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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has proposed an active debris removal using electro-dynamic tether to reduce large space debris in the low-Earth orbit. However, a tether strand is thin but long enough to have a large area so that it is vulnerable to small particles. This vulnerability might be the weakest point of a tether system against orbital debris. In order to overcome this weakest point, a double tether system, in which two tether strands are tied together at even intervals to form equally spaced loops, has been suggested as one of the promising candidates. This paper provides a mathematical approach to estimate the survival probability of a double tether system and then apply the approach to evaluate the mission success rate of the active debris removal using electro-dynamic tether that JAXA has proposed. It can be concluded the countermeasure to get enough success rate can be obtained. The result is simulated for Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II (ADEOS-II) re-entry from 800 km sun synchronized orbit to atmosphere. The simulation shows that mission success rate over 90% can be obtained with number of loops over 1000 and 10 mm clearance between two strands.  相似文献   

This paper studies the long term dynamics and optimal control of a nano-satellite deorbit by a short electrodynamic tether. The long term deorbit process is discretized into intervals and within each interval a two-phase optimal control law is proposed to achieve libration stability and fast deorbit simultaneously. The first-phase formulates an open-loop fast-deorbit control trajectory by a simplified model that assumes the slow-varying orbital elements of electrodynamic tethered system as constant and ignores perturbation forces other than the electrodynamic force. The second phase tracks the optimal trajectory derived in the first phase by a finite receding horizon control method while considering a full dynamic model of electrodynamic tether system. Both optimal control problems are solved by direct collocation method base on the Hermite–Simpson discretization schemes with coincident nodes. The resulting piecewise nonlinear programing problems in the sequential intervals reduces the problem size and improve the computational efficiency, which enable an on-orbit control application. Numerical results for deorbit control of a short electrodynamic tethered nano-satellite system in both equatorial and highly inclined orbits demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed control method. An optimal balance between the libration stability and a fast deorbit of satellite with minimum control efforts is achieved.  相似文献   

Modeling of LEO orbital debris populations for ORDEM2008   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The NASA Orbital Debris Engineering Model, ORDEM2000, is in the process of being updated to a new version: ORDEM2008. The data-driven ORDEM covers a spectrum of object size from 10 μm to greater than 1 m, and ranging from LEO (low Earth orbit) to GEO (geosynchronous orbit) altitude regimes. ORDEM2008 centimeter-sized populations are statistically derived from Haystack and HAX (the Haystack Auxiliary) radar data, while micron-sized populations are estimated from shuttle impact records. Each of the model populations consists of a large number of orbits with specified orbital elements, the number of objects on each orbit (with corresponding uncertainty), and the size, type, and material assignment for each object. This paper describes the general methodology and procedure commonly used in the statistical inference of the ORDEM2008 LEO debris populations. Major steps in the population derivations include data analysis, reference-population construction, definition of model parameters in terms of reference populations, linking model parameters with data, seeking best estimates for the model parameters, uncertainty analysis, and assessment of the outcomes. To demonstrate the population-derivation process and to validate the Bayesian statistical model applied in the population derivations throughout, this paper uses illustrative examples for the special cases of large-size (>1 m, >32 cm, and >10 cm) populations that are tracked by SSN (the Space Surveillance Network) and also monitored by Haystack and HAX radars operating in a staring mode.  相似文献   

电动力绳系具有强非线性且运动过程中存在复杂的多场耦合,其磁弹性屈曲问题一直是研究的热点.基于Kirchhoff方程,利用弹性杆模型建立了电动力绳系动力学方程.研究了空间地磁场环境对电动力绳系的影响,分别对电动力绳系的静态和动态稳定性进行深入分析,给出了系统出现分岔的磁场强度临界值.结果表明,随着系统相对角速度的增加,使系统发生分岔的磁场强度临界值逐渐减小.该磁场强度临界值可为电动力绳系电流及其他参数设计提供参考.  相似文献   

The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was launched in 1983 for the purpose of surveying the sky in a broad area of the infrared portion of the spectrum. While the primary objects of interest of IRAS were stars and nebulae, other types of space-related objects could also be observed. These include comets, asteroids, and Earth orbiting objects. Theoretical analysis indicates that IRAS could observe objects with a diameter of 1-mm at a range of 100-km and objects with a diameter of 1-cm at a range of 1000-km, while current ground-based observations of particles in low Earth orbit are limited to objects larger than 1-cm. Thus, these data offer a unique opportunity to ascertain the number density of particles below the present observable limit. At NASA/JSC a preliminary analysis of an IRAS data set has been performed to detect and describe this population, and the results of this study are presented.  相似文献   

