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Some errors in the above-titled article (see ibid., vol.5, no.10, p.3-15, Oct. 1990) are pointed out. Although the material is peripheral to the principal subject, the commenter feels that they are significant to the article if taken as historical  相似文献   

In the above-titled paper (see ibid., vol.26, no.4, July 1990), the authors presented a simple approach to suppressing Barker code compression sidelobes. It consists of approximating an inverse filter in a finite series of terms with unknown coefficients. The coefficients are then determined by a simplex solution to an appropriate linear programming problem. The commenter indicates the results are correct, but the steps taken contain two errors which, however, compensate for each other. The corrections are given by the authors in their reply.<>  相似文献   

The commenter states that the filters described in the above-mentioned paper by H. Rohling and W. Plagge (see ibid., vol.26, no.6, p.890-6, Nov. 1989) were described in general terms in his articles from 1977-8. The families of binary sequences with minimal or small loss-factors were described by the commenter in earlier publications (1980, 1987). Comparison of the data from these papers and from those of the authors shows that sequences with length 21 and 28 are not optimal.<>  相似文献   

The commenters object to criticisms of their work that appeared in the above-titled paper (ibid., vol.25, no.5, p.590-601, Sept. 1989) and provide a defense of their results. The author presents further arguments to buttress his claims  相似文献   

In the above-titled paper (see ibid., vol.AES-23, p.568-82, July 1987) M.I. Dadi and J.R. Marks II studied the relative efficiencies of the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector with respect to the linear and sign detectors, for the detection of a constant signal in additive Laplace noise. By applying the central limit theorem, they derived expressions for three types of asymptotic relative efficiencies (AREs). However, as noted in the above paper, the Gaussian approximation to the sign detector fails to yield the correct asymptotic efficiency. The commenter derives the correct ARE of the optimal detector with respect to the sign detector for the Laplace noise  相似文献   

To add to the history of the SCR-270 radar's development (see Viewager et al., vol.3, no.12, p.3-6, 1988 and F. Voltaggio, ibid., vol.3, no.12, p.7-14, 1988) the commenter presents personal recollections regarding the modifications made to several SCR-270 radar sets operating in Hawaii just before the start of World War II  相似文献   

The commenter observes that the general solution proposed in the above paper (see ibid., vol.AES-23, no.1, p.24-30, Jan. 1988) for the global optimization of a distributed sensor detection system with fusion leads to coupled equations whose solution is a formidable computational task. This necessitated several simplifying assumptions that he comments on here. In response, the authors review the extent of the equal local threshold assumption throughout the work and make comments on the numerical performance comparison they gave there  相似文献   

P.L. Boglar (see ibid., vol.AES-23, no.3, p.298-310, May 1987) developed a recursive formulation of the Chan, Hu, and Plant (CHP) algorithm, and the results of the simulation verified the performance improvements. The commenter claims that Bogler obtained an incorrect recursive formulation of input estimation because he incorrectly used the formulation of the Kalman filter. The commenter presents calculations that aim to demonstrate this claim  相似文献   

The commenter summarizes Q-R decomposition techniques for solving the least squares (LS) problem and comments on associated aspects of the work presented by K. Gerlach and F.F. Kretschmer, Jr. (ibid., vol.267, no.1, Jan.90). In response to the commenter's statement that the statistical properties of the LS that determine the convergence performance are well known. Gerlach and Kretschmer assert that this is true only under the assumptions that have been used in the past to analyze the convergence performance of the canceler and for only a limited number of convergence performance measures. Gerlach and Kretschmer also address the commenter's points on overmatching degrees of freedom.<>  相似文献   

As shown in the above named work (ibid., vol.24, p.447-9, July, 1988), the improvement in the centralized scheme over the decentralized one was shown to be about 6-8%. The reason is briefly described  相似文献   

It is noted that the results obtained in the above-titled paper (ibid., vol.25, no.5, p.602-610, Sept. 1989) are erroneous since the Lyapunov matrix equation was not solved correctly and completely. Also, erroneous conclusions resulted because a solution to the ten simultaneous equations which result from the evaluation of that equation was not obtained. These errors are corrected and the Lyapunov simultaneous equations are solved. From the design of this fourth-order system, a comparison of the Lyapunov and Routh-Hurwitz methodologies for achieving asymptotic stability is obtained. It is shown that a design per the second method of Lyapunov simplifies the stability design calculations for this higher-order system  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.26, no.1, p.44-56, Jan. 1990. Theorems and relationships associated with the convergence rate of the Gram-Schmidt (GS) and sampled matrix inversion (SMI) algorithms are presented. Two forms of the GS canceler are discussed: concurrent block processing and sliding window processing. It is shown (as has been stated by other researchers) that the concurrent block processed GS canceler converges rapidly to its optimal signal-to-noise ratio. However, it is also shown that the result is deceptive in that the output residue samples may be highly correlated, which would significantly degrade postdetection processing. It is demonstrated that a specific form of a sliding window GS canceler has the same convergence properties as the concurrent block processed GS canceler  相似文献   

