that the model is not performing acceptably (e.g. the model is not giving accurate predictions of the performance of the actual system). The same lack of fidelity can also be observed in established models that had been performing well, indicating a change in the actual system. At this point, it is necessary to diagnose where the problem in the model lies; a process called error isolation. An error isolation technique for detecting the misspecified parameter (or set of parameters) is described. This technique is especially designed for use on state-space models of large-scale systems. The authors report on an example of an application of the methodology to localizing errors in the model of an inertial navigation system  相似文献   

The performance of planar phase-array antennas with mechanical errors is investigated. Errors in array element positions as a result of structural distortions are considered as deterministic and predictable. Detailed calculations for two assumed modes of distortion reveal that their effects on antenna performance are the loss of peak response in the scan direction and the broadening of the mainlobe, while the far-out sidelobe structure remains relatively intact. For large antennas, performance improvement can be expected by suitable phase compensation. Performance of antennas with random errors in their element positions must be treated statistically. Expressions of average directivity and sidelobe level corresponding to arbitrary error magnitudes in element position, amplitude and phase of excitation as well as finite rate of failure of element modules were derived and verified by direct numerical calculations from the antenna directivity patterns. For a planar phased-array antenna typical for space-based radars, the standard deviation of element position errors must not exceed 1% of the operating wavelength in order to maintain a -10 dBi sidelobe level  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术的进步,新材料、新技术、新工艺不断应用于民用航空领域,运输航空器的可靠性和安全性得到了显著提高。但是,大部分的维修工作仍然是由人来完成,人的能力和局限性没有变化,维修差错仍是导致飞行事故的重要原因之一。同时新材料、新技术、新工艺的引入也对机务维修带来新的要求,因此分析、研究最近的维修差错事  相似文献   

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