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This paper presents the development of a Total Electron Content (TEC) map for the Nigerian ionosphere. In this work, TEC measurements obtained from the AFRL-SCINDA GPS (Air Force Research Laboratory-Scintillation Network Decision Aid, Global Positioning System) equipment installed at Nsukka (6.87°N, 7.38°E) are used to adapt the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model for the Nigerian Ionosphere. The map is being developed as a computer program (implemented in the MATLAB programming language) that shows spatial and temporal representations of TEC for the Nigerian ionosphere. The method is aimed at showing how the IRI model can be used to estimate VTEC over wide areas by incorporating GPS measurements. This method is validated by using GPS VTEC data collected from a station in Ilorin (8.50°N, 4.55°E).  相似文献   

With the continuous deployment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, the estimation of differential code biases (DCBs) based on GNSS observations from LEO has gained increasing attention. Previous studies on LEO-based DCB estimation are usually using the spherical symmetry ionosphere assumption (SSIA), in which a uniform electron density is assumed in a thick shell. In this study, we propose an approach (named the SHLEO method) to simultaneously estimate the satellite and LEO onboard receiver DCBs by modeling the distribution of the global plasmaspheric total electron content (PTEC) above the satellite orbit with a spherical harmonic (SH) function. Compared to the commonly used SSIA method, the SHLEO model improves the GPS satellite DCB estimation accuracy by 13.46% and the stability by 22.34%, respectively. Compared to the GPS satellite DCBs estimated based on the Jason-3-only observations, the accuracy and monthly stability of the satellite DCBs can be improved by 14.42% and 26.8% when both Jason-2 and Jason-3 onboard observations are jointly processed. Compared with the Jason-2 solutions, the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations have an improved consistency of better than 18.26% and 9.71% with the products provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Taking the DCB products provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as references, there is no improvement in accuracy of the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations than the Jason-2 solutions alone. A periodic variation is found in the time series of both the Jason-3 and Jason-2 onboard receiver DCB estimates. Preliminary analysis of the PTEC distribution based on the estimated SH coefficients are also presented.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations of Total Electron Content (TEC) can affect GNSS high accuracy positioning. Enhanced estimation of ionospheric variations and their de-correlation can benefit differential and point positioning rapid solutions. Global and regional TEC maps can provide the overall state of ionopsheric variations in space and time domains within their accuracy limits. In this paper, these maps are exploited to retrieve ionospheric variations by means of variograms and their associated covariance functions of TEC residuals over Canadian region during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed conditions. A number of theoretical variogram functions are reviewed for modeling covariance of TEC residuals. The variogram modeling of residuals during a strong geomagnetic storm revealed variances of one order of magnitude larger compared to a rather quiet condition. Variogram models are also used in regional and local kriging interpolation experiments and their performances are evaluated. Global maps of TEC RMS by International GNSS Service and two of its analysis centres are also compared over the Canadian region during a two-year period. Realistic representation of regional variances using estimated variograms when compared to global ionospheric RMS maps are also presented.  相似文献   

The effects of some geomagnetic storms on the F2 layer peak parameters over Ilorin, Nigeria (Lat. 8:53°N, Long. 4.5°E, dip angle, −2.96°) have been investigated. Our results showed that the highest intensity of the noon bite-out occurred during the March equinox and lowest during the June Solstice on quiet days. Quiet day NmF2 disturbances which appeared as a pre-storm enhancement, but not related to the magnetic storm event that followed were observed at this station. These enhancements were attributed to the modification of the equatorial electric field as a result of injection of the Auroral electric field to the low and equatorial ionosphere. For disturbed conditions, the morphology of the NmF2 on quiet days is altered. Daytime and nighttime NmF2 and hmF2 enhancements were recorded at this station. Decreases in NmF2 were also observed during the recovery periods, most of which appeared during the post-noon period, except the storm event of May 28–29. On the average, enhancements in NmF2 (i.e. Positive phases) are the prominent features of this station. Observations from this study also indicate that Dst, Ap and Kp which have been the most widely used indices in academic research in describing the behavior of geomagnetic storms, are not sufficient for storm time analysis in the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere.  相似文献   

