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Three dimensional ion bulk flows in the mass loaded region around comet P/Giacobini-Zinner are investigated using energetic ion data from the EPAS experiment on the ICE spacecraft. Relatively abrupt changes in flow speed of ∼ 100-km s−1 are found at the bow wave crossings. Within the bow wave, the flow is deflected away from the comet tail axis by up to 30°. Ions with energies of ∼ 300-keV are found in this region, suggesting that other ion acceleration processes occur in addition to solar wind pickup.  相似文献   

The Energetic Particle Anisotropy Spectrometer (EPAS) on the ICE spacecraft observed large fluxes of energetic ions (E > 65-keV) for a period of one day prior to encounter with comet Giacobini-Zinner to several days afterwards. These observations permit the study of the way in which cometary atoms and molecules are “picked-up” and accelerated by the solar wind flow, such that the flow becomes mass-loaded and slowed in the vicinity of the comet. The ion bulk flow within the mass-loaded region can also be studied together with the nature of the boundary between this region and the outer “pick-up” region. Finally it is also possible to study ion motion close to, and within, the induced magnetotail of the comet.  相似文献   

From an analysis of the electron number densities and velocity distributions as observed at comet Giacobini-Zinner and comet Halley, it appears that in the so-called “transition region” of the coma electron impact ionization can exceed the nominal photoionization rate of H2O molecules but not by an order of magnitude. It is possible in localized regions where electron heating by ion acoustic waves and lower hybrid waves occurs, electron impact would become the dominant ionization (and dissociation) mechanism. The overall effect as limited by in-situ measurements of the neutral gas density distribution could be shown to be small, however.  相似文献   

We report the results of 40–160 micron broadband photometry of Comet Halley with apertures of 30–50 arcsecond diameter. Measurements of the spatial distribution of the far-infrared radiation at several wavelengths will also be discussed. A preliminary analysis of the data shows the following conclusions: (1) The brightness of the comet varied by nearly a factor of two on two successive days in 1986 March, during which the visible brightness also changed substantially and in the same sense. (2) The far-infrared energy distribution varied significantly in this period in the sense that the decrease in flux with increasing wavelengths was significantly shallower on the day when the comet was fainter. (3) The spectral slope on both days is considerably shallower than would be expected from an ensemble of grains most of which were much smaller than the observed wavelengths.  相似文献   

A European probe to comet Halley is proposed. The probe's model payload consists of 8 scientific instruments, viz. neutral, ion and dust impact mass spectrometers, magnetometer, medium energy ion and electron analyzer, camera, dust impact detectors and plasma wave experiment. Fly-by of the comet Halley nucleus will take place on November 28th, 1985, at about 500 km miss distance. The main spacecraft serves as relay link to transmit the observed data to Earth. As probe, a modified ISEE 2 design is proposed. Because of the cometary dust hazard expected in the coma a heavy dust shield (27 kg) is required, consisting of a thin front sheet and a 3 layer rear sheet. The probe is spin-stabilized (12 rpm), has no active attitude and orbit control capability and uses battery power only to provide about 1000 Wh for a measuring phase. A despun antenna transmits up to 20 kbit/s, in X-band. The total probe mass is estimated at 250 kg. The 3 model development programme should start in mid 1981 with Phase B.  相似文献   

采用麦克斯韦分子碰撞模型描述玻耳兹曼方程的碰撞项, 基于双麦克斯韦分布函数得到的输运方程包含了粘滞和热流的影响, 通过求解输运方程得到了离子漂移速度, 平行和垂直磁场的离子温度, 应力张量以及平行和垂直能量的热流矢量的表达式. 进而得到了麦克斯韦分子碰撞模型下离子分布函数的16矩近似. 利用非相干散射理论, 计算得到了非相干散射谱. 相对于简单的驰豫碰撞模型, 麦克斯韦分子碰撞模型能更准确地描述非麦克斯韦分布的电离层E 层的碰撞过程.   相似文献   

ISAS's (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) project for the exploration of comet Halley consists of two spacecraft, Sakigake and Suisei, launched on 7 January 1985 and 18 August, respectively.

