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针对带复合材料箍环掠型叶片整体叶盘结构,开发了对叶片快速施加气动载荷的方法,发现了整体叶盘的应力应变分析和寿命预测方法,成功地完成了模型叶盘的应变测量和低循环疲劳试验。通过模型叶盘数值分析与试验测量数据的比较可见,二吻合较好,从而验证了上述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了研究带复合材料箍环整体叶盘的振动特性,引入了不带复合材料箍环形式的整体叶盘,并对二从振动频率值,振型,共振转速图等方面异同步进行了对比分析,同时,进一步分析了复合材料箍环对整体叶盘结构振动特性的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用固定交变载荷法及几种数理统计法,对国产单向碳纤维一环氧树脂的疲劳寿命分布规律进行了研究试验,结果表明,基本遵循正态分布。  相似文献   

整体叶盘结构强度减振一体化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
余学冉  陆山 《航空动力学报》2013,28(10):2235-2239
基于软件ANSYS,建立了整体叶盘参数化模型.结合轮盘强度设计应力标准,借助ANSYS优化模块,获得了满足强度要求的最轻整体叶盘模型.分析了整体叶盘的振动特性,研究了轮盘和叶型参数调整对整体叶盘固有频率的影响.在此基础上,研究了通过改变缘板厚度、罩量及叶型厚度等参数使整体叶盘避开低阶激振的结构设计方法.研究结果表明:对于鼓筒约束的整体叶盘,轮盘参数调整可提高整体叶盘低阶耦合振动频率与4E激振频率在最大转速的裕度为2.2%,而叶型参数调整对此裕度的影响可达8%.最终获得的整体叶盘模型在1阶振动避开5E以下激振,并与4E激振频率在最大转速的裕度达10.8%的基础上达到质量最轻,因避频质量增加4.77%,说明整体叶盘结构强度减振一体化设计方法是可行的.   相似文献   

整体叶盘结构及制造工艺   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
整体叶盘是航空发动机的一种新结构部件,已在高性能航空发动机上获得推广应用。本文介绍了整体叶盘结构特点及其制造过程中的几项主要工艺技术。  相似文献   

主要针对线性摩擦焊制备整体叶盘的方法,利用在研发动机结构形式,设计了模拟样件;结合焊接设备、焊接夹具现状,设计了多种焊接接头,并进行了分析择优;采用强度分析和振动分析等手段,确定了焊缝位置范围;通过模拟样件的振动疲劳试验,对不同焊缝位置进行了性能评价,获得了较优的焊缝位置,为后续开展整体叶盘线性摩擦焊研究提供技术支持.设计和性能考核试验表明,焊缝位置在43 mm处较优.  相似文献   

为研究金属补片式复合材料修补结构的强度、疲劳性能及剩余强度性能,分析对比了单排及双排铆钉连接的金属补片式复合材料修补结构的破坏模式、静力破坏载荷、疲劳寿命及剩余强度,结果表明,双排铆钉连接的修补结构的强度、疲劳性能及剩余强度性能均优于单排铆钉连接的修补结构,研究结果可为铆钉连接的金属补片式复合材料修补结构强度及疲劳设计工作提供参考。  相似文献   

针对航空发动机整体叶盘结构复杂、材料难加工,铣削加工后粗糙度无法达到设计要求,铣削纹理明显,目前的手工抛光难以满足整体叶盘表面质量和型面精度要求的现状,提出了整体叶盘数控砂带磨削技术及其工艺试验。概述了整体叶盘砂带磨削研究进展,分别从新型砂带磨削技术和自适应砂带磨削技术等方面阐述了整体叶盘全型面数控砂带磨削技术。介绍了整体叶盘全型面数控砂带磨削试验装置及其数控磨削加工软件,利用该装置完成了4种不同级别的整体叶盘精密磨削加工试验。结果表明:整体叶盘磨削后,表面粗糙度小于0.4μm,型线精度小于0.05mm,同时型面精度一致性显著提高。  相似文献   

某高压涡轮整体叶盘破裂转速计算方法及试验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轮盘的一个重要设计准则是防止其破裂。本文介绍了某高压涡轮整体叶盘破裂转速的计算方法和试验验证。根据试验结果对整体叶盘破裂转速的计算方法进行了验证,反推并验证了该高压涡轮整体叶盘的材料利用系数。该研究成果可供工程设计人员参考。  相似文献   

现代航空发动机整体叶盘及其制造技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
整体叶盘是现代航空发动机的一种新型结构部件,对于提高其性能具有重要作用.本文主要介绍了航空发动机整体叶盘结构的特点、应用现状、发展趋势及其制造技术.  相似文献   

Raindrop impact erosion has been observed since early days of aviation, and can be catastrophic for exposed materials during supersonic flight. A single impact waterjet apparatus is established for mimicking drop impacts at the velocities between 350 m/s and 620 m/s. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer(CFRP) laminates with three different surface morphologies and specimen thicknesses are tested here. A central region with no visible damage has been noticed, surrounded by a “failure ring” with common...  相似文献   

碳纤维材料加固混凝土结构新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳纤维材料加固混凝土结构是近年来国际上的一项新兴技术。从该项技术的发展历史、材料性能指标、施工工艺以及目前国内外应用情况等不同角度做了阐述。  相似文献   

进行了钻削预埋碳纳米纸薄膜传感器碳纤维复合材料的试验,钻削结果采用超声波扫描显微镜进行检测.试验结果表明:层间预埋碳纳米纸,可以实时监测钻头位置,根据钻头位置改变进给率,实现对制孔质量的精确控制.采用ABAQUS对试验方案进行模拟仿真,模拟的结果与试验结果很好地吻合,证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

