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David R. DeBoer   《Acta Astronautica》2006,59(12):1153-1159
The Allen telescope array (ATA) currently under construction affords the possibility of a dedicated and highly efficient SETI program that may be done commensally with other radio astronomy programs. This symbiosis is important in order to maintain and sustain the long-term effort that may be required in order to achieve success as a positive or null result. The technology that is being exploited is the construction of many small elements that allow large fields-of-view at high sensitivity, the use of ultra-wideband front-ends, and the use of flexible digital “intermediate frequency (IF)” systems. The project is under construction in phases, with the first 32 antennas expected to be functional in the fall of 2004, the next 173 dishes operational early 2006, with plans for 350 antennas total within this decade.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years research into the existence of extraterrestrial life has focused on attempts to detect stable narrowband radio signals emitted in the microwave portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. The SERENDIP SETI group is currently conducting search operations on the world’s largest radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.The third generation SERENDIP system, SERENDIP III, is a 4 million channel FFT-based spectrum analyzer with 0.6 Hz frequency resolution. In this paper, we will discuss the results of our recent 3.5 year sky survey. SERENDIP looked at 95% of the sky visible from Arecibo in the 424–436 MHz range, analyzed 1014 spectral bins, and logged information on over 2.5×108 signals.The fourth generation SERENDIP system expands on the SERENDIP III design. SERENDIP IV computes 2×1011 operations each second, providing spectral analysis on 160 million channels in 1.7 s. We will discuss the design and use of the SERENDIP IV system and future observing plans.  相似文献   

During 1980 and 1981, the 305-m radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico was used to conduct a high resolution search for narrowband signals from the direction of 210 nearby solar type stars and 5 OH masers. For each star at least 4 MHz of bandwidth surrounding the 21-cm HI line and/or the 18-cm OH lines was studied with a spectral resolution of 5.5 Hz in both right and left circular polarization. The formal limit of sensitivity achieved during the course of this search varied depending upon the particular receivers available. In all cases the search could have detected a narrowband transmitter of power comparable to the Arecibo planetary radar, had any such been transmitting on the frequencies searched during the time of observation out to the distance of the farthest target star. As in previous searches, the number of "false alarms" encountered was far greater than predicted on the basis of Gaussian noise statistics. A small number of stars have exhibited signals which cannot immediately be explained in terms of astrophysical or man-made sources and deserve reobservation. This is typical of the results of previous non-real-time searches and does not yet constitute the detection of an ETI.  相似文献   

SETI observational programs conducted over the last two decades, and most of those planned for the near future, have concentrated on searching for signals at microwave frequencies. Considerations of signal-to-noise ratio at the receiving end indicate that this is the correct approach if the broadcasting society is not concerned with directionality and transmits into a fairly large solid angle. However, if that society desires to transmit only a highly directional beacon, then it is not now possible, given our lack of knowledge of advanced space technology, to predict reliably whether microwave or infrared wavelengths are to be preferred in an optimum search program. Given the realities of current terrestrial technology, either the centimeter or millimeter domain is to be preferred to the infrared, independent of considerations of directionality. In any event, there does not appear to be any cosmically unique (“magic”) frequency at which to conduct SETI.  相似文献   

The nature of a SETI search makes observations uniquely vulnerable to radio frequency interference because the frequency of a possible ETI signal is unknown. Sensitive radio telescopes, sophisticated software and enhanced signal detection equipment are employed to detect faint signals in the 1–3 GHz frequency range. Frequency management at SETI occurs within a policy environment of the ITU spectrum allocation process. Increased demand by commercial satellite services for access to spectrum adjacent to bandwidth allocated to radio astronomy creates severe international and domestic pressures on SETI observations. Strategies for addressing the RFI problem at the international level will be discussed that include a contingency ITU allocation plan for exclusive use of a particular frequency range by SETI in the event a signal is detected. The lunar farside is, by international agreement, a radio quiet zone for use by radio astronomers. Protected from most human-generated emissions, a SETI radio telescope array on the lunar farside would provide reliable data with minimum interference.  相似文献   

The SERENDIP project is an ongoing program of monitoring and processing broadband radio signals acquired by existing radio astronomy observatories. SERENDIP operates in a piggyback mode: it makes use of whatever observing plan (sequence of frequencies, sky coordinates, and polarizations) is under way at its host observatory. Moreover, the SERENDIP data acquisition system, once installed, operates autonomously. This approach makes it possible to obtain large amounts of high quality observing time in a manner that is economical and that does not adversely affect ongoing radio astronomy survey work. The SERENDIP II system has been installed at the NRAO 300-foot telescope at Green Bank, West Virginia, and has operated there for several thousand hours. In this report, we summarize our findings from these observations and describe the present status of the project. Two key elements of SERENDIP are the automated data acquisition system that uses adaptive thresholds and logs only statistically significant peaks in the real-time power spectra, and the subsequent off-line analysis programs that identify and reject a variety of interference signals. Several specific correlations have been identified that offer promise. At present, the development and testing of these interference rejection algorithms is the main thrust of our work.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution continuum radio maps produced by the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) of The Netherlands at frequencies near the 21 cm HI line have been examined for anomalous sources of emmission coincident with the locations of nearby bright stars. From a total of 542 stellar positions investigated, no candidates for radio stars or ETI signals were discovered to formal limits on the minimum detectable signal ranging from 7.7 x 10(-22) W/m2 to 6.4 x 10(-24) W/m2. This preliminary study has verified that data collected by radio astronomers at large synthesis arrays can profitably be analysed for SETI signals (in a non-interfering manner) provided only that the data are available in the form of a more or less standard two dimensional map format.  相似文献   

