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V.M. Petrov 《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(9-10):1424-1429
Radiation hazard caused by exposure during a spaceflight is characterized by radiobiological consequences at all levels of organism. These consequences have a stochastic nature. Even deterministic effects are basically random quantity having all attributes of such mathematical values. The radiation risk is defined in this case as an additional probability of health damage or as a death probability in extreme case. For the manned spaceflight additional peculiarity of a human’s exposure is added. A natural space radiation environment has a stochastic character because solar particle events and crew of a spacecraft can be exposed to dose from background level up to lethal one.The report presents a procedure of radiation risk assessment for quantitative expression of radiation hazard level during a flight and using this value for developing protection recommendations. It is emphasized that the risk value is connected specifically with the time interval of possible hazard’s existent. The form of risk representation must be chosen depending on a time scale of radiobiological processes induced by the exposure (expressing in fact the radiation hazard model). Surviving function specified for the crewmember mortality rate changed by the professional exposure must be used for risk calculation. Solar particle events determine a stochastic character of radiation environment in space that must be taken into account for a risk assessment. The reliability of radiation risk assessment can be used for this goal.  相似文献   

Accurate estimations of the health risks to astronauts due to space radiation exposure are necessary for future lunar and Mars missions. Space radiation consists of solar particle events (SPEs), comprised largely of medium energy protons (less than several hundred MeV); and galactic cosmic rays (GCR), which include high-energy protons and heavy ions. While the frequency distribution of SPEs depends strongly upon the phase within the solar activity cycle, the individual SPE occurrences themselves are random in nature. A solar modulation model has been developed for the temporal characterization of the GCR environment, which is represented by the deceleration potential, ?. The risk of radiation exposure to astronauts as well as to hardware from SPEs during extra-vehicular activities (EVAs) or in lightly shielded vehicles is a major concern for radiation protection. To support the probabilistic risk assessment for EVAs, which could be up to 15% of crew time2 on lunar missions, we estimated the probability of SPE occurrence as a function of solar cycle phase using a non-homogeneous Poisson model [1] to fit the historical database of measurements of protons with energy>30 MeV, Φ30. The resultant organ doses and dose equivalents, as well as effective whole body doses, for acute and cancer risk estimations are analyzed for a conceptual habitat module and for a lunar rover during space missions of defined durations. This probabilistic approach to radiation risk assessment from SPE and GCR is in support of mission design and operational planning for future manned space exploration missions.  相似文献   

In light of the importance of the neutron contribution to the dose equivalent received by space workers in the near-Earth radiation environment, there is an increasing need for a personal dosimeter that is passive in nature and able to respond to this neutron field in real time. Recent Canadian technology has led to the development of a bubble detector, which is sensitive to neutrons, but insensitive to low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. By changing the composition of the bubble detector fluid (or “superheat”), the detectors can be fabricated to respond to different types of radiation. This paper describes a preliminary ground-based research effort to better characterize the bubble detectors of different compositions at various charged-particle accelerator facilities, which are capable of simulating the space radiation field.  相似文献   

在分析国外现行的空间辐射环境标准的基础上,提出制定和实施空间辐射环境数据标准、环境分析与效应标准、设计标准以及试验标准是保证航天型号能够承受空间辐射环境的有效手段.  相似文献   

深空条件下航天器内的辐射环境研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深空存在具有各种能量分布的粒子,这些能量分布范围很宽的粒子构成了深空环境下航天器外部的空间辐射环境。深空条件下的高能粒子会穿透航天器舱壁材料,通过射线与物质材料的相互作用,在航天器内产生二次粒子,形成由初级粒子、次级粒子叠加的混合辐射场的辐射环境。文章分析研究了高能α粒子及Fe离子在屏蔽材料中的输运过程,得到了在这些介质中的射程与能量关系及产生的二次粒子产额,为控制航天器内的辐射环境提供支撑。  相似文献   

