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着眼于我国首次火星探测任务着陆器EDL(Entry Descent and Landing)飞行段高风险特性,结合火星大气和地表环境分析了这一飞行阶段的主要特点和难点,系统地回顾了国外历次火星着陆任务的基本概况和任务失败的经验教训,并以美国"好奇号"着陆任务为例介绍了EDL期间可采用的主要通信手段,详细梳理了火星大气黑障段通信策略、调制体制选择以及高动态弱信号检测处理方案等测控通信需要解决的关键技术。最后对我国首次火星探测任务的关键技术攻关,任务准备和实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

针对月球、火星、木星等不同的深空探测任务,本文通过在轨服役环境分析,说明了火星探测火星表面光谱计算方法、火星光谱太阳电池设计思路、火星表面除尘技术路线及木星探测低温低光强技术风险。结合工程技术经验,给出了特殊任务应用条件下单片太阳电池推算整板输出功率的计算方法,解决了我国尚无特殊条件的瞬态大太阳模拟器作为整板输出功率测试地面模拟光源的工程难题,为相关科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Over the last several years, the nature of the surface conditions on the planet Mars, our knowledge of the growth capabilities of Earth organisms under extreme conditions, and future opportunities for Mars exploration have been under extensive review in the United States and elsewhere. As part of these examinations, in 1992 the US Space Studies Board made a series of recommendations to NASA on the requirements that should be implemented on future missions that will explore Mars. In particular, significant changes were recommended in the requirements for Mars landers, changes that significantly alleviated the burden of planetary protection implementation for these missions. In this paper we propose a resolution implementing this new set of recommendations, for adoption by COSPAR at its 30th meeting in Hamburg. We also discuss future directions and study areas for planetary protection, in light of changing plans for Mars exploration.  相似文献   

钻取采样是未来火星探测采样任务中获取星表岩石样本的一种有效方式。压电驱动的超声波钻取采样技术以压电陶瓷作为作动元件,对火星表面复杂环境具有一定的适应性。基于高频冲击钻进的工作原理,超声波钻探装置容易刺入火星表面坚硬的岩石。作为一种轻质小巧、低功耗的钻探器,超声波钻探器非常适合火星表面岩石的原位探测采样任务。本文借助仿真和试验手段验证了超声波钻探器的岩石钻进能力和钻探效率。超声波钻探器的研制可为未来火星表面岩石的钻探采样任务提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The radiation environment at the altitude of the International Space Station (ISS) is substantially different than anything typically encountered on Earth in both the character of the radiation field and the significantly higher dose rates. Concerns about the biological effects on humans of this highly complex natural radiation field are increasing due to higher amount of astronauts performing long-duration missions onboard the ISS and especially if looking into planned future manned missions to Mars. In order to begin the process of predicting the dose levels seen by the organs of an astronaut, being the prerequisite for radiation risk calculations, it is necessary to understand the character of the radiation environment both in- and outside of the ISS as well as the relevant contributions from the radiation field to the organ doses.  相似文献   

载人火星探测的行星保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行星保护是影响载人火星探索任务的重要问题之一。载人探测的行星保护包括3个方面,即防止来源于地球的微生物污染目标星球的正向污染防护、防止外来生物对地球的潜在危害的逆向污染防护,以及确保航天员的健康和安全。国际宇航界已经开始针对载人火星探测的行星保护制定政策法规和开展技术研讨。本文介绍了行星保护的定义和法理依据,简要回顾了美国国家航空航天局在“阿波罗登月”中的行星保护措施,并对未来载人火星探测中的主要污染物、污染途径以及污染防护策略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Planetary protection issues and the future exploration of Mars.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A primary scientific theme for the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) is the search for life, extant or extinct, on Mars. Because of this, concerns about Planetary Protection (PP), the prevention of biological cross-contamination between Earth and other planets during solar system exploration missions, have arisen. A recent workshop assessed the necessity for, and impact of, PP requirements on the unmanned and human missions to Mars comprising the SEI. The following ground-rules were adopted: 1) information needed for assessing PP issues must be obtained during the unmanned precursor mission phase prior to human landings; 2) returned Mars samples will be considered biologically hazardous until proven otherwise; 3) deposition of microbes on Mars and exposure of the crew to Martian materials are inevitable when humans land; and, 4) human landings are unlikely until it is demonstrated that there is no harmful effect of Martian materials on terrestrial life forms. These ground-rules dictated the development of a conservative PP strategy for precursor missions. Key features of the proposed strategy include: 1) for prevention of forward contamination, all orbiters will follow Mars Observer PP procedures for assembly, trajectory, and lifetime. All landers will follow Viking PP procedures for assembly, microbial load reduction, and bioshield; and, 2) for prevention of back contamination, all sample return missions will have PP requirements which include fail-safe sample sealing, breaking contact chain with the Martian surface, and containment and quarantine analysis in an Earth-based lab. In addition to deliberating on scientific and technical issues, the workshop made several recommendations for dealing with forward and back contamination concerns from non-scientific perspectives.  相似文献   

