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Bhupendra Jasani   《Space Policy》2001,17(4):243-247
With the revival of the US national missile defence, there is a danger of jeopardising not only the existing arms control and disarmament process, but also some of the measures that are on the table in the United Nations for negotiations. Examples of these are the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the nuclear fissile materials cut-off agreement. In this paper, the missile defence issues are examined. It is suggested that, if the US builds a missile defence system that is allowed by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the USA and Russia, it could achieve its goal of defending itself against a limited missile attack. With this kind of approach, it may be possible to save many of the long-standing bilateral and multilateral treaties and prevent the beginning of a new and much wider nuclear arms race.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of remote sensing satellites for verification in public international law. Verification always depends on the specific agreement or mission to be verified. There are no general framework rules: the means of verification and the verifying authorities vary from agreement to agreement and from mission to mission. Rapid technological development and the intensifying international cooperation have led to an increasing number of international verification missions. Whereas, in the past, verification was at the heart of intelligence and national services, the commercialization of the remote sensing industry and the information revolution have supported the creation of joint initiatives in this field. Traditionally, verification is associated with disarmament and arms control treaties, but the paper will underline that this is only one field of application for verification missions. It is important to note that there is no binding international regime specifically addressing such activity. The lack of legal certainty in this field also applies to the use of remotely sensed data as evidence in legal proceedings.  相似文献   

A proposal for an international satellite monitoring agency (ISMA) to verify arms control agreements was first made by France in 1978, and has been received enthusiastically, although not by the superpowers. The technologies available for verification are proliferating, and many countries feel they can make a useful contribution. The authors examine the impact an ISMA would actually have on international security and arms control, and propose several alternative avenues for international participation in verification.  相似文献   

Current debates on the prevention of an arms race in outer space are dominated by the traditional perspective of international strategic balance. This article addresses the issue through the often-neglected lens of environmental protection, reviewing a number of environmental instruments as they relate to outer space. It argues that environmental protection, as a non-traditional element, is an instrumental impetus for arms control. The current regime leaves the door open for states to develop conventional orbital weapons and ground-based anti-satellite weapons (ASATs), which would have a significant adverse impact on the space environment. Thus the law of environmental protection is deficient in effectively protecting the space environment from pollution resulting from military activities. It is further argued that the space arms control regime should be strengthened for humanity's common interest in a sustainable space environment. Preferably an international treaty should be concluded to prohibit testing, deployment and use of space-based weapons and ASATs. These substantive obligations also conform to the requirements of safeguarding international peace and security, and the security interests of spacefaring countries.  相似文献   

国际空间法是指调整国家、国际组织之间开展外空探索、利用、开发活动中权利义务规则的总称。狭义的国际空间法仅指以联合国外空五大公约为核心的国际条约体系,对于缔约国是具有强制的法律约束力的;广义的国际空间法还包括联合国大会决议和联合国外空委大会文件在内的不具有法律约束力、但具有很强的政治约束力的外空国际活动规则。中国1983年加入《外空条约》,1988年加入《营救协定》、《责任公约》和《登记公约》,没有加入《月球协定》。文章分析前4个公约以及《遥感原则》、《防止在外空部署武器条约草案》、"外空透明与建立信任措施"联大决议、《外空活动长期可持续准则草案》等不具有法律约束力的文件,简要分析其对中国航天活动可能产生的限制和影响,并提出对策、建议。  相似文献   

Allan M. Din 《Space Policy》1985,1(2):151-152
Scientists have a special responsibility in helping to further the goal of arms control in outer space. Allan Din argues that it is incumbent upon them to study the development of weapons and the arms race, influence policy making at the national and international levels, and publicize the necessity of arms control. The author believes that a treaty controlling use of anti-satellite weapons is urgently required, while a long-term goal must be the formation of an international satellite monitoring agency to regulate use of intelligence-gathering indirect weapons.  相似文献   

Lotta Viikari   《Space Policy》2005,21(1):1-5
Traditionally, international legal rules have been established through the adoption of treaties by states, and the five space treaties adopted in the 1960s and 1970s are no exception. Accordingly, the recent proposals for overcoming problems related to the management of space activities have often envisioned the conclusion of new treaties, even a general convention, on space law. However, the process of setting norms through international treaties has certain severe weaknesses, ones affecting space law as much as, if not more than, other fields. These include the lamentably common time lag between drafting, adoption, and entry into force of international standards. Even if states manage to agree on certain provisions, by the time accords are implemented, the problems in question may have reached entirely new and different proportions and strategies that made sense when first proposed already represent ‘too little, too late’. This paper ponders the chances of making norms of international space law operative faster as well as the possibility of creating instruments whose provisions can readily accommodate changing conditions.  相似文献   

M.Y.S. Prasad   《Space Policy》2005,21(4):243-249
This article briefly presents the historical background, as seen by ISRO and India, to the growing problem of space debris. It describes the technical aspects of ISRO's activities in the field of space debris, and the grey areas in technical understanding, which may impede legal discussions. Analysis of the cost and technical aspects of reorbiting satellites from geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) is detailed, since this is an important area for India and other developing countries. The article also briefly describes ISRO's views of the applicability and relevance of the existing space treaties to a possible future legal regime for space debris. Debates are currently taking place in the UN and other multilateral fora on the subject of space debris and the situation is dynamic. The main aim of this article is to inform readers of ISRO's and India's position in the UN on the subject of space debris, in terms of its technical, political and legal aspects. Certain issues of importance from the legal point of view, though not of immediate urgency, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Space business competition is presently fueled by two paradoxical phenomena. First, accelerated privatization of space projects leads to the militarization of outer space. Second, this militarization process in turn leads to the increased control of space ventures by a handful of nations. In other words, commerce and the military are going hand in hand to assert national objectives in outer space, no matter what space treaties and international agreements might say, so far. This could be detrimental to the multilateral cooperation spirit that should prevail in many, if not all, outer space ventures, as a consequence of the uniqueness of that environment.  相似文献   