Tethered space robots (TSRs) have wide applications in future on-orbit service owing to its flexibility and great workspace. However, the control problem is quite complex and difficult in the phase of approaching target, and the fuel consumption must also be taken into account. Hence, we present a novel scheme of achieving coordinated orbit and attitude control simultaneously for the TSR. Space tether, which can provide greater force compared with the thruster force, is used in the design of the orbit and attitude coordinated controller. A coordinated control mechanism is designed to provide attitude control torques of the pitch and yaw motions by adjusting the position of the mobile tether attachment point, while the roll motion is stabilized by the thruster. In order to guarantee this mechanism to work properly, constant tether tension strategies are utilized to plan an optimal approaching trajectory which is tracked by the coordinated controller of tether force and thruster force. Numerical simulation validates the feasibility of our proposed coordinated control scheme for TSR in the approaching phase. Furthermore, fuel consumption of the orbit and attitude control are both significantly reduced compared with traditional thruster control.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel finite element Kalman filter to estimate the unmeasurable state of space tether systems based on the measured state at its ends only. The finite element method calculates the unmeasurable internal state as the virtual measurement based on the dynamic model of the system by imposing the input of measured state at the boundary to the model using the Lagrange multiplier method in the spatial space. Combining the real and virtual measurement into a hybrid measurement model of the system, the full state is reconstructed and propagated in the temporal space by the extended Kalman filter. Two state-space system models, the dynamics-based and kinematics-based state models, in the Kalman filter are explored. The observability and stability of the newly proposed finite element Kalman filter are examined and proved. The advantages of the proposed state estimator are (i) the singularity in the virtual measurement of state caused by the number of internal state greater than the number of state measured at the boundary is eliminated in the statistic meaning by the Kalman filter, and (ii) the effects of noises of the observation data and the uncertainties of model discretization are considered and minimized. The correctness and effectiveness of the proposed state estimator is demonstrated by the numerical analysis of a space tether system orbiting around the Earth. The results show the proposed state estimator with only measured state at the ends of the tether successfully provides an accurate time history estimation of geometric configuration and motion of the entire tether. Moreover, the results also show the difference caused by the dynamics-based and kinematics-based system models in the state estimator is negligible. The kinematics-based system model should be used in the state estimator due to its significantly low computational load. Finally, the proposed method can be easily applied for the state estimation process for other space tethered spacecraft systems.  相似文献   

This work develops a tension control strategy for deploying an underactuated spin-stable tethered satellite formation in the hub-spoke configuration. First, the Lagrange equation is used to model the spin-deployment dynamics of the tethered satellite formation. The central spacecraft is modeled as a rigid body, and the tethered subsatellites are simplified as lumped masses. Second, a pure tension controller has been proposed to suppress the tether libration motion in the deployment without thrusting at the subsatellites. A nonlinear sliding mode control is introduced in the tension controller for the underactuated system to suppress the periodic gravitational perturbations caused by the spinning hub-spoke tethered satellite formation. The unknown upper bounds of the perturbations are estimated by adaptive control law. The bounded stability of the closed-loop tension controller has been proved by the Lyapunov theory. Finally, numerical simulations validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller, i.e., tethers are fully deployed stably to the desired hub-spoke configuration.  相似文献   

Recent plans for large constellations in Low-Earth Orbit have opened the debate on both their vulnerability and their influence on the already hazardous space debris environment. In fact, given that large constellations normally employ satellites of small size, there might be situations in which cm-size debris could have enough energy to cause fragmentation of a significant part of these spacecraft upon impact, while smaller debris could affect the functionalities of critical subsystems, even compromising the success of disposal operations planned at end-of-life. In this context, this paper investigates: (1) collisions with large objects that could initiate the fragmentation of a significant part of the satellite, and (2) impacts with small debris that might perforate the spacecraft hull thus causing relevant performance/functionality degradation. These two points are merged in a simple statistical tool for risk assessment, which analyses the effects of the main parameters of the constellations on its vulnerability (i.e. operational life, number of satellites, spacecraft cross section, satellites reliability). In more details, the tool relates impact probability (for both small and large debris) to the ballistic response of spacecraft structures and protections, defining the critical configurations that might compromise the expected disposal operations. This method requires a limited knowledge of the spacecraft internal layout, as it is based on a statistical analysis of impact damage instead of a complete evaluation of the vulnerability of each subsystem. In parallel, non-debris related failures are also investigated and statistic models of spacecraft reliability characteristic are proposed. Among the results, it is shown that reducing the lifetime of individual satellites in a constellation might improve the success rate of post-mission disposal, thanks to the reduction of the spacecraft exposure to the space environment with the consequential degradation of its performance. On the other hand, reducing the lifetime would seriously affect the debris environment: the increase in traffic in the most crowded altitudes would be not counterbalanced by the higher post mission disposal success rate, causing an overall increase of the total number of uncontrolled resident objects.  相似文献   

