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流星体坠入地球大气烧蚀电离产生流星等离子体尾迹,在等离子体不稳定性过程作用下产生流星不均匀体.利用光学视频和无线电雷达在低纬三亚开展流星体烧蚀和流星不均匀体综合探测结果,发展了一种获取流星不均匀体母体(流星体)特征参数的方法,并对2015年12月双子座流星雨期间观测的一次长持续时间流星不均匀体事例进行了分析,得到了其母体速度、质量和轨道等特征,结果显示产生这次流星不均匀体的流星体速度和轨道等具有双子座流星特点.该方法可应用于流星不均匀体及其母体特征研究.   相似文献   

This paper presents the meteor observations obtained using two radars installed at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E), Antarctica. The Davis MST radar was installed primarily for observation of polar mesosphere summer echoes, with additional transmit and receive antennas installed to allow all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The Davis meteor radar performs dedicated all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The annual count rate variation for both radars peaks in mid-summer and minimizes in early Spring. The height distribution shows significant annual variation, with minimum (maximum) peak heights and maximum (minimum) height widths in early Spring (mid-summer). Although the meteor radar count rate and height distribution variations are consistent with a similar frequency meteor radar operating at Andenes (69.3°N), the peak heights show a much larger variation than at Andenes, while the count rate maximum-to-minimum ratios show a much smaller variation. Investigation of the effects of the temporal sampling parameters suggests that these differences are consistent with the different temporal sampling strategies used by the Davis and Andenes meteor radars. The new radiant mapping procedure of [Jones, J., Jones, W., Meteor radiant activity mapping using single-station radar observations, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 367(3), 1050–1056, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10025.x, 2006] is investigated. The technique is used to detect the Southern delta-Aquarid meteor shower, and a previously unknown weak shower. Meteoroid speeds obtained using the Fresnel transform are presented. The diurnal, annual, and height variation of meteoroid speeds are presented, with the results found to be consistent with those obtained using specular meteor radars. Meteoroid speed estimates for echoes identified as Southern delta-Aquarid and Sextantid meteor candidates show good agreement with the theoretical pre-atmospheric speeds of these showers (41 km s−1 and 32 km s−1, respectively). The meteoroid speeds estimated for these showers show decreasing speed with decreasing height, consistent with the effects of meteoroid deceleration. Finally, we illustrate how the new radiant mapping and meteoroid speed techniques can be combined for unambiguous meteor shower detection, and use these techniques to detect a previously unknown weak shower.  相似文献   

Every day billions of meteoroids impact and disintegrate in the Earth’s atmosphere. Current estimates for this global meteor flux vary from 2000 to 200,000 tons per year, and estimates for the average velocity range between 10 km/s and 70 km/s. The basic properties of this global meteor flux, such as the average mass, velocity, and chemical composition remain poorly constrained. We believe much of the mystery surrounding the basic parameters of the interplanetary meteor flux exists for the following reason, the unknown sampling characteristics of different radar meteor observation techniques, which are used to derive or constrain most models. We believe this arises due to poorly understood radio scattering characteristics of the meteor plasma, especially in light of recent work showing that plasma turbulence and instability greatly influences meteor trail properties at every stage of evolution. We present our results on meteor plasmas simulations of head echoes using particle in cell (PIC) ions, which show that electric fields strongly influence early stage meteor plasma evolution, by accelerating ions away from the meteoroid body. We also present the results of finite difference time domain electromagnetic simulations (FDTD), which can calculate the radar cross section of the simulated meteor plasmas. These simulations have shown that the radar cross section depends in a complex manner on a number of parameters. These include the angle between radar and meteor entry, a large dependence on radar frequency, which shows that for a given meteor plasma size and density, the reflectivity as a function of probing radar frequency varies, but typically peaks below 100 MHz.  相似文献   

