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To investigate the vast area of Russia, a mobile scientific facility based in a railway carriage was developed. It is capable to perform continues measurements being coupled in a passenger train traveling along railroads. It was first equipped with a spectrometer for remote sensing of ozone and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere for the transcontinental observations into the chemistry of the atmosphere-4 expedition performed from February 18 to March 5, 1998. A twilight DOAS method, which was applied for retrieval of the nitrogen dioxide profiles basing on spectral measurements at the visible wavelengths (434–451 nm), is described in the paper. Main features of a new algorithm for retrieval of the ozone profile and total content using the differential structure of the UV spectrum (310–335 nm) are presented. The ozone and nitrogen dioxide contents are obtained and shortly validated against available alternative data.  相似文献   

The geographic area at high latitudes beyond the polar circle is characterized with long darkness during the winter (polar night) and with a long summertime insolation (polar day). Consequentially, the polar vortex is formed and the surrounding strong polar jet is characterized by a strong potential vorticity gradient representing a horizontal transport barrier. The ozone dynamics of the lower and middle stratosphere is controlled both by chemical destruction processes and transport processes.  相似文献   

In view of potential application as a construction material on the lunar surface the mechanical integrity of sulfur concrete was evaluated after being subjected to simulated temperature cycles. Here, small cubes of sulfur concrete were repeatedly cycled between room (20 °C) and liquid nitrogen (−191 °C) temperatures after which they, and non-cycled cubes, were evaluated by compression testing. The compression strength of the non-cycled samples averaged ∼35 MPa (5076 psi) before failing whereas the cycled samples fractured at about 7 MPa (1015 psi). Microscopic examination of the fracture surfaces from the cycled samples showed clear de-bonding of the sulfur from the aggregate whereas it was seen adhering in those non-cycled. Based on a simple analysis it was concluded that the large strength discrepancy between cycled and non-cycled samples is due to differences between the coefficients of thermal expansion of the materials constituting the concrete.  相似文献   

Ozone density profiles between 35 and 65 km altitude are derived from scattered sunlight limb radiance spectra measured by the SCIAMACHY instrument on the Envisat satellite. The method is based on the inversion of normalized limb radiance profiles in the Hartley absorption bands of ozone at selected wavelengths between 250 and 310 nm. It employs a non-linear Newtonian iteration version of Optimal Estimation (OE) coupled with the radiative transfer model SCIARAYS. The limb scatter technique combined with a classical OE retrieval in the short-wave UV-B and long-wave UV-C delivers reliable results as shown by a first comparison with MIPAS V4.61 profiles yielding agreement within 10% between 38 and 55 km. An overview of the methodology and an initial error analysis are presented. Furthermore the effect of the solar proton storm between 28 October and 6 November 2003 on the ozone concentration profiles is shown. They indicate large depletion of ozone of about 60% at 50 km in the Northern hemisphere, a weaker depletion in the Southern hemisphere and a dependence of the depletion on the Earth’s magnetic field.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of ozone have been measured at balloon altitudes. Our purpose is to examine the character of vertical wavenumber spectra of ozone fluctuations, to assess the possible roles of gravity wave field in ozone fluctuations, and to determine dominant vertical wavelengths of ozone spectra. Vertical wavenumber spectra of 12 ozone fluctuations obtained during June–August 2003 are presented. Results indicate that mean spectral slopes in the wavenumber range from 4.69 × 10−4 to 2.50 × 10−3 cyc/m are about −2.91 in the troposphere and −2.87 in the lower stratosphere, which is close to the slope of −3 predicted by current gravity wave saturation models. The consistency of the observed spectral slopes with the value of −3 predicted by current gravity wave saturation models suggests that the observed ozone fluctuations are due primarily to atmospheric gravity waves. At m = 1/(1000 m) the mean spectral amplitude is over 30 times larger in the lower stratosphere than in the troposphere. Mean vertical wavenumber spectra in area-preserving form reveal dominant vertical wavelengths of ∼2.6 km in the troposphere and ∼2.7 km in the lower stratosphere, which is consistent with the values varying between 1.5 and 3.0 km estimated from the velocity field and temperature field at these heights.  相似文献   

