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The method of “the nodes of lesser uncertainty”, which led in the optical study of the zodiacal light to a fair localization of the information, is being adapted to the available thermal observations, especially to IRAS ones.The observations in the ecliptic plane give access to the temperature and, by comparison with optical results, to the albedo of the dust at 1 AU. The heliocentric derivatives are also obtained: the temperature decrease is slower than in a homogeneous cloud, and therefore the albedo is decreasing. If the apparent (optical) slope ν of the heliocentric fall r−ν of the space density is corrected for this change of albedo, the true ν recovers a value close to 1, much more satisfying on theoretical grounds.This localization process allows to derive from the annual oscillations of brightness at the ecliptic poles the inclination and the ascending node of the symmetry plane of the zodiacal dust. After taking into account the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, IRAS data show a full agreement with previous ground-based (Tenerife) and satellite (D2A) results.  相似文献   

We discuss the potential (charge) on dust particles in various environments. We first consider the classical case of a single isolated dust particle. In conditions which apply to planetary dust rings, the exact value of the dust potential depends critically on several effects (e.g. secondary electron emission, photoelectric efficiency) which are not well known for small dust particles of relevant material and surface conditions. In dust clouds of high dust densities the classical approach fails to give the correct value of the dust potential due to the neglect of collective effects. In terms of an ordering parameter P = aμNd0/n0 (dust radius in microns × cloud dust density/exterior plasma density) the collective effects on the dust potential become apparent at P ~ 10?6. For increasing values of P the collective effects increase, whence the dust potentials decrease and eventually approach zero.  相似文献   

In this paper a method of geoengineering is proposed involving clouds of dust placed in the vicinity of the L1 point as an alternative to the use of thin film reflectors. The aim of this scheme is to reduce the manufacturing requirement for space-based geoengineering. It has been concluded that the mass requirement for a cloud placed at the classical L1 point, to create an average solar insolation reduction of 1.7%, is 7.60 × 1010 kg yr−1 whilst a cloud placed at a displaced equilibrium point created by the inclusion of the effect of solar radiation pressure is 1.87 × 1010 kg yr−1. These mass ejection rates are considerably less than the mass required in other unprocessed dust cloud methods proposed and are comparable to thin film reflector geoengineering requirements. Importantly, unprocessed dust sourced in-situ is seen as an attractive scheme compared to highly engineered thin film reflectors. It is envisaged that the required mass of dust can be extracted from captured near Earth asteroids, whilst stabilised in the required position using the impulse provided by solar collectors or mass drivers used to eject material from the asteroid surface.  相似文献   

Corrected thermal net radiation measurements from the four Pioneer Venus entry probes at latitudes of 60°N, 31°S, 27°S, and 4°N are presented. Three main conclusions can be drawn from comparisons of the corrected fluxes with radiative transfer calculations: (1) sounder probe net fluxes are consistent with the number density of large cloud particles (mode 3) measured on the same probe, but the IR measurements as a whole are most consistent with a significantly reduced mode 3 contribution to the cloud opacity; (2) at all probe sites, the fluxes imply that the upper cloud contains a yet undetected source of IR opacity; and (3) beneath the clouds the fluxes at a given altitude increase with latitude, suggesting greater IR cooling below the clouds at high latitudes and water vapor mixing ratios of about 2–5×10?5 near 60°, 2–5×10?4 near 30°, and >5×10?4 near the equator.  相似文献   

A better understanding of cometary dust optical properties has been derived from extensive observations of comet Halley, complemented by other cometary observations at large phase angles and/or in the infrared. Also, further analysis of IRAS observations and improvements in inversion techniques for zodiacal light have led to some progress in our knowledge of interplanetary dust.

