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The Moon is immersed in plasma environment. The most interesting challenge of the lunar plasma– field environment is that it is alternatively dominated by the extended but variable outer atmosphere of the Earth – the magnetosphere – and by the extended but highly variable solar atmosphere – the solar wind. Understanding the plasma environment and its interaction with the lunar surface will be beneficial to both manned and robotic surface exploration activities and to scientific investigations. Presented is a preliminary map of variations of lunar surface electric potential over the day side and night side using probe equations and a discussion on dust dynamics in this E-field structure using the data from Electron Reflectometer in Lunar Prospector spacecraft during 1998–1999. On the day side, potential is around 5 V and on the night side it reaches up to −82 V. On the night side region, only highly energetic electrons can overcome this large negative potential. The variation at electron temperature (Te) strongly reflects in the surface potential. The potential reaches to a value of −82 V for Te = 58 eV. Surface charging causes the electrostatic transport of charged dust grains. Dust grain size of 0.1 μm shows a levitation height of 4.92 m on lunar day side, 748 m on terminator region and 3.7 km on the night side. The radius of maximum sized grain to be lofted, Rmax, peaks at the terminator region (Rmax = 0.83 μm). At the transition region dust levitation is almost absent. This region is most suited for exploration activities as the region is free from hazards caused by lunar dust.  相似文献   

月尘环境效应及地面模拟技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了月球尘的特点及其对探月活动的影响。在分析月球尘环境及其对月面探测器污染、磨损、阻塞、静电效应的基础上,对月球尘环境模拟技术、月球尘扬尘及其运动学和动力学规律、月球尘效应防护及试验评价方法等研究方向和重点提出了一些初步看法。针对研究内容的需求,梳理出一台完整的月球尘地面模拟试验设备应具备真空、温度、太阳风、太阳紫外、月球尘、月面电场、月面磁场等环境因素。在此基础上,设计了一种月球尘地面模拟试验装置方案,并对月球尘环境效应试验方法进行了初步讨论。为月球探测后期任务条件保障建设及相关研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Lunar grains accumulate charges due to solar-based ionizing radiations, and the repelling action of like-charged particles causes the levitation of lunar dust. The lunar dust deposit on sensitive and costly surfaces of investigative equipment is a serious concern in lunar explorations. Inspired by electrostatic precipitators (ESPs), the Electrostatic Lunar Dust Collector (ELDC) was proposed for collecting already charged lunar dust particles to prevent the lunar dust threat. As the conditions for terrestrial counterparts are not valid in the lunar environment, equations developed for terrestrial devices yield incorrect predictions in lunar application. Hence, a mathematical model was developed for the ELDC operating in vacuum to determine its collection efficiency. The ratios of electrical energy over potential energy, kinetic energy over potential energy and the ratio of ELDC dimensions were identified to be the key dimensionless parameters. Sensitivity analyses of the relevant parameters showed that depending on ELDC orientation, smaller particles would be collected more easily at vertical orientation, whereas larger particles were easier to collect in a horizontal ELDC configuration. In the worst case scenario, the electrostatic field needed to be 10 times stronger in the vertical mode in order to adequately collect larger particles. The collection efficiency was very sensitive to surface potential of lunar dust and it reached the maximum when surface potential was between 30 and 120 V.  相似文献   

Lunar soil simulant is a geochemical reproduction of lunar regolith, and is needed for lunar science and engineering researches. This paper describes a new lunar soil simulant, CAS-1, prepared by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to support lunar orbiter, soft-landing mission and sample return missions of China’s Lunar Exploration Program, which is scheduled for 2004–2020. Such simulants should match the samples returned from the Moon, all collected from the lunar regolith rather than outcrops. The average mineral and chemical composition of lunar soil sample returned from the Apollo 14 mission, which landed on the Fra Mauro Formation, is chosen as the model for the CAS-1 simulant. Source material for this simulant was a low-Ti basaltic scoria dated at 1600 years from the late Quaternary volcanic area in the Changbai Mountains of northeast China. The main minerals of this rock are pyroxene, olivine, and minor plagioclase, and about 20–40% modal glass. The scoria was analyzed by XRF and found to be chemically similar to Apollo 14 lunar sample 14163. It was crushed in an impact mill with a resulting median particle size 85.9 μm, similar to Apollo soils. Bulk density, shear resistance, complex permittivity, and reflectance spectra were also similar to Apollo 14 soil. We conclude that CAS-1 is an ideal lunar soil simulant for science and engineering research of future lunar exploration program.  相似文献   