The probability of occurrence of spread-F can be modeled and predicted using neural networks (NNs). This paper presents a feasibility study into the development of a NN based model for the prediction of the probability of occurrence of spread-F over selected equatorial stations within the Brazilian sector. The input space included the day number (seasonal variation), hour (diurnal variation), sunspot number (measure of the solar activity), magnetic index (measure of the magnetic activity) and magnetic position. Twelve years of spread-F data from Brazil (covering the period 1978–1989) measured at the equatorial site Fortaleza (3.9°S, 38.45°W) and low latitude site Cachoeira Paulista (22.6°S, 45.0°W) are used in the development of an input space and NN architecture for the model. Spread-F data that is believed to be related to plasma bubble developments (range spread-F) was used in the development of the model. The model results show the probability of spread-F occurrence as a function of local time, season and latitude. Results from the Brazilian Sector NN (BSNN) based model are presented in this paper, as well as a comparative analysis with a Brazilian model developed for the same purpose.  相似文献   

Signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites at the horizon or at low elevations are often excluded from a GPS solution because they experience considerable ionospheric delays and multipath effects. Their exclusion can degrade the overall satellite geometry for the calculations, resulting in greater errors; an effect known as the Dilution of Precision (DOP). In contrast, signals from high elevation satellites experience less ionospheric delays and multipath effects. The aim is to find a balance in the choice of elevation mask, to reduce the propagation delays and multipath whilst maintaining good satellite geometry, and to use tomography to correct for the ionosphere and thus improve single-frequency GPS timing accuracy. GPS data, collected from a global network of dual-frequency GPS receivers, have been used to produce four GPS timing solutions, each with a different ionospheric compensation technique. One solution uses a 4D tomographic algorithm, Multi-Instrument Data Analysis System (MIDAS), to compensate for the ionospheric delay. Maps of ionospheric electron density are produced and used to correct the single-frequency pseudorange observations. This method is compared to a dual-frequency solution and two other single-frequency solutions: one does not include any ionospheric compensation and the other uses the broadcast Klobuchar model. Data from the solar maximum year 2002 and October 2003 have been investigated to display results when the ionospheric delays are large and variable. The study focuses on Europe and results are produced for the chosen test site, VILL (Villafranca, Spain). The effects of excluding all of the GPS satellites below various elevation masks, ranging from 5° to 40°, on timing solutions for fixed (static) and mobile (moving) situations are presented. The greatest timing accuracies when using the fixed GPS receiver technique are obtained by using a 40° mask, rather than a 5° mask. The mobile GPS timing solutions are most accurate when satellites at lower elevations continue to be included: using a mask between 10° and 20°. MIDAS offers the most accurate and least variable single-frequency timing solution and accuracies to within 10 ns are achieved for fixed GPS receiver situations. Future improvements are anticipated by combining both GPS and Galileo data towards computing a timing solution.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, global positioning system measurements have been used to study of the state and rapid changes of the Total Electron Content in the ionosphere. Currently, the increasing number of permanent stations makes it possible to generate maps of the irregularities in the ionosphere for specified regions with sub-daily resolution. The main goal of this work was to apply global navigation satellite system observations to obtain information about ionospheric variability around the North Geomagnetic Pole. In order to detect the ionospheric disturbances, 30-s observation data was used. The Rate of Total Electron Content Index was applied as a measure of the variability in the ionosphere. The first analyses were executed using more than 100 permanent stations. The results show two kinds of products: 2-hour maps in spherical geomagnetic coordinates and daily maps presenting the occurrence of the strong Total Electron Content fluctuations as a magnetic local time function, for the most disturbed days of April 2010. Apart from the main product of the algorithm, the Rate of Total Electron Content time series for individual satellite tracks was presented. The results demonstrated very good sensitivity of the obtained maps, which can detect even quite weak disturbances. The presented algorithm developed at the Geodynamic Research Laboratory of the University of Warmia and Mazury, in cooperation with Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, will be applied in the near future to create near-real time service of the conditions in the ionosphere based on the Global Navigation Satellite Systems observations.  相似文献   

