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Tenma, the second X-ray astronomy satellite of Japan launched in February 1983, is outlined. The main instrument of Tenma is a large-area gas scintillation proportional counter array. Some of the highlights of the results thus far obtained are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A primary scientific objective of the ROSAT mission is to perform the first all-sky survey with an imaging X-ray telescope leading to an improvement in sensitivity by several orders of magnitude compared with previous surveys. A large number of new sources (? 105) will be discovered and located with an accuracy of 1 arcmin or better. These will comprise almost all astronomical objects from nearby normal stars to distant quasistellar objects. After completion of the survey which will take half a year the instrument will be used for detailed observations of selected sources with respect to spatial structure, spectra and time variability. In this mode which will be open for guest observers ROSAT will provide substantial improvement over the imaging instruments of the Einstein observatory.The main ROSAT telescope consists of a fourfold nested mirror system with 83 cm aperture having three focal plane instruments. Two of them will be imaging proportional counters (0.1 – 2 keV) providing a field of view of 2°, an angular resolution of ≈ 30″ in the pointing mode and a spectral resolution ΔE/E ≈ 45% FWHM at 1 keV. The third focal instrument will be a high resolution imager (≈ 3″). The main ROSAT telescope will be complemented by a parallel looking Wide Field camera which extend the spectral coverage into the XUV band.  相似文献   

SIGMA, a hard X-ray/medium energy gamma ray (30 keV-2 MeV) imaging experiment, is being designed and constructed to attain an angular resolution of the order of 1 arcminute, and a sensitivity of several milliCrabs. The instrument uses a position sensitive detector of the Anger camera variety, and a two dimensional coded mask. The results of the instrument definition study are presented; a flight model will be constructed for a late 1987 launch.  相似文献   

The SAX mission     
SAX denotes the X-Ray Astronomy Satellite selected by the Italian National Space Plan for inclusion in the Science Programme. The purpose of SAX is to perform spectroscopic, spectral and time variability studies of celestial X-Ray sources in the energy band from 1 to 200 KeV. It is intended to continue and expand upon previous observations of such sources. The instrumentation consists of four X-Ray imaging concentrators sensitive from 1 to 10 KeV (one of them extending down to 0.1 KeV), one Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter sensitive from 3 to 120 KeV, a Sodium Iodide Scintillator Crystal in Phoswich configuration operating from 15 KeV to 200 KeV; these detectors are coaligned to a common pointing axis. Three Wide Field Cameras (2–30 KeV) with axis at 90° to that of the narrow field instruments complete the payload.The Satellite launch is foreseen for 1988, in a low altitude (500 Km), low inclination (12°) orbit.The SAX scientific programme is carried out by a Consortium of Italian Institutes, in cooperation with Institutes from Holland; a partecipation of the Space Science Department of ESA is also foreseen.  相似文献   

Exosat, the European X-ray Observatory, was placed in orbit on 26 May 1983. The spacecraft, stabilized axes in three to a few arc second, carries four instruments, two one-metre focal length imaging telescopes, a large area proportional counter array and a gas scintillation proportional counter spectrometer. The salient features of the instrumentation, the sensitivities achieved in orbit and the status after the first year of orbital operation are described. Three specific observations, VO332+53, SCO X–1 and M.83 are discussed to demonstrate the power of the EXOSAT instrumentation and the operational flexibility of the spacecraft and ground system.  相似文献   

Approved in October 2000 by ESA's Science Programme Committee as a flexi-mission, the Solar Orbiter will studythe Sun and unexplored regions of the inner heliosphere from a unique orbit that brings the probe to within 45 solar radii (0.21 AU) of our star, and to solar latitudes as high as 38°. This orbit will allow the Solar Orbiter to make fundamental contributions to our understanding of the acceleration and propagation of energetic particles in the extended solar atmosphere. During quasi-heliosynchronous phases of the orbit, Solar Orbiter will track a given region of the solar surface for several days, making possible unprecedented studies of the sources of impulsive and CME-related particle events. The scientific payload to be carried by the probe will include a sophisticated remote-sensing package, as well as state-of-the-art in-situ instruments. The multi-wavelength, multi-disciplinary approach of Solar Orbiter, combined with its novel location, represents a powerful tool for studies of energetic particle phenomena.  相似文献   

Swift is a first-of-its-kind multiwavelength transient observatory for γ-ray burst astronomy. It has the optimum capabilities for the next breakthroughs in determining the origin of γ-ray bursts and their afterglows, as well as for using bursts to probe the early Universe. Swift will also monitor the soft gamma repeaters and perform the first sensitive hard X-ray survey of the sky. The mission is being developed by an international collaboration and consists of three instruments, the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), the X-ray Telescope (XRT), and the Ultraviolet and Optical Telescope (UVOT). The BAT, a wide-field γ-ray detector, will detect >100 γ-ray bursts per year with a sensitivity 5× that of BATSE. The sensitive narrow-field XRT and UVOT will be autonomously slewed to the burst location within 20–70 s to determine 0.3–5.0″ positions and perform optical, UV, and X-ray spectrophotometry. Strong education/public outreach and follow-up programs will help to engage the public and the astronomical community. Swift launch is planned for late 2004.  相似文献   

