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The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) comprises geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites as well as inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites. Owing to their special orbital characteristics, GEO satellites require frequent orbital maneuvers to ensure that they operate in a specific orbital window. The availability of the entire system is affected during the maneuver period because service cannot be provided before the ephemeris is restored. In this study, based on the conventional dynamic orbit determination method for navigation satellites, multiple sets of instantaneous velocity pulses parameters which belong to one of pseudo-stochastic parameters were used to simulate the orbital maneuver process in the orbital maneuver arc and establish the observed and predicted orbits of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites of BeiDou regional navigation satellite system (BDS-2) and BeiDou global navigation satellite system (BDS-3). Finally, the single point positioning (SPP) technology was used to verify the accuracy of the observed and predicted orbits. The orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered satellites can be greatly improved by using the orbit determination method proposed in this paper. The overlapping orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered GEO satellites of BDS-2 and BDS-3 can improve 2–3 orders of magnitude. Among them, the radial orbit determination accuracy of each maneuvered satellite is basically better than 1 m. simultaneously, the combined orbit determination of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites does not have a great impact on the orbit determination accuracy of the non-maneuvered satellites. Compared with the multi GNSS products (indicated by GBM) from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the impact of adding the maneuvered satellites on the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-2 satellites is less than 9 %. Furthermore, the orbital recovery time and the service availability period are significantly improved. When the node of the predicted orbit is traversed approximately 3 h after the maneuver, the accuracy of the predicted orbit of the maneuvered satellite can reach that of the observed orbit. The SPP results for the BDS reached a normal level when the node of the predicted orbit was 2 h after the maneuver.  相似文献   

随着全球导航卫星系统反射信号(GNSS-R)的提出,其在海冰检测领域的应用也越来越广泛。北斗地球同步轨道(GEO)卫星的角速度较小且仰角变化仅有3°~4°,因此在相同观测地点其镜面反射点的空间位置非常稳定,可以提高特定区域海冰检测的时间分辨率。对在中国渤海湾进行的2次岸基海冰检测实验(2015年1月24日和2016年1月30日至2月4日)进行分析,验证了北斗GEO B1反射信号对沿岸海冰进行长时间连续检测的可行性。第1个实验结果显示海冰密集度与2颗GEO卫星C01和C03的极化比值结果具有相关性;第2个实验结果显示3颗GEO卫星C01、C02和C03检测的海冰极化比值与大气温度存在正相关关系,其中C01、C02和C03的极化比值与大气温度的相关值分别为0.61、0.72和0.57。  相似文献   

The Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite is a crucial part of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) constellation. However, due to various perturbation forces acting on the GEO satellite, it drifts gradually over time. Thus, frequent orbit maneuvers are required to maintain the satellite at its designed position. During the orbit maneuver and recovery periods, the orbit quality of the maneuvered satellite computed with broadcast navigation ephemeris will be significantly degraded. Furthermore, the conventional dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) approach may not work well, because of a lack of publicly available satellite information for modeling the thrust forces. In this paper, a near real-time approach free of thrust forces modeling is proposed for BDS GEO satellite orbit determination and maneuver analysis based on the Reversed Point Positioning (RPP). First, the station coordinates and receiver clock offsets are estimated by GPS/BDS combined Single Point Positioning (SPP) with single-frequency phase-smoothed pseudorange observations. Then, with the fixed station coordinates and receiver clock offsets, the RPP method can be conducted to determine the GEO satellite orbits. When no orbit maneuvers occur, the proposed method can obtain orbit accuracies of 0.92, 2.74, and 8.30?m in the radial, along-track, and cross-track directions, respectively. The average orbit-only Signal-In-Space Range Error (SISRE) is 1.23?m, which is slightly poorer than that of the broadcast navigation ephemeris. Using four days of GEO maneuvered datasets, it is further demonstrated that the derived orbits can be employed to characterize the behaviors of GEO satellite maneuvers, such as the time span of the maneuver as well as the satellite thrusting accelerations. These results prove the efficiency of the proposed method for near real-time GEO satellite orbit determination during maneuvers.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)中GEO卫星频繁的轨道机动对高精度、实时不间断的导 航服务需求提出了更高要求, 如何在短弧跟踪条件下提高GEO卫星轨道快速 恢复能力, 是提升导航系统服务精度的关键因素. 针对该问题, 本文提出了基 于机动力模型的动力学定轨方法, 尝试利用高精度的C波段转发式测距数据, 辅 以机动期间的遥测遥控信息建立机动力模型, 联合轨控前后的观测数据进行动 力学长弧定轨. 利用BDS中GEO卫星实测数据进行了定轨试验与分析, 结果表明, 恢复期间需要采用解算机动推力的定轨方法, 联合机动前、机动期间和机 动后4h数据定轨的轨道位置精度在20m量级, 径向精度优于2.5m. 该方 法克服了短弧跟踪条件下动力学法定轨和单点定位中的诸多问题, 提供了解决 GEO卫星机动后轨道快速恢复问题的技术方法.  相似文献   

