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We describe an alternate way to estimate Broad Line Region (BLR) radii for type-1 AGN based on determination of physical conditions in the BLR under the assumption that the line emitting gas is photoionized by a central continuum source. We derive “diagnostic” intensity ratios involving UV lines Aliiiλλ1860, Siiii]λλ1892 and Civλλ1549 which enable us to compute the ionizing photon flux, and hence BLR radius from the ionization parameter definition. We compare our estimates of BLR radii with values independently obtained from reverberation monitoring of Hββ and, in a few cases, of C ivλλ1549. We analyze the interpretation of the photoionization estimates in the 4D eigenvector 1 context, and discuss in some detail the case of 3C 390.3. For this object we are able to provide not only the ionizing photon flux, but also an estimate of density and ionization parameter from the measured diagnostic ratios. We also compare black hole masses obtained from this method with values derived from widely-applied correlations between mass, line broadening and luminosity. Good agreement is found for both radius and black hole mass comparisons.  相似文献   

Virial estimates of the black hole mass in the center of AGNs, derived from single-epoch observations of luminosity and emission line widths, are now available for several thousands of objects at all redshifts and luminosities, so that studies of the cosmological evolution of the AGN mass function are becoming possible. These estimates are based on the empirical luminosity-size relation measured through reverberation mapping at low redshifts and luminosities. For this reason the spectrophotometric monitoring of 4 luminous quasars was started in 2003, with the 1.8 m telescope of the Asiago Observatory. To measure the reverberation time lag we adopt a method, recently introduced by Zu et al. (2011), which takes advantage of the available statistical information on variability autocorrelation and makes simple assumptions on the continuum-emission line transfer function. We present the estimate of the broad line region size for the quasar PG 1247+267, which is the most luminous object with reverberation measures to date. Virial products computed for C iv and C iii] emission lines provide consistent results. A possible flattening of the size-luminosity relation for C iv at high luminosity is suggested.  相似文献   

Quasars are the most luminous sources in the Universe. They are currently observed out to redshift z≈7z7 when the Universe was less than one tenth of its present age. Since their discovery 50 years ago astronomers have dreamed of using them as standard candles. Unfortunately quasars cover a very large range (8 dex) of luminosity making them far from standard. We briefly review several methods that can potentially exploit quasars properties and allow us to obtain useful constraints on principal cosmological parameters. Using our 4D Eigenvector 1 formalism we have found a way to effectively isolate quasars radiating near the Eddington limit. If the Eddington ratio is known, under several assumptions it is possible to derive distance independent luminosities. We discuss the main statistical and systematic errors involved, and whether these “standard Eddington candles” can be actually used to constrain cosmological models.  相似文献   

Here we present a new method for subtracting the Balmer pseudocontinuum in the UV part of type 1 AGN spectra. We calculate the intensity of the Balmer pseudocontinuum using the prominent Balmer lines in AGN spectra. We apply the model on a sample of 293 type 1 AGNs from SDSS database, and found that our model of Balmer pseudocontinuum + power law continuum very well fits the majority of AGN spectra from the sample, while in ∼15% of AGNs, the model fits reasonable the UV continuum, but a discrepancy between the observed and fitted spectra is noted. Some of the possible reasons for the discrepancy may be a different value for the optical depth in these spectra than used in our model or the influence of the intrinsic reddening.  相似文献   