The potential effect of the lunar exosphere on the near-ultraviolet sky background emission is predicted for Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT: a funded Chinese scientific payload for the Chang’e-III mission). Using the upper limit on the OH concentration inferred from the recent MIP CHACE results, our calculations show that the sky brightness due to the illuminated exosphere is <8.7 photons−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 within the wavelength range 245–340 nm. By evaluating the signal-to-noise ratios of observations of an AB = 13 mag point source at a series of sky background levels, our analysis indicates that the detection performance of LUT can be moderately degraded by the lunar exosphere emission in most cases. An AB = 13 mag point source can still be detected by the telescope at a signal-to-noise ratio more than 8 when the OH concentration is less than 2 × 108 molecules cm−3. However, the effect on the performance is considerable when the exosphere is as dense as suggested by CHACE.  相似文献   

月尘/月壤环境效应地面模拟方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
月壤/月尘会附着并污染航天器、月球车的表面,如果不及时清除,还会进一步诱发部件过热、机械机构卡死、密封失效、材料磨损等一系列问题.本文综述了关于月尘特性、月尘与航天器系统的互相作用机理、月尘环境模拟方法等方面的研究成果,提出了一种小型月尘环境模拟系统的设计方案.该系统将使关于月尘特性的实验研究成为可能,并可作为登月飞船及月球车材料选择、机械机构可靠性试验、除尘策略试验的平台.   相似文献   

The upcoming fleet of lunar missions, and the announcement of new lunar exploration initiatives, show an exciting “Journey to the Moon”, covering recent results, science, future robotic and human exploration. We review some of the questions, findings and perspectives given in the papers included in this issue of Advances in Space Research.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of water ice trapped within lunar topsoil (regolith) have placed a new emphasis on the recovery and utilization of water for future space exploration. Upon heating the lunar ice to sublimation, the resulting water vapor could theoretically transmit through the lunar regolith, to be captured on the surface. As the permeability of lunar regolith is essential to this process, this paper seeks to experimentally determine the permeability and flow characteristics of various gas species through simulated lunar regolith (SLR). Two different types of SLR were compacted and placed into the permeability setup to measure the flow-rate of transmitted gas through the sample. Darcy’s permeability constant was calculated for each sample and gas combination, and flow characteristics were determined from the results. The results show that Darcy’s permeability constant varies with SLR compaction density, and identified no major difference in permeable flow between the several tested gas species. Between the two tested SLR types, JSC-1A was shown to be more permeable than NU-LHT under similar conditions. In addition, a transition zone was identified in the flow when the gas pressure differential across the sample was less than ∼40 kPa.  相似文献   

The SELENE Laser Altimeter (LALT) is designed to map the Moon’s topography and will be launched in summer 2007. LALT incorporates Q-switched Cr doped Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) with an output energy of 100 mJ and 1 Hz repetition frequency for about one year mission period. The laser pulse travels to the Moon’s surface and reflections from the surface are detected by a silicon avalanche photo-diode. The ranging distance is 50–150 km with about 5 m accuracy. Several corrections for accurate ranging data are investigated. The flight hardware has been qualified and passed all the integration tests. A principal goal of the LALT instrument is to obtain a much more detailed lunar topographic map which is superior in global coverage, measurement accuracy and number of data points to previous observations and models. The overall science objectives of LALT are (1) determination of lunar global figure, (2) internal structure and surface processes, (3) exploration of the lunar pole regions, and (4) reduction of lunar occultation data.  相似文献   

An analytic model for the motion of a positively charged lunar dust grain in the presence of a shadowed crater at a negative potential in vacuum is presented. It is shown that the dust grain executes oscillatory trajectories, and an expression is derived for the period of oscillation. Simulations used to verify the analytic expression also show that because the trajectories are unstable, dust grains are either ejected from the crater’s vicinity or deposited into the crater forming “dust ponds.” The model also applies to other airless bodies in the solar system, such as asteroids, and predicts that under certain conditions, particularly near lunar sunset, oscillating dust “canopies” or “swarms” will form over negatively charged craters.  相似文献   

We numerically examined various retroreflectors as laser ranging targets for future missions to the Moon. The geometric conditions, such as the angle of incidence and velocity aberration, with lunar targets are much more restricted than those with most of the earth-orbiting artificial satellites. The numerical optical response simulation carried out in this study indicates that a single retroreflector with a diameter of 150–250 mm performs similar to the existing Apollo retroreflector arrays. Further, no dihedral angle is required for small retroreflectors with diameters below 150 mm for uncoated ones and below 100 mm for coated and hollow ones. Retroreflectors with larger diameters require dihedral angles of 0.20, 0.25, and 0.35 arcsec for coated, uncoated and hollow types, respectively. The objective of this fundamental study is to underlie the development of future laser ranging targets that are to be placed on the Moon.  相似文献   

