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国企改制是一个复杂的社会问题,容易导致各种利益冲突.面对改制中的各种纷争政府应如何面对?在国企改制中政府应当做什么以及不应当做什么?本文结合国企改制中发生的一起案件,探究国企改制中政府行为存在的问题及应对措施,准确定位政府在国企改制中的角色,规范政府行为.  相似文献   

探讨和分析了兵工企业在改制过程中,与企业发展和质量管理有关的四方面问题,并针对存在问题提出了对改制和质量建设有益的相应对策。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在现代社会中政府进行形象塑造的必要性和重要性,并主要从行政领导者的意识和行为方面分析了政府如何进行形象塑造.  相似文献   

该文分别对桂林市已经改制、正在改制和尚未改制的企业进行了调查研究,列出了建立现代企业制度所存在的问题和相应的处理责权利关系的原则方法.  相似文献   

本文阐述了在现代社会中政府进行形象塑造的必要性和重要性,并主要从行政领导者的意识和行为方面分析了政府如何进行形象塑造。  相似文献   

温燕 《航天》2010,(12):16-17
最近,国人越来越关注美国智库这个隐藏于政府背后的"思想酝酿者"和"点子高手"。美国智库到底是怎样的生存状态?对美国外交发挥怎样的作用?中国智库的发展能否从中借鉴到什么?美国顶尖智库战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)总裁兼首席执行官、前美国国防部副部长约翰。海默博士在接受专访时对此做了专门阐述。  相似文献   

企业改制对军品的订购和保证军品的质量都会产生影响:正面的负面的影响。作为军代表,可以从五个方面来应对市场经济条件下军品质量中出现的问题。  相似文献   

在我们的生活中,大家都会遇到面对拒绝别人或被人拒绝的局面,对此你有什么感受呢?  相似文献   

俞盈帆 《航天》2010,(10):20-21
2010年9月16~17日,首届中国航天工程育种论坛在北京召开。航天育种是一个读者并不陌生的话题,各种媒体对此做过很多报道。在人们的普遍印象里,经过太空飞行的种子,往往能结出更大、更肥硕的果实。可是,航天工程育种只有这么简单吗?普通的种子上天飞行后,到底发生了什么变化呢?  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》规定:“行政机关应当主动公开的政府信息,通过政府公报、政府网站、新闻发布会以及报刊、广播、电视等便于公众知晓的方式公开”。《国务院办公厅关于做好施行(中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例)准备工作的通知》中要求:“充分发挥政府门户网站公开政府信息的平台作用,各级政府门户网站要成为政府信息公开的第一平台”。可见《条例》和文件都明确了各级政府网站是政府信息公开的主渠道。  相似文献   

The successful innovation and diffusion of commercial satellite enterprises may soon encroach upon the military's historic predominance in remote-sensing capabilities. The increasing world demand for remote-sensing data and services and the forces of globalization have opened unprecedented opportunities for informational and technological trade for industrialized nations, while simultaneously creating a risk to both state security and individual privacy rights. Even as scientists and international trade advocates have sought technologies to bolster information flows, the intelligence and military communities have sought to restrict technological access in the interest of national security. The tension caused by concentrating power among various levels of government is an intrinsic part of democratic government; however, remote-sensing technologies could disrupt the balance between concentrated interests (federal government officials and agencies) and diffused interests (local governments and individual citizens). This paper aims to examine holistically the opposing forces underlying the development, diffusion, and use of remote-sensing technologies. The analysis reveals the dimensions of this problem and provides insight into the efficacy of various short- and long-term government policies.  相似文献   