The column densities of impact-produced metal atoms in the exosphere during the peaks of activity of the main meteor showers – Geminids, Quadrantids and Perseids – and during quiet periods are estimated. The Na supply rate is estimated to be 2 × 104, 3 × 103, 104, and 2 × 104 atoms cm−2 s−1 for sporadic meteoroids, Perseid, Geminid, and Quadrantid meteor showers, respectively. A low upper limit on Ca in the lunar exosphere is explained by the condensation of Ca into dust grains during expansion of the cooling impact-produced vapor cloud. The chemical composition of gas-phase species released to the lunar exosphere during meteoroid impacts has been estimated. Most impact-produced molecules that contain metals are destroyed by solar photons while on ballistic trajectories. Energies of Na, K, Ca, and Mg atoms produced via photolysis of the respective monoxides are estimated to be 0.4, 0.35, 0.6, and 0.45 eV, respectively. The relative content of impact-produced Na and K atoms is maximal at altitudes of about 1000–2000 km and during the main meteor showers, lunar eclipses, and passages of the Moon through the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Information on atmospheric parameters, properties and processes above 70 km are mainly based upon meteor data. An important problem of such data systematization is to single out the meteor streams associated with a series of extreme phenomena. The forecasting of these phenomena requires a physical model of meteor streams at the early stage of their occurrence. A direct coupling with comets is assumed for most of the streams. This paper analyses the structure simulation of cometary nucleus desintegration. The D-criterion is used as the orbital community criterion. Giacobini-Zinner comet in its ten appearances (1900-1979) is considered. Determination of stream location and its detailed structural characteristics is essential for long space missions.  相似文献   

利用武汉流星雷达,首次成功地观测了象限仪座流星雨及流星雨期间的流星速度,讨论了利用单站全天空流星雷达观测流星雨的相关问题.从观测结果可以发现此次象限仪座流星雨发生在2004年1月4日的0000-0800LT,其中流星峰值出现在0400LT,而且通过流星雷达观测到的流星雨期间的流星回波平面推测得到的流星雨辐射点也与该流星雨的理论辐射点位置对应非常好.利用流星回波振幅的Fresnel振荡方法计算了此次流星雨期间观测到的流星的速度,分析了该流星速度的分布,这次流星雨期间观测到的流星速度主要集中在10-30 km/s,可以看出这种速度分布是由流星雨进入地球大气的初始速度和流星在大气中的减速过程共同决定的.最后研究了流星速度随高度的变化,并且由此讨论了地球大气对于流星体的减速作用.   相似文献   

The investigation of small bodies, comets and asteroids, can contribute substantially to our understanding of the formation and history of the Solar System. In-situ observations by Landers play a prominent role in this field.The Rosetta Lander – Philae – is currently on its way to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It will land in November 2014 and perform numerous experiments with a suite of 10 scientific instruments.Philae has been designed to cope with a wide range of possible comet properties. The considerations taken during its development are relevant for future Lander missions to small bodies in the Solar System.In addition the paper provides a review of alternative concepts, studied or developed for various missions like Phobos, Hayabusa/Minerva or Géocroiseur/Leonard.Various missions to small bodies in the Solar System, including Landers, are currently studied (e.g., Marco Polo). The paper will address the mission options and compare applicable technologies with the solutions chosen for Philae.  相似文献   

MEDAC (Meteor Echo Detection and Collection) system, a product of University of Colorado, has become part of Chung-Li VHF facilities since July 12, 1989. MEDAC is installed to observe the mesospheric winds from Doppler echos returned by meteor trails in the upper atmosphere. However, the time variations in the in-phase and quadrature components of the signals can be used to derive the time history of the meteor trail formation. The meteor flight speed in the atmosphere is hence deduced. Preliminary analysis of some data taken from July 12 to July 17 of 1989 indicates that there are some “meteor” trails that could have been produced by the reentry of orbital debris into the atmosphere. The criteria of the flight speed and the ionization height are used for selecting an orbital debris trail from pools of “meteor” trails. The relative flux intensities between the reentry orbital debris flux as tentatively identified in this paper and the meteor flux is about 1 to 100.  相似文献   

