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Our knowledge of Mercury has improved dramatically since the flight of Mariner 10. The planet is probably differentiated into a large iron-rich core (75% of the total radius) and a relatively thin (600 km) silicate mantle. Although the surface of Mercury superficially resembles the Moon, there are three main differences: (1) large areas of relatively old intercrater plains, (2) a widespread (probably global) distribution of lobate scarps, and (3) a similar albedo between young smooth plains and the older mercurian highlands. The origin of Mercury's plains units is still uncertain but a volcanic origin is favored for at least large tracts of the younger smooth plains. The older intercrater plains seem to span a range of ages, large tracts of which appear to have been implaced during the period of intense bombardment. The widespread distribution of lobate scarps probably resulted from a period of global contraction relatively late in Mercury's history. This period of contraction probably resulted primarily from cooling of the lithosphere and/or core following core formation. The crater diameter density distribution on the Moon, Mars and Mercury indicates that all the terrestrial planets experienced a period of intense bombardment early in their histories and that the objects responsible for this bombardment probably belonged to the same population(s).  相似文献   

The Geology of Mercury: The View Prior to the MESSENGER Mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mariner 10 and Earth-based observations have revealed Mercury, the innermost of the terrestrial planetary bodies, to be an exciting laboratory for the study of Solar System geological processes. Mercury is characterized by a lunar-like surface, a global magnetic field, and an interior dominated by an iron core having a radius at least three-quarters of the radius of the planet. The 45% of the surface imaged by Mariner 10 reveals some distinctive differences from the Moon, however, with major contractional fault scarps and huge expanses of moderate-albedo Cayley-like smooth plains of uncertain origin. Our current image coverage of Mercury is comparable to that of telescopic photographs of the Earth’s Moon prior to the launch of Sputnik in 1957. We have no photographic images of one-half of the surface, the resolution of the images we do have is generally poor (∼1 km), and as with many lunar telescopic photographs, much of the available surface of Mercury is distorted by foreshortening due to viewing geometry, or poorly suited for geological analysis and impact-crater counting for age determinations because of high-Sun illumination conditions. Currently available topographic information is also very limited. Nonetheless, Mercury is a geological laboratory that represents (1) a planet where the presence of a huge iron core may be due to impact stripping of the crust and upper mantle, or alternatively, where formation of a huge core may have resulted in a residual mantle and crust of potentially unusual composition and structure; (2) a planet with an internal chemical and mechanical structure that provides new insights into planetary thermal history and the relative roles of conduction and convection in planetary heat loss; (3) a one-tectonic-plate planet where constraints on major interior processes can be deduced from the geology of the global tectonic system; (4) a planet where volcanic resurfacing may not have played a significant role in planetary history and internally generated volcanic resurfacing may have ceased at ∼3.8 Ga; (5) a planet where impact craters can be used to disentangle the fundamental roles of gravity and mean impactor velocity in determining impact crater morphology and morphometry; (6) an environment where global impact crater counts can test fundamental concepts of the distribution of impactor populations in space and time; (7) an extreme environment in which highly radar-reflective polar deposits, much more extensive than those on the Moon, can be better understood; (8) an extreme environment in which the basic processes of space weathering can be further deduced; and (9) a potential end-member in terrestrial planetary body geological evolution in which the relationships of internal and surface evolution can be clearly assessed from both a tectonic and volcanic point of view. In the half-century since the launch of Sputnik, more than 30 spacecraft have been sent to the Moon, yet only now is a second spacecraft en route to Mercury. The MESSENGER mission will address key questions about the geologic evolution of Mercury; the depth and breadth of the MESSENGER data will permit the confident reconstruction of the geological history and thermal evolution of Mercury using new imaging, topography, chemistry, mineralogy, gravity, magnetic, and environmental data.  相似文献   

