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星载双频GPS载波相位和伪距观测量已成为低轨卫星获取精确三维位置和速度信息的主要方式. 本文以非差消电离载波相位和伪距组合作为观测量,应用简化动力学最小二乘批处理方法进行地球低轨卫星的精密定轨,并给出完整定轨流程. 采用逐段常量的经验加速度对动力学模型误差进行补偿,描述了经验加速度敏感矩阵及稀疏带状矩阵求逆的有效计算方法. 利用GRACE-A卫星GPS观测数据对定轨位置精度进行分析,结果显示,三维位置定轨精度优于5cm,经验加速度在径向、切向和法向上的补偿水平不超过40nm·s-2,大气阻力系数和辐射光压系数的估计值符合物理实际,星载接收机钟差大致呈线性并具有短周期小波动.   相似文献   

研究利用GPS对地球同步轨道自动转移飞行器进行导航的方法,分析了飞行器在转移过程中可用的GPS卫星数目,在地心惯性坐标系下建立了惯导误差和GPS的伪距、伪距变率模型,采用渐消因子的自适应卡尔曼滤波对飞行器进行组合导航.仿真结果表明,可用GPS卫星的数目随着飞行器高度的增高而减少,因此无法利用单一历元观测信息直接对飞行器导航.但采用多历元观测信息和动力学模型相结合的滤波方法可对飞行器进行组合导航,当飞行器初始位置偏差为1 km,初始速度偏差为1 m/s,伪距及伪距变率观测均方差分别为10 m和0.05 m/s时,地球同步轨道自动转移飞行器的最终位置偏差小于50 m,速度偏差小于0.02 m/s.   相似文献   

受地球非球形引力、第三体摄动和太阳光压等摄动因素的影响,导航卫星位置存在长周期变化趋势,需要定期对导航卫星进行轨道机动,以保持卫星轨位和导航服务区.导航卫星机动后的定轨,特别是GEO卫星,其频繁轨控后的轨道快速确定问题,是制约卫星可用度和导航系统服务性能的重要因素.在基于伪距相位数据的轨道测定中,轨道与钟差的统计相关是制约卫星轨道快速确定的关键因素,特别是在观测弧段短的情况下,待估参数之间的相关性更强,动力学参数估计结果严重失真会导致轨道预报精度衰减明显.当卫星钟差与测站钟差通过外部手段高精度测定后,可以减少待估参数的估计,同时利用长弧定轨的动力学与运动学参数先验信息,对短弧定轨模式进行参数约束,卫星定轨精度将有很大的提升空间.通过钟差与力学参数的联合约束,实现了北斗卫星短弧快速定轨,解决了卫星机动后的轨道快速确定问题,SLR评估的卫星机动后4 h定轨外符视向精度优于0.71 m,比常规方法提高了3倍,预报1 h轨道视向精度为1.89 m,用户等效距离误差(UERE)精度达到1.85 m.  相似文献   

基于单频星载GPS数据的低轨卫星精密定轨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足搭载单频GPS接收机低轨卫星的精密定轨需求以及深化单频定轨研究,文中解决了单频星载GPS数据的周跳探测问题,并利用“海洋二号”(HY-2A)卫星及“资源三号”(ZY-3)卫星的单频星载GPS实测数据采用两种方法确定了二者的简化动力学轨道,并通过观测值残差分析、与双频精密轨道比较、激光测卫数据检核等方法对所得轨道精度进行评定。结果表明,在不考虑电离层延迟影响的情况下,HY-2A卫星定轨精度为2~3dm,ZY-3卫星为1m左右;而采用半和改正组合消除电离层延迟一阶项影响后,二者定轨精度均显著提高,HY-2A卫星三维精度提高至1dm左右,ZY-3卫星提高至1~2dm。文章的研究成果表明,搭载单频GPS接收机的低轨卫星也可获得厘米级的定轨精度。  相似文献   

基于伪距和观测量的地球同步卫星动力学定轨研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用伪距和观测量对同步卫星进行了动力学定轨的研究,给出了伪距和观测量的测量方程和修正方法,采用国内4个监测站的模拟数据进行了仿真计算.结果表明,采用7天弧长伪距和数据进行轨道改进及轨道外推的精度,与5天弧长数据的计算结果相当,但远优于3天数据的计算结果.在观测随机误差为3m时,7天弧长数据定轨精度约为5m,预报7天径向精度优于20m.  相似文献   