Societal and non-scientific factors represent potentially significant impediments for future Mars missions, especially in areas involving planetary protection. This paper analyzes public concerns about forward contamination to Mars and back contamination to Earth, evaluates major areas where lack of information may lead to uncontrollable impacts on future missions, and concludes that NASA should adopt a strategy that actively plans both the generation and subsequent management of planetary protection information to ensure that key audiences obtain needed information in a timely manner. Delay or avoidance in dealing with societal issues early in mission planning will increase the likelihood of public opposition, cost increases and missed launch windows. While this analysis of social and non-scientific considerations focuses on future Mars missions, the findings are also relevant for RTG launches, nuclear propulsion and other NASA activities perceived to have health, safety or environmental implications.  相似文献   

火星探测发展历程与未来展望   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
火星作为距地球最近的类地行星之一,火星探测是继月球探测之后深空探测的最大热点。在简要总结人类火星探测历程与未来发展趋势的基础上,对未来的火星探测规划任务及其面临的主要关键技术进行了重点论述,并给出了相应启示和发展展望;结合我国深空探测能力,并对中国后续开展火星探测活动提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

The ultraviolet (UV) environment of Mars has been investigated to gain an understanding of the variation of exposure throughout a Martian year, and link this flux to biological effects and possible survival of organisms at the Martian surface. To gain an idea of how the solar UV radiation varies between different regions, including planned landing sites of two future Mars surface missions, we modelled the total solar UV surface flux throughout one Martian year for two different dust scenarios. To understand the degree of solar UV stress on micro-organisms and/or molecules essential for life on the surface of Mars, we also calculated the biologically effective dose (BED) for T7 and Uracil in relevant wavelength regions at the Martian surface as a function of season and latitude, and discuss the biological survival rates in the presence of Martian solar UV radiation. High T7/Uracil BED ratios indicate that even at high latitudes where the UV flux is significantly reduced, the radiation environment is still hostile for life due to the persisting UV-C component of the flux.  相似文献   

Estimation and assessment of Mars contamination.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the beginning of the exploration of Mars, more than fourty years ago, thirty-six missions have been launched, including fifty-nine different space systems such as fly-by spacecraft, orbiters, cruise modules, landing or penetrating systems. Taking into account failures at launch, about three missions out of four have been successfully sent toward the Red Planet. The fact today is that Mars orbital environment includes orbiters and perhaps debris, and that its atmosphere and its surface include terrestrial compounds and dormant microorganisms. Coming from the UN Outer Space Treaty [United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the "Outer Space Treaty") referenced 610 UNTS 205 - resolution 2222(XXI) of December 1966] and according to the COSPAR planetary protection policy recommendations [COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy (20 October 2002), accepted by the Council and Bureau, as moved for adoption by SC F and PPP, prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection, 4/02 with updates 10/0, 2002], Mars environment has to be preserved so as not to jeopardize the scientific investigations, and the level of terrestrial material brought on and around Mars theoretically has to comply with this policy. It is useful to evaluate what and how many materials, compounds and microorganisms are on Mars, to list what is in orbit and to identify where all these items are. Considering assumptions about materials, spores and gas location and dispersion on Mars, average contamination levels can be estimated. It is clear now that as long as missions are sent to other extraterrestrial bodies, it is not possible to keep them perfectly clean. Mars is one of the most concerned body, and the large number of missions achieved, on-going and planned now raise the question about its possible contamination, not necessarily from a biological point of view, but with respect to all types of contamination. Answering this question, will help to assess the potential effects of such contamination on scientific results and will address concerns relative to any ethical considerations about the contamination of other planets.  相似文献   

