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引言 由于受资金限制,目前空管自动化系统设备除必要备份外,都不会有太多主机冗余,特别是应急系统,大多没有冗余显示处理器主机。杭州自动化应急系统情况类似,全部显示处理器主机都处于在线使用状态,无一冗余。这样就有一个需要考虑的问题,当重要管制席位的显示处理器主机遇故障时,如何实现其正确、方便、快捷的物理换位?换言之,如何用处于空闲或暂不使用的显示处理器主机正确快速地顶替遇故障的重要管制席位的显示处理器主机?  相似文献   

河南空管分局按照民航空管自动化本地应急系统及RVSM建设工程协调会议纪要的要求,针对本地的设备运行情况,认真做好前期准备工作。郑州目前使用美国Telephonics自动化系统,如果安装应急系统,就要提前做好供电系统的改造,还要做好应急系统的安装规划。由于应急系统安装时间紧、任务重,河南空管分局技术人员积极与安装厂家及相关单位取得联系,进行协商交流,[第一段]  相似文献   

引言 合肥自动化应急系统采用的是南京莱斯公司生产的自动化系统,作为合肥主用ATC系统的应急系统。应急系统于2006年建成,已运行两年多。该系统目前引接了8部雷达信号,采用分布式、客户/服务器(C/S)系统结构,并采用三局域网进行数据传输。该系统是值班主系统的365×24小时应急系统,平时也是每周7×24小时运行。应急系统一旦需要升级成主用值班系统时,可手动一键切换显示,管制员无需挪动位置即可继续工作,具有与主系统风格一致的人机界面。  相似文献   

引言雷神自动化系统是一个双冗余的雷达数据及飞行计划数据处理的显示系统。此系统运行在开放式结构和UNIX操作系统为基础的工作站上。每个工作站全部与双冗余的LAN网相连,实现同外部系统之间的数据交换。其中CMD(控制与监视显示器)主要功能是对各工作站计算机模式和状态进行查看、配置,并重新配置外部硬件和外部链路,修改VSP可变系统参数,执行系统的启动或重启。  相似文献   

随着RVSM的实施,黑龙江空管分局原有的Alenia空管自动化系统在功能上已不能满足运行和保障的需要。在原。两项告警功能”系统的基础上建设的本地自动化应急系统运行一段时间后,其配置和功能上存在的一些缺陷逐渐暴露出来。1月17日至2月2日对该系统进行了升级改造。此次升级改造在软、硬件上都做了修改,调整了RDP冲突告警参数和过度高度层参数,升级了FDP和SDD系统,更换了2台2kX2k的28寸显示器,对FDD功能做本地化适应性调整,并增加了9个席位,增加了2台进程单打印机和2台航班计划打印机,更换了CMD和DMS主机,共计解决了三大类82项问题。  相似文献   

一、多雷达处理概述雷达信号的处理包括两个基本过程,即航迹形成过程和多雷达处理过程。航迹形成过程在雷达站完成,多雷达处理过程则由自动化系统来完成。早期的自动化系统没有RD(P雷达数据处理器),没有多雷达处理功能,只是作为雷达的显示  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国三大区管和几大航路改造工程的逐步竣工,一大批先进的空管自动化系统相继在各大管制中心投产,我国各大管制区的管制中心自动化水平和系统运行稳定性和可靠性都得到了较大的提高,一部分管制中心的自动化系统设备硬件水平已具备了实施雷达管制的条件。随着管制中心自动化水平的不断提高,特别是今后雷达管制方式的实施,空管自动化系统已不单单是原来雷达监控程序管制方式下对雷达信号的显示和处理终端,而成为了管制员实施空中交通管制工作的飞行数据中心,管制指挥对自动化系统的依赖性将越来越强;这种情况下,空管自动化系统可能出现的任何故障都势必会给正常的管制工作带来极大的影响,造成整个空中交通的混乱。而由于空管自动化系统的复杂性,涉及到众多的软硬件部分,特别是新建成投产的自动化系统,出现全部或部分功能失效、局部死机、运行速度变慢等现象仍然难以完全避免,因电源等公共部分造成自动化系统失效的可能性,也值得我们认真对待。  相似文献   