基于GLONASS星历的预报轨道的误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了协议地球坐标系下的卫星运动方程.通过分析由GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System)广播星历参数确定的卫星预报轨道的拟合精度,指出了摄动力模型的简化、积分器的选择,以及忽略了极移影响等因素是引起拟合误差的主要因素,其中摄动力模型的简化起最主要的作用.通过对卫星轨道运动方程积分30?min,可知由摄动力模型的简化、积分器和忽略极移影响等因素引起的拟合误差分别为0.827?m,0.224?m和0.025?m.要提高预报轨道拟合的精度,关键是要对摄动力简化特别是地球引力摄动高阶项的截断以及日月引力场简化造成的轨道预报精度损失加以控制.  相似文献   

利用广播星历计算导航卫星的速度向量是GNSS高精度实时测速的必要条件.本文分析了仅以卫星位置向量为观测量的北斗广播星历的速度计算精度.从广播星历拟合过程出发,推导了北斗18参数模型的速度向量计算公式.基于北斗13颗在轨卫星一年的实际轨道数据,分析了全年广播星历计算卫星速度向量的精度.结果表明,利用18参数模型计算的速度误差最大在10-4m·-1量级;在相同拟合时段条件下,地球静止轨道(GEO)和倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的速度精度相当,高于中圆地球轨道(MEO)卫星.通过对位置残差序列分析,得出位置残差误差较小且变化趋势平稳是广播星历计算速度精度较高的原因.分析和计算结果验证了仅用位置观测量拟合北斗广播星历算法的有效性.   相似文献   

主要从卫星钟差预报、轨道测定精度、伪距波动情况等角度分析了I6卫星与北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)其他现役倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的异同,并从位置精度因子(PDOP)和格网可用性评估了I6卫星入网对BDS的贡献。利用星地双向时频传递设备观测的星地钟差数据,评估了I6卫星星载原子钟的预报性能,结果表明,I6卫星发播的卫星钟参数外推5h预报误差的均方根误差(RMS)为232ns,外推1h预报误差的RMS为073ns,与现役IGSO卫星钟差预报水平相当;对多星联合精密定轨结果分析表明,与北斗现役I3卫星相比,姿态控制方式优化后的I6卫星在地影期间的轨道精度并未发生明显衰减,克服了现有北斗二号卫星在地影期间轨道精度下降,从而影响北斗服务的连续性、可用性问题;利用大口径抛物面天线采集到的数据对I6卫星的伪距波动进行了分析,结果表明I6卫星单个观测弧段内其伪距波动峰峰差约为1m,与其他IGSO卫星一致;进行PDOP仿真计算,结果表明I6卫星的加入使得喀什地区的PDOP最大值由1282下降为726,PDOP大于6的时段所占百分比由2911%下降为1721%;对格网电离层产品实施解算,结果表明I6卫星的加入使得6个电离层格网点的可用度提升至95%以上。  相似文献   

低轨卫星的实时精密定轨能够极大拓展其完成复杂科学任务的能力,例如实时环境监测、机动控制和卫星自主导航等.本文根据几何法实时精密定轨模型,提出了附加LEO先验轨道约束从而改善实时定轨的精度、收敛速度和稳定性的构想.分别采用广播星历、超快速星历预报部分和实时精密星历,设计了6种实时定轨方案,并利用Swarm-A,B,C星7天的观测数据进行方案验证与分析.结果表明,使用广播星历、IGU和IGC星历的方案精度递增,附加先验轨道约束能够进一步提升精度.使用IGC星历并附加标准差为1m的先验轨道约束后,在径向、切向和法向的定轨精度分别达到6.12cm,5.55cm和4.98cm.此外,附加先验轨道约束能够显著提升收敛速度,使用IGC星历平均收敛时间约为31min,附加标准差为1m的先验轨道约束后收敛仅需约4min.   相似文献   

高可靠、高精度、低成本的全自主导航是现代微小卫星定轨领域的发展方向,GPS以其在成本、精度、功耗等方面的独特优势,在低轨航天器上得到应用。论文采用GPS伪距作为观测量,在可见星较少的情况下仍可得到观测信息,较GPS直接输出提高了导航精度,并能进一步降低硬件成本。还引入了衰减记忆滤波算法,通过调节协方差矩阵,削弱了历史量测信息对当前数据融合的贡献,从而减小了轨道摄动对定轨精度的影响。仿真结果表明当导航星数目较少时,该算法仍可实现信息融合,且显著提高了定位精度。  相似文献   

