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As space missions become longer in duration, the need to recycle waste into useful compounds rises dramatically. This problem can be addressed by the development of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) (i.e., Engineered Closed/Controlled Eco-Systems (ECCES)), consisting of human and plant modules. One of the waste streams leaving the human module is urine. In addition to the reclamation of water from urine, recovery of the nitrogen is important because it is an essential nutrient for the plant module. A 3-step biological process for the recycling of nitrogenous waste (urea) is proposed. A packed-bed bioreactor system for this purpose was modeled, and the issues of reaction step segregation, reactor type and volume, support particle size, and pressure drop were addressed. Based on minimization of volume, a bioreactor system consisting of a plug flow immobilized urease reactor, a completely mixed flow immobilized cell reactor to convert ammonia to nitrite, and a plug flow immobilized cell reactor to produce nitrate from nitrite is recommended. It is apparent that this 3-step bioprocess meets the requirements for space applications.  相似文献   

A large amount of inedible plant material composed primarily of the carbohydrate materials cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin is generated as a result of plant growth in a Controlled Ecological Life-Support System (CELSS). Cellulose is a linear homopolymer of glucose, which when properly processed will yield glucose, a valuable sugar because it can be added directly to human diets. Hemicellulose is a heteropolymer of hexoses and pentoses that can be treated to give a sugar mixture that is potentially a valuable fermentable carbon source. Such fermentations yield desirable supplements to the edible products from hydroponically-grown plants such as rapeseed, soybean, cowpea, or rice. Lignin is a three-dimensionally branched aromatic polymer, composed of phenyl propane units, which is susceptible to bioconversion through the growth of the white rot fungus, Pluerotus ostreatus. Processing conditions, that include both a hot water pretreatment and fungal growth and that lead to the facile conversion of plant polysaccharides to glucose, are presented.  相似文献   

An anaerobic reactor seeded with organisms from an anaerobic lagoon was used to study the degradation of inedible crop residues from potato and wheat crops grown in a closed environment. Conversion of this biomass into other products was also evaluated. Degradation of wheat volatile solids was about 25% where that of potato was about 50%. The main product of the anaerobic fermentation of both crops was acetic acid with smaller quantities of propionate and butyrate produced. Nitrate, known to be high in concentration in inedible potato and wheat biomass grown hydroponically, was converted to ammonia in the anaerobic reactor. Both volatile fatty acid and ammonia production may have implications in a crop production system.  相似文献   

Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) flight experimentation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The NASA CELSS program has the goal of developing life support systems for humans in space based on the use of higher plants. The program has supported research at universities with a primary focus of increasing the productivity of candidate crop plants. To understand the effects of the space environment on plant productivity, the CELSS Test Facility (CTF) has been been conceived as an instrument that will permit the evaluation of plant productivity on Space Station Freedom. The CTF will maintain specific environmental conditions and collect data on gas exchange rates and biomass accumulation over the growth period of several crop plants grown sequentially from seed to harvest. The science requirements of the CTF will be described, as will current design concepts and specific technology requirements for operation in micro-gravity.  相似文献   

Recovery of resources from waste streams in a space habitat is essential to minimize the resupply burden and achieve self sufficiency. The ultimate goal of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) is to achieve the greatest practical level of mass recycle and provide self sufficiency and safety for humans. Several mission scenarios leading to the ultimate application could employ CELSS component technologies or subsystems with initial emphasis on recycle of the largest mass components of the waste stream. Candidate physical/chemical and biological processes for resource recovery from liquid and solid waste streams are discussed and the current fundamental recovery potentials are estimated.  相似文献   

正2017年1月14日,"绿航星际"完成出舱后试验全部任务撤收工作,标志着"绿航星际"试验取得了圆满成功。"绿航星际"4人180天受控生态生保系统集成试验是首次由我国主导的、多国参与的"人与环境"大型国际试验,在试验规模、参试人数、持续时间和技术要求上均处于国际同类试验先进水平。  相似文献   