Although precise terminology has been invented for all kinds of weapons and battle theories, the language used for arms control remains vague. Precise definitions and demarcations for arms control concepts and regions of outer space can make disarmament discussions more specific and thus more productive. Thie viewpoint puts forward a proposed terminology, in the hope that it will increase the prospects for control of space weapons.  相似文献   

After years of international stalemate talks on space arms control were finally initiated in Geneva in 2009. The position of the new US administration, however, is still waiting to be defined. This article assesses the advantages and disadvantages of different arms control proposals by looking at them from the perspectives of interdependence theory, neoliberal institutionalism and neo-realism, respectively. They all come to similar conclusions as far as conventional military power and security are concerned: any formal or informal ban on debris-producing activities in space would be highly advantageous to the USA and its allies. When the analysis also takes into account US missile defense policy, however, a neo-realist perspective shows rather mixed results.  相似文献   

大力推进导弹防御系统(MD)的研制和部署是美谋求绝对优势的重要举措。系统分析了美国导弹防御系统(BMDS)发展的基本态势和未来走向,以及其对国际军备控制的影响。  相似文献   

This article provides an evaluation of the significance of the memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the US and West German governments in March 1986. The author examines the expectations and fears it created in the FRG and compares them with the reality of actual economic benefit and exchange of information derived: the FRG's influence on arms control; and the effects on its standing and trading relations. The author argues that the MOU has had a negligible effect in securing contracts for West German firms and increasing technological cooperation, while damaging the FRG's standing in the arms control arena.  相似文献   

Space systems are essential to the global economy and security. The possibility of disruptions arising from competition between the United States and China through the testing and deployment of weapons in space has led to concerns over an incipient space arms race that would threaten satellites, leading to international calls for a space arms control treaty. The paper presents a rationalist theory analysis on the lack of progress in establishing such a treaty, identifying the United States' position of primacy in the global order and its preeminence in space as a primary cause.  相似文献   

刘磊  张涛 《宇航学报》2022,43(12):1629-1637
针对空间中双臂协调转位过程中面临的双臂异构、刚度不同、负载较大、测量/执行误差影响大、抓捕位置随机偏差等问题,提出了一种空间大质量目标转位操作双臂协调控制方法。首先基于双臂转位的几何约束,进行协调转位运动规划。然后,将双机械臂关节划分为主动关节和从动关节,并对主动关节设计关节位置控制器,对从动关节设计零力控制器,从动关节在转位目标的拖动力下进行跟随运动。最后,数学仿真表明了所提出的双臂协调转位方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Julie Dahlitz   《Space Policy》1985,1(2):141-150
Dr Dahlitz examines three options for the strategic relationship between the superpowers and scrutinizes 12 major arguments that have been advanced in favour of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Arms control is offered as an available option and recommendation are given for methods of outer space arms control. These considerations are brought together in an illustrative draft Treaty on the Prohibition of the Use of Force Concerning Outer Space.  相似文献   

This article continues a detailed examination of the international legal and diplomatic questions relating to arms control and disarmament, focusing on space-based activities. These are importantly concerned with the development of anti-satellite (ASAT) systems and ballistic missile defence (BMD). This part of the article considers the US Presidential-Congressional dialogue - particularly the ASAT testing issue - and Presidential initiatives vis-à-vis the USSR. An epilogue to the original paper considers the diplomatic moves and policy shifts which contributed to the January 1985 US-Soviet meeting and the agreement to begin bilateral negotiations to consider space and nuclear arms.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and the use of satelites to monitor compliance with arms control and disarmament agreements have been among the focal points of the International Space Year. The interdisciplinary research project, Remote Sensing and European Security, is addressing this question. This article gives a brief survey of the latest developments in the field and summarizes the project's findings.  相似文献   

The speedily expanding Internet is in the process of transforming the technological, economic, and policy bases for nation-state regulation of telecommunications, including space-based satellite networks. Deployment of the packet-switched Internet has accelerated the liberalization of telecommunications markets and has led to far-reaching regulatory restructuring and policy shifts regarding state ownership and control of networks and information flows. As space-based GMPCS networks become integral parts of the globalizing Internet infrastructure, the state-centric legal paradigm requiring state “authorization and continuing supervision” of space activities by “non-governmental entities” stipulated under Article VI of the OST and associated treaties forming the outer space legal regime will be called increasingly into question. This paper examines the technological, economic/trade, and security issues that question whether the existing state-centric paradigm for regulating Internel-based GMPCS satellite systems will remain in legal phase with emerging liberalized regulatory regimes for terrestrial Internet-based infractructures.  相似文献   

This article discusses the development, and the current and future work, of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs. The Office is active both as a source of information, education and training on space and as a secretariat to COPUOS and its Subcommittees; it also performs a role in the monitoring and implementation of various space-related legal treaties. Presently—and as part of the drive to use space to improve life on Earth—the bulk of its work is guided by the Vienna Declaration produced at UNISPACE III.  相似文献   

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