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火星车低气压无风热环境模拟试验技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为模拟火星车工作时所处大温差、低气压环境,文章以自主研制的调温热沉系统和压力控制系统为依托,实现试验容器热沉系统温度在-135~27℃间任意快速调节,均匀性优于±5℃;试验容器内气体压力控制值与目标压力值之差在±10 Pa之内。在国内首次完成无风环境下的火星车温控模拟舱验证试验,为火星车热分析模型修正以及后续火星车有风热环境试验提供了参考。  相似文献   

文章简述典型火星进入器所面临的气动热环境,阐明在火星大气CO2介质下进行试验的重大需求以及建立火星热环境模拟及热防护试验方法的必要性;并对国内外进行的相关火星进入器热防护工程性和研究性试验进行综述,指出研究空气和CO2介质下的电弧加热器运行特性将对火星热防护试验提供必要的支撑,CO2介质下防热材料催化特性研究和先进测试技术(如TALIF、OES、HSC等)是未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

Analysis of a spacecraft life support system for a Mars mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report summarizes a trade study conducted as part of the Fall 2002 semester Spacecraft Life Support System Design course (ASEN 5116) in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the University of Colorado. It presents an analysis of current life support system technologies and a preliminary design of an integrated system for supporting humans during transit to and on the surface of the planet Mars. This effort was based on the NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for the human exploration of Mars [NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for Mars, Addendum 3.0, from the world wide web: http://exploration.jsc.nasa.gov/marsref/contents.html.]. The integrated design was broken into four subsystems: Water Management, Atmosphere Management, Waste Processing, and Food Supply. The process started with the derivation of top-level requirements from the DRM. Additional system and subsystem level assumptions were added where clarification was needed. Candidate technologies were identified and characterized based on performance factors. Trade studies were then conducted for each subsystem. The resulting technologies were integrated into an overall design solution using mass flow relationships. The system level trade study yielded two different configurations--one for the transit to Mars and another for the surface habitat, which included in situ resource utilization. Equivalent System Mass analyses were used to compare each design against an open-loop (non-regenerable) baseline system.  相似文献   

A guidance scheme designed for coping with significant dispersion in the vehicle's state and atmospheric conditions is presented. In order to expand the flyable aerocapture envelope, control of the vehicle is realized through bank angle and angle-of-attack modulation. Thus, blended control of the vehicle is achieved, where the lateral and vertical motions of the vehicle are decoupled. The overall implementation approach is described, together with the guidance algorithm macrologic and structure. Results of guidance algorithm tests in the presence of various single and multiple off-nominal conditions are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

地形跟踪制导中数字表面模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵敏  林行刚  赵乃国  罗丁 《宇航学报》2003,24(3):240-244
分析研究了数字表面模型(DSM)在飞行器地形跟踪制导中的应用,提出了一种大地坐标下和高斯坐标下DSM建模的新方法。在此基础上分析了DSM模型纵横断面采样间距对孤立障碍物的影响,分析定义了DSM模型下飞行器掠地飞行的最小安全高度。仿真试验表明,在地形跟踪制导技术中采用数字表面模型DSM比采用数字高程模型DEM有更强的制导适应性。  相似文献   

In the time since the Viking life-detection experiments were conducted on Mars, many missions have enhanced our knowledge about the environmental conditions on the Red Planet. However, the martian surface chemistry and the Viking lander results remain puzzling. Nonbiological explanations that favor a strong inorganic oxidant are currently favored (e.g., Mancinelli, 1989; Plumb et al., 1989; Quinn and Zent, 1999; Klein, 1999; Yen et al., 2000), but problems remain regarding the lifetime, source, and abundance of that oxidant to account for the Viking observations (Zent and McKay, 1994). Alternatively, a hypothesis that favors the biological origin of a strong oxidizer has recently been advanced (Houtkooper and Schulze-Makuch, 2007). Here, we report on laboratory experiments that simulate the experiments to be conducted by the Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) instrument of the Phoenix lander, which is to descend on Mars in May 2008. Our experiments provide a baseline for an unbiased test for chemical versus biological responses, which can be applied at the time the Phoenix lander transmits its first results from the martian surface.  相似文献   