Erroneous conclusions reached in the original paper (see ibid., vol.25, no.5, p.602-10, Sept. 1989) concerning the applicability of the Rough criterion in studying the stability of fourth-order linear systems and its relationship with Lyapunov's stability tests are corrected. A brief review of relevant theory is presented, and faults in the analysis that led to these conclusions are identified. The relationship between the Routh criterion and the second method of Lyapunov is reviewed, and a correct application of the Lyapunov method is presented. It is shown that contrary to the conclusions of the paper discussed, these two methods are equivalent for any linear, time-invariant system, including the fourth-order system in question  相似文献   

For pt. I see ibid., vol. 32, no. 1, p. 1-15 (1996). Common buses are an extremely efficient structure for achieving area minimization so that the bus-oriented interconnection of registers and data operators plays an important role in data path synthesis. The overriding design goal is efficiently allocating the minimum number of buses and gating elements (i.e. multiplexers) for achieving communication between the data path elements. New efficient algorithms for the automated allocation of buses in data paths have been developed. The entire allocation process can be formulated as a graph partitioning problem. This formulation readily lends itself to the use of a varieties of heuristics for solving the allocation problem We present efficient algorithms which provide excellent solutions to this formulation of the allocation problem The operation of the algorithms is clearly demonstrated using detailed examples  相似文献   

It is shown that optimum quantization levels may be obtained by using C.W. Helstrom's approach of the above named work (see ibid., vol.AES-24, p.141-147, Mar. 1988) but maximizing exact detection probabilities instead of approximations to it if the moment generating function of the test statistic can be expressed in rational form. Adaptive levels may be obtained for the quantizers by cell averaging, leading to constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors  相似文献   

In the paper by M. Saif and Y. Guan (see ibid., vol. 3, no 29, p. 685-695), a necessary and sufficient condition is given for the existence of an asymptotically stable observer in the case of p=m. The objective of this note is to point out a critical mistake in the main theorem of the paper  相似文献   

Comments on "Unbiased converted measurements for tracking"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We show that there exists a compatibility problem in the derivation of the mean and covariance of the converted measurement errors in L. Mo et al. (ibid., vol.34, no.3, p.1023-7, 1998), and then present a modification to the computation of them, in which both the mean and the covariance are computed strictly conditioned on the measurements.  相似文献   

Taylor's quadriphase coding (J.W. Taylor, Jr. and H.J. Blinchikoff, ibid., vol.23, no.2, p.156-70, Mar. 1988) is investigated for nonzero Doppler shifts. While the zero-Doppler cut of the ambiguity function (i.e. the autocorrelation) strongly resembles that of the corresponding biphase code, the remaining ambiguity function differs considerably. The ambiguity function of quadriphase code 13 is typified by a diagonal ridge as found in linear FM signals. The ambiguity function of quadriphase code 28A resembles the three parallel ridges of Frank code 16  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.26, no.3, p.490-6 (1990). According to the method of state-space averaging, when a pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converter enters discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), the inductor current state is lost from the average model of the converter. It is shown that there is neither theoretical nor experimental justification for the disappearance of the inductor state as claimed by the method of state-space averaging. For example, when the model of the PWM switch in DCM is substituted in the buck, boost, or buck-boost converter while the inductor is left intact, the average model has two poles: the first pole fp1 agrees with the single pole of state-space averaging, while the second pole fp2 occurs in the range fp2Fs/π. It is shown that the right-half plane zeros present in the control-to-output transfer functions of the boost, buck-boost, and Cuk converters in continuous conduction mode are also present in discontinuous conduction mode  相似文献   

已有人利用上下解方法讨论过非线性n阶常微分方程两点边值问题解的存在性,而边值问题是否存在上下解是很难判别的,在文中,用初等方法讨论了两类n阶非线性方程满足两点边界条件的边值问题解的存在性、唯一性,并对解的存在性唯一性区间进行了估计。  相似文献   

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