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面向载人航天器飞行任务仿真需求,根据载人航天器的特点以及高层体系结构(HLA)技术,提出了基于高层体系结构的载人航天器飞行任务仿真平台方案,设计实现了由运行管理、飞行指令、数据记录、数据可视化等功能,以及涵盖轨道、姿态、能源、动力学等多个专业仿真模型组成的仿真平台,给出了应用实例,并就仿真平台开发中的联邦开发过程、仿真模型接口软件、飞行场景三维可视化等关键部分进行了探讨。与单一的飞行任务仿真软件相比,该分布式仿真平台覆盖的专业面更全,验证内容更丰富,可扩展性更强。随着载人航天器系统飞行任务复杂程度的提高,通过对仿真平台的扩展和重用,可适应新的任务验证需求。该仿真平台可为复杂载人航天器的飞行任务设计验证提供依据,并对基于HLA的其他航天器仿真系统的联邦设计与开发具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A major paradigm shift in space exploration is at hand. While great discipline must be exercised, we can reinstitute the exploration of the Moon and Mars through use of current systems and technology. These early initiatives will require coupling available or growth boosters with evolving upper stages and spacecraft that employ new emerging technologies and subsystems to characterize the resources, topography, gravity and sites for future manned expeditions. We have the opportunity to perform first-rate scientific research while also serving the needs of the unfolding Space Exploration Initiative. These early programs can be pursued within limited budgets if management techniques, best described as “fast track”, are applied. Examples of such efforts that met all federal regulations, yet achieved significant returns in 1- to 2-year spans, are given.  相似文献   

为成功接收搭载分米级分辨率的SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar,合成孔径雷达)载荷低轨遥感卫星数据,验证卫星载荷工作状态和性能,本项目研发一套Ka/S双频段遥感卫星接收与处理机动站。针对窄波束高动态卫星跟踪、多通道高速率遥感数据星地传输的重难点,本文着重从窄波束高动态目标卫星跟踪、超高速高性能全数字解调以及高精度双模式自适应盲均衡等关键技术进行研究。通过试验验证技术路径正确、措施有效,可为后续相关系统研制提供技术参考。  相似文献   

当运动节点构成的大规模动态平台执行分布式协作任务时,如何保证关键数据通信的实时性和确定性,这是一项新的挑战。文章以时间敏感网络(time sensitive networking,TSN)技术为背景,结合卫星构成的分布式动态通信平台上的链路特性,基于TSN中的门控调度技术,提出了一种适用于卫星链路场景下的动态调度算法。通过改进TAS(time aware shaper)调度算法,减少卫星动平台因通信距离动态变化以及空间摄动等因素造成的传输时延,从而增加动平台上卫星通信系统的确定性。同时根据动态卫星链路周期性运动特征,提出周期性门控调度机制,保证所有周期内相同时间点的门控调度一致。最后通过现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计的验证测试结果表明,提出的TAS改进方案可以适用于卫星网络的确定性调度,充分发挥时间敏感网络的优势。  相似文献   

遥感相机凝视的积分时间较长,为了在较长的积分时间内能够稳定成像,需要设计稳像控制系统,消除成像积分时间内由于卫星的残余抖动引起的图像模糊.稳像相机是稳像控制系统中的核心设备,任何光学稳像系统都需要根据稳像相机的图像数据完成运算.在遥感卫星中稳像相机和遥感相机使用同一光路,因此稳像相机可使用的有效面积较小.为了获得较高的稳像控制带宽,要求稳像相机必须具备千赫兹量级的成像帧频,这就要求相机具备高灵敏度、低噪声的特点,并可以在极短曝光条件下获取图像信息;同时相机需要具备大面阵成像能力,以期拍摄获得足够大的地物场景,为寻找细节丰富的区域开展帧间关联提供可能.将稳像相机电子学设计成焦平面电路、信号处理电路和接口板三种电路,并使用柔版代替板间连接器将三种电路连接,极大的减小了稳像相机的体积和质量.实际测试得稳像相机最大外包落为114 mm×58 mm×69 mm、质量697 g、功耗小于6 W;该稳像相机具有1280×1024@50 fps全画幅搜索模式和32×32@2000 fps闭环控制模式.试验结果表明,稳像相机在全画幅模式下成像清晰;遥感相机在闭环控制模式下的成像分辨率得到大幅度提升,达到设计指标.  相似文献   

Problems of situational investigations during the planning and control of the space experiment in the near-Earth space are considered in this paper. It gives the concept of the orbital torus and shows its application in various problems of situational investigations: the forecast of intersections of the orbit with the magnetopause and bow shock, regions of satellites radiovisibility from the ground observation post and others.  相似文献   