火星探测器使命轨道捕获策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了火星探测器使命轨道捕获策略研究需求,给出了三种可用的典型捕获策略,建立了速度纵向平面内的飞行动力学方程,对三种典型策略进行了飞行动力学仿真,给出了各策略完成捕获所需速度增量、任务耗时及过。通过对仿真结果的分析比较,得出研究结论为:直接制动捕获任务耗时及过载较小,但速度增量需求较大;多次穿越后捕获任务耗时较长,但速度增量需求和过载较小;一次穿越后捕获速度增量需求较小且任务耗时较短,但过载较大。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):445-455
This paper investigates the robust decentralized attitude control problem for spacecraft formations under uncertain communication topologies. Based on modified Rodrigues parameters representation and a Lagrange-like model, a class of decentralized attitude control schemes designed by the use of sliding mode control approach is proposed to steer the attitude of the spacecraft formation to a time-varying reference states with no assumption on the information exchange graph. By taking into account the model uncertainties and external disturbances simultaneously, the proposed robust control strategies are proven effective to overcome these unexpected phenomena. Finally, numerical examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the developed control schemes.  相似文献   

Autonomous navigation is an important function for a Mars rover to fulfill missions successfully. It is a critical technique to overcome the limitations of ground tracking and control traditionally used. This paper proposes an innovative method based on SINS (Strapdown Inertial Navigation System) with the aid of star sensors to accurately determine the rover?s position and attitude. This method consists of two parts: the initial alignment and navigation. The alignment consists of a coarse position and attitude initial alignment approach and fine initial alignment approach. The coarse one is used to determine approximate position and attitude for the rover. This is followed by fine alignment to tune the approximate solution to accurate one. Upon the completion of initial alignment, the system can be used to provide real-time navigation solutions for the rover. An autonomous navigation algorithm is proposed to estimate and compensate the accumulated errors of SINS in real time. High accuracy attitude information from star sensor is used to correct errors in SINS. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve a high precision autonomous navigation for Mars rovers.  相似文献   

唐玲  刘卫  刘金生  危清清 《宇航学报》2019,40(5):501-507
对一种抽展式火星车转移坡道开展柔顺性优化设计和动力学分析。首先,分析火星车与存在异面角的坡道的挤压几何原理。然后,设计坡道的间隙机构和限位机构,并计算出机构关键设计参数的最优值,以自适应调整两侧坡道的距离,〖JP2〗减小火星车与坡道护栏之间的相互作用力。最后,对坡道下落过程和火星车在坡道上的行驶过程进行动力学仿真,验证坡道柔顺性优化设计的效果。结果表明:优化后的坡道柔顺性大幅提高,坡道可以自适应调整两侧的距离;使用优化后的坡道,可以有效降低火星车与坡道护栏的作用力,实现火星车在坡道上的安全行驶。  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in the exploration of the Moon in recent years. Pin-point precision landing is highly desirable for future lunar missions. This paper is concerned with the design of the on-board data handling (OBDH) subsystem for the pin-point lunar lander of the Magnolia-1 project, funded by NASA. Four proposed on-board data handling architectures are outlined and compared in terms of power consumption, performance and reliability. Implementation results are presented, which are obtained from prototyping of the flight computer for the optimal OBDH architecture option on a Xilinx Virtex-5 Field Programmable Gate Array.  相似文献   

黄明星  王文强  李健  王立武 《宇航学报》2020,41(9):1132-1140
针对火星探测任务中降落伞开伞环境为低密度大气的特点,本文由降落伞气动力系数与透气量关系,提出了通过降落伞有效透气量预测降落伞气动力系数的方法,该方法先由织物透气量试验获取伞衣透气量拟合曲线和透气量常数,再根据风洞试验得到两种有效透气量下的气动力系数,然后由有效透气量插值获取了盘缝带(DGB)伞火星大气条件下气动力系数,并且通过空投试验数据对该方法进行验证。计算结果表明,在火星条件下,降落伞气动力系数与风洞条件下变化趋势基本一致。Ma 0.4工况阻力系数的变化范围为0.583~0.622,Ma 0.8工况阻力系数的变化范围为0.438~0.494。  相似文献   

火星环绕探测器电源系统设计分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
针对火星环绕探测任务特点,从空间环境,飞行程序、轨道与姿态,负载需求,电源系统选型,能源自主管理,轻小型化设计6个方面对电源系统设计进行了分析;提出了一种适用于火星环绕探测器的高比能量、高比功率、高自主管理能力的电源系统设计分析方法,可为火星环绕探测器电源系统优化设计提供依据,也可为其他深空探测器电源系统设计提供一定的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