A strong X-ray emission is one of the defining signatures of nuclear activity in galaxies. According to the Unified Model for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), both the X-ray radiation and the prominent broad emission lines, characterizing the optical and UV spectra of Type 1 AGNs, are originated in the innermost regions of the sources, close to the Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH), which power the central engine. Since the emission is concentrated in a very compact region (with typical size r?0.1r?0.1 pc) and it is not possible to obtain resolved images of the source, spectroscopic studies of this radiation represent the only valuable key to constrain the physical properties of matter and its structure in the center of active galaxies. Based on previous studies on the physics of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and on the X-ray spectra of broad (FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) and narrow line (1000 km s−1 ?FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) emitting objects, it has been observed that the kinematic and ionization properties of matter close to the SMBHs are related together, and, in particular, that ionization is higher in narrow line sources. Here we report on the study of the optical and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database, within an upper redshift limit of z=0.35z=0.35, and detected at X-ray energies. We present analysis of the broad emission line fluxes and profiles, as well as the properties of the X-ray continuum and Fe Kα emission and we use these parameters to assess the consistency of our current AGN understanding.  相似文献   

Broad absorption line (BAL) variability potentially represents a powerful tool to investigate the physical nature and the structure of gas outflows in active galactic nuclei. Most existing BAL variability studies rely on observations taken at a few epochs for samples of tens of BAL QSOs. In this study we present the first “monitoring” of a single object, APM 08279+5255, which has been observed more than 20 times since 2003. All available spectra from the literature have also been analysed, including two high resolution spectra, extending the time interval from 1998 to 2012. A relative stability of the shape of the absorption profile is found. At the same time significant variations of the equivalent width are observed. A correlation of the BAL equivalent width with the QSO luminosity is found for the first time. These results suggest that changes in the ionisation state of the gas are causing opacity changes.  相似文献   

An analysis of the variability timescale against bolometric luminosity for Active Galactic Nuclei shows that a number of sources violate the Eddington limit. The average ratio (L/LE) is found to change according to group classification. Whilst Seyfert Galaxies have luminosites well within the Eddington limit, Quasars and BL Lac object tend to approach and exceed this limit. Furthermore, BL Lac objects may be further subdivided on the basis of their (L/LE) ratio. The data on luminosity and variability timescale indicate the existence of two types of active galaxies, one having highly anisotropic emission, probably collimated into jets with pointing angles within few degrees to the line of sight, and the other relating to isotropic emission of photons from the nuclear region. The results are discussed in the light of the high γ-ray luminosity suggested by recent observations of active galaxies.  相似文献   

The impact theory of spectral line broadening is used to obtain complete profiles for radio recombination lines broadened by electron and proton impact. Electron impact dominates but proton impact becomes increasingly significant as ΔnΔn increases. Thus these new calculations essentially confirm previous results and so a longstanding discrepancy between observation and theory remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Using semiclassical perturbation approach in impact approximation, we have calculated Stark widths for 32 spectral lines of doubly charged argon (Ar III). Oscillator strengths are calculated using Hartree–Fock method with relativistic correction (HFR) and an atomic model including 17 configurations. Energy levels are taken from NIST database. For perturbing levels for which the corresponding energy does not exist in NIST database, the calculated energies are used. Our widths are compared with the experimental results. The results presented here are of interest for modelling and investigation of stellar atmospheres since argon in different ionization stages is observed in many astrophysical objects. Finally, the importance of Stark broadening mechanism is studied in the atmospheric conditions of sdB stars. Electron impact Stark widths are compared to thermal Doppler widths as a function of temperature and optical depth of atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

Accelerated energetic particles in solar flares produced nuclear γ-lines in interactions with ambient solar atmosphere. Analysis of intensity of ratios between various γ-lines allows us to make estimations of abundance of elements, parameters of surrounding media and other solar characteristics. In this article we discuss the flux ratio between two lines from excited states of 12C (f15.11/f4.44) and our results of preliminary calculation of intensity ratio between two neutron capture lines at 3He and 1H (f20.58/f2.223). In particular we consider the opportunity to obtain n(3He)/n(1H) ratio during solar flares and using high-energy gamma-emission studying, based on the satellite data. Possible interpretation of spectral features observed during the January 20, 2005 solar flare is discussed. Preliminary analysis of energy spectrum in the band of 2–21 MeV gives n(3He)/n(1H) ∼ 8 × 10−4 for January 20, 2005 solar flare.  相似文献   

