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Fish exhibit looping and rolling behaviors when subjected to short periods of microgravity during parabolic flight. Strain-differences in the behavioral response of adult Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were reported previously, however, there have been few studies of larval fish behavior under microgravity. In the present study, we investigated whether microgravity affects the swimming behavior of larvae at various ages (0 to 20 days after hatching), using different strains: HNI-II, HO5, ha strain, and variety of different strains (variety). The preliminary experiments were done in the ground laboratory: the development of eyesight was examined using optokinetic response for the different strains. The visual acuity of larvae improved drastically during 20 days after hatching. Strain differences of response were noted for the development of their visual acuity. In microgravity, the results were significantly different from those of adult Medaka. The larval fish appeared to maintain their orientation, except that a few of them exhibited looping and rolling behavior. Further, most larvae swam normally with their backs turning toward the light source (dorsal light response, DLR), and the rest of them stayed with their abdomen touching the surface of the container (ventral substrate response, VSR). For larval stages, strain-differences and age-differences in behavior were observed, but less pronounced than with adult fish under microgravity. Our observations suggest that adaptability of larval fish to the gravitational change and the mechanism of their postural control in microgravity are more variable than in adult fish.  相似文献   

使用Roe格式计算低马赫数流动,需采用预处理技术.在预处理技术中,需要选择适合的预处理参数,但有时很难找到,因而得不到合理的计算结果.通过数值实验,发现使用预处理方法时,格式的数值粘性对低速流动的模拟有显著的影响.提出了在预处理Roe格式中加入可调参数,用以控制数值粘性对计算结果的影响.带有可调节数值粘性参数的预处理Roe格式的数值粘性更接近低速流动的真实耗散,反映了低速流动的真实物理现象.对方腔流动和圆柱绕流的低雷诺数定常流动所做的数值实验,得到了比较满意的结果,表明这一改进是有效的.对同一低雷诺数不同低马赫数的定常圆柱绕流所做的数值实验,均得到了满意的结果,表明了方法的适用性.  相似文献   

介绍了加速度计在离心机上的序贯式测试方法。通过加速度计在离心机上一次安装即可实现加速度计 1g重力场标定、离心机静态半径测试和加速度计全量程试验。  相似文献   

ARGO-YBJ is a multipurpose experiment consisting in a dense sampling air shower array with 93% sensitive area located at very high altitude. The apparatus is in stable data taking since November 2007 at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet, PR China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm2). In this paper we report the main results in Gamma-Ray Astronomy and Cosmic Ray Physics after about 3 years of operation.  相似文献   