Spaceborne GPS receivers are used for real-time navigation by most low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. In general, the position and velocity accuracy of GPS navigation solutions without a dynamic filter are 25 m (1σ) and 0.5 m/s (1σ), respectively. However, GPS navigation solutions, which consist of position, velocity, and GPS receiver clock bias, have many abnormal excursions from the normal error range for space operation. These excursions lessen the accuracy of attitude control and onboard time synchronization. In this research, a new onboard orbit determination algorithm designed with the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) was developed to improve the performance. Because the UKF is able to obtain the posterior mean and covariance accurately by using the second-order Taylor series expansion through the sampled sigma points that are propagated by using the true nonlinear system, its performance can be better than that of the extended Kalman filter (EKF), which uses the linearized state transition matrix to predict the covariance. The dynamic models for orbit propagation applied perturbations due to the 40 × 40 geo-potential, the gravity of the Sun and Moon, solar radiation pressure, and atmospheric drag. The 7(8)th-order Runge–Kutta numerical integration was applied for orbit propagation. Two types of observations, navigation solutions and C/A code pseudorange, can be used at the user’s discretion. The performances of the onboard orbit determination were verified using real GPS data of the CHAMP and KOMPSAT-2 satellites. The results of the orbit determination were compared with the precision orbit ephemeris (POE) of the CHAMP and KOMPSAT-2 satellites.  相似文献   

A drag coefficient (CD) inversion method is introduced to study the variations of the drag coefficient for orbital satellites with spherical geometry. Drag coefficients of the four micro satellites in the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE) are compiled out with this new method. The Lomb-Scargle Periodgram (LSP) analysis of the four ANDE satellites' CD series has shown that there are obvious 5, 7, 9, and 27 days' period in those data. Interesting results are found through comparing the LSP analysis with series of the daily solar radio flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7 index), the Ap index, and the daily averaged solar wind speed at 1AU. All series in the same time interval have an obvious period of about 27 days, which has already been explained as the association with the 27 days' solar rotation. The oscillating periods less than 27 days are found in series of CD, Ap and solar wind speed at 1AU, e.g., the 5, 7, 9 days period. However, these short periods disappeared in the time series of F10.7 index. The same periodicities of 5, 7, 9 days in Ap and solar wind are presented at the same time interval during the declining phase of solar cycle 23. While in the ascending phase of solar cycle 24, these short oscillations are not so obvious as that in the declining phase of solar cycle 23. These results provide definite evidence that the CD variations with period of 5, 7 and 9 days are produced by a combination of space weather effects caused by the solar wind and geomagnetic activity.   相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that with the availability of high-quality CHAMP and GRACE gravity field models, it is feasible to determine accurate non-gravitational accelerations for low Earth orbiting satellites indirectly from precise GPS satellite-to-satellite observations. Possible applications of this so-called GPS-based accelerometry approach consist of accelerometer calibration and atmospheric density and wind computations. With the growing number of high-quality space-borne GPS receivers, this method could be applied to a large range of satellites. In this paper an extensive simulation study has been carried out, based on real accelerometer data from the GRACE mission, in order to determine the optimal processing strategy and the resulting accuracy of the estimated non-gravitational accelerations. It is shown that the optimal processing strategy consists of a piecewise linear parameterization of the estimated empirical accelerations, together with short 6-h orbit arcs. The GPS-based accelerometry approach makes use of triple-differenced GPS observations and the impact of considering the correlated observation noise was found to be marginal in the presence of other error sources such as GPS ephemeris errors. Using a priori non-gravitational force models improves the recovery of low temporal resolution accelerations, except during huge geomagnetic storms. With this strategy, non-gravitational accelerations can be recovered during high solar activity with an accuracy of better than 10% of the total signal in along-track direction and around 25–40% in cross-track direction, at time resolutions of around 8–20 min. During solar minimum conditions, the relative recovery error will increase to approximately 50% in along-track direction and around 60–70% in cross-track direction, due to the reduced atmospheric drag signal. Unfortunately, GPS-based accelerometry is hardly sensitive in the radial direction.  相似文献   

一种基于温度参数的热层密度修正方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
热层大气的阻力效应是影响低轨航天器大量空间操作的重要因素, 尤其是经验密度模式, 其固有的至少15%的内符合误差已严重制约航天器轨道计算精度的提高. 针对广泛应用的经验密度模式, 选择物理背景简明、关联参数较少的JACCHIA71模式, 以地磁平静条件下的全球散逸层顶温度最小值Tc及125 km高度拐点温度Tx为对象, 建立密度相对于上述温度参数的条件方程, 推导密度相对于温度参数的解析偏导数, 并给出其最小二乘解. 同时, 利用CHAMP卫星数据对模式进行修正, 模式平均误差从40%降低至3%左右. 通过TG01飞行器的轨道预报比较, 修正前后轨道预报位置精度从2 km提升至1 km左右. 经过CHAMP卫星和TG01飞行器的实测数据检验, 验证了修正算法的正确性和有效性.   相似文献   