We use energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) measured with the Cosmic Ray instrument on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft during the period 1994/157-313 to determine several parameters of interest to heliospheric studies. We estimate that the strength of the solar wind termination shock is 2.42 (–0.08, +0.04). We determine the composition of ACRs by estimating their differential energy spectra at the shock and find the following abundance ratios: H/He = 5.6 (–0.5, +0.6), C/He = 0.00048 ± 0.00011, N/He = 0.011 ± 0.001, O/He = 0.075 ± 0.006, and Ne/He = 0.0050 ± 0.0004. We correlate our observations with those of pickup ions to deduce that the long-term ionization rate of neutral nitrogen at 1 AU is 8.3 × 10–7 s–1 and that the charge-exchange cross section for neutral N and solar wind protons is 1.0 × 10–15 cm2 at 1.1 keV. We estimate that the neutral C/He ratio in the outer heliosphere is 1.8(–0.7, +0.9) × 10–5. We also find that heavy ions are preferentially injected into the acceleration process at the termination shock.  相似文献   

The Magnetic Field of Mercury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetic field strength of Mercury at the planet’s surface is approximately 1% that of Earth’s surface field. This comparatively low field strength presents a number of challenges, both theoretically to understand how it is generated and observationally to distinguish the internal field from that due to the solar wind interaction. Conversely, the small field also means that Mercury offers an important opportunity to advance our understanding both of planetary magnetic field generation and magnetosphere-solar wind interactions. The observations from the Mariner 10 magnetometer in 1974 and 1975, and the MESSENGER Magnetometer and plasma instruments during the probe’s first two flybys of Mercury on 14 January and 6 October 2008, provide the basis for our current knowledge of the internal field. The external field arising from the interaction of the magnetosphere with the solar wind is more prominent near Mercury than for any other magnetized planet in the Solar System, and particular attention is therefore paid to indications in the observations of deficiencies in our understanding of the external field. The second MESSENGER flyby occurred over the opposite hemisphere from the other flybys, and these newest data constrain the tilt of the planetary moment from the planet’s spin axis to be less than 5°. Considered as a dipole field, the moment is in the range 240 to 270 nT-R M 3 , where R M is Mercury’s radius. Multipole solutions for the planetary field yield a smaller dipole term, 180 to 220 nT-R M 3 , and higher-order terms that together yield an equatorial surface field from 250 to 290 nT. From the spatial distribution of the fit residuals, the equatorial data are seen to reflect a weaker northward field and a strongly radial field, neither of which can be explained by a centered-dipole matched to the field measured near the pole by Mariner 10. This disparity is a major factor controlling the higher-order terms in the multipole solutions. The residuals are not largest close to the planet, and when considered in magnetospheric coordinates the residuals indicate the presence of a cross-tail current extending to within 0.5R M altitude on the nightside. A near-tail current with a density of 0.1 μA/m2 could account for the low field intensities recorded near the equator. In addition, the MESSENGER flybys include the first plasma observations from Mercury and demonstrate that solar wind plasma is present at low altitudes, below 500 km. Although we can be confident in the dipole-only moment estimates, the data in hand remain subject to ambiguities for distinguishing internal from external contributions. The anticipated observations from orbit at Mercury, first from MESSENGER beginning in March 2011 and later from the dual-spacecraft BepiColombo mission, will be essential to elucidate the higher-order structure in the magnetic field of Mercury that will reveal the telltale signatures of the physics responsible for its generation.  相似文献   