Sakigake passed the sunward side of the comet on 11 March 1986 with a miss distance of 6.99 million km. Three experiments, a plasma wave probe with dipole and search-coil antennae, a magnetometer with three axis ring core sensor on an extended boom and a four-grid Faraday cup attached to the inner side of the wall of the spacecraft, detected various phenomena caused by the comet at a distance as far as 7 million km.

The other spacecraft, Suisei, flew by the comet on its sunward side with a miss distance of 151 thousand km on 8 March 1986. It carried two experiments, an ultraviolet imager and an energy analyzer for ions. The UV imager was able to take the first image of the hydrogen cloud of comet Halley on 26 November 1985. With this experiment, the spin period of the cometary nucleus, location of jets, amount of water evaporation, distribution of hydrogen density inside cloud, etc. were clarified. The energy analyser experiment provided information on the intensive interaction between cometary and solar wind ions.  相似文献   

We report the measurements of the response of a delta-doped Charge Coupled Device (CCD) in imaging mode to beams of charged and neutral particles. That is, the detector imaged the incident beam over its 1024 × 1024 pixels, integrating the number of particles counted in each pixel during the exposure period. In order to count individual particles the exposure time would have had to be reduced considerably compared to the typical ?5 s used in these studies. Our CCD thus operated in a different manner than do conventional particle detectors such as the CEM and MCP that normally are used in a particle counting mode. The measurements were carried out over an energy range from 0.8 to 30 keV. The species investigated include H, H+, He+, N+, N2+, and Ar+. The energy and ion mass covered wider ranges than previous measurements for the CCD. The results of these measurements show, as in the case of the previous measurement, for a given ion the CCD response increases with energy and for a given particle energy the response decreases with increasing mass of the particle. These results are in agreement with predictions of the theory of the range of ions in solids. The results also show the possibility for the application of the delta doped CCD as a detector for low energy particle measurements for space plasma physics applications.  相似文献   

During the encounter between the ICE spacecraft and Comet Giacobini-Zinner, intense fluxes of energetic heavy ions were observed at distances up to 4 × 106 km from the comet. These ions were observed with steep energy spectra and highly anisotropic angular distributions, and are consistent with a composition comprising mainly ions from the water group. The flux versus time profiles have a general fall-off with increasing distance from the comet, but are modulated by both changes in the magnetic field direction and the solar wind velocity, the magnetic field variations being mainly responsible for variations on a time scale of minutes, and the solar wind velocity variations being responsible for much larger time-scale modulations, such as the inbound/outbound asymmetry of the intensity profile. In this paper we present correlated observations of heavy ions, the solar wind velocity and the magnetic field direction, and compare the observations of the ions with the theoretical predictions for their variations with distance from the comet, with the solar wind velocity and with the magnetic field direction.  相似文献   

The positive ion composition and electron density were measured in the lower ionosphere above Kiruna in salvo A of CAMP (Cold Arctic Mesopause Project). The CAMP/P (S37/P) payload carrying a magnetic ion spectrometer, positive ion and electron probes, and propagation experiments was launched on 3 August 1982 2332 UT during extended Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) and auroral activities over Kiruna. The measured electron density was 5×103cm?3 at 80 km and 2.5×105cm?3 at 90 km. The increase of ion and electron densities in the D- and E-region during twilight was caused by precipitating auroral particles. The height distribution of the positive ions measured by the mass spectrometer in the mass range 19–280 amu is different from a winter flight with similar auroral conditions. Below 85.5 km proton hydrates H+(H2O)3 ? H+(H2O)8 were the dominant ions. The heaviest proton hydrates H+(H2O)7 and H+(H2O)8 were most abundant at 82–85.5 km, the altitude of visible NLC. Above 85.5 km O2+ and NO+ became dominant. A small metal ion layer was observed between 90.5–93 km with a maximum ion density of 10% of the total positive ion density at 91 km altitude. The metal ion density disappeared within about a km below 90.5 km.  相似文献   