Biraud F 《Acta Astronautica》1983,10(11):759-760
The Nancay (France) radiotelescope has been used in June, 1981, to search for artificial monochromatic signals from 102 nearby stars, without success. A different approach to SETI is also considered based on the properties of wide band signals. A detection procedure, through Karhunen-Loeve analysis, is suggested.  相似文献   

Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is now more than half a century old and has provoked enough discussion on technical, philosophical, and popular level, much of it critical. Historically, the criticism of SETI has been strong enough to heavily influence the course of research, so that there is a significant interest in discerning the nuances and fine points of critical argumentation. In this paper, I outline the two major forms of SETI scepticism, “fundamentalist” and “instrumentalist,” which are often conflated in the published literature, both technical and popular. Precise delineation between these two types of scepticism is important for future research as a part of a wider taxonomic project, the build-up of SETI theory, as well as for smooth joining of SETI with the ongoing astrobiological revolution. Resolving the confusion in this respect is likely to lead to an improved atmosphere and heightened public image of future SETI searches and related activities.  相似文献   

Cirković MM 《Astrobiology》2004,4(2):225-231
We critically investigate some evolutionary aspects of the famous Drake equation, which is usually presented as the central guide for research on extraterrestrial intelligence. It is shown that the Drake equation tacitly relies on unverified assumptions on both the physicochemical history of our galaxy and the properties of advanced intelligent communities. In this manner, the conventional approach fails to take into account various evolutionary processes forming prerequisites for quantification of the Drake equation parameters. The importance of recent results of Lineweaver and collaborators on chemical build-up of inhabitable planets for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is emphasized. Two important evolutionary effects are briefly discussed, and the resolution of the difficulties within the context of the phase-transition astrobiological models is sketched.  相似文献   

In the present paper (originally presented at the First IAA Symposium on Searching for Life Signatures hold at the UNESCO on 22–26 September 2008) I try to summarize the results of all my previous studies on active SETI and its possible dangers for us, also considering some new topics, in order to provide a possibly complete overview of the whole matter. First, I try to evaluate the possible risks of an indirect contact with aliens, from the social, cultural, and religious point of view; then, the possible risks related with receiving information about alien science and technology; finally, the risk that active SETI could increase the probability of a physical contact with hostile aliens. My conclusion is that active SETI is very unlikely to be dangerous for us, but, at present, such a possibility cannot be completely excluded. Surprisingly, it turns out that a very important point to be assessed in order to improve our evaluation of active SETI is the pace of our technological progress. Some suggestions about the policy that international community should adopt towards active SETI are also included.  相似文献   

Theodosius Dobzhansky, one of the founding fathers of the modern evolutionary synthesis, once famously stated that “nothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution”. Here it will be argued that nothing in astrobiology makes sense except in the light of “Cosmic Convergent Evolution” (CCE). This view of life contends that natural selection is a universal force of nature that leads to the emergence of similarly adapted life forms in analogous planetary biospheres. Although SETI historically preceded the rise of astrobiology that we have witnessed in the recent decade, one of its main tenets from the beginning was the convergence of life on a cosmic scale toward intelligent behavior and subsequent communication via technological means. The question of cultural convergence in terms of symbolic exchange, language and scientific capabilities between advanced interstellar civilizations has been the subject of ongoing debate. However, at the core of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence lies in essence a biological problem since even post-biological extraterrestrial intelligences must have had an origin based on self-replicating biopolymers. Thus, SETI assumes a propensity of the Universe towards biogenesis in accordance with CCE, a new evolutionary concept which posits the multiple emergence of life across the Cosmos. Consequently, we have to wonder about the biophilic properties the Universe apparently exhibits, as well as to try to find an encompassing theory that is able to explain this “fine-tuning” in naturalistic terms. The aims of this paper are as follows: 1) to emphasize the importance of convergent evolution in astrobiology and ongoing SETI research; 2) to introduce novel and biology-centered cosmological ideas such as the “Selfish Biocosm Hypothesis” and the “Evo Devo Universe” as valuable arguments in theorizing about the origin and nature of extraterrestrial intelligence and 3) to synthesize these findings within an emerging post-biological paradigm on which future SETI efforts may be founded.  相似文献   

