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CAS-DIS数字电离层测高仪系统研制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了将射频直接采样数字化的接收方式应用于数字电离层测高仪系统的设计方案, 并详细介绍了该方案在CAS-DIS (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Digital Ionosonde)电离层测高仪系统的应用, 给出了CAS-DIS电离层测高仪在中国武汉电离层探测标校试验场和武汉-北京斜向电离层探测系统中的实验结果. 观测结果表明, 采用本文提出的数字化方案设计的电离层测高仪系统性能优越, 且可以分别工作在垂直和斜向探测模式, 满足了电离层探测的多种应用需求.  相似文献   

电离层测高仪系统中,O波与X波的分离非常重要.本文提出一种新的O波与X波分离的实现方法,根据电离层回波的极化特性,通过在接收电路上采用数字方法合成圆极化波的方式,实现了对O波与X波的有效分离.与现有DPS-4测高仪系统采用模拟域电信号合成圆极化波的方法相比,本文方法通过在数字下变频处理过程中引入±90°相移,消除了在模拟域电信号合成方法中相移器的带宽限制和非线性问题.另外,该方法在实现发射和接收信号的极化状态转换时不需要连续切换多个模拟开关,从而提高了整个系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

电离层数字测高仪被动接收观测模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用CADI(Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde)电离层数字测高仪平台,实现了新的电离层数字测高仪被动接收观测模式.利用新开发的观测模式,在观测台站开展了一系列实验观测研究,经过信号处理和信息提取,获得了电离层特征参量f0F2回归方程,高频信道背景噪声分布,电离层D层对电波的吸收等电离层探测信息.实验观测结果表明,所获取的f0F2与主动探测结果相关性在0.84以上,高频信道背景噪声分布以及电离层D层吸收状况与电离层实际分析结果相吻合.  相似文献   

为建立天地一体化电磁观测系统,实现电离层等的实时准确观测,为地震机理的研究与地震预报工作提供科学有效的数据,提出了一种高性能电离层测高仪数控系统设计方案将应用于电磁卫星的地面同步验证系统中,给出了数控系统的时序控制单元、发射单元和接收单元等的具体实现.在收发延迟可变的雷达时序控制下,发射单元利用直接数字合成技术产生1~30MHz的脉冲信号,40位类巴克码对脉冲信号进行二进制相位调制编码,随后交替发射正交极化波;接收单元利用高速模数转换器实现信号的数字化,采用FPGA技术进行下变频处理.本数控系统的设计可直接获取回波信号的极化信息,高度分辨率为1.5km,探测周期小于2min.实验结果表明,该数控系统方案切实可行.  相似文献   

1984年4月份兰州地区电离层行波扰动的观测结果及初析张秀菊(中国电波传播研究所,新乡,453003)关键词高频返回探测,多普勒频率,电离层行波扰动1984年4月我们利用高频返回探测系统在新乡一西北(反射点在兰州地区)电路上多次测到电离F层的行波扰动...  相似文献   

根据银川电离层垂测仪的回波数据, 采用脉冲压缩技术, 使用Bernoulli映射序列对发射信号进行编码, 解决实际探测中回波信号混合强杂波干扰的问题, 从而获得高质量频高图. 为从图中提取电离层的关键信息, 将信号处理问题转换成计算机视觉中的语义分割任务, 构建原始频高图数据集, 并进行离散化和人工标注等预处理. 通过训练cGAN神经网络分析得到频高图中各层回波的特征参数, 达到分割不同描迹的目的. 采用改进式国际参考电离层底部反演模型和NeQuick顶部模型对垂测仪上空的电子浓度剖面进行反演, 根据张衡一号卫星的实测数据对顶部的计算结果进行修正. 通过将计算得到的总电子浓度与CDDIS公开的数据结果对比, 验证了垂测仪数据的准确性. 在此基础上, 结合高沙窝磁通门的地磁数据, 垂测仪于2023年4月23-24日的大地磁暴期间成功观测到电离层异常变化的全过程并给出了总电子浓度变化结果, 为探究中国西部电磁环境变化提供准确可靠的观测数据.  相似文献   

在夜间电离层,气辉135.6 nm谱线主要由F层的O+和电子的辐射复合过程以及O+和O–的中性复合过程激发,该谱线强度和电离层峰值电子密度NmF2存在很强的相关性。利用夜气辉135.6 nm辐射强度与F2层峰值电子密度NmF2的平方成正比的物理模型,建立了在不同经纬度、地方时、季节和太阳活动下均适用的反演算法。通过DMSP卫星上搭载的紫外光谱成像仪(SSUSI)实际观测的135.6 nm气辉辐射强度来反演相应时空的电离层F2层临界频率f0F2,并将其与地基测高仪探测结果做了综合对比。结果表明,在太阳活动高年(2013年),相对误差小于等于20%的数据占比93.0%,平均相对误差约为7.08%;在太阳活动低年(2017年),相对误差小于等于20%的数据占比80.8%,平均相对误差约为12.64%。最后,对该算法在太阳活动高低年的反演精度差异进行了分析。   相似文献   