The growing interest in low earth orbit (LEO) applications demands for accurate modeling of orbital aerodynamics. But classical analytical models of aerodynamic coefficients in free molecule flow, such as the Sentman’s model, Schamberg’s model and Schaaf-Chambre model, were built upon over simplistic gas-surface interaction models, which degrade the fidelity of aerodynamic prediction. This work presents a new analytical model of orbital aerodynamic coefficients based on the state-of-the-art Cercignani–Lampis–Lord (CLL) gas-surface interaction model, where lobular quasi-specular scattering pattern and separate accommodation degree for different velocity components can be well captured. A key component of the new model is a rigorous function approximation solution of the reflected normal momentum flux based on the CLL model which is derived for the first time and is validated within 1% for any hypothermal flow and surface accommodation conditions. Closed-form analytical solutions of aerodynamic coefficients for simple convex geometries are obtained and exhibit high accuracy (within 0.1%) in typical LEO scenarios. The new analytical model surpasses the classical models in some important aspects, such as overcoming the diffuse scattering hypothesis constraint, considering the variation of normal momentum exchange with the surface incidence angle and being applicable in any hypothermal flow situation. In virtue of the advanced CLL model and feasibility of coupling with the panel method technique, the new analytical model is promising to provide more accurate predictions on the orbital aerodynamic coefficients for LEO applications.  相似文献   

We have derived a tri-axial ellipsoidal model of an LEO object, a Cosmos 2082 rocket body, including its rotational axis direction, rotation period, precession, and a compositional parameter, using only light curve data from an optical telescope. The brightness of the object was monitored for two days and least-squares fitting was used to determine these values. The derived axial ratios are 100:18:18, the coordinates of the rotational axis direction on the celestial sphere are R.A. = 305.8° and Dec. = 2.6°, and its observed average rotation period is 41 s. When precession is considered, its amplitude and precession period are 30.5° and 29.4 min. These results show that optical light curve data are sufficient to determine the shapes and the motions of LEO objects.  相似文献   

A local orbital debris flux analysis is performed in the geostationary (GEO) ring to investigate how frequently near-miss events occur for each longitude slot in the GEO ring. The current resident space object (RSO) environment at GEO is evaluated, and publicly-available two-line element (TLE) data are utilized in tandem with a geostationary torus configuration to simulate near-miss events incurred by the trackable RSO population at GEO. Methodology for determining near-miss events with this formulation is introduced, and the results of the analysis for a one-year time frame are provided to illustrate the need for active GEO remediation.  相似文献   

Orbital debris is known to pose a substantial threat to Earth-orbiting spacecraft at certain altitudes. For instance, the orbital debris flux near Sun-synchronous altitudes of 600–800 km is particularly high due in part to the 2007 Fengyun-1C anti-satellite test and the 2009 Iridium-Kosmos collision. At other altitudes, however, the orbital debris population is minimal and the primary impactor population is not man-made debris particles but naturally occurring meteoroids. While the spacecraft community has some awareness of the risk posed by debris, there is a common misconception that orbital debris impacts dominate the risk at all locations. In this paper, we present a damage-limited comparison between meteoroids and orbital debris near the Earth for a range of orbital altitude and inclination, using NASA’s latest models for each environment. Overall, orbital debris dominates the impact risk between altitudes of 600 and 1300 km, while meteoroids dominate below 270 km and above 4800 km.  相似文献   

The theoretical analysis of the motion of natural space debris near the stable Earth-Moon Lagrange Points, L4 and L5, is presented with a focus on the potential debris risks to spacecraft operating near these points. Specifically, the research formulates a debris propagation model using four-body dynamics, then applies candidate probabilistic survivability models to a notional spacecraft operating at the L4 and L5 Lagrange points to quantify the collision risks to the spacecraft from natural debris particles. Of the survivability models implemented, the natural debris collision risks to spacecraft survivability are found to be incredibly low, but mitigation strategies to reduce the risk further are identified in this study. Overall, research into stable Lagrange point natural debris propagation improves understanding of the collision risks posed by the naturally occurring Kordylewski clouds and enhances operational planning for Lagrange point space missions.  相似文献   