The mission of the Huygens Probe is to enter into the Titan atmosphere and to descend in a controlled manner to the surface such that scientific measurements can be taken and transmitted to earth via the Orbiter. The entry is the most challenging phase of the mission. The deceleration is achieved by an aeroshell. Thermal protection against entry heat fluxes is achieved by an ablator rejecting heat mainly by radiation. The descent profile in terms of descent velocity, spin rate and attitude stability is designed to allow imaging, sampling and measurements at the various atmospheric layers within the overall time and energy constraints. The Huygens system has to operate in an autonomous and fault tolerant manner, as no ground control and failure recovery during the descent phase is feasible. This autonomy and fault tolerance is the main driver for the chosen architecture of the on-board system.  相似文献   

ESA's Giotto mission to Halley's comet is a fast flyby in March 1986, about four weeks after the comet's perihelion passage when it is most active. The scientific payload comprises 10 experiments with a total mass of about 60 kg: a camera for imaging the comet nucleus, three mass spectrometers for analysis of the elemental and isotopic composition of the cometary gas and dust environment, various dust impact detectors, a photopolarimeter for measurements of the coma brightness, and a set of plasma instruments for studies of the solar wind/comet interaction. In view of the high flyby velocity of 68 km/s the experiment active time is very short (only 4 hours) and all data are transmitted back to Earth in real time at a rate of 40 kbps. The Giotto spacecraft is spin-stabilised with a despun high gain parabolic dish antenna inclined at 44.3° to point at the Earth during the encounter while a specially designed dual-sheet bumper shield at the other end protects the spacecraft from being destroyed by hypervelocity dust impacts. The mission will probably end near the point of closest approach to the nucleus when the spacecraft attitude will be severely perturbed by impacting dust particles leading to a loss of the telecommunications link.  相似文献   

The Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby (CRAF) mission is the next step in the exploration of comets as well as the first of NASA's new generation of spacecraft for primitive body and outer-planet missions. If launched in September 1992, CRAF will fly by one or two asteroids en route to a rendezvous with P/Tempel 2 in December, 1996. The post-rendezvous mission profile includes: (1) a reconnaissance phase to assess the cometary environment and to determine the mass of the nucleus; (2) a nucleus observation phase, lasting over a year, with emphasis on determining the physical and chemical properties of the nucleus and the changes associated with the onset of cometary activity; and (3) a perihelion phase with emphasis on studying the nature and dynamics of the dust, gas, and plasma in the coma and tail.  相似文献   

This paper contains a summary of the results from the first years of observations with the HIFI instrument onboard ESA’s Herschel space observatory. The paper starts by outlining the goals and possibilities of far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy, the limitations of the Earth’s atmosphere, and the scientific scope of the Herschel-HIFI mission. The presentation of science results from the mission follows the life cycle of gas in galaxies as grouped into five themes: Structure of the interstellar medium, First steps in interstellar chemistry, Formation of stars and planets, Solar system results and Evolved stellar envelopes. The HIFI observations paint a picture where the interstellar medium in galaxies has a mixed, rather than a layered structure; the same conclusion may hold for protoplanetary disks. In addition, the HIFI data show that exchange of matter between comets and asteroids with planets and moons plays a large role. The paper concludes with an outlook to future instrumentation in the far-infrared and submillimeter wavelength ranges.  相似文献   

The Space Weather Explorer – KuaFu mission will provide simultaneous, long-term, and synoptic observations of the complete chain of disturbances from the solar atmosphere to the geospace. KuaFu-A (located at the L1 liberation point) includes Coronal Dynamics Imagers composed of a Lyman-α coronagraph (from 1.15 to 2.7 solar radii) and a white light coronagraph (out to 15 solar radii), in order to identify the initial sources of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their acceleration profiles. The difficulty of observing the lower corona should not be underestimated since instrumental stray light remains a critical issue in the visible because of the low contrast of the corona with respect to the Sun. Observing the corona in the Lyman-α line is a valid alternative to white light observations. This approach takes advantage of both the intrinsic higher contrast of the corona with respect to the solar disk in this line compared to the visible, and the absence of F-corona at 121.6 nm. Furthermore, it has been convincingly shown that the coronal structures seen in Lyman-α correspond to those seen in the visible and which result from Thomson scattering of the coronal ionized gas. This is because the plasma is still collisional in the lower corona so that the hydrogen neutral atoms are coupled to the protons. A classical, all-reflecting internally-occulted Lyot coronagraph is required so as to preserve the image quality down to the inner limit of the field-of-view. A narrow band interference filter located in a collimated beam allows isolating the Lyman-α line. The visible coronagraph will adopt the approach of a single instrument having a large field-of-view extending from 2.5 to 15 solar radii. Such a design is based on refractive externally-occulted coronagraphs built for recent past missions, essentially the LASCO-C2 and C3 instruments and the SECCHI/COR 2 of the STEREO mission, which is itself a combination of the C2 and C3 instruments.  相似文献   