The orbital distributions of meteoroids in interplanetary space are revised in the ESA meteoroid model to account for recently obtained observational data and to comply with the constraints due to the orbital evolution under planetary gravity and Poynting–Robertson effects. Infrared observations of the zodiacal cloud by the COBE DIRBE instrument, in situ flux measurements by the dust detectors on board Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft, and the crater size distributions on lunar rock samples retrieved by the Apollo missions are synthesized into a single model. Within the model, the orbital distributions are expanded into a sum of contributions due to a number of known sources, including the asteroid belt with the emphasis on the prominent families Themis, Koronis, Eos and Veritas, as well as comets on Jupiter-encountering orbits. An attempt to incorporate the meteor orbit database acquired by the AMOR radar is also discussed.  相似文献   

The speed distribution of meteoroids encountering the Earth is shown to be similar for all meteoroid masses in the range 1 g to 10−12 g. The speed distribution of interplanetary meteoroids encountering the Earth has usually been inferred from meteor observations. This paper reviews commonly quoted distributions and introduces more recent estimates. The influence quoted measurement uncertainties have on the distribution of Earth encounter velocities presented by Sekanina and Southworth (1975) and Erickson (1968) is presented. The Divine (1993) model of interplanetary meteoroids fits a set of orbital distributions to a wide range of spacecraft and ground based dust detector observations. By ‘flying’ the Earth through this model the distribution of geocentric encounter velocities has been obtained for typical particle masses, 10−9 and 10−12 g while those at 10−4 and 10−5 g are shown to be in error.  相似文献   

微流星体是自然存在的微型天体.在太阳系空间范围内,微流星体的主要起源为彗星及小行星.在地球至火星的空间范围内,微流星体的飞行速度范围为24.13~42.2km·-1.高速飞行的微流星体一旦撞击火星探测器,将有可能对探测器造成毁灭性的损害.本文基于太阳神探测器的观测结果及彗星轨道观测统计结果,针对火星探测,分别建立了地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体环境模型,并基于有限元离散方法建立了火星探测任务的微流星体碰撞风险预测方法.设计了一个虚拟火星探测器,分别对其在地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体撞击通量进行了分析.结果显示,在探测器有效任务期内,探测器正面受微流星撞击次数约为背面的10倍.根据本文模型计算结果,将探测器顶板铝合金蒙皮的厚度增加至0.7mm后,在整个任务周期内可将探测器正面受微流星体撞击出现击穿损伤的风险降低为每平米7次.   相似文献   

The physics of using a radioastronomy receiver as an in-situ detector of plasma, and in some cases of molecules and dust grains is reviewed, and applied to ICE encounter with comet Giacobini-Zinner. In the comet's plasma tail, the receiver recorded mostly quasi-thermal plasma noise. The spectroscopy of that noise yields the density and temperature of the main (cold) electron population, and parameters of hot electrons. The absence of grain detection yields a quantitative upper limit on grain mass or flux. An additionnal diagnosis is provided by partial occultations of both the radio galactic noise and the terrestrial kilometric radiation. Implications for comparison with earth-based measurements are indicated.  相似文献   

A mission to Mars and small solar system bodies is presently studied as a possible collaboration between INTERCOSMOS, CNES, ESA and eventually other participants. The VESTA concept, based on the same strategy as the successful VEGA mission, is more ambitious, as two spacecrafts separate soon after launch: a soviet spacecraft, dedicated to the study of Mars, and a spacecraft dedicated to the study of small bodies, under the responsibility of CNES and ESA. This spacecraft would use Mars gravity assists to visit up to 4 small bodies in less than 5 years. The mission is duplicated, which means that up to 8 small bodies could be studied (e.g. 6 main belt asteroids, 1 apollo-amor asteroid and 1 short period comet). Low relative velocities (< 3.5 km/s) should allow to drop a penetrator on two large main belt asteroids, such as 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres (1994 launch).  相似文献   