China has carried out four unmanned missions to the Moon since it launched Chang'E-1, the first lunar orbiter in 2007. With the implementation of the Chang'E-5 mission this year, the three phases of the lunar exploration program, namely orbiting, landing and returning, have been completed. In the plan of follow-up unmanned lunar exploration missions, it is planned to establish an experimental lunar research station at the lunar south pole by 2030 through the implementation of several missions, laying a foundation for the establishment of practical lunar research station in the future. China successfully launched its first Mars probe on 23 July 2020, followed in future by an asteroid mission, second Mars mission, and a mission to explore Jupiter and its moons.   相似文献   

NASA is committed to exploring space while avoiding the biological contamination of other solar system bodies and protecting the Earth against potential harm from materials returned from space. NASA's planetary protection program evaluates missions (with external advice from the US National Research Council and others) and imposes particular constraints on individual missions to achieve these objectives. In 1997 the National Research Council's Space Studies Board published the report, Mars Sample Return: Issues and Recommendations, which reported advice to NASA on Mars sample return missions, complementing their 1992 report, The Biological Contamination of Mars Issues and Recommendations. Meanwhile, NASA has requested a new Space Studies Board study to address sample returns from bodies other than Mars. This study recognizes the variety of worlds that have been opened up to NASA and its partners by small, relatively inexpensive, missions of the Discovery class, as well as the reshaping of our ideas about life in the solar system that have been occasioned by the Galileo spacecraft's discovery that an ocean under the ice on Jupiter's moon Europa might, indeed, exist. This paper will report on NASA's planned implementation of planetary protection provisions based on these recent National Research Council recommendations, and will suggest measures for incorporation in the planetary protection policy of COSPAR.  相似文献   

Space radiation has been identified as the main health hazard to crews involved in manned Mars missions. Active shielding is more effective than passive shielding to the very energetic particles from cosmic rays. Particle motion in a magnetic field is studied based on the single-particle theory and Monte Carlo method. By comparing the shielding efficiency of different magnetic field configurations, a novel active magnetic shielding configuration with lower mass cost and power consumption is proposed for manned Mars missions. The new magnetic configuration can shield 92.8% of protons and 84.4% of alpha particles with E < 4 GeV·n-1, when considering the passive shielding contribution of 10.0 g·cm-2 Al Shielding, the required magnetic stiffness can be reduced from 27 Tm to 16 Tm. The detailed analysis of mass cost and power consumption shows that active shielding will be a promising means to protect crews from space radiation exposure in manned Mars missions.   相似文献   

Man is now entering an era of colonizing the moon and exploration of Mars. The crewmembers of a piloted mission to Mars will be exposed to inner belt trapped protons, the outer trapped electrons, and the galactic cosmic radiation. In addition there is always the added risk of acute exposure to a solar particle event. Current radiation risk is estimated using the idea of absorbed dose and ICRP-26, LET-dependent quality factors. In a spacecraft with aluminum walls (2 g cm-2) at solar minimum the calculated dose equivalent is 0.73 Sv for a 406-day mission. Based on the current thinking this leads to an excess cancer mortality in a 35 year male of about 1%. About 75% of the dose equivalent is contributed by HZE particles and target fragments with average quality factors of 10.3 and 20, respectively. The entire concept of absorbed dose, quality factor, and dose equivalent as applied to such missions needs to be reexamined, in light of the fact that less than 50% of the nuclei in the body of the astronaut would have been traversed by a single GCR nuclei in the 406-day mission. Clearly, more biologically relevant information about the effects of heavy ions and target fragments is needed and fluence based risk estimation strategy developed for such long term stays in space.  相似文献   

Current planetary quarantine considerations focus on robotic missions and attempt a policy of no biological contamination. The presence of humans on Mars, however, will inevitably result in biological contamination and physical alteration of the local environment. The focus of planetary quarantine must therefore shift toward defining and minimizing the inevitable contamination associated with humans. This will involve first determining those areas that will be affected by the presence of a human base, then verifying that these environments do not harbor indigenous life nor provide sites for Earth bacteria to grow. Precursor missions can provide salient information that can make more efficient the planning and design of human exploration missions. In particular, a robotic sample return mission can help to eliminate the concern about returning samples with humans or the return of humans themselves from a planetary quarantine perspective. Without a robotic return the cost of quarantine that would have to be added to a human mission may well exceed the cost of a robotic return mission. Even if the preponderance of scientific evidence argues against the presence of indigenous life, it must be considered as part of any serious planetary quarantine analysis for missions to Mars. If there is life on Mars, the question of human exploration assumes an ethical dimension.  相似文献   

