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Testing of electronic systems using conventional testing methods has become more difficult and costly as these systems have become more complex and compact. Conventional testing methods and systems often require lengthy analysis to define testing strategies. These test systems may require lengthy test periods, complex stimulus and measurement instrumentation as well as complicated fixturing. The results are often ambiguous and require further interpretation. This paper presents an exploration of a “non-intrusive” test method based on interpreting changes in the magnetic field close to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Currents moving between devices on the PCB produce these magnetic fields. Changes of the PCB operational status due to faults cause changes in the associated magnetic field pattern that can be interpreted by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for fault identification. An apparatus to collect magnetic field measurements is described along with some problems of collecting data. Typical magnetic field patterns for “known-good” and faulted PCBs are presented. Possible extensions of the method are discussed. This paper resulted from internally funded work at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) concerning non-intrusive diagnostic techniques  相似文献   

The author examines a systems approach to automation that the printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer can use in order to adapt today's technology for his or her individual needs. He begins with an overview of production functions. He then describes the subsystems approach, the steps leading to computerization, implementation, the bare board test system, and preprocessing  相似文献   

印刷电路板的动力学特性直接影响机载电子设备在振动和冲击环境下的工作可靠性,有必要在设计阶段对其进行动力学分析.印刷电路板为薄壁结构,质量一般较小,在使用传统的加速度传感器测量时,传感器的附加质量会对模态测试结果造成影响.通过加速度传感器与激光测振仪测试数据的对比,分析了加速度传感器附加质量对模态测试结果的影响,验证了传感器附加质量消除方法的效果,结论认为传感器附加质量对印刷电路板模态测试的结果影响明显且这种影响不能被完全消除;使用扫描式激光测振仪可以得到精确详细的模态参数.  相似文献   

用对流辐射换热板来降低混合排气涡扇发动机热喷流的红外辐射,并在涡扇发动机热喷流模拟实验台上进行了实验研究.测量了安装对流辐射换热板前后,轴对称喷管的热喷流的温度分布,轴对称喷管和二元喷管的热喷流在3~5 μm波段的红外辐射强度.结果表明:对流辐射换热板可以降低热喷流高温核心区的温度约10%,降低涡扇发动机热喷流的红外辐射强度约20%~30%.   相似文献   

The two distinct technical specialty areas of failure detection in stochastic dynamical systems and the detection and tracking of target maneuvers by radar or optics are identified as two separate disciplines that have achieved results by using modeling techniques. These techniques can be cross-applied to the other specialty area, which is revealed to have in common the same underlying mathematical formulation of the even detection problem  相似文献   

针对飞行试验层流测试,开展基于红外热像的边界层转捩探测技术应用研究。分析了高空飞行条件对红外测试的影响因素,包括光路布局、蒙皮表面处理工艺、蒙皮加热等,有针对性地提出红外测试方案。在此基础上,以某民用飞机为试验平台,开展飞行演示验证试验,飞行海拔高度范围5km至7km,马赫数范围0.5至0.65。进行了有/无蒙皮加热、有/无太阳等状态的机翼表面热图采集,对比分析蒙皮加热、太阳辐射等因素对红外转捩探测信噪比的影响特性,通过多个架次试验观测分析机翼前缘污染对转捩的影响特性。为消除由前缘污染物诱发湍流楔等因素导致转捩位置误判,提出了一种基于统计分析的机翼转捩位置判定方法,提高了转捩探测结果的可靠性。本文提供了三组真实飞行条件下的边界层转捩位置数据,雷诺数达到1.5×107。演示验证飞行试验结果表明,通过蒙皮内部加热方式可有效提高红外热图信噪比,利用固定转捩方法验证探测结果,使用本文方法测得的转捩位置偏差量不超过弦长0.5%。  相似文献   

A multiple model adaptive estimation (MMAE) algorithm is implemented with the fully nonlinear six-degree-of-motion, Simulation Rapid-Prototyping facility (SRF) VISTA F-16 software simulation tool. The algorithm is composed of a bank of Kalman filters modeled to match particular hypotheses of the real world. Each presumes a single failure in one of the flight-critical actuators, or sensors, and one presumes no failure. For dual failures, a hierarchical structure is used to keep the number of on-line filters to a minimum. The algorithm is demonstrated to be capable of identifying flight-critical aircraft actuator and sensor failures at a low dynamic pressure (20,000 ft, 0.4 Mach). Research includes single and dual complete failures. Tuning methods for accommodating model mismatch, including addition of discrete dynamics pseudonoise and measurement pseudonoise, are discussed and demonstrated. Scalar residuals within each filter are also examined and characterized for possible use as an additional failure declaration voter. An investigation of algorithm performance off the nominal design conditions is accomplished as a first step towards full flight envelope coverage  相似文献   

飞行控制系统故障检测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某型飞机为研究对象,论述了一种基于模型的自修复飞行控制系统故障检测方法。首先提出了通过等价空间法产生残差序列,并对残差序列进行概率比检测,以获得一定置信度下的检测结果。同时舵面损伤故障的概率比检测采用预警检验、校验检测与隔离检测相结合的方法。最后,对所设计的故障检测方法进行了数字仿真研究。仿真结果验证了该方法具有较高的准确性和实时性,为飞行控制系统故障检测提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

