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《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1283-1298
Upcoming National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission concepts include satellite arrays to facilitate imaging and identification of distant planets. These mission scenarios are diverse, including designs such as the terrestrial planet finder-occulter (TPF-O), where a monolithic telescope is aided by a single occulter spacecraft, and the micro-arcsecond X-ray imaging mission (MAXIM), where as many as 16 spacecraft move together to form a space interferometer. Each design, however, requires precise reconfiguration and star tracking in potentially complex dynamic regimes. This paper explores control methods for satellite imaging array reconfiguration in multi-body systems. Specifically, optimal nonlinear control and geometric control methods are derived and compared to the more traditional linear quadratic regulators, as well as input state feedback linearization. These control strategies are implemented and evaluated for the TPF-O mission concept.  相似文献   

Libration point orbits may be ideal locations for satellite imaging formations. Therefore, control of these arrays in multi-body regimes is critical. A continuous feedback control algorithm is developed that maintains a formation of satellites in motion that is bounded relative to a halo orbit. This algorithm is derived based on the dynamic characteristics of the phase space near periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP). By adjusting parameters of the control algorithm appropriately, satellites in the formation follow trajectories that are particularly advantageous to imaging arrays. Image reconstruction and coverage of the (u, v) plane are simulated for interferometric satellite configurations, demonstrating potential applications of the algorithm and the resulting motion.  相似文献   

充液挠性多体航天器的变结构控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文首先给出了充液中心刚体上铰接有多个挠性附件的开链多体系统的简化动力学方程,并以跟踪与数据中继卫星为例,用变结构控制方法设计了系统的控制器。控制任务是驱动单址天线使之精确地跟踪期望的运动规律,同时保持星体稳定,并且有效地抑制弹性附件的振动。数值算例证明了所设计控制规律的有效性。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of a spacecraft subjected to constant body-fixed forces and moments about all three axes during a spinning-up, thrusting maneuver. In applications, undesired forces and moments can arise due to thruster imbalances and misalignments and to center-of-mass offset. In previous works, approximate analytical solutions have been found for the attitude motion, and for the change in inertial velocity and inertial position. In this paper we find asymptotic and limiting-case expressions which we derive from the analytic solutions, in order to obtain simplified, practical formulas that lend insight into the motion. Specifically, we investigate how the motion evolves (1) as time grows without bound and (2) for geometric cases of the sphere, the thin rod, and the thin plate. Closed-forms or upper-bound limits are provided for angular velocities, Eulerian angles, angular momentum pointing error, transverse and axial velocities, and transverse and axial displacements. Summaries for the asymptotic limits (for zero initial conditions) are provided in tabular form. Results are verified by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We investigate the decentralized coordinated control problem by looking into local information exchange among formation flying spacecraft regarding formation maneuvers. The nonlinear dynamics that describes the motion of formation flying spacecraft relative to a reference spacecraft is considered for the general case, in which the reference spacecraft is in an ideal elliptical orbit. With the novel use of consensus algorithms combined with behavior-based control, coordinated formation controllers are proposed for three schemes: (i) with full state feedback; (ii) without velocity measurements; (iii) and with external disturbances and parametric uncertainty. The three algorithms used in the schemes can achieve both formation maneuvering and formation keeping, as well as consider actuator saturation. Numerous simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes.  相似文献   

The problem of a rendezvous of two spacecraft in close near-circular noncoplanar orbits is considered. The angles of applying velocity impulses and their orientation are determined from necessary conditions of optimality derived using the basis vector theory. For non-degenerate six-impulse solutions the analytical formulas are found that approximate the dependence of moments of applying velocity impulses and angles determining their orientation on the rendezvous duration. The total characteristic velocity of six-impulse solutions (or five-impulse solutions derived from them) is compared to the total characteristic velocity obtained when solving the Lambert problem.  相似文献   

Time-optimal spacecraft slewing maneuvers with path constraints are difficult to compute even with direct methods. This paper examines the use of a hybrid, two-stage approach, in which a heuristic method provides a rough estimate of the solution, which then serves as the input to a pseudospectral optimizer. Three heuristic methods are examined for the first stage: particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE), and bacteria foraging optimization (BFO). In this two-stage method, the PSO-pseudospectral combination is approximately three times faster than the pseudospectral method alone, and the BFO-pseudospectral combination is approximately four times faster; however, the DE does not produce an initial estimate that reduces total computation time.  相似文献   

The Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) has been demonstrated as an effective metric for revealing distinct, bounded regions within a flow. The dynamical differential equations derived in multi-body gravitational environments model a flow that governs the motion of a spacecraft. Specific features emerge in an FTLE map, denoted Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS), that define the extent of regions that bound qualitatively different types of behavior. Consequently, LCS supply effective barriers to transport in a generic system, similar to the notion of invariant manifolds in autonomous systems. Unlike traditional invariant manifolds associated with solutions in an autonomous system, LCS evolve with the flow in time-dependent systems while continuing to bound distinct regions of behavior. Moreover, in general, FTLE values supply information describing the relative sensitivity in the neighborhood of a trajectory. Here, different models and variable representations are used to generate maps of FTLE, and the resulting structures are applied to design and analysis within an astrodynamical context. Application of FTLE and LCS to transfers from LEO to the L1 region in the Earth–Moon system are presented and discussed. In an additional example, an FTLE analysis is offered of a few stationkeeping maneuvers from the Earth–Moon mission ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun).  相似文献   