The power spectrum was calculated for the time series of the LDE-type flare occurrence during the last three solar cycles (the 20-th, the 21-st and the first part of the 22-nd cycle). LDE-type flares (Long Duration Events in SXR) are associated with the interplanetary protons (SEP and STIP as well), energized coronal arches and radio type IV emission. Generally, in all the cycles considered, LDE-type flares mainly originated during a 6-year interval of the respective cycle (2 years before and 4 years after the sunspot cycle maximum). The following significant periodicities were found: in the 20-th cycle: 1.4, 2.1, 2.9, 4.0, 10.7 and 54.2 of month; in the 21-st cycle: 1.2, 1.6, 2.8, 4.9, 7.8 and 44.5 of month; in the 22-nd cycle, till March 1992: 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 7.2, 8.7, 11.8 and 29.1 of month; in all interval (1969-1992): 1. the longer periodicities: 232.1, 121.1 (the dominant at 10.1 of year), 80.7, 61.9 and 25.6 of month, 2. the shorter periodicities: 4.7, 5.0, 6.8, 7.9, 9.1, 15.8 and 20.4 of month. Solar variability has an extremely complex time dependence. The Sun is a multiperiodic system. The strong periodicities "near 155 and 270 days" were found also in the LDE-type flare occurrence.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted within the natural sciences that life emerged on Earth by a kind of proto-Darwinian evolution from molecular assemblies that were predominantly formed from the various constituents of the primitive atmosphere and hydrosphere. Evolutionary stages under discussion are: the self-organization of spontaneously formed biomolecules into early precursors of life (protobionts), their stepwise evolution via (postulated) protocells to (postulated) progenotes and the Darwinian evolution from progenotes to the three kingdoms of contemporary organisms (archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes). Considerable discrepancies between scientists have arisen because all evolutionary stages from prebiotic molecules to progenotes are entirely hypothetical and so are the postulated environmental conditions. We can only theorize that all those environmental conditions that allow the existence of the various forms of contemporary life might have allowed also the development of their precursors. Because of all these difficulties the hypothesis that life came to our planet from a remote place of our universe (panspermia) has been revived. But experimental evidence only supports the view that spores can--under favorable circumstances--survive a relatively short journey within our solar system (interplanetary transfer of life). It is extremely unlikely that spores can survive a journey of hundreds or thousands of years through interstellar space.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, an increasing number of astronauts will visit the International Space Station (ISS) for prolonged times. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provide necessary basic knowledge concerning risks to their health and their ability to work on the station and during extravehicular activities (EVA) in free space. It is the aim of one experiment of the German project TRIPLE-LUX (to be flown on the ISS) to provide an estimation of health risk resulting from exposure of the astronauts to the radiation in space inside the station as well as during extravehicular activities on one hand, and of exposure of astronauts to unavoidable or as yet unknown ISS-environmental genotoxic substances on the other. The project will (i) provide increased knowledge of the biological action of space radiation and enzymatic repair of DNA damage, (ii) uncover cellular mechanisms of synergistic interaction of microgravity and space radiation and (iii) examine the space craft milieu with highly specific biosensors. For these investigations, the bacterial biosensor SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test will be used, combining the SOS-LUX-Test invented at DLR Germany (Patent) with the commercially available LAC-FLUORO-Test. The SOS-LUX-Test comprises genetically modified bacteria transformed with the pBR322-derived plasmid pPLS-1. This plasmid carries the promoterless lux operon of Photobacterium leiognathi as a reporter element under control of the DNA-damage dependent SOS promoter of ColD as sensor element. This system reacts to radiation and other agents that induce DNA damages with a dose dependent measurable emission of bioluminescence of the transformed bacteria. The analogous LAC-FLUORO-Test has been developed for the detection of cellular responses to cytotoxins. It is based on the constitutive expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) mediated by the bacterial protein expression vector pGFPuv (Clontech, Palo Alto, USA). In response to cytotoxic agents, this system reacts with a dose-dependent reduction of GFP-fluorescence. Currently, a fully automated miniaturized hardware system for the bacterial set up, which includes measurements of luminescence and fluorescence or absorption and the image analysis based evaluation is under development. During the first mission of the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-Test on the ISS, a standardized, DNA-damaging radiation source still to be determined will be used as a genotoxic inducer. A panel of recombinant Salmonella typhimurium strains carrying either the SOS-LUX plasmid or the fluorescence-mediating lac-GFPuv plasmid will be used to determine in parallel on one microplate the genotoxic and the cytotoxic action of the applied radiation in combination with microgravity. Either in addition to or in place of the fluorometric measurements of the cytotoxic agents, photometric measurements will simultaneously monitor cell growth, giving additional data on survival of the cells. The obtained data will be available on line during the TRIPLE-LUX mission time. Though it is the main goal during the TRIPLE-LUX mission to measure the radiation effect in microgravity, the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test in principle is also applicable as a biomonitor for the detection and measurement of genotoxic substances in air or in the (recycled) water system on the ISS or on earth in general.  相似文献   

Amphibians were phylogenetically the first vertebrates to leave the aquatic environment and cope with terrestrial conditions including effects of gravity and substrate on movement and communication. Studies of extant primitive amphibians, which have conserved ancestral morphology and behavior, may help us to understand how gravitational adaptation from aquatic to terrestrial environments occurred. The anuran genus Bombina is a candidate for this type of investigation. In particular, a member of this genus, B. orientalis, is known for its low reaction threshold to minor changes of angular acceleration. We hypothesize that a heightened sensitivity to angular and mechanical accelerations evolved with wave communication. Comparisons of such behavior among B. variegata, B. bombina and B. orientalis may shed light on the evolution of reproductive systems based on water wave communication and relevant vestibular sensitivity. This may represent a transition to derived vocalization modes, which is seen in B. bombina to a certain degree.  相似文献   

