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The dust population at 1 AU is known for all sizes between μm and cm to an accuracy better than one order of magnitude. It was observed by Helios that the fine grained dust (μm to 100 μm) decreases with increasing sun distance ∞ r?1.3, at least between 0.3 and 1 AU /1/.Two Pioneer 1011 dust experiments observed the dust distribution beyond 1 AU in the 10 to 100 μm diameter size range for the first time directly with contradicting results. The penetration experiment saw a constant flux out to 20 AU while the optical experiment observed a decrease of the dust number densities until 3.3 AU, but no scattered light was recorded further out. An attempt is made to explain these observations on the basis of the socalled ‘Greenberg’-particles: cometary core/mantle grains with organic mantle material. The observed enhancement of the dust flux by 1 or 2 orders of magnitudes near Jupiter and Saturn are interpreted as being caused by gravitational focussing, ejecta from jovian/saturnian satellites and electrostatic fragmentation products.  相似文献   

A low power high reliability impact sensor based on the discharge of a parallel plate capacitor is described. The choice of a surface area of about 1000 cm2 and a penetration thickness of 50 micrometers will provide data on the flux density of cometary dust particles in the 5 micrometers diameter range (10−10g). A high noise immunity promotes excellent reliability under conditions of heavy spacecraft bombardment and high plasma densities in the late stages of the 500 km approach distance. Self-limiting of the event rate compression system also provides flux data at arbitrarily high impact rates. The capacitor sensor will be located on the external face of the outer dust shield of Giotto Spacecraft and it will be a part of the DIDSY experiment.  相似文献   

In reviewing discussions of future directions for space activity, it becomes obvious that there are a large number of groups formulating a wide diversity of plans for the future use of space. These plan alternatives are being made to account for user needs, technology development constraints, economic constraints, and launch support, and each of the plans will have direct or indirect effects on the orbital debris environment in terms of mass to orbit, deposition of operational debris, and control of accidental breakups. Thus it is important to develop the ability to project future debris states for a range of possible space traffic scenarios. The impact that these possible traffic environments would have on space operations forms the basis for studies of alternative options for the usage of space. In this paper, the effects on the orbital debris environment of a base-line mission model and two alternatives are investigated, using a numerical debris environment simulation code under development at JSC.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 22nd solar cycle twenty solar proton events were observed by the regular balloon measurements of cosmic rays. Temporal changes of intensities and energy spectra of solar protons with energy 100-500 MeV were obtained. The strong influence of interplanetary shock waves on the proton flux characteristics near the Earth was observed. Possible effects of solar proton transport in the vicinity of shock fronts are discussed to explain the observational data.  相似文献   

Energy partitioning during the very high impact speed encountered in a cometary fly-by mission causes a target mass expulsion which leads to a momentum impulse on the target exceeding that of the incident momentum. Theoretical and computational studies are required to provide a basis for predictions of the response at Halley encounter, since experimental data from acceleration of microspheres extends currently only to some 10 kms?1. Such data obtained from the 2 MV Canterbury microparticle accelerator is presented: this demonstrates a target momentum enhancement E which can be approximated by a form E = 1+(V/Vo)β. Over the range 1 to 8 kms?1 the relationship is satisfied by Vo = 2 kms?1 and β = 2. Theoretical considerations of energy partitioning lead to constraints on the extrapolation of this functional dependence to very high velocities and the transition to β ≤ 1 is shown to apply. Results are examined and their significance to impact sensing and spacecraft deceleration discussed. An enhancement of momentum nearer to 12±3 at 69 kms?1 is anticipated for non-penetrating particles, from the ballistic pendulum data, but the ES data indicates a figure considerably higher.  相似文献   

We develop our earlier attempts to perform an indirect quantitative examination of the hypothesis that electric currents flowing up from thunderstorms to the ionosphere (also known as Wilson currents) charge the ionosphere to a large positive potential with respect to the Earth. First, we take the electrostatic potential arising from the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetosphere derived from an experimental data-based model of the high-latitude field-aligned currents. We then obtain the global distribution of ionospheric potential, utilizing a thin shell model, based on integration along field lines of the current continuity equation with a realistic model of ionospheric conductivity. Next, we include additional upward currents to simulate the effect of the three main thunderstorm regions over equatorial Asia/Oceania, Africa and the Americas. We compare the local time variation of the eastward electric field in the ionosphere produced by these three equatorial sources separately, and seek to understand the substantial differences between them. Finally, we examine the variation with local time of the eastward electric field in the ionosphere at low latitudes.  相似文献   

