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Because of the orbit characteristics of the vast majority of spacecraft, the solar flux has been generally measured at Earth or in the plane of the ecliptic. So far, most published studies did not consider the fact that the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) solar flux is largely anisotropic. Indeed, in the EUV, the distribution of very contrasted bright and dark features at the surface of the Sun produces both the obvious rotational (longitudinal) modulation of the flux, but also a strong latitudinal anisotropy. Although largely ignored up to now, the latitudinal anisotropy affects the physical conditions in the corona and heliosphere. We describe an empirical model of the all-sky He II 30.4 nm flux based on EIT/SOHO data. The 30.4 nm flux was found to be strongly anisotropic. The anisotropy Ipol/Ieq between the fluxes computed for viewpoints located above the solar poles and within the solar equatorial plane ranges from 0.9 at solar minimum to 0.6 at solar maximum. A 20% asymmetry was also discovered between the north and south polar fluxes.  相似文献   

ROSAT performed the first, spectrally resolved, soft X-ray observations of Her X-1 in the SHORT-ON state of the 35d cycle. The data were taken during the All-Sky survey covering the range 0.1–2.4 keV. The mean luminosity in the ROSAT bandpass is 1.5 × 1036 ergs sec−1. Timing analysis of the data revealed a highly significant signal at a period of 1.237749(1) sec. Finally, we present evidence to support the hypothesis that the resuction in intensity during the SHORT-ON state is caused by hot matter absorption in the disk.  相似文献   

Seven new magnetic cataclysmic variables have been found amongst the EUV sources discovered in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey. Follow-up studies of these objects have now been made, yielding the orbital periods and classifications for all but one. Six objects are confirmed, or likely, polar systems, one is an intermediate polar. The properties of this new, EUV-selected sample are reviewed and compared with those of known polars and intermediate polars. The unusual features of the most interesting objects in the sample are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Water vapour concentration is one of the most important, yet one of the least known quantities of the mesosphere. Knowledge of water vapour concentration is the key to understanding many mesospheric processes, including the one that is primary focus of our investigation, Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMC). The processes of formation and occurrence parameters of PMC constitute an interesting problem in their own right, but recent evidence had been provided which suggests that PMC are a critical indicator of climate change. In this context the feasibility of a low cost method of water vapour measurements using an instrument carried aloft by a sounding rocket has been examined and some of the results discussed. It is proposed to measure the strength of the 936nm water absorption line in a solar occultation configuration employing a CCD detector. This leads to the design of a small, low cost and low-mass instrument, which can be flown on a small rocket, of the type of the Orbital Sciences Corporation Viper 5. Alternatively the instrument can be flown as a “passenger” on larger rocket carrying other experiments. In either case flight costs are relatively low. Some performance simulations are presented showing that the instrument we have designed will be sufficiently sensitive to measure water vapor in concentrations that are expected at the summer mesopause, about 85 km height. Sufficient payload design work was carried out showing that the structural, thermal and electrical requirements for a flight on the Viper 5 rocket can be met and thus making the experiment feasible for a flight.  相似文献   

Gravity wave effects in the nocturnal thermospheric F-region domain are seldom detected in the intertropical region by optical (airglow) techniques, especially during geomagnetically quiet times, in part because the low inclination of the magnetic field, as opposed to the case of the mid-latitude region, does not favor significant vertical excursions of ionospheric plasma in response to meridional winds. Such difficulty in detecting gravity wave signatures in the F-region by means of optical techniques tends to increase in the absence of geomagnetic storms because of the lack of strong forcing mechanisms necessary to generate high intensity gravity waves. The purpose of this work is to show that during the quiet day of 9 August 1999, the Terminator may have been a source region of wave-like disturbances in the nocturnal F-region at the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista (22°41'S; 45°00W, dip 30°). A digital all-sky OI 630nm imager system located at that station has shown propagating wave-like spatial structures in the airglow intensity near the Terminator. This observation supports a previous study on the evidence of the presence of gravity waves during the post-sunset period at the same location by means of a scanning photometer system (1997, Sobral, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 59, 1611–1623). The absence of range-type spread-F as monitored by a local digisonde and the absence of radio wave scintillation as monitored by a local GPS receiver, excludes the hypothesis that the wave-like airglow structures are associated with the occurrence of the ionospheric plasma bubbles. Downwards motion of the iso-density real height contours at 22.0 ms−1 and 33.1 ms−1 are observed. The wave detection by the imager system is reported and discussed here.  相似文献   

This paper shows the possibilities of the optical scanning imager for investigation of the structure of the auroral, SAR and tropical arcs and in this way to study the particle precipitation, neutral winds across the magnetic equator, drifts, electric fields and the current systems in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

The low background values at nighttime of the mesospheric hydroxyl (OH) radical make it easier to single out the atmospheric response to the external solar forcing in Polar Regions. Because of the short lifetime of HOx, it is possible to follow the trails of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events in the terrestrial atmosphere, as shown by Storini and Damiani (2008). The sensitivity of this indicator makes discernible not only extreme particle events with a flux peak of several thousand pfu [1 pfu = 1 particle/(cm2 s sr)] at energies >10 MeV, but also those with lower flux up to about 300 pfu. Using data from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on board the EOS AURA satellite, we examined the correlation of OH abundance vs. solar proton flux for almost all the identified SEP events spanning from November 2004 to December 2006 (later on no more SEP events occurred during Solar Cycle no. 23). The channels at energies greater than 5 MeV and 10 MeV showed the best correlation values (r ∼ 0.90–0.95) at altitudes around 65–75 km whereas, as expected, the most energetic channels were most highly correlated at lower altitudes. Therefore, it is reasonably possible to estimate the solar proton flux from values of mesospheric OH (and viceversa) and it could be useful in studying periods with gaps in the records of solar particles.  相似文献   