Liquid human wastes and household water used for nutrition of wheat made possible to realize 24% closure for the mineral exchange in an experiment with a 2-component version of "Bios-3" life support system (LSS) Input-output balances of revealed, that elements (primarily trace elements) within the system. The structural materials (steel, titanium), expanded clay aggregate, and catalytic furnace catalysts. By the end of experiment, the permanent nutrient solution, plants, and the human diet gradually built up Ni, Cr, Al, Fe, V, Zn, Cu, and Mo. Thorough selection and pretreatment of materials can substantially reduce this accumulation. To enhance closure of the mineral exchange involves processing of human-metabolic wastes and inedible biomes inside LSS. An efficient method to oxidize wastes by hydrogen peroxide icon a quartz reactor at the temperature of 80 degrees C controlled electromagnetic field is proposed.  相似文献   

受控生态生保系统内红萍供氧特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究红萍载人供O2特征, 为红萍生物部件进行系统总体地面模拟试验及空间应用奠定基础,构建了受控生态生保系统密闭试验舱和红萍栽培装置, 在“红萍-鱼-人”共存情况下, 测定密闭舱内O2, CO2浓度的变化. 试验结果显示, 单位重量的鱼耗O2量. 0805~0.0831 L·kg-1·h-1, 排放CO2量为0.0705~0.0736 L·kg-1·h-1; 试验志愿者耗O2量19.71 L·h-1, 呼吸释放CO2量18.90 L·h-1. 人工光照保持7000~8000 lx条件下, 红萍的光合作用与人和鱼的呼吸作用相辅相成, 舱内O2, CO2浓度趋于平衡. 密闭舱内CO2浓度升高对促进红萍群体净光合效率有明显效果, 红萍光合放O2能力很强, 能有效促使密闭舱内O2, CO2浓度朝着有利于人生存的环境方向平衡, 进而验证了红萍的空间应用前景.  相似文献   

Any comprehensive evaluation of Life Support Systems (LSS) for space applications has to be conducted taking into account not only mass of LSS components but also all relevant equipment and storage: spare parts, additional mass of space ship walls, power supply and heat rejection systems. In this paper different combinations of hybrid LSS (HLSS) components were evaluated. Three variants of power supply were under consideration--solar arrays, direct solar light transmission to plants, and nuclear power. The software based on simplex approach was used for optimizing LSS configuration with respect to its mass. It was shown that there are several LSS configuration, which are optimal for different time intervals. Optimal configurations of physical-chemical (P/C), biological and hybrid LSS for three types of power supply are presented.  相似文献   

1 引言在执行远距离探测任务时,航天员如受到外界损伤或自身保障设备(如航天服、月球车等)出现异常时,无法及时返回基地(空间站或月球基地)进行处理和救治,将导致航天员生命安全受到威胁,甚至一个小的异常也可能导致航天员生命丧失.  相似文献   

Purdue University, as well as the Johnson and Kennedy Space Centers and NASA Ames Research Center, are investigating approximately 5-10 plants that will be grown hydroponically to provide not only the energy and nutrients, but also the oxygen for humans habitating in Mars and lunar bases. The growth and nutritional status of rats fed either a control diet (adequate in all macro- and micronutrients) or a strict vegetarian diet consisting of 5 (vegan-5) or 10 (vegan-10) candidate crop species were investigated. In addition, vegan-10 diets were supplemented with mineral and/or vitamin mix at a level similar to the control diets to assess the effect of supplementation on nutrient status. The assessment of inedible plant material as an alternative food source was also investigated. Results of this study demonstrated that consumption of the vegan-10 diet significantly improved weight gain of rats compared to that for rats fed the vegan-5 diet. Mineral supplementation, at a level present in the control diet, to the vegan-10 diet improved growth and nutrient status, but growth was significantly lower compared to the control-fed rats. Inclusion of inedible plant material, high in ash content, improved some indices of nutrient status, without improving growth.  相似文献   