Avery Sen   《Space Policy》2004,20(1):274
A strong remote sensing regime is a necessary component of any contemporary national or international energy policy. Energy is essential to the functioning of modern industrial society, and as such it is the responsibility of governments to produce sound national energy policies in order to ensure stable economic growth, ecologically responsible use of energy resources and the health and safety of citizens. Comprehensive, accurate and timely remote sensing data can aid decision making on energy matters in several areas. This paper looks at the benefits that can be realized in resource exploration, weather forecasting and environmental monitoring. Improvements in the technology of remote sensing platforms would be of great value to buyers of energy, sellers of energy and the environment. Furthermore, the utility of such information could be enhanced by efforts of government agencies to communicate it more effectively to the end-user. National energy policies should thus include investments not only in satellite system hardware to collect data, but also in the services required to interpret and distribute the data.  相似文献   

火星探测的主要科学问题   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
在太阳系的行星中,火星与地球之间存在最多的相似之处,因此,火星是一颗承载人类最多梦想的星球。火星有水和生命存在的问题,激发了人类火星探索的好奇心,成为人类持续探测火星的推动力。火星的起源和演化与太阳系形成过程的关系,火星与类地行星的共性和特性,是当代行星科学研究的重要内容。为了人类社会的可持续发展,火星可否改造成为适宜人类居住的绿色星球——这些是人类在火星探测中必须面对的重大科学问题。只有这些重大科学问题被一一解答,我们才能清晰地去思考地球和人类自身的未来!  相似文献   

我国学生贷款基本上适应高等教育从精英化向大众化全面转型的要求,成为力度最大、覆盖范围最广的高校学生资助方式。然而,目前学生贷款与征信系统个人信息不对等,致使学生贷款的发展空间严重受阻。我国应在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,充分发挥政府的主导作用,在社会信用体系的覆盖范围还很有限的情况下,进行有效的模式选择,克服学生贷款与征信系统的信息障碍,约束学生贷款各方的失信行为,从而达到学生贷款的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The question of how far rockets used for commercial launch services are subsidised by their respective governments remains highly topical. This article traces the history of the first legal challenge to be made on this basis by a US launch service provider against Arianespace, a case which also called into question the pricing of the Space Shuttle. The perceptions, deliberations and negotiations of both sides are traced and it is noted that their most important outcome was not settlement of the case itself but agreement to start serious consultations on defining ‘rules of the road’ regarding government support to the commercial launch industry.  相似文献   

高等院校为适应扩大招生规模的需要,大量举债,目前高校贷款总额已达1500亿-2000亿之间;银行认为贷款安全而主动与高校合作,可以得到回报;政府将为高校贷款(高校为公益事业)承担巨大风险。从高等院校公用、专项经费看,许多院校无力偿还贷款。希望各高校、银行、政府能够有所警示和启迪。  相似文献   

Alain Gaubert 《Space Policy》2002,18(4):155-292
The semantic ambiguity of the word ‘space’ causes problems for both the funding of space activities and the determining of space policies. The historical practice of lumping all space activities together, to be funded by a single budgetary line, is inappropriate to the range of such activities and for the economic and strategic interests at stake: it has direct consequences for the priorities governments want to make, and can pervert the directions industry is trying to go in. While continued government support for space is imperative, given the strategic, national-development nature of many of its applications, new ways must be found of allocating it a budget that take account of the diversity of the areas in which it plays a role.  相似文献   

政府采购制度在财政改革中尚属新生事物,建立健全政府采购制度已成为当前财政改革中的一项紧迫任务,推行政府采购制度是提高财务管理水平的必然选择,政府采购制度的构建,必须从实际出发,进行网络建设、人才培养,要加强监督管理。  相似文献   

Space agencies around the world are seeking innovative approaches to reduce the time and expense of space-based activities, including observation of the Earth and acquisition of environmental data for Earth science research. As government budgets are squeezed, agencies search for innovative approaches to streamline program management, introduce new technology, and share costs with external partners. International cooperation has been a mainstay of Earth observation activity from the beginning of space exploration. It continues to be true that global problems require global solutions, and governments recognize the need to share the investment in understanding and monitoring the planet. Agencies need to carefully consider how changes in their program development and management practices might impact cooperative ventures. Improved communication, enhanced strategic planning, and coordinated rather than comprehensive missions are all tools agencies can use to maintain or improve partnerships.  相似文献   

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