The shield has three concentric grids having a net charge of zero. The voltage across the outer pair is chosen to repel electrons; and that across the inner pair is chosen to repel nucleons. The negative grid is coated to absorb ultraviolet light to prevent photoemission, and secondary emission is minimized by a grid/thin foil combination. Voltage is maximized and mass minimized by setting the ratio of the negative to the inner positive electrode radii to ≥ 2. The outer grid pair forms a space truss with rigid geodesic grid, from which catenary tensile members are suspended. For docking there is passage directly through the sparse gridwork of larger structures, or through a charge shifting vestibule on smaller. While efficiency increases indefinitely with size, favorable sizes for given voltages are indicated. Large modular habitats and small powered transport vehicles are protected with efficiencies several orders of magnitude over mass shielding against charged particle cosmic radiation.  相似文献   

Developing successful and optimal solutions to mitigating the hazards of severe space radiation in deep space long duration missions is critical for the success of deep-space explorations. Space crews traveling aboard interplanetary spacecraft will be exposed to a constant flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), as well as intense fluxes of charged particles during solar particle events (SPEs). A recent report (Tripathi et al., Adv. Space Res. 42 (2008) 1043–1049), had explored the feasibility of using electrostatic shielding in concert with the state-of-the-art materials shielding technologies. Here we continue to extend the electrostatic shielding strategy and quantitatively examine a different configuration based on multiple toroidal rings. Our results show that SPE radiation can almost be eliminated by these electrostatic configurations. Also, penetration probabilities for novel structures such as toroidal rings are shown to be substantially reduced as compared to the simpler all-sphere geometries. More interestingly, the dimensions and aspect ratio of the toroidal rings could be altered and optimized to achieve an even higher degree of radiation protection.  相似文献   

在载人航天中,航天员的辐射危险性是必须受到重视的问题。航天器的内环境是一个复杂的复合场,受外部辐射场和屏蔽材料等多种因素的影响,单一的探测技术很难探测得到内部辐射场的性质特点,而且无法对辐射危害进行评估。文章从射线与物质相互作用的角度出发,对NASA所用航天器内环境的模拟技术进行了介绍,并介绍了根据我国国情已往开展的相关研究工作,包括在Geant4软件包的基础上,将射线与物质相互作用的处理方法进行扩展,开发新的软件,编制SRP(Space Radiation Protection)程序等。  相似文献   

Technology assessment in space activities: status and outlook   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space technology is not only a matter for engineers. In various ways, political authorities and other sections of society are interested in space activities. An of space activities provides a scientific basis on which to tender guidance and advice to decision makers. The authors discuss the growing use of technology assessment in the space field with particular reference to German activities and analyse why it will become more important in the future.  相似文献   

为有效实施对航天员的空间辐射防护,采用计算机断层扫描数据(CT)建立了精细化男性体素模型;基于Geant4建立蒙特卡罗程序计算空间站轨道辐射经过舱壁(5 g·cm-2等效铝屏蔽)后在体模中的辐射剂量;分析了不同辐射粒子在体素模型组织或器官中的吸收剂量、当量剂量和有效剂量。计算结果表明:航天员体内吸收剂量大约80%来源于地球辐射带(ERB)质子;大约14%来源于银河宇宙线(GCR)质子;α粒子的剂量贡献占比约为5%;其余重离子的剂量贡献占比在1%左右。另外,航天员吸收的当量剂量和有效剂量50%左右来自于ERB质子,另50%左右来自于GCR粒子。计算结果将有助于评估航天员在空间站舱内的潜在辐射风险并提供辐射防护参考。  相似文献   

The exposures in deep space are largely from the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) for which there is as yet little biological experience. Mounting evidence indicates that conventional linear energy transfer (LET) defined protection quantities (quality factors) may not be appropriate for GCR ions. The available biological data indicates that aluminum alloy structures may generate inherently unhealthy internal spacecraft environments in the thickness range for space applications. Methods for optimization of spacecraft shielding and the associated role of materials selection are discussed. One material which may prove to be an important radiation protection material is hydrogenated carbon nanofibers.  相似文献   

空间辐射环境单粒子效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章介绍了空间辐射环境对航天器电子元器件产生的单粒子效应的国内外研究情况,从环境模拟方法、模拟试验设备、单粒子效应及防护以及飞行试验等方面进行了分析比较。文章对国内研究发展提出了一些建设性的建议。  相似文献   

