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中继卫星系统的天基测控通信是近代航天技术的重大突破,它能够有效地满足航天器交会对接的测控通信需要。文章分析了美国"跟踪与数据中继卫星系统"(TDRSS)和欧洲"阿特米斯"(ARTEMIS)中继卫星对"自动转移飞行器"(ATV)与"国际空间站"(ISS)交会对接任务的测控通信支持,总结了国外中继卫星系统支持航天器交会对接...  相似文献   

<正>欧空局第5艘、也是最后一艘"自动转移飞行器"(ATV)货运飞船2月14日脱离国际空间站,2月15日在南太平洋上空离轨再入并被烧毁。飞船离站时带走了站上近2.4吨垃圾物品。ATV-5去年7月29日由阿里安5火箭发射,8月12日同空间站对接。它在接近空间站过程中还试验了未来可用于同非合作目标交会的新型激光导航传感器。按原定计划,飞船离站后要先独自在轨飞行13天,2月27日再实施小角度再入,以使欧空局和NASA能初步了解国际空间  相似文献   

2013年6月5日,从法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心发射的第四个自动转移飞行器(ATV)"埃尔伯特.爱因斯坦"进入轨道。这艘欧洲自主供给货船将进行一系列机动,于6月15日与国际太空站对接。ATV-4质量为20 190kg,是阿里安航天公司发射的最重型的航天器,比前一个型号的ATV"爱德华多.阿玛尔迪"还重150kg。ATV-4由ESA和法国航天局(CNES)联合运营的ATV控制中心负责监控。ESA此次发射的再补给飞行器是目前服务于国际太空站的最大、最先进、能力最强的飞行器。  相似文献   

雨水 《航天》2014,(1):64-64,F0003
2013年6月11日17时38分,长征二号F遥十运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心将神舟十号载人飞船送入太空。乘员组由聂海胜、张晓光和王亚平组成,聂海胜担任指令长。飞船在轨飞行15天,飞船与目标飞行器先后进行1次自动交会对接和1次手控交会对接,并开展航天医学实验、技术试验和首次太空授课活动。6月26日8时07分,飞船按计划在内蒙古四子王旗地区安全着陆,航天员自主出舱,神舟十号飞行任务取得圆满成功。  相似文献   

本文从两空间飞行器交会对接过程最后接近阶段的飞行特性出发,利用多变量频域理论,给出了空间飞行器自动对接系统的多变量模型参考反馈设计方法.  相似文献   

王菁 《航天器工程》2012,21(4):68-72
根据有人参与的交会对接任务,其飞行器间通信、遥测模式多变和手控参与多的数据管理特点,文章从两飞行器间的总线通信与并网管理、遥测管理、手控支持等方面,提出了在自主交会对接过程中和组合体状态下的数据管理解决途径,经过成功执行我国首次交会对接飞行任务,验证其合理可行,可靠性和安全性高,可满足交会对接数据管理需求。  相似文献   

2013年6月11日,神舟十号载着3名航天员从酒泉卫星发射场出发,开始执行第二次载人航天交会对接任务。6月26日,神舟十号飞船独立飞行3天,与天宫一号组合体联合飞行12天,完成了三次交会、两次对接、一次绕飞,在轨飞行15天后,飞船返回舱在内蒙古中部地区成功回收。"神十"履行新使命  相似文献   

杨雯 《中国航天》2012,(7):53-54
2012年6月,在我国首次载人交会对接任务中,中国航天科工集团公司二院25所的交会对接微波雷达为天宫与神九精准导引,圆满完成了"首先捕获、稳定跟踪、精确测量"的神圣使命。这是继2011年11月我国首次交会对接任务后,微波雷达不负众望,再让"太空之吻"画面完美定格。25所自主研发的交会对接微波雷达是实施此次交会对接任务的关键单机,为交会对接提供距离、速度、角度、角速度等信息。在首次载人交会对接中,微波雷达在神舟九号飞船和天宫一号目标飞行器相距224公里时,迅速发现并锁定目标,直至两航天器成功实现对接,始终工作正常,性能稳定、状态良好,为交会对接任务的圆满完成做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