地球同步轨道卫星多阶段任务可靠性建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析地球同步轨道卫星首次变轨任务剖面的基础上,以模块化的思路进行卫星多阶段任务系统(phased-mission systems,PMS)建模,采用基于二元决策图(binary decision diagram,BDD)的静态多阶段任务可靠性分析方法和基于马尔可夫模型的动态多阶段任务分析方法来计算地球同步轨道卫星转移轨道段首次变轨的可靠性。经与传统非任务剖面可靠性分析方法的计算结果比对可知,基于任务剖面的可靠性建模分析方法可得到较为真实和精细的结果,有助于卫星的轻量化设计和研制效益提高。  相似文献   

Cluster flight is a term used for describing multiple satellites that are being held within pre-defined minimum and maximum distances for long time intervals, possibly the entire mission. This technology is required for a myriad of space architectures and missions, including disaggregated space architectures. Whereas the literature is abundant with works on control laws for satellite formation flying, there are only a handful of works on control of cluster flight. The purpose of the current work is to develop a cluster flight control algorithm, which is able to keep the satellites of the cluster within pre-specified minimum and maximum distances, while utilizing small amounts of propellant. The newly developed algorithm relies on the natural inter-satellite distance dynamics. The algorithm incorporates realistic mission constraints, such as constant-magnitude thrust, and is implemented in feedback form, steering the mean elements to judiciously selected reference values. Simulations indicate that a few tens of grams of propellent are sufficient for operating a cluster flight mission in excess of 1 year, using low specific-impulse thrusters.  相似文献   

Synchronized Position Hold Engage Reorient Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) is a formation flight testing facility consisting of three satellites operating inside the International Space Station (ISS). The goal is to use the long term microgravity environment of the ISS to mature formation flight and docking algorithms. The operations processes of SPHERES have also matured over the course of the first seven test sessions. This paper describes the evolution of the SPHERES program operations processes from conception to implementation to refinement through flight experience. Modifications to the operations processes were based on experience and feedback from Marshall Space Flight Center Payload Operations Center, USAF Space Test Program office at Johnson Space Center, and the crew of Expedition 13 (first to operate SPHERES on station). Important lessons learned were on aspects such as test session frequency, determination of session success, and contingency operations. This paper describes the tests sessions; then it details the lessons learned, the change in processes, and the impact on the outcome of later test sessions. SPHERES had very successful initial test sessions which allowed for modification and tailoring of the operations processes to streamline the code delivery and to tailor responses based on flight experiences.  相似文献   

为了满足多星并行遥测数据处理和海量数据高并发分析的性能需求,便于后续进行数据挖掘、智能预警,本文提出并实现了一种卫星遥测数据实时压缩算法。针对遥测数据的特点,提出了遥测自适应分类方法,采用改进型RLE(Run Length Encoding,行程编码)压缩和增量压缩结合的算法,结合数据库技术,实现了遥测数据的压缩。在某型号卫星研制项目中,采用了该算法进行数据压缩,统计分析表明:该算法起到了很好的压缩效果。  相似文献   

The mission's success fully depends on the Payload Operations conducted during the space flight. The Ground Team has to be trained to assist the Space Crew, to replan the cosmonaut's activities when contingengies occurr onboard and to change or cancel Payload activities when required. In order to act efficiently during the mission, the Ground Team must be prepared in advance of the flight and able to operate special tools for tracking the mission's progress, anticipating problems and taking decisions in realtime.

This document sets out the approach for conducting such a preparation for Ground Operation. It will be focused on the Altaïr mission performed in July 1993 onboard the Russian Mir space station.  相似文献   

High temperature events strongly influence the environmental processes. Therefore, their observation is an important constituent of the global monitoring network. Unfortunately the current remote sensing systems are not able to deliver the necessary information about the world wide burn out of vegetation and its consequences. For global observations a dedicated system of small satellites is required. The main components of the corresponding instrumentation are the infrared channels. The proposed HSRS (HOT SPOT RECOGNITION SENSOR) has to demonstrate the possibilities of an such instrumentation and its feasibility for small satellites. The main drawbacks of the HSRS design are the handling of the hot spot recognition in the subpixel area and of the saturation in the case of larger hot areas by a suitable signal processing hardware.  相似文献   