We have studied a number of interplanetary space mission scenarios for space weather research and operational forecasting experiments and concluded that a spacecraft should be deployed at the L5 point of the Sun–Earth system to enable remote sensing of the Sun and interplanetary space and in situ measurements of solar wind plasma and high energy solar particle events. The L5 point is an appropriate position for making side-view observations of geo-effective coronal mass ejections and interplanetary plasma clouds.Here, we describe briefly the mission plan and the ongoing BBM development of important subsystems such as the wide field coronal imager (WCI) and the mission processor. The WCI will have a large CCD array with 16-bit sampling, to achieve a dynamic range of several thousand in order to detect very small deviations due to plasma clouds under zodiacal light contaminations a hundred times brighter than the clouds. The L5 mission we propose will surely contribute to the construction of an international space weather observation network.  相似文献   

The navigation of the ESA spacecraft Giotto to its encounter with comet P/Halley on 14 March 1986 required just 10% of the fuel available. Although the spacecraft was damaged by dust impacts during its close flyby at the nucleus of P/Halley it was retargeted to return close to Earth to maintain the option to extend the mission to encounter another comet, P/Grigg-Skjellerup on 10 July 1992.

On 2 April 1986 the spacecraft was put into hibernation configuration and had been orbiting the Sun in the ecliptic with an orbital period of 10 months. On 19 February 1990 it was reactivated, spacecraft subsystems and the payload checked out to determine its health status.

On 2 July 1990 Giotto performed succesfully the first-ever Earth gravity assist manoeuvre of a spacecraft approaching the Earth from deep space and was retargeted for comet P/Grigg--Skjellerup. It was concluded that the spacecraft is ready to provide valuable data during a potential encounter with a second comet.  相似文献   

Bepi Colombo is a joint mission between ESA and JAXA that is scheduled for launch in 2014 and arrival at Mercury in 2020. A comprehensive set of particle sensors will be flown onboard the two probes that form Bepi Colombo. These sensors will allow a detailed investigation of the structure and dynamics of the charged particle environment at Mercury. Onboard the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) the Mercury Electron Analyzers (MEA) sensors constitute the experiment dedicated to fast electron measurements between 3 and 25,500 eV. They consist of two top-hat electrostatic analyzers for angle-energy analysis followed by microchannel plate multipliers and collecting anodes. A notable and new feature of MEA is that the transmission factor of each analyzer can be varied in-flight electronically by a factor reaching up to 100, thus allowing to largely increasing the dynamical range of the experiment. This capability is of importance at Mercury where large changes of electron fluxes are expected from the solar wind to the various regions of the Mercury magnetosphere. While the first models are being delivered to JAXA, an engineering model has been tested and proven to fulfill the expectations about geometrical factor reduction and energy-angular transmission characteristics. Taking advantage of the spacecraft rotation with a 4 s period, MEA will provide fast three-dimensional distribution functions of magnetospheric electrons, from energies of the solar wind and exospheric populations (a few eVs) up to the plasma sheet energy range (some tens of keV). The use of two sensors viewing perpendicular planes allows reaching a ¼ spin period time resolution, i.e., 1 s, to obtain a full 3D distribution.  相似文献   

This paper presents the mission design for a CubeSat-based active debris removal approach intended for transferring sizable debris objects from low-Earth orbit to a deorbit altitude of 100 km. The mission consists of a mothership spacecraft that carries and deploys several debris-removing nanosatellites, called Deorbiter CubeSats. Each Deorbiter is designed based on the utilization of an eight-unit CubeSat form factor and commercially-available components with significant flight heritage. The mothership spacecraft delivers Deorbiter CubeSats to the vicinity of a predetermined target debris, through performing a long-range rendezvous maneuver. Through a formation flying maneuver, the mothership then performs in-situ measurements of debris shape and orbital state. Upon release from the mothership, each Deorbiter CubeSat proceeds to performing a rendezvous and attachment maneuver with a debris object. Once attached to the debris, the CubeSat performs a detumbling maneuver, by which the residual angular momentum of the CubeSat-debris system is dumped using Deorbiter’s onboard reaction wheels. After stabilizing the attitude motion of the combined Deorbiter-debris system, the CubeSat proceeds to performing a deorbiting maneuver, i.e., reducing system’s altitude so much so that the bodies disintegrate and burn up due to atmospheric drag, typically at around 100 km above the Earth surface. The attitude and orbital maneuvers that are planned for the mission are described, both for the mothership and Deorbiter CubeSat. The performance of each spacecraft during their operations is investigated, using the actual performance specifications of the onboard components. The viability of the proposed debris removal approach is discussed in light of the results.  相似文献   

Looking at the chance of the next apparition of the Halley comet in 1986, ISAS decided to send a first Japasanese interplanetary spacecraft for the study of cometary hydrogen coma and solar wind. The Planet-A spacecraft which carries VUV imaging camera and solar wind plasma analyser will be launched in August 1985 and flyby the Halley comet in early March 1986 with the distance of several million kilometers from the comet nucleus. This mission is not only self-consistent but collaborative with other space mission as well as earth-bound observations. In the present paper, the Planet-A mission to Halley is described with brief explanation of the spacecraft.  相似文献   

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