Synthetic curves for phase angle dependence of intensity and polarization are presented, together with typical albedo values. The results obtained for interplanetary dust are quite reminiscent of those found for comets. However, the heterogeneity of the interplanetary dust cloud is demonstrated by the radial dependence of its local polarization and albedo; these parameters are also found to vary with inclination of the dust grains' orbits with respect to the ecliptic. Such results suggest drastic alterations with temperature in the texture of cometary dust, and would favor an important asteroidal component in the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

The present study uses five Martian years of observations from Mars Climate Sounder onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for investigating the Aphelion Cloud Belt (ACB) over the tropics. Analysis of zonal mean water ice column opacity suggests that the spatial extension of the ACB is mainly confined over the tropics and mid-latitudes (-20 – 40°N) during LS ~ 45 – 135° (LS = 0° signifies northern spring equinox). The ACB is seen primarily in the nighttime only due to the truncation of the daytime profile observations at significantly higher altitudes (at ~30 km). Zonal mean ice extinction profiles show ACB’s altitudinal range within ~10 – 40 km, and the existence of a thin cloud band in the absence of a thick ACB during aphelion season. Three phases of the ACB could be identified as the formation phase during LS = 45 – 75° (phase 1), the peak phase during LS = 76 – 105° (phase 2), and the decaying phase during LS = 106 – 135° (phase 3). Observation of the cloud latitude belt shows a northward movement starting from phase 2, prominent over regions nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra. During this phase, the top level of thick clouds within the ACB decreases to ~20 km in the southern hemisphere, while it increases a little over the northern hemisphere (NH). The decreasing tendency continues in phase 3 over the entire region ?10 – 10°N, and the thick cloud base moves higher over the NH, though the vertical depth of it becomes narrower than phase 2. Temperature profiles do not show any noticeable influence on the northward evolution of the ACB. However, the study at a regional level indicates a possible association of upper tropospheric dustiness with the ACB’s evolution. The mechanism is evident in the correlation analysis mostly at an altitude range of ~18 – 35 km. The migrating semidiurnal tide (SMD) as a proxy of dust or water ice forcing, and the calculated upper tropospheric dust radiative heating, shows an apparent northward movement of their peak amplitude within the three phases of the ACB. This match between the spatiotemporal variations of the SMD and the water ice was not observed previously. However, the correlating behavior seems to be prominent in the areas nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra and the upper-tropospheric region of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The initial power outputs Po of pulsars are not yet well known, but these seem to follow approximately a distribution law N(> Po) ∝ Po−n where 0.5 ≤ n ≤ 1.0. It seems likely that Po ≥ 1038 ergs/sec. With these assumptions, we estimate that the DUMAND detector can record ≥ 103 high-energy (> 4 TeV) neutrino events in a four-month period per Galactic supernova; (in our Galaxy, these are estimated to occur at the rate of about 8 per century.) Neutrinos from supernova shells in the Virgo supercluster would be marginally detectable (one very bright supernova per decade at about 20 Mpc) if N(> Po) ∝ Po−0.5, but undetectable if N(> Po) ∝ Po−1. The diffuse flux summed over distant extragalactic supernovae is likely to be well below the detection threshold.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of infrared observations of comets P/Crommelin and P/Tempel 1 is presented. Comet P/Crommelin was observed from UKIRT over the range 1–20 micron, using standard filters. From the shape of the thermal emission spectrum, the temperature of the dust grains is estimated (T = 314 ± 3344K) and also the dust production rate (1.3 × 105gs?1). Comet P/Tempel 1 was observed with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The emission is found to be considerably extended and there is also evidence for temperature variation of the dust grains as indicated by the 12 to 25 micron flux ratio.  相似文献   

Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Mars-GRAM 2001) is an engineering-level Mars atmosphere model widely used for many Mars mission applications. From 0 to 80 km, it is based on NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM), while above 80 km it is based on University of Michigan Mars Thermospheric General Circulation Model. Mars-GRAM 2001 and MGCM use surface topography from Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). Validation studies are described comparing Mars-GRAM with a global summary data set of Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. TES averages and standard deviations were assembled from binned TES data which covered surface to ∼40 km, over more than a full Mars year (February 1999–June 2001, just before start of a Mars global dust storm). TES data were binned in 10° × 10° latitude–longitude bins (36 longitude bins, centered at 5°–355°, by 18 latitude bins, centered at −85° to +85°), and 12 seasonal bins (based on 30° increments of Ls angle). Bin averages and standard deviations were assembled at 23 data levels (temperature at 21 pressure levels, plus surface temperature and surface pressure). Two time-of-day bins were used: local time near 2 or 14 h. Two dust optical depth bins were used: infrared optical depth, either less than or greater than 0.25 (which corresponds to visible optical depth less than or greater than about 0.5). For interests in aerocapture and precision entry and landing, comparisons focused on atmospheric density. TES densities versus height were computed from TES temperature versus pressure, using assumptions of perfect gas law and hydrostatics. Mars-GRAM validation studies used density ratio (TES/Mars-GRAM) evaluated at data bin center points in space and time. Observed average TES/Mars-GRAM density ratios were generally 1 ± 0.05, except at high altitudes (15–30 km, depending on season) and high latitudes (>45°N), or at most altitudes in the southern hemisphere at Ls  90° and 180°. Compared to TES averages for a given latitude and season, TES data had average density standard deviation about the mean of ∼2.5% for all data, or ∼1–4%, depending on time of day and dust optical depth. Average standard deviation of TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio was 8.9% for local time 2 h and 7.1% for local time 14 h. Thus standard deviation of observed TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio, evaluated at matching positions and times, is about three times the standard deviation of TES data about the TES mean value at a given position and season.  相似文献   

Radio occultation measurements of the temperature structure of the Venus atmosphere have been obtained during seven occultation “seasons” extending from December 1978 to December 1983. Approximately 123 vertical profiles of temperature from about 40 km to about 85 km altitudes have been derived. Since these measurements cover latitudes from both poles to the equator, they have shown the latitudinal dependence of thermal structure. There is a smooth transition from the troposphere to the mesosphere at latitudes below about 45°, with the tropopause at about 56 km. The troposphere then rises to about 62 km in the “collar cloud” region between about 60° and 80° latitude, where a strong temperature inversion (up to 30 K) is present. In the polar areas, 80°–90°, the mesosphere becomes isothermal and there is no inversion. This latitudinal behavior is related to the persistent circulation pattern, in which a predominantly zonal retrograde motion at latitudes below 45° gradually changes to a circumpolar vortex at the “collar cloud” latitudes. Indeed, the radio occultation data have been used in a cyclostrophic balance model to derive zonal winds in the Venus atmosphere, which showed a mid-latitude (50°–55°) jet with a speed of about 120–140 ms?1 at about 70 km altitude /1,2/. The observations obtained in 1983 and 1984 have shown that above the tropopause there is considerable temporal variability in the detailed thermal structure, suggesting that the persistent circulation pattern is subject to weather-like variability.  相似文献   

Since 1958, daily temperature-height profiles have been measured up to 35–40 km at Berlin by means of radiosondes. An attempt is made here to describe these profiles as a function of the noon solar zenith angle, χ. It is shown that the basic annual variation of the measured profiles, T(h), can be presented as T(h) = To(h) cosn(h)χ. The subsolar temperature, To(h), and exponent, n(h), have been determined empirically from the summer and autumn data when the radiative balance is obviously dominant. Neither term depends on the solar cycle. Warmings in winter and coolings in spring are treated as disturbances in the annual variation, due to dynamics, and are described separately as ± ΔT(h).  相似文献   

An ion model of the lower ionosphere is proposed. It consists of four positive ions: O2+, NO+ and two cluster ions - a simpler CI1 and a more complex CI2. This model well explains the normal component of the winter anomaly (WA) in the D-region, which is recorded by absorption measurements on short radiowaves and rocket experiments at middle (40°N) and high (70°) latitudes. The higher values of the electron density during the winter appear as a result of the lower recombination because of smaller rates of cluster ion formation, i.e. the normal WA can be explained and modelled by the regular seasonal variations of composition, temperature and density.  相似文献   