旋转充液系统全飞行过程非线性动力学仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考虑一类刚认耦合的旋转充液系统的飞行动力学问题,在依据力学变分原理给出基本方程,导出全飞行过程运动状态方程的基础上,建立了相应的仿真模型。可能通过对Navier-Stokes方程求解和液体流动的惯性波振动特性,给出液体的反作用力矩。经过仿真实验,分析角运动的时间序列,给出了比较详尽的飞行不稳定机制分析结果。  相似文献   

文章分析了航天器分布式系统仿真平台的特点和需求,根据分布式集成仿真平台多操作系统、混合架构、分布式结构、模型管理、试验设计、仿真运行、数据管理的技术特点和功能需求,对相应关键技术进行了攻关,制定了实施方案,在此基础上完成了相关设计和实现。平台能够适应全数学与半物理2种仿真工况,满足航天器系统方案设计全面仿真验证需求,并可方便接入商业或自研软件。最后通过仿真实例对平台的功能性能及通用性进行了验证。  相似文献   

针对空间辐射环境影响下近地卫星某器件单粒子锁定(SEL)事件频发现象,在分析卫星轨道根数演变的基础上,详细讨论SEL事件时空分布特征。结果表明,SEL事件的星下点分布具有明显地域特征,其在南大西洋区域、南北两极区域、其他区域的比例接近于3∶2∶1;器件SEL事件平均发生率略高于0.134 d-1,太阳活动较强时的发生率不足0.103 d-1,而太阳活动较弱时则接近0.165 d-1;近日点附近时的发生率达到0.200 d-1,远日点附近时约为0.072 d-1。在测控中,针对SEL事件进行遥控作业自动识别与处理,操控时长平均为130 s。  相似文献   

为了快速、便捷分析天基侦察系统的对地覆盖性能,开展综合对比分析,设计开发天基侦察卫星星座对地覆盖性能仿真分析系统。仿真系统基于VS2010平台开发,通过软件交互接口调用STK引擎完成计算,使用Matlab编译的库函数完成仿真数据处理及可视化输出。仿真系统采用Redis数据库实现输入参数和仿真结果的存储,并提供与外部程序静态和动态交互功能。仿真系统提供独立仿真和协同仿真两种工作方式,可独立运行分析星座覆盖性能,也可作为其它仿真系统的一部分,在外部命令控制下运行。经应用测试,该系统可以快速、有效完成卫星星座对地面目标的覆盖性能对比分析,为天基侦察系统星座构型设计论证提供支撑。  相似文献   

Starting from their FIRES proposal [1]the DLR makes a new approach in the design of a small satellite mission dedicated to hot spot detection and evaluation: the BIRD mission. The new approach is characterized by a strict design-to-cost philosophy. A two-channel infrared sensor system in combination with a Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner (WAOSS) shall be the payload of a small satellite (80kg) considered for piggyback launch. So the launch is not a main cost driver as for other small satellite missions with dedicated launchers. The paper describes the mission objectives, the scientific payload, the spacecraft bus, and the mission architecture of a small satellite mission dedicated to the investigation of hot spots (forest fires, volcanic activities, burning oil wells or coal seams), of vegetation condition and changes and of clouds. The paper represents some results of a phase A study and of the progressing phase B.  相似文献   

导航卫星铷钟环境温度控制与飞行性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合铷钟对其工作环境温度的要求,介绍了导航卫星铷钟小舱热控设计中的高精度加热控温方法,并对铷钟小舱在GEO卫星和IGSO卫星上的飞行数据进行分析。导航卫星铷钟工作环境温度控制满足-5~10℃的范围要求,光照期温度控制稳定性达到0.2℃/d,GEO 卫星、IGSO 卫星在阴影期温度控制稳定性分别达到0.8℃/d、0.3℃/d。  相似文献   

为解决侦察卫星任务规划中合理分配任务和避免信息传输冲突的问题,建立了基于多阶段决策的侦察卫星任务规划模型,包括任务分配模型和传输调度模型,并根据运筹学的基本原理,给出了求解模型的基本方法,从求解结果来看,该模型具有一定的理论与应用价值。  相似文献   

静电防护是卫星总装过程中质量控制和安全保障的一个重要方面.为了提高航天器总装过程的静电控制水平,文章以某型号卫星为例,针对卫星总装实施特点,对卫星的总装过程进行了静电防护的相关试验和分析研究.首先使用FMEA分析表格,提出静电防护的关键项目,再利用静电检测手段,对这些关键项目进行静电测试.根据测试结果数据分析,查找出卫星总装过程中静电防护的薄弱环节,并针对性地提出相应的静电控制措施.这些研究成果为航天器总装静电控制的具体实施提供了技术支持,是对航天器总装过程静电防护深入研究的有益探索.  相似文献   

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