The catfish Synodontis nigriventris often shows a unique swimming behaviour in being oriented upside-down. When swimming near a (e.g., vertical) substrate, however, the animals orient themselves with their ventral side towards this substrate. This tendency is called ventral substrate response (VSR). The VSR does not only override the upside-down swimming behaviour but also the dorsal light response and the ventral light response.  相似文献   

The VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 spacecraft made their closest approach to Comet Halley on 6 and 9 March, respectively. In this paper those results of the onboard imaging experiment which were obtained around closest approach are discussed. The nucleus of the comet was clearly identifiable as an irregularly shaped object, with overall dimensions of (16±1)×(8±1)×(8±1) km. The nucleus rotates in the prograde sense about an axis nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane with a period of 53±2 hours. Its albedo is only 0.04±0.020.01 Many of the jet features observed during the second fly-by have been spatially reconstructed. Their sources form a quasi-linear structure on the surface. The dust above the surface is shown to be generally optically thin with the exception of certain specific dust jets. Brightness features on the surface are clearly seen. Correlating our data with other measurements, we conclude that the dirty snow-ball model will probably need to be revised.  相似文献   

The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), which encompassed 57 experiments with more than 10,000 test specimens, spent 69 months in low Earth orbit (LEO) before it was retrieved by the Space Shuttle in January 1990. Hundreds of LDEF investigators, after studying for over two years these retrieved test specimens and the onboard recorded data and systems hardware, have generated a unique first-hand view of the long term synergistic effects that the LEO environment can have on spacecraft. These studies have also contributed significantly toward more accurate models of the LEO radiation, meteoroid, manmade debris and atomic oxygen environments. This paper provides an overview of some of the many LDEF observations and the implications these can have on future spacecraft such as Space Station Freedom.  相似文献   

在精密离心机上进行加速度计测试和标定时 ,加速度计的安装姿态误差和精密离心机主轴姿态误差是影响加速度计测试和标定准确度的重要因素。给出这些姿态误差对加速度计测试的影响量 ,指出当这些姿态误差超过一定限度时要考虑这些姿态误差的影响 。  相似文献   

This paper presents the observational results of space energetic particles obtained by the Cosmic Ray Composition Monitor (CRCM) onboard the Chinese satellite, Fengyun-1(B). These results, including those of a few solar proton events, the geomagnetically trapped particles and the anomalous cosmic ray components, were obtained from 3 September 1990 to 15 February 1991. The observed elements include H, He, C, N, O and Fe of energies from 4-23 MeV/u. It was found that the proton fluxes of the inner Radiation Belt (IRB) increased obviously during the period of solar proton event (SPE). A few kinds of heavy ions (Z > or = 6) were also detected in the IRB. As to the anomalous cosmic ray component (ACRC), in addition to C, N and O, anomalous iron particles were also recorded.  相似文献   

Experiments on primary roots of Lepidium sativum L. have been performed on board the Bion-10 satellite. The experimental set-up was extremely miniaturized and completely automatic. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the instrumentation. The spatial orientation, growth, root cap differentiation and statocyte structure of roots grown under microgravity (MG) have been compared with control roots grown on the ground (GC) and in a 1G-reference centrifuge in space (RC). Root length and cap shape did not differ between MG and control samples. Under MG, the mean distance of the statoliths from the distal cell wall of the statocytes increased significantly, the mean distance of the mitochondria decreased and the nucleus did not change its position in comparison to both controls. The number and the shape of the amyloplasts (statoliths) were not influenced by the space flight factors, but their size as well as their relative area in the cell decreased. The number of starch grains per statolith as well as their size and shape changed under MG. In MG and RC samples the number of lipid bodies in the statocytes was higher and the relative area larger than in GC samples. The relative area occupied by vacuoles was greater in RC statocytes than in GC and MG statocytes. These results partly confirm and, in addition, extend the data from earlier experiments in space.  相似文献   

