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农业特色产业作为新的经济增长点,并且日益成为目前农村经济发展面临的新课题和拉动内需的新机遇。同时也应该看到,由于长期不合理的盲目开发等原因,农业生态环境恶化和自然资源紧缺的问题日益严峻,生态农业问题的提出是农业经济可持续发展的必然。本文结合河北省农业特色产业的发展现状,总结其存在的问题,分析河北省农业特色产业集群的可行...  相似文献   

基于菱形模型来分析河北省目前产业集群的现状和存在的问题,在政府职能定位、创新、特色产业集群等角度试图探求集群升级的策略。  相似文献   

基于菱形模型来分析河北省目前产业集群的现状和存在的问题,在政府职能定位、创新、特色产业集群等角度试图探求集群升级的策略.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了河北省高新技术产业集群的发展现状,指出绩效评价的重要性。根据确定的绩效评价原则,采用层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价法结合相关统计、调研数据对河北省高新技术产业集群进行绩效评价,得出河北省高新技术产业集群绩效属于中等水平的结论,存在着不足,并提出了促进河北省高新技术产业聚集发展的对策。  相似文献   

中小企业集群是当前世界经济中颇具特色的产业组织形式,也是一种迅速提升区域竞争力的发展模式。近年来,廊坊地区中小企业集群发展速度较快,从很大程度上拉动了廊坊市经济的发展。文章对廊坊地区中小企业集群的现状、存在的问题进行了分析,指出了造成这些问题的主要原因,并有针对性地提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

中小企业集群是当前世界经济中颇具特色的产业组织形式,也是一种迅速提升区域竞争力的发展模式.近年来,廊坊地区中小企业集群发展速度较快,从很大程度上拉动了廊坊市经济的发展.文章对廊坊地区中小企业集群的现状、存在的问题进行了分析,指出了造成这些问题的主要原因,并有针对性地提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

随着人们对环境的日益关注,绿色建筑应运而生。绿色建筑的发展与我国提出的建设和谐社会是一致的。本文在分析绿色建筑与和谐社会的关系的基础上,提出了河北省在发展绿色建筑中存在的问题及相应的对策以推动河北省建筑绿色化的进程。  相似文献   

随着人们对环境的日益关注,绿色建筑应运而生。绿色建筑的发展与我国提出的建设和谐社会是一致的。本文在分析绿色建筑与和谐社会的关系的基础上,提出了河北省在发展绿色建筑中存在的问题及相应的对策以推动河北省建筑绿色化的进程。  相似文献   

系统分析和展望了飞行器集群协同控制技术,对先进的集群飞行器和协同控制技术进行了总结和对比,并提出了当前该领域面临的5个主要科学问题。在此基础上提出了飞行器集群自主控制体系架构以及射前任务规划、在线态势感知、协同制导控制等8项飞行器集群协同核心关键技术。其中,对每项技术进行了简要概括,阐述了它们之间的关系和对于飞行器集群协同控制的作用。最后,从理论研究、技术突破到工程应用方面,对该领域未来发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

加快文化创意产业集群,推动文化创意产业园区快速发展,是促进河北省文化大发展大繁荣的重要途径。本文在探讨文化创意产业园发展路径的基础上,分析了河北省文化创意产业园区发展的现状,界定了我省文化创意产业园区发展的制约因素和薄弱环节,提出了文化创意产业园区发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

体育产业以其独特经济的价值和文化魅力,已经成为城市转变经济发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级而大力发展的新兴产业。随着河北省"环首都经济圈"建设格局的打造,廊坊市体育产业面临着难得的发展机遇和挑战。如何根据廊坊市现有的经济、社会和文化发展现状,充分利用环绕首都的独特区域优势来发展廊坊市体育产业是我们所面临的重大课题急需解决的问题。本文从产业经济学的角度分析了廊坊市体育产业发展的机遇和现状,找出体育产业发展中存在的问题、提出加快发展廊坊市体育产业的对策,推动体育产业合理布局,加速体育产业整体健康快速发展。  相似文献   