We compared 8 years of ozone measurements taken at Lindau (51.66° N, 10.13° E) at altitudes between 40 and 60 km using the microwave technique with the CIRA ozone reference model that was established 20 years ago (Keating et al., 1990). We observed a remarkable decrease in ozone density in the stratopause region (i.e., an altitude of 50 km), but the decrease in ozone density in the middle mesosphere (i.e., up to 60 km in altitude) is slight. Likewise, we observed only a moderate decrease in the atmospheric region below the stratopause. Other studies have found the strongest ozone decrease at 40 km and a more moderate decrease at 50 km, which is somewhat in contradiction to our results. This decrease in ozone density also strongly depends on the season. Similar results showed model calculations using the GCM COMMA-IAP when considering the increase in methane. In the lower mesosphere/stratopause region, the strongest impact on the concentration of odd oxygen (i.e., O3 and O) was observed due to a catalytic cycle that destroys odd oxygen, including atomic oxygen and hydrogen radicals. The hydrogen radicals mainly result from an increase in water vapor with the growing anthropogenic release of methane. The finding suggesting that the stratopause region is apparently attacked more strongly by the water vapor increase has been interpreted in terms of the action of this catalytic cycle, which is most effective near the stratopause and amplified by a positive feedback between the ozone column density and the ozone dissociation rate, thereby chemically influencing the ozone density. However, the rising carbon dioxide concentration cools the middle atmosphere, thereby damping the ozone decline by hydrogen radicals.  相似文献   

Equatorial total column ozone variations with quasi-biennial periodicity are described by paying attention to their coupling with the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of zonal wind in equatorial stratosphere. Analysis is made for the 35-year time interval from 1978 to 2013 using the zonal mean total ozone (TOZ) data in latitude band from 5° S to 5° N derived from satellite measurements by means of Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). The study was performed using strong seasonal regularities of the wind QBO and the discrete variation of the QBO-period revealed earlier. The forecast of the wind QBO evolution made in Gabis (2012) is fully justified. The comparison between predicted and actually observed changes of the height wind structure shows the prominent accordance, which confirms the forecast validity. It is shown that variations of deseasonalized TOZ are in strong coupling with changes of equatorial wind QBO that coincides with the numerous previous researches. However our results contradict the assumption about quite complicated ozone response in the equatorial region due to continuously varying with time relationship between annual and quasi-biennial cycles and irregularly variable wind QBO-period. The total ozone changes actually observed clearly corresponds to the mean ozone variations calculated for different QBO scenarios and aligned according to the sequence of QBO scenarios already occurred in fact. This close association indicates the possibility of forecasting the equatorial total ozone QBO based on the predicted wind QBO.  相似文献   

红外二氧化碳传感器动态特性校准与改进研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了红外二氧化碳传感器动态特性实验方法,建立了红外二氧化碳传感器的动态数学模型,阐述了动态补偿滤波器的设计过程,并讨论了影响动态数字滤波器补偿效果的各种因素.为了减小运算时间,改善传感器的响应特性,给出了一种将滤波器的差分方程变成递推运算的方法.实验结果表明,动态补偿滤波器有效地提高了红外二氧化碳传感器的动态特性.  相似文献   