Conclusions Long wavelength radar observations of Venus yield a surface reflectivity of about 15%. Total power measurements at 12.5 cm and 3.6 cm strongly suggest that significant atmospheric absorption is operative in this wavelength region. If the observed low value of reflectivity at 3.6 cm is attributed to atmospheric absorption alone an opacity of = 1.14 is implied at this wavelength rather independently from assumptions concerning the surface scattering characteristics of Venus. An inverse 2 opacity law for the atmosphere is consistent with the reflectivity measurements over the complete range of observations wavelengths.The mathematical characteristics of the Venusian backscatter law are the same as for the moon but wavelength-dependent mean effective slopes indicate that Venus appears smoother than the moon at all radar wavelengths.Considerable progress has been made toward obtaining a precise value for the Venusian axial rotation vector which is found to be oriented to within 10 degrees of the planet's orbital plane. The period of (retrograde) rotation lies within the range 242–250 days with the lower value favored by the statistics of the data. Regions of enhanced radar return fixed to the surface have been found and verified at a later conjunction. Measurements of the surface radar depolarization support the hypothesis that the prominences are due to increased surface roughness as opposed to regional increases of dielectric constant.Observations of Mercury strongly suggest that the rotation period of the planet is about 59 days, a conclusion which has been supported, a posteriori, by theoretical tidal calculations and rediscussions of optical observations of surface markings. Mercury has radar backscatter characteristics more similar to the moon than Venus and exhibits a reflectivity of about 5%.Mars has demonstrated strong variations of radar backscatter characteristics which appear correlated with the Martian longitude and, in turn, with the dark surface markings in its north equatorial zone. Particularly reliable correlations have been discovered with the positions of Trivium Charontis and Syrtis Major. The observed variations appear to be primarily manifested in terms of the Martian radar backscatter law or surface roughness as opposed to variations in the intrinsic surface material reflectivities although the observations are not sufficiently precise to resolve this question. Variations in surface materials are apparently also present but their degree is currently unassayable. The reflectivity of the average surface has been crudely determined to be about 7% which suggests that the surface of Mars is composed of underdense materials. The 7% value is consistent with the values of 7.5% and 5% for the moon and Mercury, respectively, and is significantly different from the 15% value for Venus,No unequivocal radar detection of Jupiter has been made although a statistically weak detection has been reported for a single opposition which could not be verified in succeeding attempts.  相似文献   

The Ariel 6 X-ray instruments observed 0115+63 during 1980 December 16–30, when the mean flux was 150 millicrab. Analysis of the 3.6s pulsations given a refined orbital period of 24.3155 ± 0.0002 days and a periastron angle of 47°. 15 ± 0°.13, setting a limit on the rate of advance of periastron since 1978 of 0.11 yr–1. During the observation the pulse period was decreasing faster than during the 1978 outburst, but in the 3 year interval there had been a spin down.  相似文献   

The 2018 InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) Mission has the mission goal of providing insitu data for the first measurement of the geothermal heat flow of Mars. The Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) will take thermal conductivity and thermal gradient measurements to approximately 5 m depth. By necessity, this measurement will be made within a few meters of the lander. This means that thermal perturbations from the lander will modify local surface and subsurface temperature measurements. For HP3’s sensitive thermal gradient measurements, this spacecraft influence will be important to model and parameterize. Here we present a basic 3D model of thermal effects of the lander on its surroundings. Though lander perturbations significantly alter subsurface temperatures, a successful thermal gradient measurement will be possible in all thermal conditions by proper (\(>3~\mbox{m}\) depth) placement of the heat flow probe.  相似文献   

Mercury is a very difficult planet to observe from the Earth, and space missions that target Mercury are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the planet. At the same time, it is also difficult to orbit because it is deep inside the Sun’s gravitational well. Only one mission has visited Mercury; that was Mariner 10 in the 1970s. This paper provides a brief history of Mariner 10 and the numerous imaginative but unsuccessful mission proposals since the 1970s for another Mercury mission. In the late 1990s, two missions—MESSENGER and BepiColombo—received the go-ahead; MESSENGER is on its way to its first encounter with Mercury in January 2008. The history, scientific objectives, mission designs, and payloads of both these missions are described in detail.  相似文献   

We review the geochemical observations of water, \(\mbox{D}/\mbox{H}\) and volatile element abundances of the inner Solar System bodies, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars. We focus primarily on the inventories of water in these bodies, but also consider other volatiles when they can inform us about water. For Mercury, we have no data for internal water, but the reducing nature of the surface of Mercury would suggest that some hydrogen may be retained in its core. We evaluate the current knowledge and understanding of venusian water and volatiles and conclude that the venusian mantle was likely endowed with as much water as Earth of which it retains a small but non-negligible fraction. Estimates of the abundance of the Moon’s internal water vary from Earth-like to one to two orders of magnitude more depleted. Cl, K, and Zn isotope anomalies for lunar samples argue that the giant impact left a unique geochemical fingerprint on the Moon, but not the Earth. For Mars, an early magma ocean likely generated a thick crust; this combined with a lack of crustal recycling mechanisms would have led to early isolation of the Martian mantle from later delivery of water and volatiles from surface reservoirs or late accretion. The abundance estimates of Martian mantle water are similar to those of the terrestrial mantle, suggesting some similarities in the water and volatile inventories for the terrestrial planets and the Moon.  相似文献   