利用子午工程富克站(19.5°N, 109.1°E)全天空气辉成像仪、VHF雷达、三亚站(18.4°N, 109.6°E)数字测高仪及C/NOFS卫星观测数据,对2014年3月30日中国上空的等离子体泡进行了研究。结果表明,当天夜间观测到一个等离子体泡群,约由9个等离子体泡组成,发生在日落后,一直持续到午夜后。其自西向东运动,南北向最大尺度超过1200 km,东西向绵延超过1400 km,在演化中部分结构融合在一起。等离子体泡被气辉成像仪观测到的同时,数字测高仪及VHF雷达观测到了相应扩展F及羽毛状不规则结构。同时,C/NOFS卫星检测到相应电子密度耗散。这表明,该等离子体泡同时被地基光学观测、无线电探测及C/NOFS卫星观测到。研究结果给出了多仪器同时观测到的等离子体泡群演化过程,丰富了多仪器融合研究电离层不规则体的内容。  相似文献   


针对东亚地区地磁低纬度南北半球Vanimo台站(地理2.7°S,141.3°E;地磁 11.2°S,146.2°W)和海南台站(地理19.5°N,109.1°E;地磁9.1°N,179.1°W)上空的3个电离层等离子体块与等离子体泡相关联的事件,利用地面台站的电离层测高仪连续观测数据,研究等离子体泡演化期间的电离层虚高变化。结果表明:以往提出的等离子体块出现约2 h之前等离子体垂直漂移速度从向上(东向电场)转为向下(西向电场)的观点,本文的3个事例均与之不符,或者距反转时间很远(约6 h),或者由向下转为向上。在等离子体块形成时间点前的1 h内,均有突发的等离子体堆积的运动趋势,或是下降运动速度突然变慢,或是从下降转为向上运动,或是上升运动速度突然加快。这一堆积现象与等离子体块现象相关性更好,也不仅限于漂移速度从向上转变为向下。


电离层等离子体不规则结构通常会影响星地卫星的通信、导航及定位等,因此研究不规则体的结构特征和演化过程具有非常重要的科学意义和应用价值。中尺度电离层行进式扰动(MSTID)是一种常发于F层的电离层扰动,其演化过程十分复杂。本文利用伊春和兴隆台站全天空气辉成像仪、Swarm卫星、佳木斯高频雷达以及漠河和十三陵台站数字测高仪观测数据,对2018年10月17日夜间出现在中国东北区域上空的MSTID事件进行分析。该MSTID事件传播时间较长,在气辉观测中持续时间超过4 h(12:02-16:23 UT),其波长范围为176.3~322.5 km,波速范围为67.0~154.1 m·s–1。研究结果显示,该MSTID可能产生于较高的纬度,自东北向西南往中纬传播,依次经过伊春和兴隆台站的气辉观测区域。  相似文献   

Ionospheric response to tropical cyclones (TCs) was estimated experimentally on the example of three powerful cyclones – KATRINA (23–31 August 2005), RITA (18–26 September 2005), and WILMA (15–25 October 2005). These TCs were active near the USA Atlantic coast. Investigation was based on Total Electron Content (TEC) data from the international network of two-frequency ground-based GPS receivers and the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data. We studied the spatial–temporal dynamics of wave TEC disturbances over two periods of ranges (02–20 min and 20–60 min). To select the ionospheric disturbances which were most likely to be associated with the cyclones, maps of TEC disturbances were compared with those of meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

计量产业为各行各业中数据的测量提供手段并且保障数据的正确性。在当今的数字化浪潮中,为了更好的发挥计量产业的重要作用,需要进行由传统计量向数字时代计量的重大变革,即完成计量产业的数字化转型,简称数字计量。数字计量的核心内涵是应用相应的数字化技术,实现测量数据和测试报告以及校准证书的数字化、检定校准规程规范机器可读、计量标准装置数字孪生、校准检定检测操作自动化和智能化,构建数字化量值传递溯源链,以数字方式传递测量信任和量值统一。在世界范围内,权威机构相继颁布了实现数字计量的指导文件,引领全球数字计量变革的走向。  相似文献   