The quest to determine the maximum potential productivity of food crops is greatly benefitted by crop growth models. Many models have been developed to analyze and predict crop growth in the field, but it is difficult to predict biological responses to stress conditions. Crop growth models for the optimal environments of a Controlled Environment Life Support System (CELSS) can be highly predictive. This paper discusses the application of a crop growth model to CELSS; the model is used to evaluate factors limiting growth. The model separately evaluates the following four physiological processes: absorption of PPF by photosynthetic tissue, carbon fixation (photosynthesis), carbon use (respiration), and carbon partitioning (harvest index). These constituent processes determine potentially achievable productivity. An analysis of each process suggests that low harvest index is the factor most limiting to yield. PPF absorption by plant canopies and respiration efficiency are also of major importance. Research concerning productivity in a CELSS should emphasize: 1) the development of gas exchange techniques to continuously monitor plant growth rates and 2) environmental techniques to reduce plant height in communities.  相似文献   

One of the key problems of long-term space missions is limited service life of units. The only exceptions are biological components of biological Life Support Systems--higher plants or microorganisms. These components are capable of self-restoration: after complete disintegration, they can appear again from seeds or spores. The estimate of failure intensity of BLSS regeneration component includes: a number of self-sustained sections of the regeneration component; permissible boost (how many times can productivity of a component be increased); time required to repair (restore) a component; the crew existence time, when all LSS regeneration components fail; failure rate of one section of a regeneration component. Evaluations show that for hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria and micro-algae very high reliability is achieved even for one or two sections. In the case of higher plants (due to low rate of self-restoration) bio-regenerative module has to be divided into 10 self-sustained sections operating simultaneously. These measures can decrease the probability of catastrophe by a factor of 10(6).  相似文献   

To develop and design Life Support Systems it is necessary to evaluate their reliability. However direct experiments take much time, are very expensive, and therefore are practically impossible. Promising way is to use approximate estimates of reliability, which need essentially fewer amounts of experimental data. Two types of estimates of Life Support System reliability--additive and multiplicative ones are considered in the paper. Additive estimate is based on the assumption that total system failure probability is low and therefore it can be considered as the sum of failure probability of separate units. Additive approach allows obtaining near lower-bounded estimate of failure probability. Multiplicative estimate allows evaluating the possibility of system catastrophe due to simultaneous effect of several factors when each of them separately is not dangerous. Evaluation shows that the possible error of reliability forecast increases with the increasing of number of external factors faster than exponential function. An illustration of the ecological similarity approach as promising tool for providing estimation of full-scale system reliability by means the set of small similar experimental models.  相似文献   

CEEF (Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities) were installed at Rokkasho village in northern Japan, for the purpose of clarifying life-support mechanisms in a completely closed space, such as a Lunar or Mars base. An integration test using the Closed Plantation Experiment Facility and Closed Animal Breeding & Habitation Experiment Facility is needed before conducting an entire closed experiment including plants, animals and humans. These integration tests are planned to be conducted step by step from fiscal 2001 to 2008.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion of inedible biomass of plants in ecological Life Support Systems (LSS) gives rise to gaseous oxides (CO2, NO2, SO2, etc.). Some of them are toxic for plants suppressing their photosynthesis and productivity. Experiments with "Bios-3" experimental LSS demonstrate that a decrease of photosynthetic productivity in a system with straw incineration can jeopardize its steady operation. Analysis of the situation by a mathematical model taking into account absorption parameters of the system in terms of toxic elements makes it possible to formulate requirements for the structure and operation of LSS to provide for its stability. Avenues for further investigation of the problem of toxic stability of LSS are proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of clinostating on physiological processes and biochemical characteristics of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) both healthy and infected by the wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) were studied. In six experiments, each lasting over 30 days, healthy and infected plants of the dwarf Apogee variety were grown under conditions of continuous horizontal and vertical clinostating with 2 rpm at 21 +/- 2 degrees C and 6000 1x (the optimal moisture of a substrate being maintained). The control variants (healthy and infected) were simultaneously grown under the same conditions of temperature and illumination in stationary containers and in open pots. During the experiment, visual observations were carried out over the state of tested plants. After completing the experiment, biometric indices, pigment, carbohydrate and dry matter contents were determined in all the plants. It was shown that clinostating sharply reduced the reproductive function of healthy plants and considerably affected their biomass (productivity) and concentration of chlorophylls and sugars. The viral infection resulted in further reduction of these characteristics. In control variants the viral effect was more significant. We speculate that clinostating reduced the rate of reproduction and spread of the virus.  相似文献   