The stokes Monte Carlo radiative transfer code has been extended to model the velocity dependence of the polarization of emission lines. We use stokes to present improved modeling of the velocity-dependent polarization of broad emission lines in active galactic nuclei. We confirm that off-axis continuum emission can produce observed velocity dependencies of both the degree and position angle of polarization. The characteristic features are a dip in the percentage polarization and an S-shaped swing in the position angle of the polarization across the line profile. Some differences between our stokes results and previous modeling of polarization due to off-axis emission are noted. In particular we find that the presence of an offset between the maximum in line flux and the dip in the percentage of polarization or the central velocity of the swing in position angle does not necessarily imply that the scattering material is moving radially. Our model is an alternative scenario to the equatorial scattering disk described by Smith et al. (2005). We discuss strategies to discriminate between both interpretations and to constrain their relative contributions to the observed velocity-resolved line and polarization.  相似文献   

A concept for a new space-based cosmology mission called the Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE) is presented in this paper. DARE’s science objectives include: (1) When did the first stars form? (2) When did the first accreting black holes form? (3) When did Reionization begin? (4) What surprises does the end of the Dark Ages hold (e.g., Dark Matter decay)? DARE will use the highly-redshifted hyperfine 21-cm transition from neutral hydrogen to track the formation of the first luminous objects by their impact on the intergalactic medium during the end of the Dark Ages and during Cosmic Dawn (redshifts z = 11–35). It will measure the sky-averaged spin temperature of neutral hydrogen at the unexplored epoch 80–420 million years after the Big Bang, providing the first evidence of the earliest stars and galaxies to illuminate the cosmos and testing our models of galaxy formation. DARE’s approach is to measure the expected spectral features in the sky-averaged, redshifted 21-cm signal over a radio bandpass of 40–120 MHz. DARE orbits the Moon for a mission lifetime of 3 years and takes data above the lunar farside, the only location in the inner solar system proven to be free of human-generated radio frequency interference and any significant ionosphere. The science instrument is composed of a low frequency radiometer, including electrically-short, tapered, bi-conical dipole antennas, a receiver, and a digital spectrometer. The smooth frequency response of the antennas and the differential spectral calibration approach using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique will be applied to detect the weak cosmic 21-cm signal in the presence of the intense solar system and Galactic foreground emissions.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art methods in multidimensional NLTE radiative transfer are based on the use of local approximate lambda operator within either Jacobi or Gauss–Seidel iterative schemes. Here we propose another approach to the solution of 2D NLTE RT problems, Forth-and-Back Implicit Lambda Iteration (FBILI), developed earlier for 1D geometry. In order to present the method and examine its convergence properties we use the well-known instance of the two-level atom line formation with complete frequency redistribution. In the formal solution of the RT equation we employ short characteristics with two-point algorithm. Using an implicit representation of the source function in the computation of the specific intensities, we compute and store the coefficients of the linear relations J=a+bSJ=a+bS between the mean intensity J and the corresponding source function S. The use of iteration factors in the ‘local’ coefficients of these implicit relations in two ‘inward’ sweeps of 2D grid, along with the update of the source function in other two ‘outward’ sweeps leads to four times faster solution than the Jacobi’s one. Moreover, the update made in all four consecutive sweeps of the grid leads to an acceleration by a factor of 6–7 compared to the Jacobi iterative scheme.  相似文献   

We have statistically investigated the infrared luminosity of clusters of galaxies in comparison with the known tracers of the cluster mass like the X-ray luminosity and the cluster richness (e.g. the number of member galaxies). Our results show that there is a clear positive correlation of the infrared luminosity with the cluster mass. Quantitatively speaking, the infrared luminosity is on average 20 times higher than the X-ray luminosity. Moreover, the infrared luminosity increases with the redshift. This probably shows that a major part of this infrared luminosity is due to star formation in the member galaxies. Another possible contribution would be the thermal emission from dust particles in the diffuse intracluster medium. However our method does not allow us to infer conclusions about this second hypothesis. Depending on their size and abundance, such particles would contribute to the infrared luminosity of galaxy cluster and have an impact on the cooling function of the baryons and thus on the formation of the large scale structures. This is an important cosmological question which still remains open.  相似文献   