The right ascension of the ascending node is unobservable if only the inter-satellite ranging is used for autonomous orbit determination (AOD) of an Earth navigation constellation. However, if an Earth-Moon libration point satellite is added to the Earth navigation constellation to construct an extended navigation constellation, all the orbital elements can be determined with only the inter-satellite ranging. Furthermore, the extended navigation constellation can provide navigation information for interplanetary probes. For such an extended navigation constellation, orbital control needs to be considered due to the instability of the libration-point satellite orbit. This study concerns the influence of satellite orbital maneuver on the AOD of the extended navigation constellation. An AOD method under orbital maneuver is proposed. A low thrust controller is designed to achieve libration point satellite autonomous orbit maintenance by using AOD results. A navigation constellation consisting of three GPS satellites and one libration point satellite are designed for simulation. The simulation results show that libration point satellites can achieve autonomous navigation and autonomous orbit maintenance by only using inter-satellite ranging information. The rotation drift error of the Earth navigation constellation is also suppressed.  相似文献   

提出了一种支持向量回归机(SVRM)辅助的北斗地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星反射信号土壤湿度反演方法。使用全球导航卫星系统反射信号(GNSS-R)右旋圆极化(RHCP)天线和左旋圆极化(LHCP)天线接收体制进行了地基实验,采集了北斗GEO卫星直射、反射信号原始数据,并从中提取直射、反射信号的相关功率,结合北斗GEO卫星的高度角与方位角信息作为输入,烘干称重法获取的土壤湿度作为输出对使用径向基(RBF)核函数的ε-SVRM进行了训练。独立测试集上的结果表明,SVRM辅助的北斗GEO卫星反射信号土壤湿度反演方法获取的土壤湿度结果与烘干称重法获取的土壤湿度参考值误差控制在3%以内,线性回归方程决定系数为0.897 9,均方根误差RMSE为1.492 6%,证明了该方法具有良好的泛化特性,实际应用中效果良好。   相似文献   

摘要: GEO螺旋巡游轨道采用螺旋巡游方式,以不同的构型“上下浮动”在GEO轨道附近,可实现对该轨道上空间目标和空间环境的高精度探测.本文在分析GEO轨道航天器运动规律的基础上,应用小偏差理论分析螺旋巡游轨道与GEO目标之间的相对运动,给出平面螺旋环和三维螺旋环的设计方法,为GEO螺旋巡游轨道的设计奠定基础.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates an initial orbit determination method that solves the problem by a genetic algorithm using two well-known solutions for the Lambert’s problem: universal variable method and Battin method. This paper also suggests an intuitive error evaluation method in terms of rotational angle and orbit shape by separating orbit elements into two groups. As reference orbit, mean orbit elements (original two-lines elements) and osculating orbit elements considering the J2 effect are adopted and compared. Our proposed orbit determination method has been tested with actual optical observations of a geosynchronous spacecraft. It should be noted that this demonstration of the orbit determination is limited to one test case. This observation was conducted during approximately 70 min on 2013/05/15 UT. Our method was compared with the orbit elements propagated by SGP4 using the TLE of the spacecraft. The result indicates that our proposed method had a slightly better performance on estimating orbit shape than Gauss’s methods and Escobal’s method by 120 km. In addition, the result of the rotational angle is closer to the osculating orbit elements than the mean orbit elements by 0.02°, which supports that the estimated orbit is valid.  相似文献   

针对风云四号同步卫星的精密定轨和精度评估需求,首先利用地面光学测角数据对FY-4A卫星进行精密定轨,定轨后方位角和高度角的残差rms分别为0.25"和0.45"。与基于测距数据的轨道相比,位置精度在有测角数据的弧段内小于50m。进一步联合测角数据和测距数据对FY-4A卫星进行联合定轨,定轨后轨道重叠精度优于15m。利用联合定轨结果评估了基于测距数据的实时轨道产品精度,可以明显发现轨道精度随着测距数据的积累而逐步提高。  相似文献   