Models for the mechanisms of accretion of the terrestrial planets are re-examined using the experimental technique of high-precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry of tungsten (W). The decay of 182Hf to 182W (via 182Ta) provides a new kind of radiometric chronometer of planet formation processes. Hafnium and W, the parent and daughter trace elements, are highly refractory; however, Hf is lithophile and strongly partitioned into the silicate portion of a planet, whereas W is moderately siderophile and preferentially partitioned into a coexisting metallic phase. More than 90% of terrestrial W has gone into the Earth's core during its formation. The residual silicate portion, the Earth's primitive mantle, has a Hf/W ratio in the range 10−40, an order of magnitude higher than chondritic (∼1.3). Tungsten isotopic data for the Earth and the Moon suggest that we can date a major event of planet formation: The Moon formed about 50 Myrs after the start of the solar system, providing strong support for the Giant Impact Theory of lunar origin. Recent simulations of this event imply that the Earth was probably only half formed at the time. From this we can deduce the planetary accretion rate. Tungsten isotope data for Mars provide evidence of a much shorter accretion interval, perhaps as little as 10 Myrs, but the rates for the Earth over the same time interval could have been comparable. The large W isotopic heterogeneities on Mars could only have been produced within the first 30 Myrs of the solar system. Large-scale mixing, e.g. from convective overturn, as is thought to drive the Earth's plates, must be absent from Mars. Limitations of the method such as 1) cosmogenic 182Ta effects on lunar samples, 2) incomplete mixing of debris to cause W isotope heterogeneity on the Moon, and 3) initial 182Hf/180Hf heterogeneities of the early solar system are critically discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Results of the observations of Geminga (2CG 195 + 4) in the energy range E 1012 eV, carried out in 1979, 1981, and 1983 with the Tien Shan high-altitude facility for recording the erenkov flashes of extensive air showers are reported. The mean flux density averaged over the whole protracted data is (5.7 ± 2.5) × 10–11 quanta cm–1 s–1. The flux is variable with a period 59 s. The character of the period variation with time is hard to be reconciled with earlier findings by other authors. The importance of further simultaneous observations at various energies is indicated.  相似文献   

The detection of X-rays from Nova Muscae 1983 (discovered on January 18, 1983) constitutes the first detection of X-rays from a classical nova during outburst. X-ray observations were carried out on 1984 April 20 and July 14 when Nova Mus had entered the nebular stage. During both observations no significant flux was observed with the medium energy detectors (2–50 keV). The source was detected with the low energy detector (.04–2 keV) using 3000 Å Lexan and Parlene- N-Aluminium filters; counting rates of (3.4 ± 1.2) × 103 and (3.7 ± 1.2 × 10-3 counts/sec were measured with the respective filters. The source was detected again on July 14 with about the same intensity. Either a shocked shell of circumstellar gas emitting 107 thermal bremsstrahlung at 1035 erg/sec intensity or a white dwarf remnant emitting 3.5 × 105 blackbody radiation at 1037 erg/sec luminosity are compatible with the measurements.Spectra taken in the visual spectral range show strong forbidden coronal emission lines of [FeVII] 6085, [FeX] 6374, and as never observed before in such a strength, [FeXIV] 5303 requiring excitation temperatures of 2 × 106 °K.  相似文献   

A Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) instrument has been developed as part of the science payload for NASA’s Discovery Program mission to the planet Mercury. Mercury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) launched successfully in 2004 and will journey more than six years before entering Mercury orbit to begin a one-year investigation. The GRNS instrument forms part of the geochemistry investigation and will yield maps of the elemental composition of the planet surface. Major elements include H, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, K, and Th. The Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) portion detects gamma-ray emissions in the 0.1- to 10-MeV energy range and achieves an energy resolution of 3.5 keV full-width at half-maximum for 60Co (1332 keV). It is the first interplanetary use of a mechanically cooled Ge detector. Special construction techniques provide the necessary thermal isolation to maintain the sensor’s encapsulated detector at cryogenic temperatures (90 K) despite the intense thermal environment. Given the mission constraints, the GRS sensor is necessarily body-mounted to the spacecraft, but the outer housing is equipped with an anticoincidence shield to reduce the background from charged particles. The Neutron Spectrometer (NS) sensor consists of a sandwich of three scintillation detectors working in concert to measure the flux of ejected neutrons in three energy ranges from thermal to ∼7 MeV. The NS is particularly sensitive to H content and will help resolve the composition of Mercury’s polar deposits. This paper provides an overview of the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer and describes its science and measurement objectives, the design and operation of the instrument, the ground calibration effort, and a look at some early in-flight data.  相似文献   