During a typical Akasofu-type of substorm, the southward component of IMF Bz is necessary prior to the onset. However, a sudden compression of solar wind, if intense enough, can also sometimes trigger a substorm, and is independent of the IMF orientation. The Akasofu-type substorm and the Impulse-induced substorm may differ in their occurrence mechanism and ground-based observations. This is shown using the initial four substorm events discussed in this paper having distinctly different IMF and sudden impulse conditions. A question then arises is how will these signatures vary when both sudden impulse and a southward component of IMF Bz are present prior to the onset. To account for the same, we analyze two substorm events of 05th April 2010 and 22nd June 2015. The substorm onsets on these days not just coincided with the sudden impulse but also a southward component of IMF Bz was present prior to the onsets. The present study accounts for the similarities and differences among isolated IMF induced substorms, isolated impulse-induced substorms and when both sudden impulse and a southward component of IMF Bz are present. We examined the relative dominance between the two factors in triggering a substorm using ground-based and satellite-based observations. If IMF Bz is near zero, a strong pressure pulse and/or large IMF By can lead to particle precipitation away from the usual midnight. To further ensure whether a pressure pulse or IMF By predominantly influences the substorm onset location, a statistical analysis of isolated substorms will be needed.  相似文献   

Observations of hard X-ray (HXR)/γ-ray continuum and γ-ray lines produced by energetic electrons and ions, respectively, colliding with the solar atmosphere, have shown that large solar flares can accelerate ions up to many GeV and electrons up to hundreds of MeV. Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are observed by spacecraft near 1 AU and by ground-based instrumentation to extend up to similar energies as in large SEP events, but it appears that a different acceleration process, one associated with fast coronal mass ejections is responsible. Much weaker SEP events are observed that are generally rich in electrons, 3He, and heavy elements. The energetic particles in these events appear to be similar to those accelerated in flares. The Ramaty high energy solar spectroscopic imager (RHESSI) mission provides high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging of flare HXRs and γ-rays. Such observations can provide information on the location, energy spectra, and composition of the flare accelerated energetic particles at the Sun. Here, preliminary comparisons of the RHESSI observations with observations of both energetic electron and ion near 1 AU are reviewed, and the implications for the particle acceleration and escape processes are discussed.  相似文献   

During the last decade a large number of radars (~12) have been developed, which have produced substantial quantities of tidally-corrected mean winds data. The distribution of the radars is not global, but many areas are well covered: the Americas with Poker Flat (65°N), Saskatoon (52°N), Durham (43°N), Atlanta (34°N), Puerto Rico (18°N); Europe with Kiruna (68°), Garchy (47°N) and Monpazier (44°N); and Oceania with Christchurch (44°S), Adelaide (35°S), Townsville (20°S), and Kyoto (35°N). Zonal and meridional wind height-time cross-sections from 6080 km (MF/Meteor Radar) to ~110 km have been prepared for the last 5–6 years. They are compared with cross-sections from CIRA-72 for zonal winds, and Groves (1969) for meridional winds.It is shown that while CIRA-72 is still a useful model for many purposes, significant differences exist between it and the new radar data. The latter demonstrate important seasonal, latitudinal, longitudinal and hemispheric variations. The new meridional cross-sections are of great value. The common features with Groves (1969) are the equatorward cells in summer near 85 km; however their strength (~10 ms?1) and size are less. Systematic and somewhat different variations emerge at higher (?52°N) and middle (35–44°) latitudes.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of both solar magnetic polarity and the solar wind velocity on the Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMFBz, for the minimum activity of the solar cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24. We made a statistical study of IMFBz in the first section which is considered as an extension of Lyatsky et al. (2003). They made a statistical study of IMFBz for two periods of minimum solar activity 22 and 23 related to 1985–1987 and 1995–1997 when the solar magnetic field had opposite polarity. Our results seem to be consistent with the results obtained by Lyatsky et al. (2003). We found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the IMFBx and the solar magnetic polarity for the minimum periods of the selected four solar cycles. In addition, we found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

The Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) is a 6 channel scanning radiometer which measures the infrared emission by the earth's limb. These measurements are inverted to yield distributions of temperature, ozone, water vapor, nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide. The instrumentation and its orbital performance are briefly described. Retrievals of temperature and nitrogen dioxide are presented, with a discussion of their precision. Comparisons to in-situ rocket and balloon measurements are used to assess their accuracy. Special mention is made of the temperature data supplied for the FGGE II-b data sets. Results for ozone, water vapor and nitric acid are presented in companion papers.  相似文献   

It is shown in this paper for the first time that the intensity of the daytime thermospheric O(1D) 630.0 nm airglow as measured by the ground-based dayglow photometer over Trivandrum (8.5°N; 77°E; dip lat. 0.5°N), a geomagnetic dip equatorial station, exhibit a direct correlation with the electron density at 180 km. This altitude is about ∼40 km lower than the believed centroid of the O(1D) 630.0 nm dayglow emission i.e. 220 km. This observation is contrary to the understanding of the behavior of O(1D) 630.0 nm dayglow over equatorial/low latitudes. Over these latitudes, the variations of the measured intensity of O(1D) 630.0 nm dayglow are known to be associated with the changes in the electron density at altitudes around 220 km, the centroid of this emission. In this context, the present results indicating the lowering of the peak altitude of O(1D) 630.0 nm emission from ∼220 to ∼180 km over the dip equator is new. Recent results on solar XUV flux indicate that this could be an important parameter that controls the O(1D) 630.0 nm dayglow excitation rates through modulations in the neutral and ionic composition in lower thermosphere-ionosphere region. However, the lowering of the centroid of O(1D) 630.0 nm emission, as shown in this study, has been ascribed primarily to the fountain effect associated with the equatorial ionization anomaly.  相似文献   

Modelization of solar energetic particle (SEP) events aims at revealing the general scenario of SEP injection and interplanetary propagation and relies on in situ measurements of SEP distributions. In this paper, we study to what extent the LEFS60 and LEMS30 electron telescopes of the Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) on board the Advanced Composition Explorer are able to scan pitch-angle distributions during near-relativistic electron events. We estimate the percentage of the pitch-angle cosine range scanned by both telescopes for a given magnetic field configuration. We obtain that the pitch-angle coverage is always higher for LEFS60 than for LEMS30. Therefore, LEFS60 provides more information of the directional distribution of the observed particles. The aim of the paper is to study the relevance of the coverage when fitting LEFS60 particle measurements in order to infer the solar injection and the interplanetary transport conditions. By studying synthetic electron events, we obtain that at least 70% of the pitch-angle cosine range needs to be scanned by the telescope. Otherwise, multiple scenarios can explain the data.  相似文献   

Utilization of bio-regenerative life support systems (BLSS) plant waste residues as a nutritional source by Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has proven problematic as a result of high concentrations of fibrous compounds in the plant waste residues. Nutritional improvement of plant waste residues by composting with the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), and the effects on growth and nutrient utilization of Nile tilapia fed such residues were evaluated. Five Nile tilapia (mean weight = 70.9 ± 3.1 g) were stocked in triplicate aquaria and fed one of two experimental diets, cowpea (CP) and composted cowpea (CCP), twice daily for a period of 8 weeks. Composting of cowpea residue resulted in reduced concentrations of nitrogen-free extract, hemi-cellulose and trypsin inhibitor activity, though trypsin inhibitor activity remained high. Composting did not reduce crude fiber, lignin, or cellulose concentrations in the diet. No significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in weight gain, specific growth rate, survival rate, daily consumption, and food conversion ratio between tilapia fed CP and CCP. These results suggest that P. ostreatus is not a suitable candidate for culture in conjunction with the culture of Nile tilapia. Additional work is needed to determine what, if any, benefit can be obtained from incorporating composted residue as feed for Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

The VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 spacecraft made their closest approach to Comet Halley on 6 and 9 March, respectively. In this paper those results of the onboard imaging experiment which were obtained around closest approach are discussed. The nucleus of the comet was clearly identifiable as an irregularly shaped object, with overall dimensions of (16±1)×(8±1)×(8±1) km. The nucleus rotates in the prograde sense about an axis nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane with a period of 53±2 hours. Its albedo is only 0.04±0.020.01 Many of the jet features observed during the second fly-by have been spatially reconstructed. Their sources form a quasi-linear structure on the surface. The dust above the surface is shown to be generally optically thin with the exception of certain specific dust jets. Brightness features on the surface are clearly seen. Correlating our data with other measurements, we conclude that the dirty snow-ball model will probably need to be revised.  相似文献   

With the development of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), the detection of precipitable water vapor (PWV) using the GNSS atmospheric sounding technique becomes a research interest in GNSS meteorology. In the conversion of zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) to PWV, the weighted mean temperature (Tm) plays a crucial role. Generally, the Tm estimated by the linear regression models based on surface temperature (Ts) cannot meet the requirement for global use, and the accuracy of Tm derived from the empirical models is limited. In this study, a new Tm model, named GGTm-Ts model, was developed using the global geodetic observing system (GGOS) atmosphere Tm data and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) data from 2011 to 2015. Resting upon a global 2.5°*2° grid of coefficients of Tm-Ts linear function, the new model can provide Tm at any site in two modes, one for the case with measured Ts provided, i.e., the accurate mode, the other for the case that Ts provided by a subroutine, i.e., the normal mode. The performance of GGTm-Ts model was assessed against the Bevis formula, GPT2w and GPT2wh model using different data sources in 2016-the GGOS atmosphere and radiosonde data. The results show that the GGTm-Ts model in accurate mode achieves best performance with an improvement of 46.9 %/15.3 %, 37.8 %/19.5 % and 34.4 %/14.2 % over other three models in the GGOS atmosphere/radiosonde comparison. For the normal mode, the GGTm-Ts model outperforms the GPT2w model and achieves equivalence results with the GPT2wh model. Moreover, the impact of Tm on GNSS-PWV was analyzed to validate the performance of the GGTm-Ts model.  相似文献   

The present study elucidates on the evaluation of two versions (V3 and V4.10) of vertical feature mask (VFM) and aerosol sub-types data derived from the Cloud-Aerosol LiDAR and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO), and its utilization to analyze the impact of dust aerosol on the microphysical properties of cirrus over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). In conjunction to the CALIPSO, we have also used the CloudSat data to study the same during the summer season for the years 2007–2010 over the study area 25–40°N and 75–100°E. Compared to V3 of CALIPSO, V4.10 was found to have undergone substantial changes in the code, algorithm, and data products. Intercomparison of both versions of data products in the selected grid between 30–31°N and 83–84°E within the study area during 2007–2017 revealed that the VFM and aerosol sub-types are in good agreement of ~95.27% and ~82.80%, respectively. Dusty cirrus is defined as the clouds mixed with dust aerosols or existing in dust aerosol conditions, while the pure cirrus is that in a dust-free environment. The obtained results illustrated that the various microphysical properties of cirrus, namely ice water content (IWC), ice water path (IWP), ice distribution width (IDW), ice effective radius (IER), and ice number concentration (INC) noticed a decrease of 17%, 18%, 4%, 19%, and 10%, respectively due to the existence of dust aerosol, consistent with the classical “Twomey effect” for liquid clouds. Moreover, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) showed moderate negative correlations between ?0.4 and ?0.6 with the microphysical characteristics of cirrus. As our future studies, in addition to the present work undertaken, we planned to gain knowledge and interested to explore the impact of a variety of aerosols apart from the dust aerosol on the microphysical properties of cirrus in different regions of China.  相似文献   

The design and performance of SAMS, an infrared limb-scanning instrument for sounding the temperature and composition of the atmosphere from 15 to 150 km altitude, are reviewed. Some examples of preliminary results on temperature and water vapour and nitrous oxide abundance versus latitude and height are presented.  相似文献   

The first phase of the GARS programme on the Kibaran belt of Eastern Africa is a follow-up of the CODATA project on multisatellite thematic mapping in Tanzania. An interpretation of a Thematic Mapper image has been carried out in terms of vegetation, soils, structure and lithology, for identification of targets that will be controlled on ground. The second phase (1987–1988) will focus on lithologic discrimination on the Kibaran formations in Central Burundi.  相似文献   

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