陈庆 《火箭推进》2012,(2):49-55,74
空间推进系统可靠性评估时,采用Lindstrom-Maddens(L-M)法评估比传统方法得到的结果更高。对比分析评估数据后发现L-M法更合理,因此建议采用L-M法进行可靠性评估,可以在满足可靠性指标前提下防止对产品提出过分苛刻的要求,从而降低设计难度和减少试验费用。  相似文献   

依据空间辐射环境的分布特性及具体空间辐射效应的特征判据,设计出多功能、模块化的航天器空间环境危害监测样机。该样机可针对不同运行轨道辐射环境采用不同的探测模块组合,能够实现单粒子效应、总剂量效应、位移损伤效应、表面充电效应和深层充电效应等辐射危害的综合监测,且具有高集成、低功耗的特性,可为卫星平台提供有效的辐射危害实时监测告警和故障诊断支持。  相似文献   

空间粒子辐射监测器需要有模拟信号源在其生产和测试、试验阶段对其进行电性能检测,并随其辗转于各测试场地。使用进口模拟信号源存在操作复杂、设备笨重及只有单路输出等问题,因此需要设计一种专用模拟信号源。根据空间粒子辐射监测器的要求自行研制的模拟信号源有多路模拟信号输出,且各路信号幅度可独立调节,并采用内部电源供电。经过测试验证,该模拟信号源可作为空间粒子辐射监测器的配套设备使用,性能优于原进口模拟信号源,其电路设计亦可为相关设备提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a numerical analysis method to simulate jet formation and penetration process by the ‘low-velocity’ (67 km/sec-class) inhibited shaped charge launcher, in order to assess the protection capability of the bumper structure against orbital space debris impacts on the spacecraft. The present simulations by a two-dimensional hydrocode (AUTODYN-2D), which was performed by an improved method on the basis of our former works, were compared with the test results based upon the experimental method that we had proposed in our another work. The both results were in fairly good agreement, and the feasibility was ascertained of the calibration between the inhibited CSC jet and solid spherical projectile by the numerical method. Consequently, the accuracy of the ballistic limit curve at 1015 km/sec is expected to be enhanced by making use of the present method hereafter.  相似文献   

模拟载人探月中航天员空间辐射风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间辐射是长期载人航天飞行任务中影响航天员健康的重要风险因素。为了探求载人探月过程中对空间辐射的合理防护方式,文章借助空间辐射场模型对"嫦娥三号"飞行任务在不同质量厚度材料屏蔽下的舱内空间辐射环境进行了仿真计算,并确定了航天员各器官接受的空间辐射剂量、剂量当量以及有效剂量等辐射防护量以进行辐射风险评估。结果表明,随着屏蔽厚度的增加,航天员的各组织或器官的吸收剂量和剂量当量以及有效剂量均明显降低;采用质量屏蔽的方法对低于100 Me V的质子具有很好的防护效果,但对高能质子或重离子的防护效果不明显。计算和分析显示,载人探月过程中,只要采取适当的防护措施,航天员的空间辐射风险是可控的。  相似文献   

空间紫外辐照对高分子材料破坏机理研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高分子材料作为绝缘体和电介质被广泛应用于机电组件、集成电路等各类电子元器件中,其性能的变化将直接影响电子元器件功能的正常实现。空间紫外辐照是造成高分子材料性能退化的重要因素之一。文章介绍了空间紫外辐照的来源及特点,阐述了紫外辐照对高分子材料作用的两种效应,即瞬态效应和累积效应的机理与过程及其对高分子材料性能造成的影响,并提出增强高分子材料耐紫外辐照能力的方法和途径。最后指出需要进一步开展研究工作的方向。  相似文献   

深空辐射环境是影响深空探测任务的一个主要因素,它主要包括太阳粒子事件、银河宇宙射线、俘获辐射带和黑体表面辐射。文章分析了它对航天活动的危害,并探讨了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Lett JT  Lee AC  Cox AB 《Acta Astronautica》1994,32(11):739-748
Recognition of the human risks from radiation exposure during manned missions in deep space has been fostered by international co-operation; interagency collaboration is facilitating their evaluation. Further co-operation can lead, perhaps by the end of this decade, to an evaluation of one of the three major risks, namely radiation cataractogenesis, sufficient for use in the planning of the manned mission to Mars.  相似文献   

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