正确调用自动化系统的shell脚本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引言 目前使用的空管自动化系统大多以unix操作系统作为平台,并基于unix shell编写了大量的脚本文件(shell脚本)。比如在杭州空管现行使用的两套自动化系统中,都各自携带了许多自己的shell脚本:在马丁系统,含有runmx、Reboot、do-install、purge.sh等脚本;在28所应急系统,又含有S99startatc、copy、openwin、start_pre等脚本。  相似文献   

4月15日,天津远端中低空自动化系统正式启用实施管制指挥,天津自动化系统共享北京区域管制中心飞行数据处理器的飞行动态数据,同时起飞、落地报文由北京区域管制中心自动化系统自动拍发,华北空管局率先在全国实现了区域管制中心(ACC)-本地中低空(TMA)-远端中低空(TCU)的空管自动化大系统运行模式。  相似文献   

近期,华北空管局管调值班室和应急处置室分别配置了一套大屏幕投影综合信息显示系统。系统由中电集团28所南京莱斯公司研制,采用6个67″、分辨率为1400×1050投影显示单元,组成2×3的多屏拼接大屏幕投影墙体,用于处理和显示空中飞行动态、场面活动、飞行计划、航班信息、气象信息、航行情报、视频和有线电视等信息。系统通过引接区管和终端区自动化系统的综合航迹输出,  相似文献   

The space elevator will operate in near-Earth space, under the attraction of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. It will have to avoid collisions with active satellites, with space debris and with meteoroids, not counting other minor adverse phenomena. The exceedingly long cable cannot be a passive and limp body. It must be an active part of the elevator, withstanding lunisolar and other perturbations threatening its stability. The cable must have sensors and thrusters at appropriate locations along the cable. Sensors would serve for detection of objects on a collision course and thrusters for station-keeping and for initiating evasive manoeuvres. Adaptive control must be used for that purpose. Extensive series of numerical simulations will have to be performed to ascertain that the elevator is stable and that possible oscillations do not interfere with the main function of the elevator.  相似文献   

Vil'ke  V. G. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(4):374-381
The motion of a planet consisting of a mantle and a core (solid bodies) connected by a viscoelastic layer and interacting with each other and an external point mass by the law of gravitation is considered. The mutual motions of the core and mantle are investigated assuming that the centers of mass of the planet and external point mass moves along undisturbed Keplerian orbits around the common center of mass of the system. The planetary core and mantle have an axial symmetry and different principal moments of inertia, which leads to a displacement of the center of mantle relative to the center of core and to their mutual rotations. The results obtained on the basis of averaged equations are illustrated by the example of the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

The motion of a space object in the gravitational field of the Earth is considered. The object consists of an extended space station and a weight, which is free to move along the cable fixed to the ends of the station. It is assumed that the station is composed of two masses coupled by a weightless rod, while the cable is weightless and non-stretched. The equations of motion of such a system are derived for the case when the motion proceeds in a single plane, while the center of mass of the system moves along a circular geocentric orbit. The conditions of the cable tension (conditions of being on tie) are derived. The phase portrait of the weight motion along the cable is constructed when the station is oriented to the attracting center or is perpendicular to this position. The possibility to leave the tie in this case is analyzed. Equilibrium configurations of the system are found, i.e., such motions of the object under consideration at which the weight does not change its position relative to the station. Lyapunov stability of such configurations is analyzed for two situations: when the station is composed of equal masses and when masses at the ends of the station are different. In particular, for the case of different masses it is established that there exist such positions of equilibrium at which the dumbbell is located at an angle to the direction to the attracting center. In some cases these positions can be stabilized (if the weight is fixed on the cable).  相似文献   

