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We present medium resolution near-infrared host galaxy spectra of low redshift quasars, PG 0844+3490844+349 (z = 0.064), PG 1226+0231226+023 (z = 0.158), and PG 1426+0151426+015 (z = 0.086). The observations were done by using the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) at the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. The full width at half maximum of the point spread function was about 0.3 arcsec by operations of an adaptive optics system, which can effectively resolve the quasar spectra from the host galaxy spectra. We spent up to several hours per target and developed data reduction methods to reduce the systematic noises of the telluric emissions and absorptions. From the obtained spectra, we identified absorption features of Mg I (1.503 μm), Si I (1.589 μm) and CO (6-3) (1.619 μm), and measured the velocity dispersions of PG 0844+3490844+349 to be 132 ± 110 km s−1 and PG 1426+0151426+015 to be 264 ± 215 km s−1. By using an MBH–σMBHσ relation of elliptical galaxies, we derived the black hole (BH) mass of PG 0844+3490844+349, log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5 and PG 1426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.51426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.5. These values are consistent with the BH mass values from broad emission lines with an assumption of a virial factor of 5.5.  相似文献   

We used the Z-transformed Discrete Correlation Function (ZDCF) and the Stochastic Process Estimation for AGN Reverberation (SPEAR) methods for the time series analysis of the continuum and the Hαα and Hββ line fluxes of a sample of well known type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs): Arp 102B, 3C 390.3, NGC 5548, and NGC 4051, where the first two objects are showing double-peaked emission line profiles. The aim of this work is to compare the time lag measurements from these two methods, and check if there is a connection with other emission line properties. We found that the obtained time lags from Hβ are larger than those derived from the Hα analysis for Arp 102B, 3C 390.3 and NGC 5548. This may indicate that the Hβ   line originates at larger radii in these objects. Moreover, we found that the ZDCF and SPEAR time lags are highly correlated (r∼0.87r0.87), and that the error ranges of both ZDCF and SPEAR time lags are correlated with the FWHM of used emission lines (r∼0.7r0.7). This increases the uncertainty of the black hole mass estimates using the virial theorem for AGNs with broader lines.  相似文献   

Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a subclass of high mass X-ray binaries displaying a peculiar and still poorly understood extreme variability in the X-ray domain. These sources undergo short sporadic outbursts (LX∼LX 1036–1037 erg s−1), lasting few ks at the most, and spend a large fraction of their time in an intermediate luminosity state at about LX∼LX 1033–1034 erg s−1. The sporadic and hardly predictable outbursts of supergiant fast X-ray transients were so far best discovered by large field of view (FOV) coded-mask instruments; their lower luminosity states require, instead, higher sensitivity focusing instruments to be studied in sufficient details. In this contribution, we provide a summary of the current knowledge on supergiant fast X-ray transients and explore the contribution that the new space mission concept LOFT, the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing, will be able to provide in the field of research of these objects.  相似文献   

Here we present a new method for subtracting the Balmer pseudocontinuum in the UV part of type 1 AGN spectra. We calculate the intensity of the Balmer pseudocontinuum using the prominent Balmer lines in AGN spectra. We apply the model on a sample of 293 type 1 AGNs from SDSS database, and found that our model of Balmer pseudocontinuum + power law continuum very well fits the majority of AGN spectra from the sample, while in ∼15% of AGNs, the model fits reasonable the UV continuum, but a discrepancy between the observed and fitted spectra is noted. Some of the possible reasons for the discrepancy may be a different value for the optical depth in these spectra than used in our model or the influence of the intrinsic reddening.  相似文献   

We explore the capabilities of the future space science mission IXO (International X-ray Observatory) for obtaining cosmological redshifts of distant Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) using the X-ray data only. We first find in which regions of the X-ray luminosity (LX) versus redshift (z) plane the weak but ubiquitous Fe Kα narrow emission line can deliver an accurate redshift (δz < 5%) as a function of exposure time, using a CCD-based Wide Field Imager (IXO/WFI) as the one baselined for IXO. Down to a 2–10 keV X-ray flux of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 IXO/WFI exposures of 100 ks, 300 ks and 1 Ms will deliver 20%, 40% and 60% of the redshifts. This means that in a typical 18′ × 18′ IXO/WFI field of view, 4, 10 and 25 redshifts will be obtained for free from the X-ray data alone, spanning a wide range up to z ∼ 2–3 and fairly sampling the real distribution. Measuring redshifts of fainter sources will indeed need spectroscopy at other wavebands.  相似文献   

