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简要回顾了增材制造技术在航空钛合金领域的发展历程及应用现状,从成形效率、零件尺寸、零件复杂度、材料利用率、表面质量等方面比较了基于直接能量沉积技术与粉末床熔化技术的5种增材制造方法的特点及适用范围,阐述了粉末床熔化技术在推动航空钛合金结构轻量化设计与低成本制造方面的优势。以Ti-6Al-4V为例,分析了增材制造熔池中的物理过程对柱状晶显微组织形成与力学性能各向异性的影响,总结了业界在过程监控与质量控制方面的初步成果以及现有增材制造标准对材料、工艺、检测等方面的要求。最后,介绍了增材制造钛合金零件的成本构成与计算模型,提出了适合采用增材制造工艺的零件特点,并对航空钛合金增材制造的未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

增材制造是先进制造技术的发展方向之一,民用飞机增材制造技术的应用取决于增材制造技术和适航验证技术的成熟度以及材料标准体系的完善度,对民用飞机起落架典型结构所用的A-100、TC18材料进行了激光/电子束增材制造技术应用研究,建立满足适航要求的材料与工艺认证、力学性能表征、内部质量控制与无损检测评价体系。  相似文献   

基于激光增材制造技术可快速、精确地制造出任意复杂形状零件的特点,以带复杂冷却内腔结构的航空发动机涡轮叶片为研究对象,对激光增材制造技术在涡轮叶片制备过程中的工程应用特点和难点进行了研究,并提出相应解决措施。研究结果显示,激光增材制造技术在降低零件制造成本和减少零件交货周期方面具有显著优势,但在材料力学性能、表面粗糙度、位置及型面公差、气膜孔收缩率及机械加工定位点等方面依然存在挑战。  相似文献   

点阵结构是一种三维规则排列的多孔结构,具有高比强度、高比刚度及优异的散热性能,是结构功能一体化设计的主要载体。由于点阵结构零件的结构复杂,传统加工方法无法直接制备。增材制造技术是一种通过分层制造方式构建三维实体零件的新型制造技术,在复杂结构制造方面具有独特优势。通过增材制造点阵结构零件可以极大地降低制件重量,提高综合力学性能,在航空航天、能源、车辆工程等领域展现出巨大的技术优势。本文对增材制造金属点阵结构、极小曲面结构、拓扑优化结构等复杂零件结构相关研究进行了总结与归纳,从力学性能、轻量化、能量吸收、散热吸声等应用方向进行了综述,最后总结并展望了金属增材制造点阵结构的优势与发展方向。  相似文献   

由于激光增材制造(Laser Additive Manufacturing,LAM)TC4钛合金加工成形过程的特殊性,导致该合金在力学性能上存在明显的各向异性,同时韧性、疲劳性能不能很好地满足使用要求。从材料组织与力学性能之间的关系出发,介绍了不同热处理工艺对激光增材制造TC4钛合金组织与力学性能的影响,指出了当前激光增材制造TC4钛合金热处理研究中存在的问题,并为后续激光增材制造TC4钛合金的热处理研究提供思路与方向。  相似文献   

为了研究偏航阻尼器对垂尾飞行载荷的影响,将偏航阻尼器模型与飞机动力学模型相结合,建立了垂尾飞行载荷分析模型。以某型民机为研究对象,对其典型巡航状态下偏航机动、横向离散阵风、发动机失效和往复蹬舵情况进行了计算分析。结果表明,偏航阻尼器可大幅降低飞机横侧向运动参数响应幅值,4种状态下的垂尾载荷均有较大程度降低。  相似文献   

针对TC18激光、电子束增材制造钛合金及变形钛合金3种不同制造工艺的材料开展超声检测特征试验研究。结果表明,TC18钛合金增材制造材料不同成形方向的超声波声速、材料衰减及检测灵敏度均存在较大差异,与变形钛合金相比具有明显的方向性。本研究结果对于增材制造制件的超声检测方法研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

通过收集和整理国内外技术标准,对比分析了激光增材制造毛坯与传统锻造和铸造毛坯在成形工艺、显微组织、缺陷及其形成原因、内部质量以及力学性能等方面的差异。结果表明,激光增材制造较传统工艺整体制造周期短、材料利用率高;激光增材制造毛坯气孔能达到A1级别,稍低于锻造的AA级别,气孔级别能达到铸件的B级;激光增材制造钛合金纵横向屈服强度和拉伸强度分别比锻造和铸造低3.4%和0.78%。  相似文献   

