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An x-ray observation of 2S 0921-630 has been made coincident with the time of optical eclipse of this 9-day binary. No significant reduction in X-ray flux is measured. This can be explained if the binary orbit is viewed almost exactly edge-on, so that the central X-ray emitting star is obscured by the accretion disk from direct view. The X-rays that are seen are scattered into the line of sight by material above and below the disk and the apparent size of the X-ray emission region is thus large compared to the size of the occulting star.  相似文献   

Different models of coronal streamers are used to calculate the radio brightness temperature at the wavelengths of observation of the Nançays Radioheliograph. Calculation are performed assuming the location of the streamer both on the disk and at the limb. Their comparison with observations show that a satisfactory agreement with a particular model can be found in the shape and in the relative enhacement of the streamer with respect to the quiet Sun, although the absolute values of the computed brightness temperatures are much higher than the observed ones.  相似文献   

We have observed the X-ray burst sources 4U1728-33 and 4U1813-14 with the ME detectors aboard EXOSAT, and present here results of a spectral analysis of their persistent emissions. For both sources the data can be well fitted by a double blackbody continuum and a Gaussian emission line. The two spectral components can be interpreted in terms of a blackbody radiation from the neutron star, and emission from the inner part of an accretion disc. The line feature is consistent with the 6.7 keV iron emission line expected in the presence of a hot extended object (X-ray corona) around the neutron star.  相似文献   

The Gas Scintillation and Medium Energy instruments onboard EXOSAT measured the continuum and line emission spectrum in the Tycho supernova remnant. For the first time the iron line at 6.53 keV is clearly resolved from the continuum, in addition to the lines from S, Ar and Ca. The comparison with a non-equilibrium ionisation model (Hamilton et al 1983) confirms the over-abundance of S and Ca, whereas the Fe abundance is found to be solar, which provides additional support that the predicted 0.1–1 M0 Fe in type I supernovae is presently not shocked to X-ray emitting temperatures.  相似文献   

We apply solar-type coronal loop models to X-ray and UV observations of late-type stars. We derive from EXOSAT and IUE observations constraints on the temperature, pressure and size of the emitting structures.  相似文献   

In two observations with the EXOSAT ME a total of 11 bursts were detected; 7 in July and 4 in May 1984. In terms of rise time and peak count rate there are only 2 kinds, those with a sharp rise and peak count rate of 500 cts/sec/detector and those with a slow rise and a peak count rate of 200 cts/sec/detector. The spectral analysis of these bursts shows a similar situation: for the sharp bright bursts the black body radius increases rapidly to > 20 km and the temperature lags. For the slow dim bursts the temperature rises ahead of the black body radius expansion which is small and slow. The time t 1/2 at which half the total burst energy has been released is 3.5 seconds for bright bursts and 8 seconds for dim ones. These gross differences may be related to the predominance of helium or hydrogen in the thermonuclear flash.  相似文献   

We present the results of the spectral and timing analysis of an observation of GX9+1/4U1758-205 performed with the Medium Energy Experiment aboard EXOSAT. During our observation the source flux varied irregularly in time scales from minutes to hours. No periodic emission in the period range from 16 msec to 2000 sec was found with an upper limit of around 1% (3 ) for the pulsed fraction. The hardness ratio shows a correlated change with the flux intensity (Sco X-1 behaviour). The spectrum could be fitted by a double component model, a black body component (kT=1.16–1.26 keV) together with a thermal bremsstrahlung law (kT=13–15keV). The black-body temperature-black-body flux relation follows a Stefan Boltzmann law with RBB=15.3 km*D/10 kpc. No iron line was detected. The upper limit for the line equivalent width of a 6.7 keV iron emission line is 40 eV (1). The X-ray spectral behaviour of GX9+1 indicates, that this source belongs to the class of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB).  相似文献   