The metabolic consequence of suboptimal (400 μmol mol−1 or ppm), near-optimal (1500 ppm) and supra-optimal (10,000 ppm) atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations [CO2] was investigated in an attempt to reveal plausible underlying mechanisms for the differential physiological and developmental responses to increasing [CO2]. Both non-targeted and targeted metabolite profiling by GC–MS and LC–MS were employed to examine primary and secondary metabolites in wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv Yocoro rojo) continuously exposed to these [CO2] levels for 14, 21 and 28 days. Metabolite profile was altered by both [CO2] and physiological age. In general, plants grown under high [CO2] exhibited a metabolite profile characteristic of older plants under ambient CO2. Elevated [CO2] resulted in higher levels of phosphorylated sugar intermediates, though no clear trend in the content of reducing sugars was observed. Transient starch content was enhanced by increasing [CO2] to a much greater extent at 10,000 ppm CO2 than at 1500 ppm CO2. The percentage increase of starch content resulting from CO2 enrichment declined as plants develope. In contrast, elevated [CO2] promoted the accumulation of secondary metabolites (flavonoids) progressively to a greater extent as plants became mature. Elevated [CO2] to 1500 ppm induced a higher initial growth rate, while super-elevated [CO2] appeared to negate such initial growth promotion. However, after 4 weeks, there was no difference in vegetative growth between 1500 and 10,000 ppm CO2-grown plants, both elevated CO2 levels resulted in an overall 25% increase in biomass over the control plants. More interestingly, elevated atmospheric [CO2] reduced evapotranspiration rate (ET), but further increase to the supra-optimal level resulted in increased ET (a reversed trend), i.e. ET at 1500 ppm < ET at 10,000 ppm < ET at 400 ppm. The differential effect of elevated and super-elevated CO2 on plants was further reflected in the nitrogen dynamics. These results provide the potential metabolic basis for the differential productivity and stomatal function of plants grown under elevated and super-elevated CO2 levels.  相似文献   

空间站乘员睡眠区二氧化碳聚集现象   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了分析乘员在没有良好通风的压力舱内停留时,呼出CO2的聚集过程并评估其可能导致的医学危害,建立了乘员在特定空间站睡眠舱的计算流体动力学模型,对乘员在睡眠区的呼吸过程进行了非稳态模拟.模拟中乘员的CO2呼出浓度和肺通气量根据生理实验随CO2吸入浓度变化.通过模拟给出了睡眠区典型位置处CO2分压随时间的变化规律.最后提出了无通风条件下乘员在睡眠区停留的最大容许时间,睡眠区CO2浓度监测仪的布置原则和类似情况下为保障乘员生命安全可采取的一些措施.   相似文献   

为有效解决未来长期载人地外生存面临的物资供给等关键问题,获得更高的氧回收率、能量转化效率和更低的应用成本,亟须发展更高效的地外二氧化碳转化利用技术。文章总结了地外二氧化碳利用的发展现状并分析了近期的研究进展,发现不同技术之间差异大,在航天应用过程中,需充分考虑地外环境限制因素,以选用更合适的技术。空间站上已搭载的Sabatier装置和火星车上的MOXIE装置初步实现了地外二氧化碳还原。以“地外人工光合成”为代表的常温二氧化碳转化技术可为地外环控生保提供新路线。其不仅能够实现地外氧气供给,还可获得甲酸、乙烯和甲烷等有机分子作为燃料或生物转化原料。随着相关基础研究的不断发展,有望实现二氧化碳的高效转化和高附加值有机物、甚至碳糖食物的生产。地外二氧化碳转化利用技术的发展,将实现地外密闭环境下的废弃资源利用与物质循环,降低载人空间站、载人深空飞船的物资供应需求,也将为原位资源利用火星大气中的二氧化碳提供创新思路,以支撑未来可承受、可持续的地外生存任务。  相似文献   