“龙”飞船首飞空间站,开启载人航天新纪元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蕊 《卫星应用》2012,(4):69-73
美国东部时间2012年5月22日3时44分,美国空间探索技术公司(SpaceX)的商业货运飞船——"龙"(Dragon)飞船在卡纳维拉尔角空军基地由法尔肯-9火箭成功发射,完成了与"国际空间站"(ISS)的交会对接,运送460kg货物到空间站,携带约590kg科学设备和货物返回地球。"龙"飞船是美国航空航天局(NASA)"商业轨道运输服务"(COTS)计划下发展的商业货运飞船,其首次完成空间站飞行验证任务,开启了载人航天商业化的新时代。  相似文献   

诸葛炎 《航天》2011,(10):30-33
中国首次空间交会对接任务已进入发射实施阶段,在先后发射天宫一号目标飞行器和神舟八号飞船后,中国还将发射神舟九号、神舟十号飞船,继续实施空间交会对接飞行任务,并将在2020年建造长期载人空间站。本刊特编撰"空间交会与对接"专题,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The Ariane transfer vehicle (ATV), an Ariane 5 borne, unmanned propulsion vehicle, is designed to transport the logistics needed to resupply the International Space Station (ISS) and the man tended free flyer (MTFF) step 2 with pressurized and unpressurized cargo and to dispose the waste. The ATV is an expendable vehicle and is disposed of by a safe atmospheric burn up. In accordance with the AR5 schedule it should be operational in 1996 for missions toward ISS and beyond the year 2000 for MTFF 2 missions. The main constituents of the proposed ATV are the modified AR5 third stage L5, an upgraded VEB steering the launcher as well as the ATV and the P/L-adaptor providing mechanical and umbilical links to the payload. The mechanical part of the RVD-kit will be placed on the payload-module, the main RVD sensors are located on the adaptor and the needed computer intelligence will be integrated on the VEB. To minimize the development, and recurring costs, the ATV concept fully complies to the idea of maximum use of existing hardware and software, mainly from the AR5, Hermes and Columbus programs thus minimizing development and recurring costs. The ATV is compatible to ISS, MTFF and OMV and is able to transport logistic modules compatible with NSTS and U.S.-expendable launchers.  相似文献   

发射航天器与"国际空间站"进行交会对接是美国和俄罗斯两国常规性的航天活动,在每次这类飞行的全过程中因特网的有关网站都将北美航天防空司令部(NORAD)追踪测量得到的航天器的轨道根数予以公布。据此对2005年7月美国航天飞机与"国际空间站"的交会对接以及2006年3-4月俄罗斯的联盟TMA-8载人飞船与"国际空间站"的交会对接过程的轨道进行了分析。  相似文献   

Reduction of flight duration after insertion till docking to the ISS is considered. In the beginning of the human flight era both the USSR and the USA used short mission profiles due to limited life support resources. A rendezvous during these missions was usually achieved in 1–5 revolutions. The short-term rendezvous were made possible by the coordinated launch profiles of both rendezvousing spacecraft, which provided specific relative position of the spacecraft or phase angle conditions. After the beginning of regular flights to the orbital stations these requirements became difficult to fulfill. That is why it was decided to transfer to 1- or 2-day rendezvous profile. The long stay of a crew in a limited habitation volume of the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft before docking to the ISS is one of the most strained parts of the flight and naturally cosmonauts wish to dock to the ISS as soon as possible. As a result of previous studies the short four-burn rendezvous mission profile with docking in a few orbits was developed. It is shown that the current capabilities of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle and the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft are sufficient to provide for that. The first test of the short rendezvous mission during Progress cargo vehicle flight to the ISS is planned for 2012. Possible contingencies pertinent to this profile are described. In particular, in the majority of the emergency cases there is a possibility of an urgent transfer to the present 2-day rendezvous profile. Thus, the short mission will be very flexible and will not influence the ISS mission plan. Fuel consumption for the nominal and emergency cases is defined by statistical simulation of the rendezvous mission. The qualitative analysis of the short-term and current 2-day rendezvous missions is performed.  相似文献   

An essential part of increment preparation for the ISS is the training of the flight crews. Each international partner is responsible for the basic training of its own astronauts, where a basic knowledge is taught on space science and engineering, ISS systems and operations and general astronaut skills like flying, diving, survival, language, etc. The main parts of the ISS crew training are the Advanced Training, e.g., generic ISS operations; nominal and malfunction systems operations and emergencies, and the Increment-Specific Training, i.e., operations and tasks specific to a particular increment. The Advanced and Increment-Specific Training is multilateral training, i.e., each partner is training all ISS astronauts on its contributions to the ISS program. Consequently, ESA is responsible for the Basic Training of its own astronauts and the Advanced and Increment-Specific Training of all ISS crews after Columbus activation on Columbus Systems Operations, Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), and ESA payloads.