锻压机机架是锻压机械的一个重要组成部分,它的可靠与安全性对锻压机械的安全生产有着重要影响。对某厂油压快锻机机架进行了应力分析和疲劳强度计算,用疲劳强度的理论重新对机架进行了应力计算和强度分析,为安全生产提供了理论指导。所提供的疲劳强度计算方法也可以作为油压快锻机机架设计和结构改进的理论参考。  相似文献   

Flow field is a crucial factor to influence the stability and surface quality in the electrochemical machining (ECM) of blisks. A four-way flow mode was proposed to eliminate mixing regions of electrolyte at the leading and tailing edges. Two flow field models were described separately in this report: a W-shaped flow mode and a four-way flow mode. The flow field was analyzed through a finite element method. The results showed that, in comparison with the W-shaped flow mode, the distribution of electrolyte flow was more uniformed and the mixed region in the flow channel was improved. The pressure of the leading and tailing edges inlets was optimized, and optimal pressure of 0.6 MPa was determined. In addition, verification experiments were performed, and the results showed that the stability, efficiency, and quality of the profiles of the blisk blade manufactured by ECM were enhanced in the new flow mode.  相似文献   

Electrochemical machining (ECM) has emerged as an important option for manufacturing the blisk. The inter-electrode gap (IEG) distribution is an essential parameter for the blisk precise shaping process in ECM, as it affects the process stability, profile accuracy and surface quality. Larger IEG leads to a poor localization effect and has an adverse influence on the machining accuracy and surface quality of blisk. To achieve micro-IEG (<50 μm) blisk finishing machining, this work puts forward a novel variable-parameters blisk ECM strategy based on the synchronous coupling mode of micro-vibration amplitude and small pulse duration. The modelling and simulation of the blisk micro-IEG machining have been carried out. Exploratory experiments of variable-parameters blisk ECM were carried out. The results illustrated that the IEG width reduced with the progress of variable parameter process. The IEG width of the blade’s concave part and convex part could be successfully controlled to within 30 μm and 21 μm, respectively. The profile deviation for the blade’s concave surface and convex surface are 49 μm and 35 μm, while the surface roughness reaches Ra = 0.149 μm and Ra = 0.196 μm, respectively. The profile accuracy of the blisk leading/trailing edges was limited to within 91 μm. Compared with the currently-established process, the profile accuracy of the blade’s concave and convex profiles was improved by 50.5 % and 53.3 %, respectively. The surface quality was improved by 53.2 % and 50.9 %, respectively. Additionally, the machined surface was covered with small corrosion pits and weak attacks of the grain boundary due to selective dissolution. Some electrolytic products were dispersed on the machined surface, and their components were mainly composed of the carbide and oxide products of Ti and Nb elements. The results indicate that the variable-parameters strategy is effective for achieving a tiny IEG in blisk ECM, which can be used in engineering practice.  相似文献   

PTFE/CFRP/铝合金叠层材料钻削试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对PTFE/CFRP/铝合金叠层材料进行了钻削试验研究。结果表明:最高钻削温度随主轴转速的增大而增大,但随进给量的增大反而下降;相同钻削参数下,从铝合金侧钻入能获得更低的钻削温度;采用较大的进给量有利于铝合金形成碎屑状切屑,避免带状切屑排出时划伤已加工CFRP表面;采用较低主轴转速和较大的进给量可获得更好的铝合金孔出口质量。  相似文献   

针对碳纤维增强复合材料在传统钻孔过程易出现分层缺陷,采用金刚石空心套刀和超声振动加工技术进行了CFRP超声振动套孔分层抑制机理分析。理论分析了传统麻花钻钻孔与金刚石套刀普通套孔过程的分层机理及评价,超声振动套孔对分层抑制的机理,并且进行了实验验证。结果表明:相比于CFRP普通套孔,超声振动套孔能够有效提高套刀切削性能和排屑效果,降低钻削力12.5%~19.2%,抑制切屑粉尘黏附套刀和料芯堵塞套刀,抑制CFRP分层缺陷形成,改善孔表面质量。  相似文献   

布拉格光栅对沿其纵向的非均匀应变分布十分敏感,这种影响会反映在传感器位置的反射光谱光强中.本文提出了一种利用外贴光栅监测带双缺口碳纤维复合材料损伤的新技术.实验结果表明,当带双缺口碳纤维复合材料损伤产生及扩展时,光栅的反射光强在某些波长变化明显,反射光谱的突变点与复合材料静态拉伸应变—光栅中心波长曲线突变点一一对应.该方法可用于预测复合材料的损伤状态.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic testing is effective in defect characterization and quality assurance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) components in the aerospace industry. Due to the coupling between complex shape and elastic anisotropy, the Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) and time-based Total Focusing Method (TFM) face significant challenges in the calculation of wave propagation. A wave velocity distribution model is established for a multidirectional convex corner of CFRP based on a homogenization theory and the above coupling effects are also incorporated. A ray-tracing method is proposed based on Dijkstra’s shortest path search algorithm. The predicted time of flight ensures that this technique, the homogenized TFM, could synthesize a high-quality focused image by post-processing on the full matrix capture data. Experiments on a laminate with three ?1.5 mm Side-Drilled Holes (SDHs) in different circumferential directions confirm a successful homogenized TFM imaging that all SDHs can be effectively detected. As compared to the isotropic scenario, the maximum positioning error is reduced to 0.12, 0.08, and 0.38 mm, and the Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNRs) are increased by 2.1, 1.1, and 11.8 dB, respectively. It is suggested that the ray-tracing assisted TFM technique can effectively improve the imaging of corners in CFRP components.  相似文献   

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