红外成像检漏技术以其独特的优势在航天器检漏领域有良好的发展应用前景。文章分析了红外光谱吸收成像检漏方法、红外光声成像检漏方法及红外热成像检漏方法的基本原理与应用实例,分析研究了这几种不同红外检漏方法的特点及在航天器检漏中的应用范围,并为实施航天器红外检漏方法提供了研究思路与途径。  相似文献   

The identification of trajectories that target a precise location and approach vector during planetary entry is sensitive to the quality of the startup arc supplied to iterative path planning and guidance algorithms. These sensitivities are especially evident when multi-body effects are significant; low-energy spacecraft trajectories that dwell near the gravitational boundary of two bodies, for instance, are more susceptible to third-body effects. Dynamical sensitivities are also significant when maneuvers are scheduled within a region of space susceptible to multi-body effects. The present study considers precision entry targeting from the perspective of the multi-body problem.  相似文献   

An optimal strategy based on minimum control effort with terminal position and velocity constraints is developed for an exoatmospheric interceptor in order to generate effective intercept for fixed-interval propulsive maneuvers. It is then integrated with sliding-mode control theory to derive a robust optimal guidance law. In addition, this guidance law is generalized for intercepting an arbitrarily time-varying target maneuver. The new guidance method's robustness against disturbances and good miss distance performance are proved by the second method of Lyapunov and simulation results. The presented guidance law is simple to implement in practical applications and requires less acceleration command in comparison to optimal guidance law.  相似文献   

为准确描述和评估航天器的磁特性,建立航天器网格化磁模型,提出航天器磁场信息成像方法。利用立体阵列扫描系统,对航天器测量面的磁场信息进行采集和计算,联合磁梯度张量的模量极值和欧拉反演法确定其内部磁源的水平位置和深度,实现航天器内部、探测面和空间磁信息的可视化分析和展示。航天器模型(格距10 cm)三点磁源试验和计算结果显示,该方法对内部磁源单方向定位偏差小于0.05 m,单方向磁矩偏差小于0.02 A∙m2;空间磁场强度和磁矩误差均小于5%。该方法为快速获取类长方体形航天器的磁信息提供了一种新的工程实践手段。  相似文献   

This work introduces a novel control algorithm for close proximity multiple spacecraft autonomous maneuvers, based on hybrid linear quadratic regulator/artificial potential function (LQR/APF), for applications including autonomous docking, on-orbit assembly and spacecraft servicing. Both theoretical developments and experimental validation of the proposed approach are presented. Fuel consumption is sub-optimized in real-time through re-computation of the LQR at each sample time, while performing collision avoidance through the APF and a high level decisional logic. The underlying LQR/APF controller is integrated with a customized wall-following technique and a decisional logic, overcoming problems such as local minima. The algorithm is experimentally tested on a four spacecraft simulators test bed at the Spacecraft Robotics Laboratory of the Naval Postgraduate School. The metrics to evaluate the control algorithm are: autonomy of the system in making decisions, successful completion of the maneuver, required time, and propellant consumption.  相似文献   

航天器太阳电池阵电性能测试技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章介绍了航天器太阳电池阵电性能技术指标,分析了影响测试的技术条件,如光谱、光照强度、温度、标准太阳电池、光照均匀度、光照稳定度、测试系统等。文章还介绍了脉冲式太阳模拟器的工作原理,提出了在航天器太阳电池电性能测试方面的发展方向和今后要解决的技术问题。  相似文献   

充气展开式结构在航天器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充气展开式结构是以柔性薄膜材料制造的可充气展开的一种新型结构,具有体积小、重量轻和成本低的特点。文章介绍了充气展开式结构的设计原理,以及充气展开式结构在航天器中的应用和研究现状,并对充气展开式结构需要解决的关键技术进行了分析,最后对其在我国航天活动中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

航天器动力学环境试验数据测量误差分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章主要针对航天器动力学环境试验数据测量所产生的误差进行比较系统的研究和分析,从测量目的、测量概念、测量方法,到误差分类、误差计算与分析、误差控制和结论,作了详细的阐述。通过试验研究给出了数据测量误差的范围,为环境试验的数据分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了航天器管路实现全过程数字化制造的解决方案,对管路坐标转换及数据提取、数控弯管及回弹补偿的仿真、装配仿真和管路快速检测等关键技术进行了分析,并提出了具体的解决方案。结合航天器管路研制需求,将管路数字化制造技术应用于实践,实现了管路生产不再依赖安装现场取样,航天器管路生产与总装分离,管路以产品化形式交付。  相似文献   

航天器真空热试验污染物成分分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
航天器真空热试验的污染物成分分析是识别污染源、进行有效污染控制的基础。文章采用擦拭等方法收集敏感表面污染物;丙酮溶液洗脱污染物;气相色谱-质谱联用方法对污染物进行成分分析。文章对某星太阳电池板真空热试验中出现的污染物进行了定性分析,发现该类污染物为甲基苯基硅氧烷,来源于太阳电池组件所用粘结剂。文章还对卫星OSR表面和太阳电池板表面真空热试验后的残留邻苯二甲酸酯类残留污染物进行了定量分析。  相似文献   

卫星总装中钢丝螺套装配工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对钢丝螺套在航天器总装过程中的特点,介绍了钢丝螺套的作用、结构,结合作者多年的总装实践经验,总结出一套钢丝螺套的安装、拆卸、装配及检验方法和技巧;针对总装操作中存在的困难,给出了一些解决总装中钢丝螺套装配存在的问题的办法。  相似文献   

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