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2012年6月22日,加加林航天中心举行了国际空间站第32/33长期考察团的新闻发布会。主乘组包括俄罗斯航天员尤里·马连琴科(“联盟—色船指令长、空间站工程师);美国航天员苏尼塔·威廉姆斯(飞船工程师、第32考察团工程师,第33考察团指令长);日本航天员星出彰彦(飞船工程师、空间站工程师)。备份乘组的3名航天员分别是俄罗斯航天员罗曼·罗曼年科、加拿大航天员克里斯·哈德菲尔德、美国航天员托马斯·马什伯恩。 相似文献
由于背负40多亿美元的债务无力按期偿还,美国破产法院去年3月17日宣布对著名的铱公司进行破产清算。今年3月28日,新的铱卫星公司又浴火重生,于当日重新开始提供服务。新公司称,其目标用户是那些在偏远地方工作的人,而不是像以前那样定位在商务旅行者和一般消费者。新的铱卫星公司还拟在今年6月起增加以前没有的无线数据服务。 此举在全球产生反响较大,因为铱卫星是世界上第一个投入实用的大型低轨道移动通信卫星系统, 1998年 11月 1日投入运营,总造价达50多亿美元;它开创了全球个人通信的新时代,被认为是现代通… 相似文献
Even before a signal is detected, six positive consequences will result from the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence, usually called SETI. (1) Humanity’s self-image: SETI has enlarged our view of ourselves and enhanced our sense of meaning. Increasingly, we feel a kinship with the civilizations whose signals we are trying to detect. (2) A fresh perspective: SETI forces us to think about how extraterrestrials might perceive us. This gives us a fresh perspective on our society’s values, priorities, laws and foibles. (3) Questions: SETI is stimulating thought and discussion about several fundamental questions. (4) Education: some broad-gage educational programs have already been centered around SETI. (5) Tangible spin-offs: in addition to providing jobs for some people, SETI provides various spin-offs, such as search methods, computer software, data, and international scientific cooperation. (6) Future scenarios: SETI will increasingly stimulate us to think carefully about possible detection scenarios and their consequences, about our reply, and generally about the role of extraterrestrial communication in our long-term future. Such thinking leads, in turn, to fresh perspectives on the SETI enterprise itself. 相似文献
本文从贫穷及个体孤独两方面探讨了美国现实主义作家伊迪丝·华顿如何利用自然环境为表现形式决定了《伊坦·弗洛美》中主人公的悲剧命运。 相似文献
2000年3月17日是一个令人难忘的日子。这一天,一直苦苦支撑的铱星公司终于寿终正寝,宣告破产,造成了航天飞行史上最大的一桩破产案。铱星的商业服务已于3月18日停止。这~结果在全世界产生了巨大反响,因为想当初铱星是何等风光:它是世界上第一个投入实用的大型低轨道移动通信卫星系统,开创了全球个人通信的新时代,使人类在地球上任何“能见到天的地方”都可以进行无缝隙的通信联络……因此,它于1998年被美国《大众科学》杂志评为最佳产品之一。那么为什么如此美丽的铱星这么快就陨落了呢?难道真是好花不常开,好景不常在鸣?要想知… 相似文献
本文从贫穷及个体孤独两方面探讨了美国现实主义作家伊迪丝·华顿如何利用自然环境为表现形式决定了<伊坦·弗洛美>中主人公的悲剧命运. 相似文献
美国太空探索技术公司的"猎鹰"9火箭2010年12月8日从卡纳维拉尔角空军站发射了该公司研制的"龙"飞船,对飞船进行了首次验证飞行。飞船代号"龙"C1。这次发射原定12月7日进行, 相似文献
翱翔了40亿英里后,“旅行者”1号飞船最后一次遥望旅程的起点,它看到的地球变成了一个苍白的蓝点,悬挂在漆黑无垠的天幕中。如果此时此刻,有外星智能生命在更加遥远的星球上观察我们的太阳系,那么他们看到的地球(如果确实能看到的话)会是更加微弱的一点星光。可是他们如何才能知道,这点星光实际却是一个充满生机的世界呢? 相似文献
The purpose of the integrated physiologico-hygienic and biotechnological laboratory experiment was to evaluate the effect of life support subsytems placed inside a sealed cabin on the cabin environment and, consequently, on the human performance and activity, and also to assess the operability of subsystems by the crewmen and disclose any resulting difficulties. 相似文献
本文研究近地轨道卫星长期在轨运行的轨道维持问题。轨道维持的任务是将卫星的星下点轨迹保持在设计的参考轨迹附近。近地轨道卫星所受的摄动力包括地球引力摄动、日月摄动、大气阻力摄动和光压摄动等,而影响卫星轨道星下点漂移的主要因素是大气阻力摄动。本文给出了一种新的卫星轨道维持策略,数学仿真表明了其有效性。 相似文献
第一次为月球“画像”,2008年11月12日,第一幅真正用立体相机来获得月球三维影像公布,这是世界上已公布的月球影像图中最完整的一幅影像, 相似文献