The scientific objectives of Mars exploration can be framed within the overarching theme of exploring Mars as another home for life, both for evidence of past or present life on Mars, and as a potential future home for human life. The two major areas of research within this theme are: 1) determining the relationship between planetary evolution, climate change, and life, and 2) determining the habitability of Mars. Within this framework, this paper discusses the exploration objectives for exobiology, climatology and atmospheric science, geology, and martian resource assessment. Human exploration will proceed in four major phases: 1) Precursor missions which will obtain environmental knowledge necessary for human exploration, 2) Emplacement phase which includes the first few human landings where crews will explore the local area of the landing site; 3) Consolidation phase missions where a permanent base will be constructed and crews will be capable of detailed exploration over regional scales; 4) Utilization phase, in which a continuously occupied permanent Mars base exists and humans will be capable of detailed global exploration of the martian surface. The phases of exploration differ primarily in the range and capabilities of human mobility. In the emplacement phase, an unpressurized rover, similar to the Apollo lunar rover, will be used and will have a range of a few tens of kilometers. In the Consolidation phase, mobility will be via a pressurized all-terrain vehicle capable of expeditions from the base site of several weeks duration. In the Utilization phase, humans will be capable of several months long expeditions to any point on the surface of Mars using a suborbital rocket equipped with habitat, lab, and return vehicle. Because of human mobility limitations, it is important to extend the range and duration of exploration in all phases by using teleoperated rover vehicles. Site selection for human missions to Mars must consider the multi-decade time frame of these four phases. We suggest that operations in the first two phases be focused in the regional area containing the Coprates Quadrangle and adjacent areas.  相似文献   

萤火一号火星探测计划的科学目标   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与其他行星相比火星是与地球最为相似, 也是最有可能在其上发现地球以外生命现象的一颗行星, 因此特别受到人类的关注. 近年来, 有国家已经发射了火星探测器, 并启动了载人火星探测研究计划. 中国是世界上第五个具备自主发射人造卫星的国家, 也是世界上第三个具备自主开展载人航天活动的国家. 但是中国在深空探测领域才刚刚起步. 2007年中俄两国签署了联合探测火星计划, 俄罗斯负责将中国研制的一颗微小卫星------萤火一号发送至火星轨道. 萤火一号将开展自主探测, 并与俄罗斯的火卫一探测器开展联合探测. 本文综述了萤火一号任务提出的科学背景及科学目标, 简要介绍了为实现科学目标配置的有效载荷, 以及入轨后的主要探测任务, 并对其科学探测结果进行了初步的展望.   相似文献   

Radio beacons/IMU integrated navigation for Mars entry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High precision entry navigation capability is essential for future Mars pinpoint landing missions, together with the entry guidance and aerodynamic lift control. This paper addresses the issue of Mars entry navigation using inertial measurement unit (IMU) and orbiting or surface radiometric beacons. The range and Doppler information sensed from orbiting or surface radio beacons and the entry vehicle state information derived from IMU are integrated in Unscented Kalman filter to correct the inertial constant bias and suppress the navigation measurement noise. Computer simulations show that the integrated navigation algorithm proposed in this paper can achieve 50 m position error and 2 m/s velocity error, which satisfies the need of future pinpoint Mars landing missions.  相似文献   

The search for traces of extinct and extant life on Mars will be extended to beneath the surface of the planet. Current data from Mars missions suggesting the presence of liquid water early in Mars' history and mathematical modeling of the fate of water on Mars imply that liquid water may exist deep beneath the surface of Mars. This leads to the hypothesis that life may exist deep beneath the Martian surface. One possible scenario to look for life on Mars involves a series of unmanned missions culminating with a manned mission drilling deep into the Martian subsurface (approximately 3Km), collecting samples, and conducting preliminary analyses to select samples for return to earth. This mission must address both forward and back contamination issues, and falls under planetary protection category V. Planetary protection issues to be addressed include provisions stating that the inevitable deposition of earth microbes by humans should be minimized and localized, and that earth microbes and organic material must not contaminate the Martian subsurface. This requires that the drilling equipment be sterilized prior to use. Further, the collection, containment and retrieval of the sample must be conducted such that the crew is protected and that any materials returning to earth are contained (i.e., physically and biologically isolated) and the chain of connection with Mars is broken.  相似文献   

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