EXOSAT observations of the X-ray pulsar 4U1145-619 during June and July 1983 and July 1984 confirm that this source shows a regular 187 day outburst cycle in X-rays. The results from pulse timing and X-ray spectroscopy are discussed in terms of a model for 4U1145-619 involving an eccentric binary system in which there is variable accretion from the Be primary star onto a companion neutron star.  相似文献   

EXOSAT observations of 2S1254-690 in August 1984 have confirmed the presence of periodic dips in the X-ray intensity. These dips occurred with a period of 3.9 hours and last for about 50 minutes. During individual dips the observed X-ray flux oscillated several times between the quiescent level and an undetectable level on time scales varying from a few seconds to approximately 5 minutes. In addition, a second type one burst has been observed, with characteristics which are very similar to those observed earlier. In this paper we report the results of a 20 hour EXOSAT observation made in 1984 August 6th to 7th, and discuss some properties of the dips and of the burst.affiliated to the Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

EXOSAT results on cataclysmic variables are reviewed. The long continuous X-ray observations afforded by this observatory, coupled with the sensitivity of its instruments to medium energy and very low energy X-rays, have enabled the rotational and orbital X-ray light curves of these stars to be measured in unprecedented detail. Examples are given of data on synchronously and asynchronously rotating magnetic systems, and on disc accreting stars. The impact of the new observations on our understanding of cataclysmic variables is discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of X-ray emission from Be star/X-ray binaries are reviewed. Some optical characteristics of these binaries are also presented. Theoretical aspects pertaining to the X-ray emissions are given.  相似文献   

The X-ray emission from the intracluster gas is a rich source of information on the metal abundance, evolution and mass profile of clusters. Methods for determining the mass of gas are reviewed; the total mass is uncertain. The best data so far available concentrate on the cluster core. Cooling flows are found within the cores of a significant fraction of rich and poor clusters, as well as in relatively isolated elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We present the first results of an EXOSAT observation of the low-mass X-ray burster 4U1735-44. The ME data show low-amplitude variations in the persistent flux including two 5% dips separated by 4 hours. The structure of the single observed burst is briefly described. Five hours of simultaneous B-band photometry were obtained at SAAO with 12 minute time resolution; a strong anti-correlation is shown to exist between the X-ray and optical flux, with a high level of significance. A model for this behaviour is suggested, based on reprocessing of the X-ray flux in a corona or stellar wind.  相似文献   

In March/April 1984 eleven EXOSAT observations of Her X-1 were performed sampling a full 35 day cycle. Spectral analysis of the ME and GSPC data shows that the iron line emission is present during all phases. During the main-on state we see an iron line at 6.65 ± 0.07 keV with a FWHM of 1–2 keV and an equivalent width of 300 to 400 eV. The high resolution GSPC data indicate that the line profiles have external wings and are not simple Gaussian. We report for the first time on the detection of an iron line during the intermediate-on state with about the same parameters as the main-on state line but an equivalent width a factor of 2 larger. During the off state between main-on and intermediate-on we detected a broad iron line feature at about 6.0 keV with an equivalent width of 2 keV. We discuss the Alfven region and a hot corona at the inner region of the accretion disk as the possible sites of the line production.  相似文献   

Hot white dwarfs are objects that copiously emit in the Extreme Ultraviolet and soft X-ray range. They are the brightest sources seen in the Low Energy Telescope of EXOSAT, with countrates up to 25 cnts/s. in contrast to their optical and UV spectrum the total flux and spectral distribution at soft X-ray energies are highly sensitive to the effective temperature, structure and elemental composition of the dwarf's atmosphere. The imaging soft X-ray experiments onboard EXOSAT cover with large sensitivity the spectral region where the peak of emission of hot white dwarfs is expected to occur.I here review some of the (preliminary) results obtained so far with broadband X-ray photometry on a dozen or so white dwarfs, and some of the high-resolution spectra obtained for three white dwarfs with the grating spectrometers.  相似文献   

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