Young fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) were exposed to microgravity (micro g) for 9 to 10 days, or to hypergravity (hg) for 9 days. For several weeks after termination of micro g and hg, the roll-induced static vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) was recorded. In stage 11/12-fish, the rVOR amplitude (angle between the maximal up and down movement of an eye during a complete 360 degree lateral roll) of micro g-animals increased significantly by 25% compared to 1 g-controls during the first post-flight week but decreased to the control level during the second post-flight week. Microgravity had no effect in stage 14/16 fish on the rVOR amplitude. After 3 g-exposure, the rVOR amplitude was significantly reduced for both groups compared to their 1 g-controls. Readaptation to 1 g-condition was completed during the second post-3 g week. We postulate a critical period during which the development of the macular vestibuloocular reflex depends on gravitational input, and which is limited by the first appearance of the rVOR. At this period of early development, exposure to microgravity sensitizes the vestibular system while hypergravity desensitizes it.  相似文献   

A number of studies have selected the sweet potato as a potentially important crop for CELSS. Most hydroponic studies of sweet potatoes have been short term (<80 days). Full term (90 to 150 days) studies of sweet potatoes in hydroponic systems were needed to understand the physiology of storage root enlargement and to evaluate sweet potato production potential for CELSS. Early and late maturing sweet potato varieties were crown in hydroponic systems of different types--static with periodic replacement, flowing with and without recirculation, aggregate, and non-aggregate. In a flowing system with recirculation designed at Tuskegee University using the nutrient film technique (NFT), storage root yields as high as 1790 g were produced with an edible growth rate of up to 66 g m-2 d-1 and a harvest index as high as 89% under greenhouse conditions. Preliminary experiments indicated high yields can be obtained in controlled environmental chambers. Significant cultivar differences were found in all systems studied. Nutritive composition of storage roots and foliage were similar to field-grown plants. The results indicate great potential for sweet potato in CELSS.  相似文献   

研究了1/3弧长带有口盖复合材料柱壳的压缩行为.实验测试的带口盖柱壳结构在压缩后发生局部屈曲变形,无后屈曲现象发生,屈曲破坏载荷为118.944 kN.利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立相应有限元模型计算其屈曲破坏行为,并将计算结果与实验结果进行比较,证明所建立的模型正确有效.利用所建立的模型,探究提高结构屈曲载荷的方法.研究表明:补片与口盖的铺层角度对结构的屈曲载荷有直接影响,如果补片与口盖的铺层角度由0°变为20°后,结构屈曲载荷可以分别提高6.8%和2.4%;补片厚度也与结构屈曲载荷相关,但试图增加现有补片厚度来提高结构屈曲载荷方法并不十分理想.当补片厚度由11层提高到16层时,结构屈曲载荷也仅提高了2.37%,考虑成本与重量因素,此方法与改变铺层角度相比不可取.  相似文献   

Unusually large mitochondria are a rather scarce feature in normal biological tissue and string-like giant mitochondria have hitherto not been reported in animals. Investigating the role of inner ear ionocytes for otolith growth, large ionocytes of the saccular epithelium of the cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus were analyzed by imaging of thick sections with energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy. We report here that ionocytes do not contain numerous small-sized mitochondria as has been suggested earlier but rather few, extremely elongated megamitochondria. Since the particular mitochondrial structure is important for normal cell function, such megamitochondria possibly reflect a functional advantage in the context of the presumed role of teleostean ionocytes in regulating the composition of the endolymphatic fluid.  相似文献   

The CELIMENE space experiment (CELulles en Impesanteur: Muscle Et Neurone Embryonnaires) was devoted to the study of the influence of gravity on the differentiation, the organisation and the maintenance of the highly specialised nervous system and muscular system. CELIMENE was carried out during the first flight of the IBIS hardware (Instrument for BIology in Space) with the fully automatic space mission PHOTON 10 in February 1995. Using the amphibian Pleurodeles waltl as a vertebrate model, in vitro experiments involved immunocytochemical detection of glial-, neuronal- and muscle-specific markers, and neurotransmitters in cells developed under conditions of microgravity compared with 1g controls, on-board and on the ground. We observed that the altered gravity did not disturb cell morphogenesis or differentiation.  相似文献   

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