Lyman α and 58.4 nm HeI radiations resonantly scattered were observed with EUV spectrophotometers flown on Venera 11 and Venera 12. The altitude distribution of hydrogen was derived by limb observations from 250 km (exobase level) to 50,000 km. In the inner exosphere (up to ? 2,000 km of altitude) the distribution can be described by a classical exospheric distribution with TC = 275 ± 25 K and n = 4?2+3 × 104 atom. cm?3 at 250 km. The integrated number density from 250 to 110 km (the level of CO2 absorption) is 2.1 × 1012 atom. cm?2, a factor of 3 to 6 lower than that predicted by aeronomical models. This number density decreases from the morning side to the afternoon side, or alternately from equatorial to polar regions. Above 2,000 km a “hot” hydrogen population dominates, which can be simulated by T = 103K and n = 103 atom. cm?3 at the exobase level.The optical thickness of helium above 141 km (the level of CO2 absorption for 58.4 nm radiation) was determined to be τo = 3, corresponding to a density at 150 km of 1.6 × 106 cm?3. This is about 3 times less than what was obtained with the Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer of Pioneer Venus, and about twice less than ONMS measurements, but is in agreement with earlier EUV measurement by Mariner 10 (2 ± 1 × 106 cm?3).  相似文献   

A balloon observation of the total solar eclipse on 11 June 1983 was carried out as a cooperative work between Japanese and Indonesian teams. The observation was a photo-polarimetry of the F corona in both visual and near-infrared regions.The balloon of 15,000-m3 with a payload of 150-kg was launched at 7h13m on 11 June from Watukosek Balloon Base in East Java. Observation at an altitude of 30.5-km was successfully made during the totality (11h28~32m) at a position of ~40-km east-south-east from Jogjakarta.As a preliminary result, an excess in infrared brightness has been found near the position of 3.8R west from the sun, which may be due to thermal emission from a high-temperature dust cloud located around the sun.  相似文献   

The present paper has used a comprehensive approach to study atmosphere pollution sources including the study of vertical distribution characteristics, the epicenters of occurrence and transport of atmospheric aerosol in North-West China under intensive dust storm registered in all cities of the region in April 2014. To achieve this goal, the remote sensing data using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite (MODIS) as well as model-simulated data, were used, which facilitate tracking the sources, routes, and spatial extent of dust storms. The results of the study have shown strong territory pollution with aerosol during sandstorm. According to ground-based air quality monitoring stations data, concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeded 400?μg/m3 and 150?μg/m3, respectively, the ratio PM2.5/PM10 being within the range of 0.123–0.661. According to MODIS/Terra Collection 6 Level-2 aerosol products data and the Deep Blue algorithm data, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550?nm in the pollution epicenter was within 0.75–1. The vertical distribution of aerosols indicates that the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) 532?nm total attenuates backscatter coefficient ranges from 0.01 to 0.0001?km?1?×?sr?1 with the distribution of the main types of aerosols in the troposphere of the region within 0–12.5?km, where the most severe aerosol contamination is observed in the lower troposphere (at 3–6?km). According to satellite sounding and model-simulated data, the sources of pollution are the deserted regions of Northern and Northwestern China.  相似文献   

The present paper reports coordinated ionospheric irregularity measurements at optical as well as GPS wavelengths. Optical measurements were obtained from Tiny Ionospheric Photometer (TIP) sensors installed onboard the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) satellites. GPS radio signals were obtained from a dual frequency GPS receiver operational at Calcutta (22.58°N, 88.38°E geographic; geomagnetic dip: 32.96°; 13.00°N, 161.63°E geomagnetic) under the SCIntillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) program. Calcutta is located near the northern crest of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) in the Indian longitude sector. The observations were conducted during the unusually low and prolonged solar minima period of 2008–2010. During this period, four cases of post-sunset GPS scintillation were observed from Calcutta. Among those cases, simultaneous fluctuations in GPS Carrier-to-Noise ratios (C/No) and measured radiances from TIP over a common ionospheric volume were observed only on February 2, 2008 and September 25, 2008. Fluctuations observed in measured radiances (maximum 0.95 Rayleigh) from TIP due to ionospheric irregularities were found to correspond well with C/N0 fluctuations on the GPS links observed from Calcutta, such effects being noted even during late evening hours of 21:00–22:00 LT from locations around 40° magnetic dip. These measurements indicate the existence of electron density irregularities of scale sizes varying over several decades from 135.6 nm to 300–400 m well beyond the northern crest of the EIA in the Indian longitude sector during late evening hours even in the unusually low solar activity conditions.  相似文献   