For the magnetospheric storm of May 14–16, 1997 geophysical data of satellites DMSP and IMP-8 are compared with data of radio propagation on the high-latitude HF radio path of Heiss Island – St. Petersburg and data from European ionosondes. Peculiarities of variations of the operational frequencies range MOF–LOF (maximum and lowest observed frequencies) on the path were considered. The range has been determined by the method of oblique ionospheric sounding (OIS). The latter is more informative for observations during a magnetic storm compared to the vertical sounding method. Nevertheless, an analysis of variations of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer from the chain of European ionosondes was carried out. For interpretation of results, data of magnetospheric parameters, AE-indexes and riometer data were used. The variations of both frequency range on the path and critical frequencies of the F2 layer through the ionosondes chain during the disturbed period had certain regularities of behaviour. These regularities are being explained from the physical point of view. The analysis of the satellite DMSP data has showed that a magnetospheric disturbance causes displacement equatorward of precipitation and some growth of its width and energy.  相似文献   

MF雷达是中层大气风场及低电离层电子密度观测的重要手段. 简要介绍了新建昆明MF雷达设备的工作原理、结构及工作模式, 并对观测结果进行初步分析. 对2009年1月观测数据的分析表明, 该月纬向风场最大可达80 m/s, 经向风场则较小, 一般不超过40 m/s, 且二者均呈现一定波动性. 相应的LS谱及谐波拟合分析表明,周日潮汐是80~100 km高度大气风场的主要扰动成分, 其振幅随高度改变, 相位向下传播, 且周日潮汐经向分量相位超前于纬向分量相位. 此外, 分析了MF雷达白天的电子密度观测结果, 并与IRI2000进行比较, 发现两者在变化趋势上有非常好的一致性, 但雷达观测结果小于IRI2000给出的参考值.  相似文献   

The height structure of TID characteristics is studied on the base of the electron density profiles measured by two beams of the incoherent scatter radar and DPS-4 ionosonde. The height profiles of the TID propagation characteristics are obtained by means of cross-correlation and spectrum analysis of the radar and ionosonde data. The noticeable height variability of the TID parameters is observed. The variability is explained by interference of several TIDs. The obtained TID propagation characteristics are compared with known results of the TID studies.  相似文献   

International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model is the widely used empirical model for ionospheric predictions, especially TEC which is an important parameter for radio navigation and communication. The Fortran based IRI-2007 does not support real-time interactive visualization and debugging. Therefore, the source code is converted into Matlab and is validated for the purposes of this study. This facilitates easy representation of results and for near real-time implementation of IRI in the applications including spacecraft launching, now casting, pseudolite based navigation systems etc. In addition, the vertical delay results over the equatorial region derived from IRI and GPS data of three IGS stations namely Libreville (Garbon, Africa), Brasilia (Brazil, South America) and Hyderabad (India, Asia) are compared. As the IRI model does not account for plasmasphere TEC, the vertical delays are underestimated compared to vertical delays of GPS signals. Therefore, the model should be modified accordingly for precise TEC estimation.  相似文献   

基于中国海口站(20.00°N, 110.33°E)获取的2013全年UHF 频段电离层闪烁信号强度数据, 利用Welch算法, 分析给出了四类典型电离层闪 烁强度功率谱. 利用功率谱时序图分析方法, 发现电离层不均匀体存在东西向水 平周期性变化结构. 提取全年功率谱指数p, 通过统计分析发现谱指数p存在规律变化, 据此建立一个谱指数经验模型, 该谱指数模型已用于中国低纬 区域电离层闪烁发生预报概率模型(CMSOP), 进而对海口站UHF频段电离层闪烁发生 概率观测数据和预报结果进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

The ionospheric plasma density can be significantly disturbed during magnetic storms. In the conventional scenario of ionospheric storms, the negative storm phases with plasma density decreases are caused by neutral composition changes, and the positive storm phases with plasma density increases are often related to atmospheric gravity waves. However, recent studies show that the global redistribution of the ionospheric plasma is dominated primarily by electric fields during the first hours of magnetic storms. In this paper, we present the measurements of ionospheric disturbances by the DMSP satellites and GPS network during the magnetic storm on 6 April 2000. The DMSP measurements include the F region ion velocity and density at the altitude of ∼840 km, and the GPS receiver network provides total electron content (TEC) measurements. The storm-time ionospheric disturbances show the following characteristics. The plasma density is deeply depleted in a latitudinal range of ∼20° over the equatorial region in the evening sector, and the depletions represent plasma bubbles. The ionospheric plasma density at middle latitudes (20°–40° magnetic latitudes) is significantly increased. The dayside TEC is increased simultaneously over a large latitudinal range. An enhanced TEC band forms in the afternoon sector, goes through the cusp region, and enters the polar cap. All the observed ionospheric disturbances occur within 1–5 h from the storm sudden commencement. The observations suggest that penetration electric fields play a major role in the rapid generation of equatorial plasma bubbles and the simultaneous increases of the dayside TEC within the first 2 h during the storm main phase. The ionospheric disturbances at later times may be caused by the combination of penetration electric fields and neutral wind dynamo process.  相似文献   

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