激光增材制造支持结构设计创新、快速研制和验证,是当前航空装备领域最具代表性的增材制造方法,其中激光选区熔化主要应用于复杂精密功能结构的精确近净成形制造,激光直接沉积主要用于大尺寸复杂承载结构的制造。为支撑航空领域增材制造技术发展的战略布局,本文对激光增材制造现状和发展趋势进行梳理,指出增材制造发展重点必然会转向产品的冶金质量、力学性能及其稳定性控制方面,增材制造设备的在线监测、参数自整定控制等智能化功能的研究开发正成为设备的研发热点,基于损伤失效分析、寿命预测研究的增材制件力学行为研究以及基于元件、特征结构的性能考核验证技术,开始引起工程应用部门的关注。在对技术发展趋势分析的基础上,提出2035年航空领域激光增材制造技术发展目标和相应的政策和环境支撑、保障需求,并给出2035年技术发展路线图建议。  相似文献   

结合国内第一台复合材料铺丝设备的应用经验,对零件特征、轨迹驱动、后置处理、仿真、制造工艺及软件和设备进行了相关分析,为复材材料零件自动化制造、铺丝软件开发提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

A theoretical nonlinear aeroelastic response analysis for a flexible high-aspect ratio wing excited by harmonic gust load is presented along with a companion wind tunnel test. A multidisci-plinary coupled numerical calculation is developed to simulate the flexible model wing undergoing gust load in the time domain via discrete nonlinear finite element structural dynamic analysis and nonplanar unsteady vortex lattice aerodynamic computation. A dynamic perturbation analysis about a nonlinear static equilibrium is also used to determine the small perturbation flutter bound-ary. A novel noncontact 3-D camera measurement analysis system is firstly used in the wind tunnel test to obtain the spatial large deformation and responses. The responses of the flexible wing under different static equilibrium states and frequency gust loads are discussed. The fair to good quanti-tative agreements between the theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the presented analysis method is an acceptable way to predict the geometrically nonlinear gust response for flex-ible wings.  相似文献   

An active control technique utilizing piezoelectric actuators to alleviate gust-response loads of a large-aspect-ratio flexible wing is investigated. Piezoelectric materials have been exten-sively used for active vibration control of engineering structures. In this paper, piezoelectric mate-rials further attempt to suppress the vibration of the aeroelastic wing caused by gust. The motion equation of the flexible wing with piezoelectric patches is obtained by Hamilton's principle with the modal approach, and then numerical gust responses are analyzed, based on which a gust load alle-viation (GLA) control system is proposed. The gust load alleviation system employs classic propor tional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers which treat piezoelectric patches as control actuators and acceleration as the feedback signal. By a numerical method, the control mechanism that piezo-electric actuators can be used to alleviate gust-response loads is also analyzed qualitatively. Further-more, through low-speed wind tunnel tests, the effectiveness of the gust load alleviation active control technology is validated. The test results agree well with the numerical results. Test results show that at a certain frequency range, the control scheme can effectively alleviate the z and x wing-tip accelerations and the root bending moment of the wing to a certain extent. The control system gives satisfying gust load alleviation efficacy with the reduction rate being generally over 20%.  相似文献   

Topology optimization was developed as an advanced structural design methodology to generate innovative lightweight and high-performance configurations that are difficult to obtain with conventional ideas. Additive manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technique building as-designed structures via layer-by-layer joining material, providing an alternative pattern for complex components. The integration of topology optimization and additive manufacturing can make the most of their advantages and potentials, and has wide application prospects in modern manufacturing. This article reviews the main content and applications of the research on the integration of topology optimization and additive manufacturing in recent years, including multi-scale or hierarchical structural optimization design and topology optimization considering additive manufacturing constraints. Meanwhile, some challenges of structural design approaches for additive manufacturing are discussed, such as the performance characterization and scale effects of additively manufactured lattice structures, the anisotropy and fatigue performance of additively manufactured material, and additively manufactured functionally graded material issues, etc. It is shown that in the research of topology optimization for additive manufacturing, the integration of material, structure, process and performance is important to pursue high-performance, multi-functional and lightweight production. This article provides a reference for further related research and aerospace applications.  相似文献   

M2轻型运动飞机机翼结构采用复合材料,通过静力试验对其机翼强度进行验证,对发现机翼结构设计薄弱环节以及结构改型和发展具有重要意义。首先分析ASTMF2245-16机翼强度适航条款的要求;然后通过对M2飞机载荷包线、环境影响系数、限制载荷和极限载荷的研究,计算得到复合材料机翼载荷;最后进行机翼限制载荷静力试验、机翼极限载荷静力试验和机翼破坏载荷静力试验,并对试验结果进行分析。结果表明:M2飞机的极限载荷满足试验要求,复合材料机翼试验破坏载荷相对设计极限载荷的偏差为2%,M2飞机的复合材料机翼结构设计满足静强度设计要求。  相似文献   