System-level analyses for Advanced Life Support require mathematical models for various processes, such as for biomass production and waste management, which would ideally be integrated into overall system models. Explanatory models (also referred to as mechanistic or process models) would provide the basis for a more robust system model, as these would be based on an understanding of specific processes. However, implementing such models at the system level may not always be practicable because of their complexity. For the area of biomass production, explanatory models were used to generate parameters and multivariable polynomial equations for basic models that are suitable for estimating the direction and magnitude of daily changes in canopy gas-exchange, harvest index, and production scheduling for both nominal and off-nominal growing conditions.  相似文献   

The photosynthesis and productivity of Lemna gibba were studied with a view to its use in Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS). Photosynthesis of L. gibba floating on the nutrient solution could be driven by light coming from either above or below. Light from below was about 75% as effective as from above when the stand was sparse, but much less so with dense stands. High rates of photosynthesis (ca. 800 nanomoles CO2 g dry weight (DW)-1 s-1) were measured at 750 micromoles m-2 s-1 PPF and 1500 micromoles mol-1 CO2. This was attained at densities up to 660 g fresh weight (FW) m-2 with young cultures. After a few days growth under these conditions, and at higher densities, the rate of photosynthesis dropped to less than 25% of the initial value. This drop was only partly alleviated by thinning the stand or by introducing a short dark period at high temperature (26 degrees C). Despite the drop in the rate of photosynthesis, maximum yields were obtained in batch cultures grown under continuous light, constant temperature and high [CO2]. Plant protein content was less than reported for field grown Lemna. When the plants were harvested daily, maintaining a stand density of 600 g FW m-2, yields of 18 g DW m-2 d-1 were obtained. The total dry weight of L. gibba included 40% soluble material (sugars and amino acids), 15% protein, 5% starch, 5% ash and 35% cellulose and other polymers. We conclude that a CELSS system could be designed around stacked, alternate layers of transparent Lemna trays and lamps. This would allow for 7 tiers per meter height. Based on present data from single layers, the yield of such a system is calculated to be 135 g DW m-3 d-1 of a 100% edible, protein-rich food.  相似文献   

This paper examines mission simulation as an approach to develop requirements for automation and robotics for Advanced Life Support Systems (ALSS). The focus is on requirements and applications for command and control, control and monitoring, situation assessment and response, diagnosis and recovery, adaptive planning and scheduling, and other automation applications in addition to mechanized equipment and robotics applications to reduce the excessive human labor requirements to operate and maintain an ALSS. Based on principles of systems engineering, an approach is proposed to assess requirements for automation and robotics using mission simulation tools. First, the story of a simulated mission is defined in terms of processes with attendant types of resources needed, including options for use of automation and robotic systems. Next, systems dynamics models are used in simulation to reveal the implications for selected resource allocation schemes in terms of resources required to complete operational tasks. The simulations not only help establish ALSS design criteria, but also may offer guidance to ALSS research efforts by identifying gaps in knowledge about procedures and/or biophysical processes. Simulations of a planned one-year mission with 4 crewmembers in a Human Rated Test Facility are presented as an approach to evaluation of mission feasibility and definition of automation and robotics requirements.  相似文献   

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