Energy partitioning during the very high impact speed encountered in a cometary fly-by mission causes a target mass expulsion which leads to a momentum impulse on the target exceeding that of the incident momentum. Theoretical and computational studies are required to provide a basis for predictions of the response at Halley encounter, since experimental data from acceleration of microspheres extends currently only to some 10 kms?1. Such data obtained from the 2 MV Canterbury microparticle accelerator is presented: this demonstrates a target momentum enhancement E which can be approximated by a form E = 1+(V/Vo)β. Over the range 1 to 8 kms?1 the relationship is satisfied by Vo = 2 kms?1 and β = 2. Theoretical considerations of energy partitioning lead to constraints on the extrapolation of this functional dependence to very high velocities and the transition to β ≤ 1 is shown to apply. Results are examined and their significance to impact sensing and spacecraft deceleration discussed. An enhancement of momentum nearer to 12±3 at 69 kms?1 is anticipated for non-penetrating particles, from the ballistic pendulum data, but the ES data indicates a figure considerably higher.  相似文献   

Fourier spectrometers for the investigation of infrared spectra of Venus were installed on the recent Soviet orbiters “Venera-15” and “Venera-16”. Many spectra with reliable absolute calibration were obtained in the 280–1500 cm?1 region with a spectral resolution of 5 cm?1 (ground based processing) and about 7 cm?1 (preoprocessed on board) and a spatial resolution of about 100 km at the Venusian cloud top level. Bands of CO2, H2O, H2SO4 and SO2 are identified. The 15 μm-CO2- fundamental band was used for retrieval of altitude dependent temperature profiles. There are significant differences in the cloud structure above 60 km for distinct regions of Venus, demonstrated by differences in the spectra.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of a Sun-pointing elliptical Earth ring comprised of dust grains to offset global warming. A new family of non-Keplerian periodic orbits, under the effects of solar radiation pressure and the Earth’s J2 oblateness perturbation, is used to increase the lifetime of the passive cloud of particles and, thus, increase the efficiency of this geoengineering strategy. An analytical model is used to predict the orbit evolution of the dust ring due to solar-radiation pressure and the J2 effect. The attenuation of the solar radiation can then be calculated from the ring model. In comparison to circular orbits, eccentric orbits yield a more stable environment for small grain sizes and therefore achieve higher efficiencies when the orbit decay of the material is considered. Moreover, the novel orbital dynamics experienced by high area-to-mass ratio objects, influenced by solar radiation pressure and the J2 effect, ensure the ring will maintain a permanent heliotropic shape, with dust spending the largest portion of time on the Sun facing side of the orbit. It is envisaged that small dust grains can be released from a circular generator orbit with an initial impulse to enter an eccentric orbit with Sun-facing apogee. Finally, a lowest estimate of 1 × 1012 kg of material is computed as the total mass required to offset the effects of global warming.  相似文献   

This research examined the variability of foE in the equatorial ionosphere with solar activity within the equatorial ionospheric anomaly region. Ionosonde data recorded at Ouagadougou (lat. 12.4°N, long. 1.5°W and magnetic dip 1.43°N) were engaged to study the transient variations of the critical frequency of the E-layer (foE) and its dependence on solar activity. The study revealed that foE increases with the increase in solar intensity of the sun. The variability of the foE decreases with increases in the solar activity. The maximum value of the foE is at local noon when the ionosphere is stable; the variability at this local time is minimal. The minimum value of the foE is at sunrise and sunset, at this period on local time the equatorial ionosphere recorded its maxima variability. Irrespective of the degree of solar activity, foE is observed to be maximum in June solstice, followed by the equinoxes and minimum in December solstice. Equinoctial asymmetry occurred in the variation of the relative standard deviation of foE with maximum in September/March equinox for low/high solar activity.  相似文献   

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