In order to acquire the crop-related information in Chao Phraya Basin, time-series MODIS data were used in this paper. Although the spatial resolution of MODIS data is not very high, it is still useful for detecting very large-scale phenomenon, such as changes in seasonal vegetation patterns. After the data processing a general crop-related LULC (land use and land cover) map, cropping intensity map and cropping patterns map were produced. Analysis of these maps showed that the main land use type in the study area was farmland, most of which was dominated by rice. Rice fields mostly concentrated in the flood plains and double or triple rice-cropping system was commonly employed in this area. Maize, cassava, sugarcane and other upland crops were mainly distributed in the high alluvial terraces. Because these area often have water shortage problem particularly in the dry season which can support only one crop in a year, the cropping intensity was very low. However, some upland areas can be cultivated twice a year with crops which have short growing seasons. The crop information extracted from MODIS data sets were assessed by CBERS data, statistic data and so on. It was shown that MODIS derived crop information coincided well with the statistic data at the provincial level. At the same time, crop information extracted by MODIS data sets and CBERS were compared with each other which also showed similar spatial patterns.  相似文献   

A modified derivation of the criterion of nighttime ozone chemical equilibrium (NOCE) in the mesopause region is presented. According to 3D model calculations, the improved criterion reproduces the lower boundary of the equilibrium much better than its earlier version. Processing of the SABER/TIMED data of 2021 has shown that the modified criterion elevates the NOCE boundary by ~ 0.1–1.7 km, depending on latitude and season. The proposed method of determining the condition of chemical equilibrium can be used to analyse the equilibrium of many trace gases in the stratosphere and troposphere important for different practical applications.  相似文献   

CO2在航空燃油中的质量扩散规律对飞机油箱惰化系统的研究极其重要。搭建压力降法实验装置测量CO2在RP-3航空燃油中的扩散系数,实验测试了-20、0、20、40和60℃恒温条件下的CO2气相空间压力随时间变化关系。根据Fick定律建立了容器中二维扩散方程,并采用数值解法,设定扩散系数值,求解气体在航空燃油中的浓度分布,根据质量守恒和实际气体状态方程可得到CO2气相空间压力,并与实验记录的气体压力进行比较。以扩散系数为自变量,推导了实验与理论计算误差函数,并采用Husain单一变量搜索法,使误差函数值最小,可得到扩散系数最优解。研究还显示CO2在RP-3航空燃油中的扩散系数随温度升高而增大,满足Arrhenius方程。  相似文献   

The Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) experiment is one of four instruments on NASA’s Thermosphere–Ionosphere–Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER measures broadband infrared limb emission and derives vertical profiles of kinetic temperature (Tk) from the lower stratosphere to approximately 120 km, and vertical profiles of carbon dioxide (CO2) volume mixing ratio (vmr) from approximately 70 km to 120 km. In this paper we report on SABER Tk/CO2 data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region from the version 1.06 dataset. The continuous SABER measurements provide an excellent dataset to understand the evolution and mechanisms responsible for the global two-level structure of the mesopause altitude. SABER MLT Tk comparisons with ground-based sodium lidar and rocket falling sphere Tk measurements are generally in good agreement. However, SABER CO2 data differs significantly from TIME-GCM model simulations. Indirect CO2 validation through SABER-lidar MLT Tk comparisons and SABER-radiation transfer comparisons of nighttime 4.3 μm limb emission suggest the SABER-derived CO2 data is a better representation of the true atmospheric MLT CO2 abundance compared to model simulations of CO2 vmr.  相似文献   

Gynura bicolor DC is not only an edible plant but also a kind of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. G. bicolor DC grown in controlled environmental chambers under 3 CO2 concentrations [450 (ambient), 1500 (elevated), 8000 (super-elevated) μmol mol−1] and 3 LED lighting conditions [white (WL), 85% red + 15% blue (RB15), 70% red + 30% blue (RB30) ] were investigated to reveal plausible antioxidant anabolic responses to CO2 enrichment and LED light quality. Under ambient and elevated CO2 levels, blue light increasing from 15% to 30% was conducive to the accumulation of anthocyanins and total flavonoids, and the antioxidant activity of extract was also increased, but plant biomass was decreased. These results demonstrated that the reinforcement of blue light could induce more antioxidant of secondary metabolites, but depress the effective growth of G. bicolor DC under ambient and elevated CO2 levels. In addition, compared with the ambient and elevated CO2 levels, the increased anthocyanins, total flavonoids contents and antioxidant enzyme activities of G. bicolor DC under super-elevated CO2 level could serve as important components of antioxidative defense mechanism against CO2 stress. Hence, G. bicolor DC might have higher tolerance to CO2 stress.  相似文献   