With the commemoration in October 2007 of the Sputnik launch, space exploration celebrated its 50th anniversary. Despite impressive technological and scientific achievements the fascination for space has weakened during the last decades. One contributing factor has been the gradual disappearance of mankind's hope of discovering extraterrestrial life within its close neighbourhood. In striking contrast and since the middle of the 20th century, a non-negligible proportion of the population have already concluded that intelligent beings from other worlds do exist and visit Earth through space vehicles popularly called Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). In light of the continuous public interest for the UFO enigma symbolized by the recent widely diffused media announcements on the release of French and English governmental files; and considering the approach of broadening the strategies of the “Active SETI” approach and the existence of a rich multi-disciplinary UFO documentation of potential interest for SETI; this paper describes some past scientific attempts to demonstrate the physical reality of the phenomena and potentially the presence on Earth of probes of extraterrestrial origin. Details of the different instrumented field studies deployed by scientists and organizations during the period 1950–1990 in the USA, Canada and Europe are provided. In conclusion it will be argued that while continuing the current radio/optical SETI searches, there is the necessity to maintain sustaining attention to the topic of anomalous aerospace phenomena and to develop new rigorous research approaches.  相似文献   

Can we envision what the laws of politics and the laws of ethics will be in extraterrestrial civilizations? The laws of physics and chemistry will be the same. Presumably, if there are biospheres in other solar systems, the nature of biology will be the same. Over time evolution may produce the same forms of consciousness and intelligence as we see on earth. However, the political and ethical systems on earth are diverse. Often our images of extraterrestrial civilizations are mere projections of earthly patterns of conflict and cooperation. Perhaps over time the many civilizations and patterns on earth will evolve into one global civilization with harmonious political and ethical norms. These may be the same in universal civilizations if evolution is a cosmic process.  相似文献   

The Apollo Telescope Mount on Skylab, launched into Earth orbit on May 14, 1973, as the first manned solar observatory in space, has provided a major advance in our knowledge about the Sun. In addition to solar physics research, it explored the advantages and limitations of man as an observer and operator of a major scientific spacecraft, and provided concepts for potential application to future space programs. The ATM contained eight solar telescopes and provided these instruments with the necessary pointing reference and control, electrical power, thermal control, and telemetry and command links. Additionally, the experiments and supporting systems were integrated with the necessary controls and displays to permit complete operation and control by the astronaut crew.The ATM, during the nearly nine-month mission, provided data from the experiments which exceeded the pre-mission expectations in terms of quality, quantity, and the spectrum of observed solar activity. Areas of potentially significant new scientific findings included rapid large scale changes in the corona, flare trigger mechanisms and energy relationships, coronal holes and their relationship to solar wind, and the existence of numerous bright spots in the X-ray corona. Thorough analysis of the vast amount of data returned will require several years, but the indications to date are that the mission has provided extremely valuable scientific information which will probably result in significant changes to the currently accepted solar model.  相似文献   

Although initially we will know virtually nothing about any society that our microwave search detects, in all likelihood their society will be far older than ours. It will have evolved mechanisms to ensure longevity. A pessimistic hypothesis would lead us to expect a powerful, aggressive and self-serving society that has vanquished all challengers. If this hypothesis were true, a response by us to their signal could be dangerous. An optimistic hypothesis, that it is the peaceful societies that survive, would lead us to expect a benign or even friendly civilization. If this second hypothesis were true, our response would gratify their scientific curiosity and perhaps lead to a useful exchange of information. Convergent evidence from the quantitative analyses of long-term historical trends and computer modeling support the optimistic hypothesis. Although not conclusive, this analysis suggests that revealing our presence in the Universe is a low risk activity.  相似文献   

If the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence succeeds on detecting evidence of it, it will have immense repercussions. Two documents consider what should be done to validate and announce the evidence, and to consider a reply if the evidence is in radio form. What legal status should such materials be given? The author argues that it is not too early to consider formulating a treaty.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the maximum range at which radar signals from the Earth could be detected by a search system similar to the NASA Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Microwave Observing Project (SETI MOP) assumed to be operating out in the galaxy. Figures are calculated for the Targeted Search, and for the Sky Survey parts of the MOP, both operating, as currently planned, in the second half of the decade of the 1990s. Only the most powerful terrestrial transmitters are considered, namely, the planetary radar at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and the ballistic missile early warning systems (BMEWS). In each case the probabilities of detection over the life of the MOP are also calculated. The calculation assumes that we are only in the eavesdropping mode. Transmissions intended to be detected by SETI systems are likely to be much stronger and would of course be found with higher probability to a greater range. Also, it is assumed that the transmitting civilization is at the same level of technological evolution as ours on Earth. This is very improbable. If we were to detect another technological civilization, it would, on statistical grounds, be much older than we are and might well have much more powerful transmitters. Both factors would make detection by the NASA MOP a much more likely outcome.  相似文献   

Investigations are carried out at JPL on radiofrequency interferences at very low levels (-130 to -180 dBm) in various bands, especially the 1-2 GHz band. Extrapolation of interferences in the years to come is attempted.  相似文献   

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