The X-ray properties of the supernova remnant G 29.7-0.3 are discussed based on spectral data from the EXOSAT satellite. In the 2 to 10 keV range a featureless power-law spectrum is obtained, the best-fit parameters being: energy spectral index =-0.77, hydrogen column density on the line of sight NH=2.3.1022 cm–2. The incident X-ray flux from the source is (3.6±0.1) 1011 erg cm–2 s–1 in the 2 to 10 keV range corresponding to an intrinsic luminosity of about 2. 1036 erg s–1 for a distance of 19 kpc. The source was not seen with the imaging instrument thus constraining the hydrogen column density to be NH=(3.3 ±0.3) 1022 cm–2 and the energy spectral index =1.0±0.15. This new observation is consistent with emission by a synchroton nebula presumably fed by an active pulsar. An upper limit of 1.5% for the pulsed fraction in the range of periods 32ms to 104 s has been obtained.  相似文献   

Summary On May 8, 1980, we conducted a 90 minute observation on hard X-ray emission (15-200 keV) from Her X-1, using a large area ( 1500 cm2), low background balloon borne X-ray telescope. The energy resolution of the telescope was 17% FWHM at 60 keV. Her X-1 was at binary phase 0.0725 and 2.7 ± 0.5 days after turn on in the 35 day cycle.Average pulsation light curves were obtained by sorting data into 25 equal bins, according to pulse arrival time, modulo the 1.24 sec pulsation period. The width of the main pulse is energy dependent and in the 45–75 keV region about 30% smaller than in the range from 15 to 30 keV.The data have been analyzed by taking the Her X-1 pulse minus background spectrum, where the pulse count rate is defined in a pulse phase interval around the pulse maximum of the 1.24 sec period. The background spectrum was intermittently obtained by a chopping collimator system.A spectral feature is present in emission at an energy of 49.5 (+ 1.5, -3) keV and a FWHM of 18 (+ 6, -3) keV and in absorption at an energy of 29.5 (+ 1.7, -1.5) keV and a FWHM of 17.0 (+ 2.6, -2.8) keV. The intensity of this line feature in emission is (1.8 ± 0.4) photons/cm sec. The line excess in emission over the continuum (with kT = 6.75 (+ 0.2, -0.4) keV) is 7.  相似文献   

Single station solar wind velocity measurements using the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) in India (operating at 327 MHz) are reported for the period August 1992 to August 1993. Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations on a large number of compact radio sources covering a latitudinal range of ±80° were used to derive solar wind velocities using the method of fitting a power law model to the observed IPS spectra. The data shows a velocity versus heliographic latitude pattern which is similar to that reported by Rickett and Coles (1991) for the 1981–1982 period. However, the average of the measured equatorial velocities are higher, being about 470 km s–1 compared to their value of 400 km s–1. The distribution of electron density variations (N e ) between 50R and 90R was also determined and it was found that N e was about 30% less at the poles as compared to the equator.  相似文献   

By extrapolating to O/H = N/H = 0 the empirical correlations Y–O/H and Y–N/H defined by a relatively large sample of 45 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), we have obtained a primordial 4Helium mass fraction Y p=0.2443±0.0015 with dY/dZ=2.4±1.0. This result is in excellent agreement with the average Y p=0.2452±0.0015 determined in the two most metal-deficient BCDs known, I Zw 18 (Z /50) and SBS 0335–052 (Z /41), where the correction for He production is smallest. The quoted error (1) of 1% is statistical and does not include systematic effects. We examine various systematic effects including collisional excitation of hydrogen lines, ionization structure and temperature fluctuation effects, and underlying stellar Hei absorption, and conclude that combining all systematic effects, our Y p may be underestimated by 2–4%. Taken at face value, our Y p implies a baryon-to-photon number ratio =(4.7+1.0 –0.8)×10–10 and a baryon mass fraction b h 2 100=0.017±0.005 (2), consistent with the values obtained from deuterium and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. Correcting Y p upward by 2–4% would make the agreement even better.  相似文献   