首先对当前星载计算机系统在高轨卫星领域的应用现状进行了分析,主要涉及处理器最小系统的存储器设计、数据共享及总线协议设计等。针对上述3个方面存在的不足,提出了处理器最小系统存储器优化设计方案,解决了存储器应用与选型的困境;采用"存储器+FPGA电路"的设计方法,实现了主备机数据共享;提出了一种自适应总线协议设计方法,解决了1553B总线协议通用性较差等问题。提出的设计方法,在中国下一代大容量通信卫星平台的星务计算机系统中得以应用,并取得了较好的效果,为星载计算机系统后续优化设计工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

星载GNSS确定GEO卫星轨道的积分滤波方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用星载全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)确定地球静止轨道(GEO),以解决目前应用星载全球定位系统(GPS)时导航卫星可见性差的问题。以风云卫星为例,分析了未来的GNSS相对于GEO卫星的可见性,针对GEO轨道上导航接收机采样间隔较长的问题,综合轨道积分和卡尔曼滤波方法的优点,提出了确定GEO卫星轨道的积分滤波方法。并利用STK软件仿真产生所需数据,用MATLAB对提出的算法编程并进行仿真验证,结果表明,提出的方法性能优越,定轨精度较高。  相似文献   

"嫦娥4号"中继星是"嫦娥4号"探测器实现月球背面着陆与巡视的关键,目前正稳定运行在地-月L2点使命轨道上,该使命轨道为平均周期约14天的南族Halo轨道。因任务的需要,中继星本体系+Z轴需调整指向,处于正对太阳和非正对太阳两种状态。太阳光压在中继星+Z轴对日的情况下会加速卫星的角动量累积,增加卫星卸载喷气频次。基于中继星使命轨道段测控支持条件,采用重叠弧段法对两种状态下的中继星定轨精度进行分析与评估。结果表明,在中继星+Z轴非对日运行状态下,重叠弧段位置误差为1.6 km,速度误差为8 mm/s;在中继星+Z轴对日运行状态下,重叠弧段位置误差为0.6 km,速度误差为3 mm/s,这对中继星的长期运行具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

低轨卫星的实时精密定轨能够极大拓展其完成复杂科学任务的能力,例如实时环境监测、机动控制和卫星自主导航等.本文根据几何法实时精密定轨模型,提出了附加LEO先验轨道约束从而改善实时定轨的精度、收敛速度和稳定性的构想.分别采用广播星历、超快速星历预报部分和实时精密星历,设计了6种实时定轨方案,并利用Swarm-A,B,C星7天的观测数据进行方案验证与分析.结果表明,使用广播星历、IGU和IGC星历的方案精度递增,附加先验轨道约束能够进一步提升精度.使用IGC星历并附加标准差为1m的先验轨道约束后,在径向、切向和法向的定轨精度分别达到6.12cm,5.55cm和4.98cm.此外,附加先验轨道约束能够显著提升收敛速度,使用IGC星历平均收敛时间约为31min,附加标准差为1m的先验轨道约束后收敛仅需约4min.  相似文献   

高分七号卫星(GF-7)控制系统,一方面通过研制甚高精度星敏感器和高平稳度翼板驱动机构(SADA),提高部件性能指标;另一方面采用在轨参数标定、星地闭环补偿等控制技术,进一步提高系统性能。经飞行验证表明,控制系统实现了角秒级姿态测量精度,稳定度达到10-5(°)/s量级,与同类型测绘卫星控制系统比较,姿态测量精度和稳定度均达到中国领先、国际先进的水平,使中国遥感测绘卫星控制能力得到了大幅提升。最后展望了GF-7卫星控制分系统进一步提高控制精度的发展方向。  相似文献   

High accuracy differenced phase delay can be obtained by observing multiple point frequencies of two spacecraft using the same beam Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technology. Its contribution in lunar spacecraft precision orbit determination has been performed during the Japanese lunar exploration mission SELENE. In consideration that there will be an orbiter and a return capsule flying around the moon during the Chinese lunar exploration future mission Chang’E-3, the contributions of the same beam VLBI in spacecraft precision orbit determination and lunar gravity field solution have been investigated. Our results show that the accuracy of precision orbit determination can be improved more than one order of magnitude after including the same beam VLBI measurements. There are significant improvements in accuracy of low and medium degree coefficients of lunar gravity field model obtained from combination of two way range and Doppler and the same beam VLBI measurements than the one that only uses two way range and Doppler data, and the accuracy of precision orbit determination can reach meter level.  相似文献   

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