Using the bulge data from AGN image decomposition with ground-based observations, we calculate the ratios of the central supermassive black hole mass(SMBH) to the Bulge mass (Mbh/MbulgeMbh/Mbulge) in a sample of X-ray selected AGNs, including 15 Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) and 18 broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (BLS1s). We found that the mean value of log(Mbh/Mbulge)log(Mbh/Mbulge) is -3.81±0.11-3.81±0.11 for 15 NLS1s, and -2.91±0.13-2.91±0.13 for 18 BLS1s, showing the lower Mbh/MbulgeMbh/Mbulge in NLS1s relative to BLS1s. The calculation shows that the Bulge mass from the host image decomposition in NLS1s is statistically smaller than that from Hubble-type correction method, and a linear mass relation is suggested for NLS1s and a nonlinear mass relation for BLS1s. The studying of host galaxies with ground-based observations strongly limited by the atmospheric seeing. We need to do the decomposition of host images for NLS1s with Hubble Space Telescope observation in the future.  相似文献   

The Galaxy Evolution Exporer (GALEX) has performed unprecedented imaging surveys of the Magellanic Clouds (MC) and their surrounding areas including the Magellanic Bridge (MB) in near-UV (NUV, 1771-2831 Å) and far-UV (FUV, 1344-1786 Å) bands at 55 resolution. Substantially more area was covered in the NUV than FUV, particularly in the bright central regions, because of the GALEX FUV detector failure. The 5σσ depth of the NUV imaging varies between 20.8 and 22.7 (ABmag). Such imaging provides the first sensitive view of the entire content of hot stars in the Magellanic System, revealing the presence of young populations even in sites with extremely low star-formation rate surface density like the MB, owing to high sensitivity of the UV data to hot stars and the dark sky at these wavelengths.  相似文献   

Radiative and collisional constants of excited atoms contain the matrix elements of the dipole transitions and when they are blocked one can expect occurring a number of interesting phenomena in radiation-collisional kinetics. In recent astrophysical studies of IR emission spectra it was revealed a gap in the radiation emitted by Rydberg atoms (RA  ) with values of the principal quantum number of n≈10n10. Under the presence of external electric fields a rearrangement of RA emission spectra is possible to associate with manifestations of the Stark effect. The threshold for electric field ionization of RA   is E≈3·104E3·104 V/cm for states with n>10n>10. This means that the emission of RA   with n≥10n10 is effectively blocked for such fields. In the region of lower electric field intensities the double Stark resonance (or Förster resonance) becomes a key player. On this basis it is established the fact that the static magnetic or electric fields may strongly affect the radiative constants of optical transitions in the vicinity of the Föster resonance resulting, for instance, in an order of magnitude reduction of the intensity in some lines. Then, it is shown in this work that in the atmospheres of celestial objects lifetimes of comparatively long-lived RA states and intensities of corresponding radiative transitions can be associated with the effects of dynamic chaos via collisional ionization. The Föster resonance allows us to manipulate the random walk of the Rydberg electron (RE) in the manifold of quantum levels and hence change the excitation energies of RA, which lead to anomalies in the IR spectra.  相似文献   