“Stark” broadening theories and calculations have been extensively developed for about 50 years and can now be applied to many needs, especially for accurate spectroscopic diagnostics and modeling. This requires the knowledge of numerous collisional line profiles. Nowadays, the access to such data via an online database becomes essential. STARK-B is a collaborative project between the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade and the Laboratoire d’Étude du Rayonnement et de la matière en Astrophysique (LERMA). It is a database of calculated widths and shifts of isolated lines of atoms and ions due to electron and ion collisions (impacts). It is devoted to modeling and spectroscopic diagnostics of stellar atmospheres and envelopes, laboratory plasmas, laser equipments and technological plasmas. Hence, the domain of temperatures and densities covered by the tables is wide and depends on the ionization degree of the considered ion. STARK-B has been fully opened since September 2008 and is in free access.  相似文献   

Experiments on SMM, GAMMA, Yohkoh, GRANAT, Compton GRO, INTEGRAL, RHESSI and CORONAS-F satellites over the past three decades have provided copious data for fundamental research relating to particle acceleration, transport and energetics of flares and to the ambient abundance of the solar corona, chromosphere and photosphere. We summarize main results of solar gamma-astronomy (including some results of several joint Russian–Chinese projects) and try to appraise critically a real contribution of those results into modern understanding of solar flares, particle acceleration at the Sun and some properties of the solar atmosphere. Recent findings based on the RHESSI, INTEGRAL and CORONAS-F measurements (source locations, spectrum peculiarities, 3He abundance etc.) are especially discussed. Some unusual features of extreme solar events (e.g., 28 October 2003 and 20 January 2005) have been found in gamma-ray production and generation of relativistic particles (solar cosmic rays, or SCR). A number of different plausible assumptions are considered concerning the details of underlying physical processes during large flares: (1) existence of a steeper distribution of surrounding medium density as compared to a standard astrophysical model (HSRA) for the solar atmosphere; (2) enhanced content of the 3He isotope; (3) formation of magnetic trap with specific properties; (4) prevailing non-uniform (e.g., fan-like) velocity (angular) distributions of secondary neutrons, etc. It is emphasized that real progress in this field may be achieved only by combination of gamma-ray data in different energy ranges with multi-wave and energetic particle observations during the same event. We especially note several promising lines for the further studies: (1) resonant acceleration of the 3He ions in the corona; (2) timing of the flare evolution by gamma-ray fluxes in energy range above 90 MeV; (3) separation of gamma-ray fluxes from different sources at/near the Sun (e.g., different acceleration sources/episodes during the same flare, contribution of energetic particles accelerated by the CME-driven shocks etc.); (4) asymmetric magnetic geometry and new magnetic topology models of the near-limb flares; (5) modeling of self-consistent time scenario of the event.  相似文献   

We discuss the relevance of UV data in the detection and characterization of hot massive stars and young stellar populations in galaxies. We show results from recent extensive surveys in M31 and M33 with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) multi-wavelength data including UV filters, which imaged several regions at a linear resolution (projected) of less than half a pc in these galaxies, and from GALEX far-UV and near-UV wide-field, low-resolution imaging of the entire galaxies. Both datasets allow us to study the hierarchical structure of star formation: the youngest stellar groups are the most compact, and are often arranged within broader, sparser structures. The derived recent star-formation rates are rather similar for the two galaxies, when scaled for the respective areas. We show how uncertainties in metallicity and type of selective extinction for the internal reddening may affect the results, and how an appropriate complement of UV filters could reduce such uncertainties, and significantly alleviate some parameter degeneracies.  相似文献   

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