围绕飞行器复杂结构整体构型研制的高性能、轻量化苛刻需求,着重介绍了面向增材制造的结构优化设计面临的系列关键问题以及相关研究成果。分别从面向增材制造的结构多承载环节整体优化建模与性能分析、整体结构多学科性能与功能综合设计方法、跨尺度结构-微结构性能表征与尺度效应的影响机理,以及增材制造工艺对整体结构件性能的影响机理和制造工艺约束4个方面,阐述如何从结构力学与工艺力学角度科学实现最优性能设计与先进增材制造技术的完美匹配与融合。  相似文献   

Combination of topology optimization and additive manufacturing technologies provides an effective approach for the development of light-weight and high-performance structures. A heavy-loaded aerospace bracket is designed by topology optimization and manufactured by additive manufacturing technology in this work. Considering both mechanical forces and temperature loads, a formulation of thermo-elastic topology optimization is firstly proposed and the sensitivity analysis is derived in detail. Then the procedure of numerical optimization design is presented and the final design is additively manufactured using Selective Laser Melting (SLM). The mass of the aerospace bracket is reduced by over 18%, benefiting from topology and size optimization, and the three constraints are satisfied as well in the final design. This work indicates that the integration of thermo-elastic topology optimization and additive manufacturing technologies can be a rather powerful tool kit for the design of structures under thermal-mechanical loading.  相似文献   

Design loads generally require a one-dimensional discrete gust profile without consideration of the spanwise effect, and this profile cannot represent the true gust field exactly. For a high aspect ratio aircraft, two-dimensional gusts may cause critical load conditions, and approaches for calculating dynamic responses under two-dimensional discrete gust excitation are rarely presented. In this paper, a spanwise non-uniform vertical discrete gust field is established based on a one-dimensional ‘1-cos’ gust profile in reference to a DARPA proposal, while frequency and hybrid approaches to the dynamic response analysis of flexible aircraft under this two-dimensional gust excitation are presented. Solution techniques have been applied to a high aspect ratio aircraft to assess the different response characteristics with a comparison between one-dimensional and two-dimensional discrete gust field conditions. The results show that the two-dimensional discrete gust model produces a higher bending moment than that of the one-dimensional condition. Therefore, the critical load conditions that are derived from the two-dimensional discrete gust for high aspect ratio aircraft should be seriously considered. According to the analysis, an active control scheme to alleviate the bending loads caused by the two-dimensional gust is designed, and alleviation effects in different gust conditions are compared.  相似文献   

飞行器在大气中飞行,不可避免地受到阵风的影响。阵风所附加的气动载荷引发飞行器飞行状态的改变,过大幅值的阵风影响飞行的性能与安全。针对这种状况,首先采用改进的Lamb-Ossen涡模型,建立尾涡形式的阵风场;然后采用基于CFD技术的非定常N-S方程求解,并在计算网格中引入"网格速度"来模拟阵风,对SWIM(Subsonic Wall Interference Model)尾涡中的定常气动特性进行验证;最后通过CFD-6DOF的耦合,对SWIM俯冲穿越尾涡场的飞行轨迹进行研究。结果表明:计算结果与实验值符合较好;SWIM在尾涡中飞行时出现抖动、下沉、改变飞行状态、剧烈翻转的现象,与实际飞行器进入尾涡中的轨迹特性类似。  相似文献   

阵风载荷减缓系统故障分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阵风引起的额外载荷会引起飞机结构疲劳,降低结构使用寿命。采用非定常气动力有理函数拟合方法建立时域状态空间下的动力学系统,设计了阵风载荷减缓系统。研究了阵风载荷减缓系统3种典型故障模式(副翼偏转饱和、舵机卡死、副翼偏转延时)的力学建模方法,并对机翼在阵风减缓系统故障模式下的阵风响应进行分析。仿真结果表明,3种故障模式均不利于阵风载荷减缓系统对阵风载荷的减缓,对于一些特定情况,故障模式下的阵风载荷减缓系统不仅不能减缓阵风载荷,还会带来由副翼偏转不当引起的额外负载。  相似文献   

由于民用飞机机翼具有大展弦比的特点,因此阵风载荷经常成为民用飞机飞行载荷的严重情况,是各国适航标准重点考察的飞行情况。而且,阵风干扰还会因飞机机体的自身弹性引起结构弹性振动,使飞机结构刚度降低,造成机体疲劳损伤,甚至引起颤振。因此,在民用飞机载荷设计过程中对阵风载荷及其减缓技术进行研究具有非常重要的意义。介绍了民用飞机阵风载荷的原理及相关技术,以及阵风载荷减缓技术中用直接升力控制方法来实现机翼的阵风载荷减缓。  相似文献   

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