Spacecraft that are launched to operate in Earth orbit are susceptible to impacts by meteoroids and pieces of orbital debris (MMOD). The effect of a MMOD particle impact on a spacecraft depends on where the impact occurs, the size, composition, and speed of the impacting object, the function of the impacted system. In order to perform a risk analysis for a particular spacecraft under a specific mission profile, it is important to know whether or not the impacting particle (or its remnants) will exit the rear of an impacted spacecraft wall. A variety of different ballistic limit equations (BLEs) have been developed for many different types of structural wall configurations. BLEs can be used to optimize the design of spacecraft wall parameters so that the resulting configuration is able to withstand the anticipated variety of on-orbit high-speed impact scenarios. While the level of effort exerted in studying the response of metallic multi-wall systems to high speed particle impact is quite substantial, the extent of the effort to study composite material and composite structural systems under similar impact conditions has been much more limited. This paper presents an overview of the activities performed to assess the resiliency of composite structures and materials under high speed projectile impact. The activities reviewed will be those that have been aimed at increasing the level of protection afforded to spacecraft operating in the MMOD environment, and more specifically, on those activities performed to mitigate the mechanical and structural effects of an MMOD impact.  相似文献   

Even sub-millimeter-size debris could cause a fatal damage on a spacecraft. Such tiny debris cannot be followed up or tracked from the ground. Therefore, Kyushu University has initiated IDEA the project for In-situ Debris Environmental Awareness, which conducts in-situ measurements of sub-millimeter-size debris. One of the objectives is to estimate the location of on-orbit satellite fragmentations from in-situ measurements. The previous studies revealed that it is important to find out the right nodal precession rate to estimate the orbital parameters of a broken-up object properly. Therefore, this study derives a constraint equation that applies to the nodal precession rate of the broken-up object. This study also establishes an effective procedure to estimate properly the orbital parameters of a broken-up object with the constraint equation.  相似文献   

Space debris is polluting the space environment. Collision fragment is its important source. NASA standard breakup model, including size distributions, area-to-mass distributions, and delta velocity distributions, is a statistic experimental model used widely. The general algorithm based on the model is introduced. But this algorithm is difficult when debris quantity is more than hundreds or thousands. So a new faster algorithm for calculating debris cloud orbital lifetime and character from spacecraft collision breakup is presented first. For validating the faster algorithm, USA 193 satellite breakup event is simulated and compared with general algorithm. Contrast result indicates that calculation speed and efficiency of faster algorithm is very good. When debris size is in 0.01–0.05 m, the faster algorithm is almost a hundred times faster than general algorithm. And at the same time, its calculation precision is held well. The difference between corresponding orbital debris ratios from two algorithms is less than 1% generally.  相似文献   

This paper provides a hamiltonian formulation of the equations of motion of an artificial satellite or space debris orbiting the geostationary ring. This theory of order 1 has been formulated using canonical and non-singular elements for eccentricity and inclination. The analysis is based on an expansion in powers of the eccentricity and of the inclination. The theory accounts for the influence of the Earth gravity field expanded in spherical harmonics, paying a particular attention to the resonance occurring for geosynchronous objects. The luni-solar perturbations are also taken into account. We present the resonant motion and its main characteristics: equilibria, stability, fundamental frequencies and width of the resonant area by comparison with a basic analytical model. Finally, we show some results concerning the long term dynamics of a typical space debris under the influence of the gravitational field of the Earth and the luni-solar interactions.  相似文献   

The evolution of a magnetized conducting medium suspended in magnetic and gravitational fields is examined. In this paper some effects of the influence of velocity fields on the linear stability properties of such layers are investigated. A fully compressible, three-dimensional analysis of the layer is described. The relevant equations are derived and then solved by the MagnetoHydroDynamic SPEctral Compressible Linear Stability (MHDSPECLS) algorithm, a Chebyshev collocation code. The code allows for the computation of magnetic and thermal effects. A complete stabilization of the system is found above a critical velocity of approximately 2500 m/s.  相似文献   

Deorbit methods have been employed to remove space debris from orbit. One of these methods is to utilize atmospheric drag. In this method, a membrane loaded into the spacecraft is expanded to increase atmospheric drag. Although this method works without requiring fuel, it has the disadvantage of a high risk of collision with other debris owing to its larger area. Area-time product and energy-to-mass ratio have been used as indices to evaluate the risk of collisions between spacecraft and debris. However, the evaluation criteria were uncertain because these two indices are independent. In this paper, we propose a new evaluation index, single-sheet collision factor (SSCF), that comprehensively evaluates the collision risk based on experiments simulating debris collisions. As a result of the hypervelocity collision experiment, we found that the penetration-area mass of the spacecraft affects the severity of debris collisions. In this paper, the product of the exterior-wall thickness, the exterior-wall density, and the space debris cross-sectional area defines the penetration-area mass of the spacecraft. Furthermore, we compare and evaluate various deorbit methods using SSCF. The comparison showed that the penetration-area mass of the SSCF could be quantitatively determined for the debris-collision severity due to difference in structural materials of spacecraft. SSCF will be used to create rules for space-environment conservation with the expansion of the space-development market.  相似文献   

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