Abstract Life Investigation For Enceladus (LIFE) presents a low-cost sample return mission to Enceladus, a body with high astrobiological potential. There is ample evidence that liquid water exists under ice coverage in the form of active geysers in the "tiger stripes" area of the southern Enceladus hemisphere. This active plume consists of gas and ice particles and enables the sampling of fresh materials from the interior that may originate from a liquid water source. The particles consist mostly of water ice and are 1-10?μ in diameter. The plume composition shows H(2)O, CO(2), CH(4), NH(3), Ar, and evidence that more complex organic species might be present. Since life on Earth exists whenever liquid water, organics, and energy coexist, understanding the chemical components of the emanating ice particles could indicate whether life is potentially present on Enceladus. The icy worlds of the outer planets are testing grounds for some of the theories for the origin of life on Earth. The LIFE mission concept is envisioned in two parts: first, to orbit Saturn (in order to achieve lower sampling speeds, approaching 2 km/s, and thus enable a softer sample collection impact than Stardust, and to make possible multiple flybys of Enceladus); second, to sample Enceladus' plume, the E ring of Saturn, and the Titan upper atmosphere. With new findings from these samples, NASA could provide detailed chemical and isotopic and, potentially, biological compositional context of the plume. Since the duration of the Enceladus plume is unpredictable, it is imperative that these samples are captured at the earliest flight opportunity. If LIFE is launched before 2019, it could take advantage of a Jupiter gravity assist, which would thus reduce mission lifetimes and launch vehicle costs. The LIFE concept offers science returns comparable to those of a Flagship mission but at the measurably lower sample return costs of a Discovery-class mission. Key Words: Astrobiology-Habitability-Enceladus-Biosignatures. Astrobiology 12, 730-742. 相似文献
The delivery of fully qualified Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLS) flight hardware for the Spacelab Flight Unit was completed in 1979, and the first Spacelab flight is scheduled for mid 1983. With Spacelab approaching its operational stage, ESA has initiated the Follow-on Development Programme. The future evolution of Spacelab elements in a continued U.S./European cooperation is obviously linked to the U.S. STS evolution and leads from the sortie-mode improvements (Initial Step) towards pallet systems and module applications in unmanned and manned space platforms (Medium and Far Term Alternatives). Extensive studies and design work have been accomplished on life support systems for Life Sciences Laboratories (Biorack) in Spacelab (incubators and holding units for low vertebrates). Future long term missions require the implementation of closed loop life support systems and in order to meet the long range development cycle feasibility studies have been performed. Terrestrial applications of the life support technologies developed for space have been successfully implemented. 相似文献
参加这次飞行的宇航员共有3名.他们分别是美国宇航员威廉·谢泼德以及俄罗斯宇航员尤里·吉德津科和谢尔盖·克里卡廖夫,其中谢泼德是这个"国际空间站第一国际混合考察组"的组长(站上指令长),吉德津科是飞船的飞行指令长(也是驾驶员),克里卡廖夫是随船工程师. 相似文献
在人进入太空之前,先是用火箭将动物发射到太空,来帮助人们了解在没有地球环境保护的情况下,生物体是否可以生存.1951年9月20日第一次有动物进入太空,前苏联发射的一枚探空火箭中有1只猴子和11只鼠。实际上这还不是一次真正意义的轨道飞行,只是一次直上直下的火箭飞行,动物是活着回来的。通过这样的实验,可以观察在一定高度上辐射和失重对动物的影响。 相似文献
海德格尔是西方著名哲学家中唯一一位与中国道家思想进行了真正意义上的交流的思想家。文章试图在人生观上对海德格尔与道家思想进行比较,分析了二者在“人是什么”、“人的生存状态如何”、“人能否成为真人”三个基本问题上的异同之处,并指出了二者在这些问题上进行交流与对话的可能性。 相似文献
<正>嫦娥二号卫星完成预定的试验验证和科学探测任务后,这位"二姑娘"将有怎样的打算?嫦娥二号绕月探测卫星的总设计师黄江川介绍了三种可能的结局。黄江川告诉记者,嫦娥一号 相似文献
地下海洋,外星生命的摇篮? 冥王星曾经是太阳系最为遥远的九大行星之一,但因其偏远而且体积很小,2006年被排除出太阳系大行星之列,而这也同时是它很难被科学家观测的原因。 相似文献