The column densities of impact-produced metal atoms in the exosphere during the peaks of activity of the main meteor showers – Geminids, Quadrantids and Perseids – and during quiet periods are estimated. The Na supply rate is estimated to be 2 × 104, 3 × 103, 104, and 2 × 104 atoms cm−2 s−1 for sporadic meteoroids, Perseid, Geminid, and Quadrantid meteor showers, respectively. A low upper limit on Ca in the lunar exosphere is explained by the condensation of Ca into dust grains during expansion of the cooling impact-produced vapor cloud. The chemical composition of gas-phase species released to the lunar exosphere during meteoroid impacts has been estimated. Most impact-produced molecules that contain metals are destroyed by solar photons while on ballistic trajectories. Energies of Na, K, Ca, and Mg atoms produced via photolysis of the respective monoxides are estimated to be 0.4, 0.35, 0.6, and 0.45 eV, respectively. The relative content of impact-produced Na and K atoms is maximal at altitudes of about 1000–2000 km and during the main meteor showers, lunar eclipses, and passages of the Moon through the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

We analyzed the 150 × 150 lunar gravity field models, LP150Q, GLGM-3 and SGM150, using the power spectrum on the lunar nearside and farside, the lunar global and localized gravity/topography admittance and correlation, and Chang’E-2 precision orbit determination to investigate which model is a more effective tool to estimate geophysical parameters and determine the lunar satellite precision orbit. Results indicate that all gravity field models can be used to estimate the lunar geophysical parameters of the nearside of the Moon. However, SGM150 is better in such computation of the farside. Additionally, SGM150 is shown to be the most useful model for determining the lunar satellite orbit.  相似文献   

We present a forward modelling technique for calculating the surface X-ray spectra for a variety of lunar terrains. Our calculations considered variations in solar fluxes from solar quiescent condition to large flare activity (M1 flare), and expected elemental concentrations in the target, as well as yield, instrumental, and viewing geometry parameters for X-ray induced fluorescence from the lunar surface. Additionally, we present estimates of anticipated XRF signals from prominent Kα lines observable by a collimated 14 cm2 X-ray detector from a 100 km lunar orbit with ∼20 km spatial resolution. Our results show that Mg, Al and Si characteristic Kα lines can be observed for all solar conditions. The Ca Kα lines line can be differentiated from a fixed background during more energetic solar conditions such as C1 and M1 flares, whereas Ti and Fe lines are identifiable only during C1 and M1 solar flare conditions for Apollo 12 site composition. Both the Kα X-ray intensity ratios of Mg/Si and Al/Si correlate well with concentration ratios of Mg/Si and Al/Si, respectively, for B1 and M1 solar conditions. The Kα X-ray intensity ratios of Fe/Si and Ca/Si correlates with concentration ratios of Fe/Si and Ca/Si, respectively, for M1 solar condition. In principle, the modelling technique outlined here can be used to determine absolute elemental abundances (Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti and Fe) from X-ray spectra measured during recent and future lunar missions.  相似文献   

Domes, an analog of the terrestrial shield volcanoes are one of the important volcanic features found on the lunar surface. Such volcanic features are windows to better understanding of the contrasting natures of lunar volcanism, giving an insight into the source and the nature of the basaltic magmas. Marius Hills Complex is one of the most important regions in the entire lunar surface for having a complex setting of volcanic constructs with an abundant number of volcanic features like domes, cones and rilles. As a part of initiation of the study of Marius Hills volcanism, an effusive dome located to the south of Rima Galilaei, near the contact of Imbrian and Eratosthenian geological units is taken for the present study. Inferring from the Terrain Mapping Camera-Digital Elevation Model (TMC-DEM), the morphometric parameters are estimated (350 m in height, 9.62 km in diameter), and accordingly the rheological parameters are also estimated. As the signatures of multiphase eruption are not clear geomorphologically and also in topography, the dome is assumed to evolved in monogenetic eruption. The causative dike parameters of the dome are estimated, which gives upper bounds of true values of the parameters. The estimated feeder dike length (150 km) and width (233 m) implies that the source region is lying most probably in the mantle portion of moon. The crater size frequency distribution (CSFD) is applied to determine the age of the particular dome and also the surrounding mare surface so as to better construct a stratigraphic correlation. It is found that dome belongs to oldest age unit of Marius Hills region while the surrounding units are relatively younger. Using Chandrayaan-I Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data, the surface composition for the study area is also analysed. Thus, the morphometry, rheology, dike parameters, age determination and mineralogy are found to be in good agreement with results of the earlier studies. Such a study, covering all the domes and other volcanic features in Marius Hills using high resolution data sets will provide a clear and better understanding of the volcanic history of the region and the Oceanus Procellarum Basin as well. In such a study, the application potential of high resolution Chandrayaan-I TMC image and its DEM generated from the stereo data has been useful.  相似文献   