We present in this work energy levels, oscillator strengths, radiative decay rates and fine structure collision strengths for the Mg III and Al IV ions. The 11 configurations: (1s2) 2s22p6, 2s22p53l, 2s2p63l, 2s22p54l   (l?n-1l?n-1, where n is the principal quantum number), yielding the lowest 75 levels are used. The collisional data for these two ions are missing in the literature, especially the database CHIANTI, this is the principal motivation behind the present work. Calculations have been performed using the AUTOSTRUCTURE code. AUTOSTRUCTURE treats the scattering problem in the distorted wave approach. Fine structure collision strengths are calculated for a range of electron energies from 10 Ry to 240 Ry. The atomic structure data are compared to available experimental and theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper provides a useful new method to determine minimum and maximum range of values for the degree and order of the geopotential coefficients required for simulations of orbits of satellites around the Earth. The method consists in a time integration of the perturbing acceleration coming from each harmonic of the geopotential during a time interval T. More precisely, this integral represents the total velocity contribution of a specific harmonic during the period T  . Therefore, for a pre-fixed minimum contribution, for instance 1×10-81×10-8 m/s during the period of time T, any harmonic whose contribution is below this value can, safely, be neglected. This fact includes some constraints in the degree and order of the terms which are present in the geopotential formula, saving computational efforts compared to the integration of the full model. The advantage of this method is the consideration of other perturbations in the dynamics (we consider the perturbations of the Sun, the Moon, and the direct solar radiation pressure with eclipses), since these forces affect the value of the perturbation of the geopotential, because these perturbations depend on the trajectory of the spacecraft, that is dependent on the dynamical model used. In this paper, we work with quasi-circular orbits and we present several simulations showing the bounds for the maximum degree and order (M) that should be used in the geopotential for different situations, e. g., for a satellite near 500 km of altitude (like the GRACE satellites at the beginning of their mission) we found 35?M?19835?M?198 for T=1T=1 day. We analyzed the individual contribution of the second order harmonic (J2J2) and we use its behavior as a parameter to determine the lower limit of the number of terms of the geopotential model. In order to test the accuracy of our truncated model, we calculate the mean squared error between this truncated model and the “full” model, using the CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) satellite in this test.  相似文献   

We describe the current status and recent results from our Swift/VLT legacy survey, a VLT Large Programme aimed at characterizing the host galaxies of a homogeneously selected sub-sample of Swift   GRBs. The immediate goals are to determine the host luminosity function, study the effects of reddening, determine the fraction of LyαLyα emitters in the hosts, and obtain redshifts for targets without a reported one. The main effort so far has been the definition of a very carefully selected sample, obeying strict and well-defined criteria: 68 targets in total. Among the preliminary results is a large optical detection rate, the lack of extremely red objects (only one possible case in the sample) and an update of the Swift   GRB redshift distribution with 〈z〉∼2.0z2.0.  相似文献   

During the total solar eclipse of 2009, a week-long campaign was conducted in the Indian sub-continent to study the low-latitude D-region ionosphere using the very low frequency (VLF) signal from the Indian Navy transmitter (call sign: VTX3) operating at 18.2 kHz. It was observed that in several places, the signal amplitude is enhanced while in other places the amplitude is reduced. We simulated the observational results using the well known Long Wavelength Propagation Capability (LWPC) code. As a first order approximation, the ionospheric parameters were assumed to vary according to the degree of solar obscuration on the way to the receivers. This automatically brought in non-uniformity of the ionospheric parameters along the propagation paths. We find that an assumption of 4 km increase of lower ionospheric height for places going through totality in the propagation path simulate the observations very well at Kathmandu and Raiganj. We find an increase of the height parameter by h=+3.0h=+3.0 km for the VTX-Malda path and h=+1.8h=+1.8 km for the VTX-Kolkata path. We also present, as an example, the altitude variation of electron number density throughout the eclipse time at Raiganj.  相似文献   

We study the propagation of energetic particles, accelerated by interplanetary shock waves, upstream of the shock. By using the appropriate propagator, we show that in the case of superdiffusive transport, the time profile of particles accelerated at a traveling planar shock is a power-law with slope 0<γ<10<γ<1, at variance with the exponential profile obtained for normal diffusion. By analyzing data sets of interplanetary shocks in the solar wind observed by the Ulysses and the Voyager 2 spacecraft, we find that the time profiles of energetic electrons correspond to power-laws, with slopes γ?0.30–0.98γ?0.300.98, implying a mean square displacement 〈Δx2〉∝tαΔx2tα, with α=2-γ>1α=2-γ>1, i.e., superdiffusion. In addition, the propagation of ions is also superdiffusive, with α=1.07–1.13α=1.071.13.  相似文献   

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