An infrared sounder is being developed in France to observe in 1986 Comet Halley from the Soviet “VEGA” flyby probes. The instrument, called “I.K.S.”, has three measuring channels. Two of these channels will provide the spectrum of the comet emission in the spectral intervals 2.5–5.0 μ and 6–12 μ, at a constant resolution λ/Δλ = 50.The third channel analyzes the comet I.R. image at a spatial frequency of about 1 arc minute?1; two I.R. colours are used in this channel: 7–10 μ and 10–14 μ. From the results expected, it is hoped that (1) most primary simple molecules emitted by the nucleus will be identified; (2) the chemical composition and perhaps crystalline structure of the dust grains and ices released by the comet will be derived; and (3) the diameter of the nucleus and its brightness temperatures will be measured.  相似文献   

The process of mass loading of the solar wind by cometary ions, which forms comet tails, has been observed throughout the coma of comet Halley. Three distinct regimes were found where the nature of the energy and momentum coupling between solar wind and cometary ions is different. Outside the bow shock, where there is little angular scattering of the freshly ionised particles, the coupling is described by the simple pickup trajectory and the energy is controlled by the angle between the flow and the magnetic field. Just inside the bow shock, there is considerable scattering accompanied by another acceleration process which raises some particle energies well above the straightforward pickup value. Finally, closer to the nucleus, the amount of scattering decreases and the coupling is once more controlled by the magnetic field direction.  相似文献   

Energetic ion composition measurements have now been performed from earth orbiting satellites for more than a decade. As early as 1972 we knew that energetic (keV) ions of terrestrial origin represented a non-negligible component of the storm time ring current. We have now assembled a significant body of knowledge concerning energetic ion composition throughout much of the earth's magnetosphere. We know that terrestrial ions are a common component of the hot equatorial magnetospheric plasma in the ring current and the plasma sheet out to ? 23 RE. During periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity this component may become dominant. There is also clear evidence that the terrestrial component (specifically O+) is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Terrestrial ion source, transport, and acceleration regions have been identified in the polar auroral region, over the polar caps, in the magnetospheric boundary layers, and within the magnetotail lobes and plasma sheet boundary layer. Combining our present knowledge of these various magnetospheric ion populations, it is concluded that the primary terrestrial ion circulation pattern associated with enhanced geomagnetic activity involves direct injection from the auroral ion acceleration region into the plasma sheet boundary layer and central plasma sheet. The observed terrestrial component of the magnetospheric boundary layer and magnetotail lobes are inadequate to provide the required influx. They may, however, contribute significantly to the maintenence of the plasma sheet terrestrial ion population, particularly during periods of reduced geomagnetic activity. It is further concluded, on the basis of the relative energy distributions of H+ and O+ in the plasma sheet, that O+ probably contributes significantly to the ring current population at energies inaccessible to present ion composition instrumentation (? 30 keV).  相似文献   

From the discrete spectra of the emissions from the comet in the frequency range from 30 to 195 kHz named CKR (Cometary Kilometric Radiation), movements of the bow shock at comet Halley are concluded, i.e., the observed CKR emissions can be interpreted as being generated and propagating from the moving shock. The motion of the shocks are possibly associated with time variation of the solar wind and of the cometary outgassings. By in-situ plasma waves observations using PWP (Plasma Wave Probe) onboard the Sakigake spacecraft, the characteristic spectra of the electrostatic electron plasma waves, the electron cyclotron harmonic waves, and the ion sound waves have been detected during the interval of the Halley's comet fly-by. Compared with the results of a Faraday cup observation and a magnetometer, it is concluded that these plasma wave phenomena are the manifestation of the ion pick-up processes. The ion pick-up processes are taking place even in the remote region within a distance range from 7×106 to 107 km from the cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

Problems connected with mechanisms for comet brightness outbursts as well as for gamma-ray bursts remain open. Meantime, calculations show that irradiation of a certain class of comet nuclei, having high specific electric resistance, by intense fluxes of energetic protons and positively charged ions with kinetic energies more than 1 MeV/nucleon, ejected from the Sun during strong solar flares, can produce a macroscopic high-voltage electric double layer with positive charge in the subsurface zone of the nucleus, during irradiation times of the order of 10–100 h at heliocentric distances around 1–10 AU. The maximum electric energy accumulated in such layer will be restricted by the electric discharge potential of the layer material. For comet nuclei with typical radii of the order of 1–10 km the accumulated energy of such natural electric capacitor is comparable to the energy of large comet outbursts that are estimated on the basis of ground based optical observations. The impulse gamma and X-ray radiation together with optical burst from the comet nucleus during solar flares, anticipated due to high-voltage electric discharge, may serve as an indicator of realization of the processes above considered. Multi-wavelength observations of comets and pseudo-asteroids of cometary origin, having brightness correlation with solar activity, using ground based optical telescopes as well as space gamma and X-ray observatories, during strong solar flares, are very interesting for the physics of comets as well as for high energy astrophysics.  相似文献   