The photometric-magnetic dynamical model handles the evolution of an individual sunspot as an autonomous nonlinear, though integrable, dynamical system. One of its consequences is the prediction of an upper limit of the sunspot areas. This upper limit is analytically expressed by the model parameters, while its calculated value is verified by the observational data. In addition, an upper limit for the magnetic strength inside the sunspot is also predicted, and then, we obtain the following significant result: The upper limit of the total magnetic flux in an active region is found to be of about 7.23 × 1023 Mx, namely, phenomenologically equal to the magnetic flux concentrated in the totality of the granules of the quiet Sun, having a typical maximum magnetic strength of about 12G. Therefore, the magnetic flux concentrated in an active region cannot exceed the magnetic flux concentrated in the photosphere as a whole.  相似文献   

We reported previously that emerged amoebae of Dictyostelium (D.) discoideum grew, aggregated and differentiated to fruiting bodies with normal morphology in space. Here, we investigated the effects of space radiation and/or microgravity on the number, viability, kinetics of germination, growth rate and mutation frequency of spores formed in space in a radiation-sensitive strain, gamma s13, and the parental strain, NC4. In gamma s13, there were hardly spores in the fruiting bodies formed in space. In NC4, we found a decrease in the number of spores, a delay in germination of the spores and delayed start of cell growth of the spores formed in space when compared to the ground control. However, the mutation frequency of the NC4 spores formed in space was similar to that of the ground control. We conclude that the depression of spore formation might be induced by microgravity and/or space radiation through the depression of some stage(s) of DNA repair during cell differentiation in the slime mold.  相似文献   

航天器空间碎片防护方案的评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在综述国际上已采用和研究的航天器防护空间碎片超高速撞击防护方案评价方法的基础上,对航天器防护方案的评价方法进行了分析与探讨,给出了各种防护方案的撞击极限曲线和撞击极限方程。  相似文献   

中频雷达用来开展夜间100km高度以上的流星观测,获得流星随时间、高度、方位的分布情况及流星体速度、流星辐射点、流星余迹径向速度等参数,其探测数据可用于流星天文学、中层大气动力学等领域的研究.利用2017年11月16日12:00UT-22:00UT期间廊坊观测站(39.4°N,116.7°E)的中频雷达数据,首次开展了中国中纬度地区夜间流星观测实验,共检测到94个流星回波信号,集中分布在97~115km高度范围内,平均高度为106.5km,计算得到了流星回波的双极扩散系数、方位分布等相关参数,并与国外中频雷达流星探测结果进行了初步比较.   相似文献   

The Bologna meteor radar was operational during two winter campaigns, from 6 January 1982 to 1 February 1982 and from 10 December 1982 to 2 February 1983. As occurrence of minor stratospheric warmings has been reported for these intervals, possible effects on meteor wind over Bologna related to this kind of warming are pointed out. Zonal and meridional prevailing winds are found to exhibit the maximum peak to peak value in their oscillations when a minor stratospheric warming reaches such an intensity that ΔT(90°N–60°N) at 10 mbar is reversed. Diurnal and semidiurnal tides exhibit usual amplitude variations, but the semidiurnal tide has a noticeable phase shift at the time of a minor warming occurrence, while a similar shift is less evident in the diurnal tide phase.  相似文献   

One of the interesting arguments for a space impact mission to asteroid 3200 Phaethon is to create an artificial Geminid meteor shower. In this work we investigate the artificial shower’s dates of observability and dependence on ejecta velocity using dust trail theory. We find that when the dust ejecta velocities are 200 m/s the artificial meteor showers start to be visible in 2204 and continue for about 30 years. If the dust ejecta velocity is 20 m/s they only last 10 years from 2215 to 2225. Thus, the onset of artificial shower activity begins sooner and lasts longer with higher ejecta velocities. To produce an artificial meteor shower with 3200 Phaethon as the parent will require higher impact energy than the Deep Impact spacecraft delivered to 9P/Tempel 1.  相似文献   

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