We use a sample of 45 low-metallicity H II regions in blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies to determine the primordial helium abundance YP with a precision better than 5%. We have carefully investigated the physical effects which may make the He I line intensities deviate from their recombination values such as collisional and fluorescent enhancements, underlying He I stellar absorption and absorption by Galactic interstellar Na I. By extrapolating the Y vs. O/H and Y vs. N/H linear regressions to O/H = N/H = 0, we obtain YP = 0.244±0.002 and 0.245±0.001, respectively, higher than previous determinations (YP = 0.230 - 0.234). Part of the difference comes from the fact that previous investigators have not taken into account underlying He I stellar absorption, especially in the NW component of the BCD I Zw 18 which, because of its extremely low metallicity plays a key role in the determination of YP. We derive a slope dY/dZ = 2.3±1.0, considerably smaller than those derived before. With this smaller slope and taking into account the errors, chemical evolution models with an outflow of well-mixed material can be built for star-forming dwarf galaxies which satisfy all the observational constraints. Our YP gives bh 50 2 = 0.058±0.007,f consistent with the lower limit set by dynamical measurements and X-ray observations of clusters of galaxies. It is also consistent, within the framework of standard big bang nucleosynthesis theory, with measurements of primordial 7Li in galactic halo stars and with the D/H abundance measured in absorption systems toward quasars by Burles and Tytler (1997).  相似文献   

NGC 4151 was observed four times in Nov. 83. The results indicate that: a) there exists a correlation between the X-ray and UV fluxes on the long term; b) the soft X-ray excess between 0.1 and 1 keV is probably steeper than expected from the leaky absorber model by Holt et al (1980); c)the spectral fit to the ME data, after correction for a soft component, yields =1,73±0.27, NH=(15.2±2.2)×1022 cm–2, E.W.(Fe line)=0.208±0.084 keV, and does not require a strong overabundance of Fe in the absorber. The relationship between NH and the strength of the broad emission lines is commented.  相似文献   

From the discovery that Venus has an atmosphere during the 1761 transit by M. Lomonosov to the current exploration of the planet by the Akatsuki orbiter, we continue to learn about the planet’s extreme climate and weather. This chapter attempts to provide a comprehensive but by no means exhaustive review of the results of the atmospheric thermal structure and radiative balance since the earlier works published in Venus and Venus II books from recent spacecraft and Earth based investigations and summarizes the gaps in our current knowledge. There have been no in-situ measurements of the deep Venus atmosphere since the flights of the two VeGa balloons and landers in 1985 (Sagdeev et al., Science 231:1411–1414, 1986). Thus, most of the new information about the atmospheric thermal structure has come from different remote sensing (Earth based and spacecraft) techniques using occultations (solar infrared, stellar ultraviolet and orbiter radio occultations), spectroscopy and microwave, short wave and thermal infrared emissions. The results are restricted to altitudes higher than about 40 km, except for one investigation of the near surface static stability inferred by Meadows and Crisp (J. Geophys. Res. 101:4595–4622, 1996) from 1 \(\upmu\)m observations from Earth. Little information about the lower atmospheric structure is possible below about 40 km altitude from radio occultations due to large bending angles. The gaps in our knowledge include spectral albedo variations over time, vertical variation of the bulk composition of the atmosphere (mean molecular weight), the identity, properties and abundances of absorbers of incident solar radiation in the clouds. The causes of opacity variations in the nightside cloud cover and vertical gradients in the deep atmosphere bulk composition and its impact on static stability are also in need of critical studies. The knowledge gaps and questions about Venus and its atmosphere provide the incentive for obtaining the necessary measurements to understand the planet, which can provide some clues to learn about terrestrial exoplanets.  相似文献   

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