Neural networks (NNs) have been applied to ionospheric predictions recently. This paper uses radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) to forecast hourly values of the ionospheric F2 layer critical frequency(foF2), over Wuhan (30.5N, 114.3E), China. The false nearest neighbor method is used to determine the embedding dimension, and the principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce noise and dimension. The whole study is based on a sample of about 26,000 observations of foF2 with 1-h time resolution, derived during the period from January 1981 to December 1983. The performance of RBF-NN is estimated by calculating the normalized root-mean-squared (NRMSE) error, and its results show that short-term predictions of foF2 are improved.  相似文献   

In recent years, new techniques and algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) have been used as alternative statistical tools in modeling and forecasting issues. These methods have been extensively used in the field of geosciences and atmospheric physics. The main purpose of this paper is to combine FIS and ANNs for local modeling of the ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) in Iran. An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is developed for TEC modeling. Also, Multi-Layer Perceptron ANN (MLP-ANN) and ANN based on Radial Base Functions (RBF) have been designed for analyzing ANFIS results. Observations of 29 Global Positioning System (GPS) stations from the Iranian Permanent GPS Network (IPGN) have been used in 3 different seasons in 2015 and 2016. These stations are located at geomagnetic low latitudes region. Out of these 29 stations, 24 stations for training and 5 stations for testing and validating were selected. The relative and absolute errors have been used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model. Also, the results of this paper are compared with the International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI2016). The maximum values of the average relative error for RBF, MLP-ANN, ANFIS and IRI2016 methods are 13.88%, 11.79%, 10.06%, and 18.34%, respectively. Also, the maximum values of the average absolute error for these methods are 2.38, 2.21, 1.5 and 3.36 TECU, respectively. Comparison of diurnal predicted TEC from the ANFIS, RBF, MLP-ANN and IRI2016 models with GPS-TEC revealed that the ANFIS provides more accurate predictions than the other methods in the test area.  相似文献   

The pre-storm behavior of NmF2 and TEC over an equatorial station, Trivandrum (8.47°N, 76.91°E, dip 0.6°S) and a low latitude station, Waltair (17.7°N,83.3°E, dip 20°N) has been studied for a total of 18 strong geomagnetic storms with DST ? −100 nT. The simultaneous measurements of GPS-TEC and NmF2 over Trivandrum and Waltair during the period 2000–2005 have been considered for the present study. It is found that there is a substantial increase in NmF2 and TEC before the onset of the storm over Waltair, while the increase is not present at Trivandrum. The origin of pre-storm enhancements in electron density still remains unresolved owing to several conditions in their potential sources and occurrence mechanisms. In the present study an attempt is made to identify the possible mechanisms responsible for such enhancements in electron density of the F-region.  相似文献   

利用2010年11月至2011年10月IGS提供的全球电子浓度总含量(TEC)数据, 分析太阳活动上升期华南地区(经度110°E, 纬度5°—35°N) 上空电离层赤道异常(EIA)北驼峰的变化特征. 结果显示, 电离层赤道异常北驼峰区TEC峰值I具有明显的季节和半年变化特征; 北驼峰峰值出现的时间T和纬度L的日变化有一个相对较大的变化区间, 其季节和半年变化特征并不明显; 太阳活动对北驼峰变化影响比较明显, 而地磁活动对北驼峰变化影响不明显.  相似文献   