在近代安国,形成了以药业为中心,进而带动整个安国工商业发展的面向市场化的经济发展模式。药业的繁荣与发展带动金融业、交通业、农业以及其他行业的迅速发展,促进了这些行业的兴旺发达,构建了一条充分发挥资源优势,以区域特色产业经济为龙头,并产生很强经济辐射效应的经济发展模式。  相似文献   

“环首都经济圈”建设中廊坊市体育产业发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
体育产业以其独特经济的价值和文化魅力,已经成为城市转变经济发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级而大力发展的新兴产业。随着河北省"环首都经济圈"建设格局的打造,廊坊市体育产业面临着难得的发展机遇和挑战。如何根据廊坊市现有的经济、社会和文化发展现状,充分利用环绕首都的独特区域优势来发展廊坊市体育产业是我们所面临的重大课题急需解决...  相似文献   

This article provides several illustrations of the growing economic importance and scope of communications satellite service and discusses how rapid development of new telecommunications systems, particularly those that include communications satellite systems, serve as a major stimulant of economic growth. There is evidence that communications satellites are capable of making important economic contributions to developed and developing countries alike. The rapid proliferation of separate communications satellites, although stimulating economic growth, is giving rise to concerns about intersystem connectivity and saturation of the available radio frequencies in geosynchronous orbit. The growth of the communications satellite industry to an activity level of perhaps $10,000 million per annum by the mid-to-late-1980s could assist in the development of multipurpose space platforms that could minimize the problems created by satellite proliferation.  相似文献   

Without doubt, humans’ most urgent need at the start of the new millennium is the continuation of economic growth, which is the only means by which the great majority of the world population can lift themselves out of the poverty in which they live. A sine qua non for continuing economic growth is for the rich countries to continue to develop new industries—as they did throughout the 20th century, thereby creating high-productivity employment for hundreds of millions of people around the world. Arguably the most significant of these thus far is the development of passenger air travel from zero in 1900 to 1.5 billion passengers per year by 2000. It is becoming clear that passenger space travel could grow to reach a similar economic scale—and that no other space activity has comparable potential. The paper describes the potential contribution to world economic growth of passenger space travel; the failure of government space agencies either to aid its development or to make a contribution to economic growth commensurate to their cost; and the value for economic policy of prioritising the realisation of passenger space travel. The faster passenger space travel services grow, the more the space industry will contribute to “Meeting the Needs of the New Millennium”.  相似文献   

Since ESA's establishment the context in which it operates has evolved greatly, from one of development of technologies and general competence to one of responding to the needs of an increasingly wide range of users, many of whose requirements straddle several applications categories. The IAP programme is ESA's response to this challenge, aimed at fostering the growth of a downstream industry, creating a market for the space industry and serving economic growth overall. The programme's structure and the platforms themselves are described and the programme's achievements and prospects presented. Its success testifies to ESA's continuing ability to adapt to changing environments and operate effectively in new sectors.  相似文献   

近年来,廊坊市农业生产稳步增长,农业产业化水平不断提高,农业经济在国民经济中具有十分重要的作用。同时也是农膜、农药、化肥等使用量不断增加,农业污染出现来源扩大趋势、复合交叉等新特征,对农业环境的损害加大,总体态势不容乐观。本文正是基于此,以生态人为视角,分析构建农业环境会计的可行性以及提出构建这一体系的构想。  相似文献   

The worldwide space industry has entered a new space economy era. The question is how to develop in this new era? This paper tries to answer this question from two aspects: highly reliable and low-cost technology for access to space, and the cislunar economic zone. Firstly, the development requirement of the future space transportation system is discussed and the development path to enable high-reliability and a low cost of space transportation system is analyzed. Moreover, the concept of a routine space transportation system is proposed, upon which this paper gives some thoughts to the development of the cislunar economic zone thus embracing the new space economy era.  相似文献   

新型工业化是我国工业经济发展的必由之路,"十一五"期间,廊坊市新型工业化取得了飞速发展,但也存在这种或那种的问题。对其现状和问题的分析,有助于探索廊坊"十二五"新型工业化的发展道路。  相似文献   

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