A mixed crop consisting of cowpeas, pinto beans and Apogee ultra-dwarf wheat was grown in the Laboratory Biosphere, a 40 m3 closed life system equipped with 12,000 W of high pressure sodium lamps over planting beds with 5.37 m2 of soil. Similar to earlier reported experiments, the concentration of carbon dioxide initially increased to 7860 ppm at 10 days after planting due to soil respiration plus CO2 contributed from researchers breathing while in the chamber for brief periods before plant growth became substantial. Carbon dioxide concentrations then fell rapidly as plant growth increased up to 29 days after planting and subsequently was maintained mostly in the range of about 200–3000 ppm (with a few excursions) by CO2 injections to feed plant growth. Numerous analyses of rate of change of CO2 concentration at many different concentrations and at many different days after planting reveal a strong dependence of fixation rates on CO2 concentration. In the middle period of growth (days 31–61), fixation rates doubled for CO2 at 450 ppm compared to 270 ppm, doubled again at 1000 ppm and increased a further 50% at 2000 ppm. High productivity from these crops and the increase of fixation rates with elevated CO2 concentration supports the concept that enhanced CO2 can be a useful strategy for remote life support systems. The data suggests avenues of investigation to understand the response of plant communities to increasing CO2 concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere. Carbon balance accounting and evapotranspiration rates are included.  相似文献   

利用位于赤道异常区的深圳站(22.59°N,113.97°E)2011年1月至2012年12月及2015年1月至2015年12月监测到的GPS-TEC数据,统计分析华南地区电离层闪烁与TEC耗空同时出现、电离层闪烁单独出现和TEC耗空单独出现3种现象的时间和空间分布特性.结果表明:这3种现象均主要发生在春秋季节;闪烁与TEC耗空同时出现、闪烁单独出现和TEC耗空单独出现分别主要发生在纬度为19°-23°N,21°-24°N和24°-26°N的空间区域.探测到闪烁和TEC耗空同时出现、闪烁单独出现和TEC耗空单独出现的时间分别主要分布在20:00LT-22:00LT,21:00LT-23:00LT和22:30LT-23:30LT.闪烁与TEC耗空同时出现、闪烁单独出现和TEC耗空单独出现3种现象的时间和空间分布特性对应了华南地区不规则体和赤道等离子体泡(EPBs)从产生到消失的演变过程.  相似文献   

在电离层中释放六氟化硫时,释放初期的六氟化硫流速及流量等条件是影响释放效应仿真的重要因素,对仿真结果的准确性具有一定的影响.传统的六氟化硫释放引起的电离层效应仿真中并未讨论.基于Fluent流场仿真软件,针对不同释放初始条件并结合六氟化硫容器的结构,对六氟化硫释放过程中温度、压强以及喷口流速、流量等参数变化情况进行仿真计算,得到了以上参量在释放过程中的变化情况,并将其作为电离层化学物质释放三维动力学模型的初始参数,获得了更加精确的六氟化硫电离层释放效应仿真结果.  相似文献   

Our purpose is the forecast of the global radiation. As a first step we try to determine the global radiation as function of other predictable parameters. First the daily average values of the relative global radiation was considered as parabolic function of the cloud coverage obtained from METEOSAT images, an empirical formula was determined for calculation of the relative global radiation from the cloud amount. The correct this formula the cloud coverage and ground based visibility data were used. The value of the multiple correlation coefficient presenting the accuracy of the new formula was 0.96 for Budapest, and 0.93 for region of Hungary. This fact indicates that we have a sufficiently correct formula for calculation of the global radiation.  相似文献   

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