In an earlier report [1] the authors proposed an Indian Standard Tropical Atmosphere (ISTA1) from mean sea level to 20 km. This proposal describes adequately the mean conditions from 0° to about 30°N. The present work extends ISTA1 to the higher altitude of 50 km based oni. World Data Center A reports on Rocket firings [2],ii. M-100 rocket data for Thumba, India [3],iii. Northern Reference Atmospheres data of Cole and Kantor [4], andiv. Southern Reference Atmospheres data of Koshelkov [5].The proposed atmosphere, called ISTA7, has a sea level temperature of 30°C and a constant lapse rate of 6.5°C/km up to 16 km, as in ISTA1; from a temperature of -74°C at this altitude, there is a constant lapse rate of -2.3°C/km up to 46 km where the temperature is -5°C; the temperature remains constant thereafter up to 50 km. The fact that variations with longitude are weak except at very high latitudes [4], together with the fact that around 50 km, the temperature increases from low to high latitudes, lead us to propose a constant temperature of -5°C between 46 and 50 km, even though this temperature is slightly higher (by about 5°C) than the Thumba data.1/  相似文献   

Summer duration (SD) is defined here as the time interval between spring and autumn turn around of zonal winds in the stratosphere. SD long-term trends are obtained from analysis of middle stratosphere NCEP and ECMWF data. They are found to be dependent on latitude and altitude. Wind data are available since 1948. The corresponding analysis suggests a breakpoint in the trend at around 1980: SD increases before 1980, and decreases afterwards. Corresponding changes of stratospheric wave activity are analyzed and found to be a major contribution to the SD trends. Long-term computer runs of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM 1b) are consistent with these results. Vegetation data on the ground indicate similar trends with a break.  相似文献   

Positive ion mobilities are calculated for 40–75 km by computing the theoretical positive ion composition and combining it with laboratory-determined mobilities. Theoretical determinations for mobility appear to be especially apt for the 40–65 km region since oxonium ions are observed to be the principal positive ions and they should be subject to thermodynamic equilibrium. We compute a mean reduced mobility of 2.1 ± 0.1 cm2/V-s for 40–65 km using the 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere and a water vapor mixing ratio of 5 ppmv. The results are compared with atmospheric data for mobility. Observations of a lower mobility from about 35 km down to ground level are qualitatively compatible with the onset of the so-called non-proton hydrate ions at about this altitude and extending to lower heights. We note that the laboratory determined mobilities for oxonium ions average about 12 % less than the theoretical Langevin values. The total positive ion conductivity is determined also and compared with in-situ results.  相似文献   

The 2D and 3D numerical simulation is used for the investigation of current sheet (CS) creation above the active region. The current sheet in the solar corona can be created either in vicinity of a magnetic field singular line by focusing disturbances or at the interaction of the super-Alfvenic plasma flow with the perpendicular magnetic field.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of the development of models of the geomagnetic variation in the thermosphere and exosphere, including some recent models based mainly on satellite-borne gas analyzer measurements. One recent model, derived from ESRO4 data, is described in detail and compared with the model in CIRA72. The limitations of this model are discussed. The model in the MSIS comprehensive model is also examined briefly. There appears to be a serious error in the amplitude of the exospheric temperature increase predicted by the MSIS model.  相似文献   

The Ca K line has been measured regularly nearly every month since 1974 at Kitt Peak. It is well known that the K1 component of the Ca K line is formed in the temperature minimum region (TMR) of the solar atmosphere. Our study of the data of CaII K profiles over two solar cycles indicates that both in full disc integrated spectra and in center disc spectra, the distance between the red K1 and the blue K1 of the profiles and its average intensity show periodic variations. But the variation for the full disc integrated spectra fluctuates in the same way as the sunspot number does, while that for the center disc spectra has a time delay with respect to sunspot number. Non-LTE computations yield a cyclic temperature variation of about 17 K of the TMR in the quiet-Sun atmosphere and a cyclic variation of about 15–20 km in the height position of the TMR.  相似文献   

The Galileo Probe entered the atmosphere of Jupiter on December 7, 1995. Measurements of the chemical and isotopic composition of the Jovian atmosphere were obtained by the mass spectrometer during the descent over the 0.5 to 21 bar pressure region over a time period of approximately 1 hour. The sampling was either of atmospheric gases directly introduced into the ion source of the mass spectrometer through capillary leaks or of gas, which had been chemically processed to enhance the sensitivity of the measurement to trace species or noble gases. The analysis of this data set continues to be refined based on supporting laboratory studies on an engineering unit. The mixing ratios of the major constituents of the atmosphere hydrogen and helium have been determined as well as mixing ratios or upper limits for several less abundant species including: methane, water, ammonia, ethane, ethylene, propane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. Analysis also suggests the presence of trace levels of other 3 and 4 carbon hydrocarbons, or carbon and nitrogen containing species, phosphine, hydrogen chloride, and of benzene. The data set also allows upper limits to be set for many species of interest which were not detected. Isotope ratios were measured for 3He/4He, D/H, 13C/12C, 20Ne/22Ne, 38Ar/36Ar and for isotopes of both Kr and Xe.  相似文献   

Several middle atmosphere models will be reviewed, including a new set of models produced by Groves in 1985. The latter models are based on rocket and rawinsonde in situ measurements and satellite remote sounding temperature data. The models are compared with measurements made with instruments on board U. S. Shuttles during their reentry. Very useful atmospheric density data have been obtained in the altitude region from 50 to 80 km. The measurements are unique in that they are made by a vehicle travelling almost horizontally through the atmosphere at a velocity of 6 to 7 km/sec. This results in measurements along a path of approximately 8,000 km in a time interval of about 20 minutes. The results show some unique features.  相似文献   

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