With the advent of the GPS navigation system, a promising ground based technique has been introduced which makes it possible to estimate the amount of water vapor in the troposphere from operational GPS networks at relatively low additional costs. While the estimation of the integrated amount is currently well established, the determination of the spatial water vapor distribution and its temporal variation are still a major challenge. To account for the vertical resolution, several tomographic approaches were pursued. We developed the software package AWATOS (atmospheric water vapor tomography software) which is based on the assimilation of double differenced GPS observations. Applying a least-squares inversion, the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of water vapor is determined. An extensive investigation has been carried out in Switzerland. GPS measurements are performed by the dense permanent Swiss national GPS network AGNES of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo). A total of 40 equally distributed water vapor profiles have been estimated on an hourly basis. For the purpose of validation, 22 radiosonde profiles were used at the GPS and meteorological station Payerne. Furthermore, data of the numerical weather model aLMo (alpine model in Switzerland, MeteoSwiss) were compared with the tomographic results. An overall good agreement of the three methods with an rms of better than 1.6 g/m3 absolute humidity was achieved. The results show that AGNES can be used as a dedicated network for the purpose of GPS-tomography, using a horizontal resolution of approximately 50 km and height layers of 300–500 m thickness in the lower troposphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents annual, seasonal and diurnal variations of integrated water vapor (IWV) derived from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements for a tropical site, Hyderabad (17.4° N, 78.46° E). The zenith wet delay (ZWD) due to the troposphere has been computed using GPS observations and collocated meteorological data. ZWD is converted to IWV with very little added uncertainty. Mean monthly IWV values show maximum in July (~50 kg m−2) and minimum in December (~15 kg m−2). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Harmonic analyses methods have been adopted to extract amplitudes and phases of diurnal (24 h), semi-diurnal (12 h) and ter-diurnal (8 h) oscillations which yielded comparable results. Amplitude of the 24 h component is observed to be maximum in spring whereas 12 h and 8 h components maximize in summer. A cross-correlation study between available daily IWV values and corresponding surface temperatures over one year produced a good correlation coefficient (0.44). The correlation obtained for different seasons got reduced to 0.25, 0.02, −0.39 and 0.21 for winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons respectively. The correlation between IWV and rainfall is poor. The coefficients obtained for the whole year is 0.05 and −0.13 for the rainy season.  相似文献   

Conduction and displacement currents, and their sum the Maxwell current, generated over a thunderstorm (TS) with recurrent lightning discharges are investigated theoretically. The aim is to study better the influence of different factors on these currents, which form the link between thunderstorms and the ionosphere in the global atmospheric electrical circuit. The factors studied concern the thunderstorm characteristics (the charge separation current, and the lightning discharge parameters), as well as the atmospheric and cloud conductivity. Some of these factors may show long-term changes with the 11-year solar cycle, possibly realized through an inverse dependence of the cosmic ray flux on solar activity. Earlier investigations have suggested that the lightning-related charge redistribution and subsequent relaxation, rather than the high intensity current, is mainly the source of the energy coupled to the ionosphere. With respect to this, a quasi-electrostatic analytical model is proposed, based on Maxwell’s equations. The currents are generated by a TS modeled as a positive vertical dipole with charges which are first accumulated and then destroyed by lightning. Our computations show that the mean and peak values of the conduction and total Maxwell currents to the ionosphere depend significantly on the charge moment change. The mean currents are also sensitive to the reduction of the conductivity in thunderclouds. Small variations of the stratospheric conductivity (20% at geomagnetic latitude 40° and 40–50% at 55°) with the solar activity do not influence the currents to the ionosphere very much.  相似文献   

Through concurrently measurements by Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS), Sanya VHF radar and GPS ionospheric scintillation receiver on 12 March 2010, five plasma bubbles were found and three of them were observed by all those instruments. Two well-developed plumes with strong backscatter echoes were measured by Sanya radar and their corresponding depletions were observed by C/NOFS in Orbit 10317, 10318 and 10319. Broad plasma depletions resulting from merging process were found in orbit of 10318. The occurrence time and geophysical positions of scintillations correlate well with observations implemented by Sanya VHF radar and C/NOFS. Observations from three types of instrument indicate that the spread F irregularities have distinct scale. There were longitudinal differences between Sanya VHF radar and C/NOFS as irregularities measured, and the eastward drift of developed bubbles are responsible for these differences.  相似文献   