火星精确着陆制导问题分析与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国火星科学实验室(MSL)任务成功将“好奇”号火星车着陆到火星表面,开创了火星精确着陆探测的新局面。以MSL着陆任务为典型代表,分析了目前火星着陆探测进入、下降和着陆(Entry, Descent and Landing, EDL)过程的制导方案及制导系统的发展趋势。以在火星高海拔、复杂地形区域定点着陆为潜在工程目标,归纳了火星EDL过程面临的制导主要问题。根据未来制导系统自主性和自适应性的技术需求及潜在工程任务制导面临的问题,提出了火星EDL制导方面需要解决的关键技术,并对其在未来工程中的应用潜力进行了展望。  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(1):12-18
Who are the best partners for a US manned mission to Mars? Arguments have been made for a joint US-Soviet manned mission which would improve relations between the superpowers and prevent the weaponization of space. However, from the viewpoint of the US space advocate, the issue is which is the most expeditious way to get humans to Mars. Let's go to Mars, the author argues, but with allies and friends rather than the USA's primary competitor on Earth.  相似文献   

Direct simulation Monte Carlo modeling (DSMC) is used to solve the problem of the entry into the Earth’s atmosphere of a small meteoroid. The main aspects of the physical theory of meteors, such as mass loss (ablation) and effects of aerodynamic and thermal shielding, are considered based on the numerical solution of the model problem of the atmospheric entry of an iron meteoroid. The DSMC makes it possible to obtain insight into the structure of the disturbed area around the meteoroid (coma) and trace its evolution depending on entry velocity and height (Knudsen number) in a transitional flow regime where calculation methods used for free molecular and continuum regimes are inapplicable.  相似文献   

火星表面没有全球性磁场保护,存在较强的辐射环境。文章基于Mars-GRAM模型和MCD模型的火星大气数据、“海盗号”(Viking Lander 1/2)及“探路者号”(Pathfinder)等测量得到的火星土壤数据、银河宇宙射线环境(CREME 96模型)以及太阳宇宙射线环境(1989年10月太阳事件),采用基于GEANT4的粒子输运方法,分析得到了火星表面辐射环境;并与“好奇号”火星车辐射评价探测器(Radiation Assessment Detector,RAD)实测值进行了比较。结果显示:次级伽马光子和中子通量分析值与实测值偏差不超过50%,辐射剂量分析值与实测值偏差不超过5%。火星表面辐射环境可用于分析航天员在不同位置处遭遇的人体剂量,作为载人火星任务着陆点数据参考。  相似文献   

着陆缓冲机构是着陆器借以实现安全、稳定软着陆的一种重要装置。鉴于着陆初始条件的多样性,系统级缓冲性能需在有限的试验工况中进行充分验证。文章基于“阿波罗”登月舱3类相关试验方法,提出了一种无需额外设计和加工试验件,无需模拟其他重力场,在地球重力场下的全尺寸模型试验方法。在对各着陆初始条件大量组合工况的仿真结果统计分析后,给出了试验验证工况的确定原则;明确了试验实施过程中的质量配比原则、地球重力场对试验的影响、地貌特征模拟方法及试验测量参数与数据处理要求。该方法对于后续深空探测以及载人登月着陆缓冲机构综合缓冲性能的试验验证具有指导意义。  相似文献   

介绍了目前国外提出的一种三元结构的火星采样返回任务方案,整个方案分3次发射,分别发射漫游车、着陆器和轨道器,每次发射间隔为4年,最终目的是将火星样品带回地球。该方案的优势在于,通过3次发射分别完成漫游车巡视勘察、着陆器现场探测、轨道器数据中继和在轨探测,最终综合完成火星采样返回,能够极大地缓解项目进度和资金压力,充分利用每次发射窗口分步骤完成探测任务。文章重点对方案涉及的关键技术进行了分析,包括样品获取与封装、行星保护、精准着陆、漫游车的危险规避能力和移动性、火星上升器、交会与样品捕获、地球再入器技术等;对方案的前景和优势进行了探讨,并给出几点启示,如精准着陆或成为今后行星探测着陆方式的新趋势,火星采样返回任务将是人类火星探测的里程碑,今后的深空探测任务趋向国际合作模式等。  相似文献   

在我国的载人登月技术方案中,为实现软着陆,登月舱需要一种大推力、高性能、多次起动,能够大范围变推力的泵压式发动机.通过研究国外登月用下降级发动机技术发展现状和趋势,基于我国氢氧发动机和低温推进剂空间贮存水平,进行了深度变推发动机的系统方案研究;通过分析比对燃气发生器循环和膨胀循环系统优缺点,确定发动机系统方案为涡轮串联闭式膨胀循环;采用空间可长时间贮存的液氧/甲烷推进剂组合,可满足任务周期要求;根据推力深度调节时对各组合件性能要求,确定喷注器燃烧稳定技术和燃烧室身部传热技术是深度变推发动机研制的核心关键技术.  相似文献   

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