数字IC的检测方法与技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字电路的各种仪器设备中,数字IC的应用较广.那么,如何正确检测数字片的性能,判断故障所在,文中提出了静态检测、逻辑功能检测、逻辑比较等几种常用的方法.  相似文献   

Multiple model adaptive estimation (MMAE) is applied to the Variable-In-flight Stability Test Aircraft (VISTA) F-16 flight control system at a low dynamic pressure flight condition (0.4 M at 20000 ft). Single actuator and sensor failures are addressed first, followed by dual actuator and sensor failures. The system is evaluated for complete or “hard” failures, partial or, “soft” failures, and combinations of hard and soft actuator and sensor failures. Residual monitoring is discussed for single and dual failure scenarios. Performance is enhanced by the application of a modified Bayesian form of MMAE, scalar residual monitoring to reduce ambiguities, automatic dithering where advantageous, and purposeful commands  相似文献   

表面平整化技术是半导体工业的关键技术,在一定程度上制约着半导体芯片集成技术的发展,针对多层立体布线的IC全局平坦化技术,介绍了代表当今平整化技术及其未来的发展方向,其中一些技术会取代传统的CMP技术而成为IC产业的主导技术之一;叙述了超大规模集成电路(ULSI)的发展对全局平整化的具体要求;对传统的CMP技术的特点进行了分析;并论述了当今主流的IC平整化技术的原理、性能以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

"校园一卡通"读写器的研究与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IC卡读写器方面的技术与应用种类繁多,基于校园一卡通的读写器以89C52为控制核心,以读写模块ZLG500A等功能模块硬件为主要外围电路,经与相应软件相结合构成,实现非接触式IC卡的识别与读写。因安全、高效在各类管理和消费领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

基于粒子系统和Vega的红外烟幕仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对红外烟幕实时仿真方法的研究,采用连续点源浓度分布高斯型模式为烟幕扩散模型。基于粒子系统和Vega软件对红外烟幕不同时刻不同粒子数的视景及烟幕干扰目标视景进行了仿真,视景仿真视觉逼真,仿真实验验证满足实时评价烟幕干扰效果的要求。  相似文献   

边界扫描技术是一种新型的VLSI电路测试及可测性设计方法,它提供了对电路板上元件的功能、互连及相互间影响进行测试的一种新方案。介绍了边界扫描技术的原理、结构,讨论了该技术在集成电路测试中的应用。  相似文献   

Top Switch单片开关电源的原理与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
TopSwitch器件是一种PWM/MOSFET二合一的新型集成芯片。使用它制作高频开关电源 ,不仅成本低 ,电路简单 ,而且具有较好的电磁兼容性能。本文着重论述TopSwitch的工作原理 ,设计原则及典型应用。  相似文献   

计算了激光斜程传输时的大气透过率,研究了激光对光电探测器的干扰和破坏。以1.06μm激光辐照PV型HgCdTe红外探测器为例,估算了对远距离红外制导反舰导弹实现有效干扰所需发射的激光能量,从理论上证明了低能量激光对红外制导反舰导弹的干扰与损伤的可行性。  相似文献   

Ni3Al基IC6返回料合金的显微组织与力学性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM/EDS)和透射电镜(TEM)等分析手段研究了返回料添加比例对Ni3Al基合金IC6成分,显微组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明,返回料的加入对合金中主量元素的成分没有明显影响,但C,N含量随返回料加入比例增加而升高;除了在枝晶间析出了一些M6C碳化物颗粒外,IC6返回料合金的显微组织与新料合金没有明显差别;返回料的加入对IC6合金的室温拉伸性能几乎没有影响,高温持久性能略有下降,冷热疲劳性能明显恶化。建议在实际生产中返回料添加比例不超过50%。  相似文献   

双向应力状态下IC10高温合金的屈服行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为了研究Ni3Al基金属间化合物IC10高温合金的屈服行为,对其进行了不同加载路径下的双向拉伸试验.试验采用十字形双向拉伸试验件在Zwick/Roell Z010双向拉伸试验机上进行,得到的最大等效应变为0.02.试验加载方向与材料塑性各向异性主轴重合,采用位移控制方法让两个夹头的加载速率比保持不变,得到不同线性加载路径下的应力-应变曲线.根据单位体积塑性功相等原理获得了IC10合金在双向拉伸应力状态下的屈服轨迹,并与目前常用的几种正交各向异性屈服准则及von Mises屈服准则预测结果进行了对比.结果表明,IC10合金的试验屈服轨迹呈外凸性,以双向等拉线为界的上下部分屈服轨迹不对称,显示出明显的塑性各向异性.各向同性von Mises 屈服准则只包含一个材料常数,无法描述IC10合金的塑性各向异性行为;Hill 二次式屈服准则在双向等拉应力状态附近低估了材料的屈服强度;Logan &; Hosford屈服准则在从双向等拉到横向单拉的应力状态下都低估了材料的屈服强度,与试验结果相差较大.Banabic-Balan屈服准则和Barlat (1989) 屈服准则的预测值与试验结果吻合很好,能很好地描述IC10合金在双向应力状态下的屈服行为.  相似文献   

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