The paper presents a conceptual configuration of the lunar base bioregenerative life support system (LBLSS), including soil-like substrate (SLS) for growing plants. SLS makes it possible to combine the processes of plant growth and the utilization of plant waste. Plants are to be grown on SLS on the basis of 20 kg of dry SLS mass or 100 kg of wet SLS mass per square meter. The substrate is to be delivered to the base ready-made as part of the plant growth subsystem. Food for the crew was provided by prestored stock 24% and by plant growing system 76%. Total dry weight of the food is 631 g per day (2800 kcal/day) for one crew member (CM). The list of candidate plants to be grown under lunar BLSS conditions included 14 species: wheat, rice, soybean, peanuts, sweet pepper, carrots, tomatoes, coriander, cole, lettuce, radish, squash, onion and garlic. From the prestored stock the crew consumed canned fish, iodinated salt, sugar, beef sauce and seafood sauce. Our calculations show that to provide one CM with plant food requires the area of 47.5 m2. The balance of substance is achieved by the removal dehydrated urine 59 g, feces 31 g, food waste 50 g, SLS 134 g, and also waters 86 g from system and introduction food 236 g, liquid potassium soap 4 g and mineral salts 120 g into system daily. To reduce system setup time the first plants could be sowed and germinated to a certain age on the Earth.  相似文献   

The lunar gravity field is a foundation to study the lunar interior structure, and to recover the evolution history of the Moon. It is still an open and key topic for lunar science. For above mentioned reasons, it becomes one of the important scientific objectives of recent lunar missions, such as KAGUYA (SELENE) the Japanese lunar mission and Chang’E-1, the Chinese lunar mission. The Chang’E-1 and the SELENE were successfully launched in 2007. It is estimated that these two missions can fly around the Moon longer than 6 months simultaneously. In these two missions, the Chinese new VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) network will be applied for precise orbit determination (POD) by using a differential VLBI (D-VLBI) method during the mission period. The same-beam D-VLBI technique will contribute to recover the lunar gravity field together with other conventional observables, i.e. R&RR (Range and Range Rate) and multi-way Doppler. Taking VLBI tracking conditions into consideration and using the GEODYNII/SOVLE software of GSFC/NASA/USA [8 and 10], we simulated the lunar gravity field recovering ability with and without D-VLBI between the Chang’E-1 and SELENE main satellite. The cases of overlapped flying and tracking period of 30 days, 60 days and 90 days have been analyzed, respectively. The results show that D-VLBI tracking between two lunar satellites can improve the gravity field recovery remarkably. The results and methods introduced in this paper will benefit the actual missions.  相似文献   

The high precision gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is scheduled to be launched on the lunar polar orbiter of the SELENE mission in 2007. The GRS consists of a large Ge crystal as a main detector and massive bismuth germanate crystals as an anticoincidence detector. A Stirling cryocooler was adopted in cooling the Ge detector. The flight model of SELENE GRS has been completed and an energy resolution of 3.0 keV (FWHM) at 1.332 MeV has been achieved. The spectrometer aims to observe nuclear line gamma rays emitted from the lunar surface in a wide energy range from 100 keV to 12 MeV for one year and more to obtain chemical composition on the entire lunar surface. The gamma-ray data enable us to study lunar geoscience problems including crust and mantle composition, and volatile reservoirs at polar regions.  相似文献   

Laboratory characterization of dielectric properties of terrestrial analogues of lunar soil (JSC-1A) and comparison with lunar samples returned from various Apollo missions is made at different as well as normalized bulk density. Here measurements of dielectric constants and losses were made at four microwave frequencies such as 1.7 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 6.6 GHz and 31.6 GHz. Complex permittivity of lunar simulant was measured at temperature ranging from −190 °C to + 200 °C using Wave-Guide cell method. Comparison of permittivity of JSC-1A with Apollo sample also has been done at similar microwave frequencies. The investigations reveal that dielectric constant and loss factor of terrestrial analogues of lunar soil are temperature dependent. As temperature is gradually increased both these parameter (storage factor and loss factor) also gradually increases. These temperatures were chosen because the Moon undergoes at that extremes level of temperature. It is scorching heat at 110 °C during the day and freezing cold at −180 °C during night. The measured value of ε can be useful for designing passive as well as active sensors.  相似文献   

模拟月壤研制的初步设想   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
模拟月壤是月球样品的地球化学复制品,作者总结世界上已有的5种模拟月壤JSC-1,MLS.1,MLS-2,MKS-1和FJS-1的研制过程、方法与基本理化性质,认为系列化模拟月壤研制对中国首次月球探测有重要意义,在此基础上,作者提出系列化模拟月壤研制的基本思路.  相似文献   

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