We report on the typical structure of the large scale ion precipitation in the morning sector of the auroral zone and associated low frequency electromagnetic waves. Data obtained during near radial passes of the AUREOL-3 satellite point to a distinction between two main precipitation regions: 1) In the poleward part of the auroral zone the latitudinal variation of the average energy (or temperature) of the precipitated ions (mainly H+) indicate that they are adiabatically accelerated in the outer magnetosphere. This “high energy” (? 3 to > 20 keV) precipitation is usually associated with a low energy (E < 110 eV) upward flowing 0+ and H+ component, and 2) near the boundary between discrete and diffuse electron aurorae a drastic change in the ion characteristics is observed. The flux of energetic precipitated H+ ions is sharply reduced, which suggests the formation of an Alfvén layer. However, intense fluxes of precipitated H+, O+, and He+ ions with energies < 3 keV are observed equatorward of the Alfvén layer, in coincidence with the diffuse aurora and in association with quasi-monochromatic electromagnetic waves with frequencies around the proton gyrofrequency. As the characteristic convection and bounce times of the low energy upward flowing ion component are comparable (τ > 3 hours) we suggest that the precipitation of ionospheric ions inside the diffuse aurora results from convection and corotation of the ions accelerated to suprathermal energies at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

The monitoring of solar wind parameters is a key problem of the space weather program. We are presenting a new solution of plasma parameter determination suitable for small and fast solar wind monitors. The first version will be launched during the SPECTR-R project into a highly elongated orbit with apogee ∼350,000 km. The method is based on simultaneous measurements of the total ion flux and ion integral energy spectrum by six identical Faraday cups. Three of them are dedicated to determination of the ion flow direction, the other three (equipped with control grids supplied by a retarding potential) are used for determination of the density, temperature, and speed of the plasma flow. The version under development is primarily designed for the measurements in the solar wind and tail magnetosheath, thus for velocities range from 270 to 750 km/s, temperatures from 1 to 30 eV, and densities up to 200 cm−3. However, the instrument design can be simply modified for measurements in other regions with a substantial portion of low-energy plasma as a subsolar magnetosheath, cusp or low-latitude boundary layer. Testing of the engineering model shows that the proposed method can provide reliable plasma parameters with a high time resolution (up to 8 Hz). The paper presents not only the method and its technical realization but it documents all advantages and peculiarities of the suggested approach.  相似文献   

The mass-loading concept is discussed in relation to the dynamics of magnetoplasma streaming through rarefied background gas. Changes in energy and momentum flux (generally losses) can outweigh the increases in mass flux. Suprathermal ion components cannot be simply described in fluid terms: as shown by the probes to comet Halley, the main cometary ions are depleted by interaction with the background gas faster than they are scattered and thermalised by plasma turbulence. MHD instabilities tend to isotropize pitch angles but do not thermalise the ions, while wave steepening into a bow shock occurs outside positions expected from mass-loading. In the strongly-loaded subsonic region, charge exchange of suprathermal ions causes energy losses that can be more significant than further increases of mass. Non-parallel pick-up of new implanted ions, large gyroradii and finite spatial scales also limit the validity of fluid models.  相似文献   

Ions produced by ionization of the cometary neutrals interact with the solar wind protons to produce large amplitude oscillations of the ambient magnetic field. Such oscillations are convected towards the comet at the unperturbed solar wind speed far from the shock and at a lower speed closer to the shock (due to the solar wind mass loading); hence, they can energize the incoming ions by Fermi acceleration. The spatial extension of the acceleration region is of the order of 106 km and the resulting energy spectrum is harder than in the Earth's bow shock case. The energization of cometary ions produces an additional deceleration of the solar wind. It is suggested that Comet Halley may be the most efficient “cosmic ray shock” in the solar system.  相似文献   

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