王一 《航天员》2012,(6):52-54
当凭借影片《国王的演讲》获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角的科林·弗斯(ColinFirth),在国际顶级生物学学术期刊《Cell》的子期刊《CurrentBiology》上发表了一篇极为专业的科研论文时,全世界一片哗然,为之震惊!当电影《泰坦尼克号》导演、年届57岁的卡梅隆驾驶单人深潜器下潜至马里亚纳海沟海渊底部的时候,我们看到了一个雄心勃勃的跨界玩家。为什么时下如此多的人开始拆掉阻挡思维的墙?因为界外的世界很精彩!  相似文献   

A differential correction algorithm is presented to deliver an impulsive maneuver to a satellite to place it within a sphere, with a user defined radius, centered around a non-maneuvering satellite within a constrained time. The differential correction algorithm develops and utilizes the State Transition Matrix along with the Equations of Motion and multiple satellite?s state information to determine the optimum trajectory to achieve the desired results. The results from the differential correction algorithm are very accurate for prograde orbits, as presented. The results allow for orbit design trade-offs, including satellites? initial inclinations, semi-major axes, as well as the ballistic coefficients. The results also provide an empirical method to determine the optimum ΔVΔV solution for the provided problem. Understanding that the minimum fuel solution lies with a semi-major axis ratio of 1, a very accurate empirical approximation is presented for semi-major axis ratio values less than and greater than 1. This work ultimately provides the generalized framework for applying the algorithm to a unique user defined maneuvering spacecraft scenario.  相似文献   

The force on a coil moving with a high-speed parallel to a conducting grid consisting of parallel tubes is investigated. The coil performs a rebound motion or an oscillatory heave motion when pressed toward the grid by reactive on-board engines. The coil is approximated by two parallel wires moving parallel to the grid tubes. The corresponding electrodynamic problem is two dimensional and is solved by expansions in terms of Bessel functions. Expressions are derived for the lift and drag force as well as the heat generated in the tubes in the limit of strong skin effect. The dependence on the grid spacing is analysed in the approximation of no mutual inductance between the tubes. Two specific applications are a shunt deflecting the coil, and a funnel leading to multiple reflection. Finally, the varying magnetic flux threading the coil is considered and the thermal load of the coil is estimated.  相似文献   

The radius of curvature of a steady distorted flame often turns out to be considerably larger than the width of the thermal structure of the flame. Thus, even under finite deformations of the flame, its structure remains quasi-one-dimensional. This property enables the propagation velocity of a distorted flame front (relative to the gas) to be determined explicitly as a function of the hydrodynamic field and the physico-chemical parameters of the gaseous mixture. With the aid of this relationship one can try to determine the shape of the front in a model which is external with respect to the flame structure and treats the flame as a density jump in an ideal incompressible fluid. As applications, we consider (1) the structure of a Bunsen cone, (2) the extinction of a flame in a divergent flow and (3) the propagation velocity of a corrugated flame.  相似文献   

A problem of optimal turn of a spacecraft is considered. The time of turn is minimized, as well as the functional having a meaning of the propellant consumption. An analytical solution to the problem stated is derived. It is demonstrated that the solution optimal in this sense belongs to a class of two-impulse controls, under which a spacecraft executes the turn along the trajectory of its free motion. The solution obtained in this paper differs from earlier available solutions considerably. The estimations of the propellant consumption for a realization of the programmed turn are made.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of the peristaltic transport of viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluids with fractional Maxwell model in a channel. Approximate analytical solutions have been constructed using Adomian decomposition method under the assumption of long wave boundary layer type approximation and low Reynolds number. The effects of relaxation time, fractional parameters and amplitude on the pressure difference and friction force along one wavelength are received and analyzed. The study is limited to one way coupling model with forward effect of the fluid on the peristaltic wall. It is evident from the result that pressure diminishes with increase in relaxation time and the effects of both fractional parameters on pressure are opposite to each other. The influences of these parameters on friction force are opposite to that of pressure.  相似文献   

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