Clock error estimation has been the focus of a great deal of research because of the extensive usage of clocks in GPS positioning applications. The receiver clock error in the spacecraft orbit determination is commonly estimated on an epoch-by-epoch basis, along with the spacecraft’s position. However, due to the high correlation between the spacecraft orbit altitude and the receiver clock parameters, estimates of the radial component are degraded in the kinematic approach. Using clocks with high stability, the predictable behaviour of the receiver oscillator can be exploited to improve the positioning accuracy, especially for the radial component. This paper introduces two GPS receiver clock models to describe the deterministic and stochastic property of the receiver clock, both of which can improve the accuracy of kinematic orbit determination for spacecraft in low earth orbit. In particular, the clock parameters are estimated as time offset and frequency offset in the two-state model. The frequency drift is also estimated as an unknown parameter in the three-state model. Additionally, residual non-deterministic random errors such as frequency white noise, frequency random walk noise and frequency random run noise are modelled. Test results indicate that the positioning accuracy could be improved significantly using one day of GRACE flight data. In particular, the error of the radial component was reduced by over 40.0% in the real-time scenario.  相似文献   

针对地基测控系统传统标校方法和基于差分GPS事后标校方法的不足,提出了一种基于低轨卫星与地面测控站之间星地差分GPS的地基测控系统测量误差实时标校方法。与基于差分GPS的事后标校相比,实时标校能使地基测控系统及时获取标校后的测量数据,从而实时进行轨道解算和预报,并及时上注以提升卫星运行性能。针对星地长基线、高动态和实时标校场景,系统地分析了影响星地基线估计性能的各项误差及修正效果,并提出相对位置精度因子的概念,由此得到星地基线估计精度预算。采用基于抗差自适应卡尔曼滤波的实时星地基线估计算法,并利用加权最小二乘法求解测控系统测量误差,从而获得校准结果。利用星载双频GPS接收机和导航信号模拟器构建半实物仿真平台,仿真结果表明,实时标校后测距系统误差残差降低到40cm左右,测速系统误差残差降低到1cm/s以下,与理论分析结果一致,可以较好地满足未来航天任务的测控需求。  相似文献   

传统动力学定轨法受制于动力学模型精度,传统几何定轨法精度受限,只能达到亚米级,而基于精密单点定位(PPP)模式的几何定轨法一般采用浮点解,定轨精度及可靠性较基于双差模式的相对定位较差。为提高PPP模式低轨定轨的定位性能,利用中国区域内外的IGS测站计算出当前所有卫星的宽巷和窄巷相位小数偏差产品,对经过中国大陆区域上空的国产低轨卫星海洋二号(HY-2)和资源三号 (ZY-3) 卫星进行固定模糊度PPP的定轨解算,与事后精密轨道结果进行比较,分析其外符合精度。结果表明:仅利用约10min弧段的HY-2和ZY-3卫星数据,切向与径向的定轨精度可达2cm左右,法向为5cm左右,较浮点解定轨精度大幅提升。基于固定模糊度PPP的定轨方法能够满足厘米级的实时精密定轨。  相似文献   

基于夏氏最小二乘的轨道控制力系数辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在航天器轨道捕获、轨道维持和空间目标碰撞规避中都需要进行航天器轨道机动。针对航天器轨道机动过程中推力器的推力系数为装订常数,没有根据在轨工作实际进行优化而导致出现较大误差的情况,对控制力拟合系数进行辨识,作为修正控制参数以补偿轨道控制误差的依据,提高轨道控制精度。统计分析在轨管理的典型航天器平台及其发动机的轨道控制历史数据,分析轨道控制理论和在轨控制数据拟合建立轨道控制经验模型,用当前可测量的系统输入和输出预测系统输出的未来演变,得到不同工作情况下实际轨道控制误差与控制参数及其他主要影响因素之间关系的经验公式,为轨道控制策略决策提供参考。选取轨道半长轴控制量300m以上和300m以下的两类近地卫星,对其轨道控制历史数据进行分析,经实际数据测试,采用夏氏法进行推力系数拟合后预测的速度变化量精度较高。该种计算方法利用了轨道控制历史数据,计算方法简单,提高了轨道控制速度增量的预测精度,对轨道控制实施具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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