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基于小波分析的氢涡轮泵低温轴承保持架故障特征辨识 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了小波分析与短时傅立叶分析相结合的方法来分析处理滚动轴承的振动信号,提取对应于轴承保持架的特定频率成分有助于准确地判断轴承保持架的健康状况.研究结果表明,在氢涡轮泵低温轴承保持架故障特征辨识中,综合利用小波分析与短时傅立叶分析能够更形象、更直观地识别出特定的频率成分. 相似文献
独立分量分析在雷达信号分选中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
独立分量分析(ICA)是近年来信号处理领域的热点研究课题,可以根据输入源信号的基本统计特征,由观测数据进行信号分离,最终恢复出源信号。在深入分析ICA算法的基础上,提出了将其用于雷达信号分选的新思路。计算机仿真表明,这种算法应用于雷达信号分选时可以获得比较好的分离效果。 相似文献
为了快速侦察未知区域的地貌信息,遥感卫星可对特定区域进行扫描以获取遥感卫星影像。当卫星经过国外未知区域时,部分卫星无法针对某特定区域进行长时间的驻留扫描,本文提出一种基于条件生成对抗网络模型(Conditional Generative Adversarial Network,CGAN)进行网络训练,前期将某方法获取的区域轮廓地形信息作为CGAN网络的生成网络和鉴别网络中的条件约束信息,通过网络生成器与判别器在训练过程中互相博弈产生特定的输出集,有效地实现由单张电子轮廓图像到对应卫星遥感图像的端到端的非线性映射。本文通过原真实卫星遥感图像与生成卫星遥感图像进行四种对比误差计算,平均误差、均方误差与结构相似度均高于99%,峰值信噪比高于30 dB,生成的图像与原图像之间具备高相似度,实现了在获取坐标定位轮廓信息的先验条件下,对特定区域进行遥感卫星影像内容重建技术。 相似文献
A practical small satellite variable-speed control moment gyroscope for combined energy storage and attitude control 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A recent effort to develop single-gimbal variable-speed control moment gyroscopes (VSCMGs) for a combined energy storage and attitude control subsystem (ESACS) on small satellites has culminated in laboratory validation of the concept. A single actuator prototype comprised of a cutting-edge Carbon Fiber rotor and COTS motor/generator components has been developed, balanced, bench tested, and integrated onto a spherical air-bearing structure. This structure is used to demonstrate the primary capability of a VSCMG to act as a dynamo whilst simultaneously changing a spacecraft's orientation in a controlled fashion. As originally predicted, the actuator's flywheel spins up when energy is supplied (supported via a direct energy transfer power architecture), then spins down when the energy source is removed, porting the energy released to run a resistive load.The work presented gives an overview of the governing principles of the technology, addresses the underlying mission and design requirements, and presents the prototype design. Then, effectiveness of the prototype integrated on a three-axis test article is presented along with its associated test data. Finally, discussion of these results and identification of future research concludes the work. The benefits of this technology for future space missions are that system consolidation permits mass reduction, higher instantaneous peak power is available as compared to conventional secondary battery systems, state-of-charge measurement is readily available from wheel speed feedback, and torque amplification through gimballing permits efficient actuator control. The technology demonstrated is exciting and leaves the door open for future development via inclusion of magnetic levitation. 相似文献
Optimization of geosynchronous satellite constellation for independent regional navigation and positioning in Middle East region 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Regional Navigation and positioning systems using geosynchronous satellites are emerging for different parts of the world. Optimal constellation geometry achievement for a set of geosynchronous satellites is a key sector in designing of such systems. Genetic algorithm is applied for optimization of constellations with 6 and 7 satellites which is to be used in Middle East region where these systems have been deprived of. Based on the fact that the coverage criterion is not sufficient enough to guarantee a good navigation service, positioning process by the satellite systems is discussed and the performance of the system on the basis of position dilution of precision is collected as the fitness criterion. Placing the satellites in groups to pass over the same ground track is applied as a constraint to the genetic algorithm. By simulation, performance of the best obtained results and GPS are compared in terms of position dilution of precision, visibility and the required epochs (time span) to resolve the ambiguities with a 99% success rate, in this region. Also, capability of the GA for such problems is demonstrated. 相似文献
针对新一代高集成度、高复杂度通信卫星系统应用背景,以通信卫星平台长寿命、高可靠设计需求为牵引,提出一种基于系统理论事故模型与过程(STAMP)的系统级潜在故障识别与分析方法,在总体设计早期即提出对卫星平台各分系统的可靠性设计需求。以某地球同步轨道(GEO)通信卫星为例介绍该方法,通过构建系统控制逻辑架构自上至下地分析潜在的不安全控制过程,通过检查控制与反馈回路的各环节确定故障发生场景,提出对控制过程的约束条件以消除或降低故障发生的可能,最终形成有针对性的分系统可靠性设计需求。 相似文献
鉴于有限元法(finite element method, FEM)在求解中高频段天线结构振动噪声问题中的局限性,引入统计能量分析(statistical energy analysis, SEA)方法进行天线结构全频段的噪声分析:以卫星天线反射面为研究对象建立统计能量模型;将声振响应分析结果与卫星天线噪声试验结果进行对比,发现当内损耗因子≤1.0%时,二者吻合良好,0.5%是最佳内损耗因子。以上验证了统计能量分析方法可有效应用于卫星天线结构预示,并可作为卫星型号研制过程中天线结构动力学分析的有益补充。 相似文献
为解决侦察卫星任务规划中合理分配任务和避免信息传输冲突的问题,建立了基于多阶段决策的侦察卫星任务规划模型,包括任务分配模型和传输调度模型,并根据运筹学的基本原理,给出了求解模型的基本方法,从求解结果来看,该模型具有一定的理论与应用价值。 相似文献