The highest Total Electron Content (TEC) values in the world normally occur at Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region resulting in largest ionospheric range delay values observed for any potential Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS). Reliable forecasting of TEC is crucial for satellite based navigation systems. The day to day variability of the location of the anomaly peak and its intensity is very large. This imposes severe limitations on the applicability of commonly used ionospheric models to the low latitude regions. It is necessary to generate a mathematical ionospheric forecasting and mapping model for TEC based on physical ionospheric influencing parameters. A model, IRPE-TEC, has been developed based on real time low latitude total electron content data using GPS measurements from a number of stations situated around the northern crest of the EIA during 2007 through 2011 to predict the vertical TEC values during the low and moderate solar activity levels of the 24th solar cycle. This model is compared with standard ionospheric models like International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and Parameterized Ionospheric Model (PIM) to establish its applicability in the equatorial region for accurate predictions.  相似文献   

The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) parameters B0 and B1 provide a representation of the thickness and shape, respectively, of the F2 layer of the bottomside ionosphere. These parameters can be derived from electron density profiles that are determined from vertical incidence ionograms. This paper aims to illustrate the variability of these parameters for a single mid latitude station and demonstrate the ability of the Neural Network (NN) modeling technique for developing a predictive model for these parameters. Grahamstown, South Africa (33.3°S, 26.5°E) was chosen as the mid latitude station used in this study and the B0 and B1 parameters for an 11 year period were determined from electron density profiles recorded at that station with a University of Massachusetts Lowell Center for Atmospheric Research (UMLCAR) Digisonde. A preliminary single station NN model was then developed using the Grahamstown data from 1996 to 2005 as a training database, and input parameters known to affect the behaviour of the F2 layer, such as day number, hour, solar and magnetic indices. An analysis of the diurnal, seasonal and solar variations of these parameters was undertaken for the years 2000, 2005 and 2006 using hourly monthly median values. Comparisons between the values derived from measured data and those predicted using the two available IRI-2001 methods (IRI tables and Gulyaeva, T. Progress in ionospheric informatics based on electron density profile analysis of ionograms. Adv. Space Res. 7(6), 39–48, 1987.) and the newly developed NN model are also shown in this paper. The preliminary NN model showed that it is feasible to use the NN technique to develop a prediction tool for the IRI thickness and shape parameters and first results from this model reveal that for the mid latitude location used in this study the NN model provides a more accurate prediction than the current IRI model options.  相似文献   

This study uses the 3D ray tracing to analyse ionospheric disturbance generated by a ballistic missile plume (which was simulated in our previous work). Ray tracing results show that the 6 MHz radio waves are completely reflected by the ionosphere and cannot reach the ionospheric disturbance zone. The 8 MHz radio waves partially penetrate the ionospheric disturbance zone, producing a focusing effect. Most of the 10 MHz radio waves pass through the ionosphere and the disturbance zone. The focusing effect and focus height are reduced. In the height range 65̃400 km, the ray absorption loss of reflection is greater than the transmitted ray. When the ray is reflected multiple times in the cavity formed by the plume, ray absorption loss greatly increases.  相似文献   

GPS observations from EUREF permanent GPS network were used to observe the response of TEC (Total Electron Content) to the total solar eclipse on October 3, 2005, under quiet geomagnetic conditions of the daytime ionosphere. The effect of the eclipse was detected in diurnal variations and more distinctly in the variations of TEC along individual satellite passes. The trough-like variations with a gradual decrease and followed by an increase of TEC at the time of the eclipse were observed over a large region. The depression of TEC amounted to 3–4 TECU. The maximum depression was observed over all stations located at the maximum path of the solar eclipse. The delay of a minimum level of TEC with respect to the maximum phase of the eclipse was about 20–30 min.  相似文献   

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