This paper gives an overview of the ESA ISS Training Program for Columbus Systems Operations and ATV, for which EADS Space Transportation GmbH is the prime contractor. The key training tasks, the training flow and the training facilities are presented.  相似文献   

The paper describes the reduction of the vehicle autonomous flight duration before docking to the ISS. The Russian Soyuz-TMA spacecraft dock to the ISS two days after launch. Due to the limited volume inside Soyuz-TMA the reduction of time until docking to the ISS is very important, since the long stay of the cosmonauts in the limited volume adds to the strain of the space flight. In the previous papers of the authors it was shown that the existing capabilities of Soyuz-TMA, the ISS and the ground control loop make it possible to transfer to the five-orbit rendezvous profile. However, the analysis of the cosmonauts' schedule on the launch day shows that its duration is at the allowable limit and that is why it is necessary to find a way to further reduce the flight duration of Soyuz-TMA before docking to less than five orbits. In a traditional rendezvous profile, the calculation of rendezvous burns begins only after determination of the actual vehicle insertion orbit. The paper describes an approach in which the first two rendezvous burns are performed as soon as the spacecraft reaches the reference orbit and the values of the burns are calculated prior to the launch based on the pre-flight data for the nominal insertion. This approach decreases the duration of the rendezvous by one orbit. The demonstration flight of a Progress vehicle using the proposed profile was implemented on August 1, 2012 and completely confirmed the correctness of the imbedded principles. The paper considers the possible improvements of the proposed approach and recovery from the contingencies.  相似文献   

The problems of decreasing the duration of the autonomous flight of a spacecraft (SC) before the docking with an orbital station (OS) are considered in this paper. Modern SCs should be docked with the International Space Station (ISS) with an arbitrary initial phase angle; for this reason, the rendezvous of the Russian Soyuz-TMA spacecraft with the ISS is performed for 2 days. The paper presents to consideration some new flight profiles with essentially smaller duration. The results of modeling the developed rendezvous profiles are presented and solutions to emergency situations are considered.  相似文献   

Analysing Interferometer for Ambient Air (ANITA) is a flight experiment as precursor for a permanent continuous trace gas monitoring system on the International Space Station (ISS). For over 10 years, under various ESA contracts the flight experiment was defined, designed, breadboarded and set up. For the safety of the crew, ANITA can detect and quantify quasi on-line and simultaneously 32 trace gases with ppm or sub-ppm detection limits. The self-standing measurement system is based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) technology. The system represents a versatile air monitor allowing for the first time the detection and monitoring of trace gas dynamics of a spacecraft atmosphere. It is envisaged to accommodate ANITA in a Destiny (US LAB) Express Rack on the ISS. The transportation to the ISS is planned with the first ATV 'Jules Verne'. The options are either the Space Shuttle or the Automated Transfer Vehicle.  相似文献   

交会飞行器是一种与具有某种运动规律的目标交会的飞行器.目前,各个国家为了争夺空间优势,对交会飞行器的交会轨道进行大量的研究,为了提高我国的空间交会能力,本文对交会飞行器的交会轨道进行研究,提出了4种交会飞行器的交会轨道方案,分析了它们的优缺点,对处于不同轨道面的目标,根据各自的具体情况,综合使用了4种交会方式.  相似文献   

空天飞行器交会的轨道机动策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在给出了空天飞行器(Aerospace Vehicle,ASV)的概念及任务构想之后,依据轨道动力学,结合ASV的特点,研究了ASV与目标在同一圆轨道上以及在共面不共轨圆轨道上的交会策略。其中,针对同一圆轨道上的交会分析了椭圆轨道机动和快速机动两种交会方案,对共面不共轨圆轨道上的交会讨论了霍曼轨道机动、双椭圆轨道机动以及快速机动3种交会方案。在每一种交会策略中均详细分析了交会所需的时间、速度增量以及轨线长度等。最后通过仿真分析了各种交会策略的优劣。  相似文献   

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