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We present the results of investigation of the dynamics of (99942) Apophis asteroid, which will undergo a very close encounter with the Earth on April 13, 2029. The region of possible motions of the asteroid is considered on the time interval (2004, 2040). In addition, it is shown that an increase of the observational interval (2004, 2006) until 2008 allowed us to reduce significantly the area of possible motions. All investigations were performed by numerical methods with the help of algorithms and software developed by us in the environment of parallel programming using the SKIF Cyberia multiprocessor computer of the Tomsk State University.  相似文献   

The problem of optimization of a spacecraft transfer to the Apophis asteroid is investigated. The scheme of transfer under analysis includes a geocentric stage of boosting the spacecraft with high thrust, a heliocentric stage of control by a low thrust engine, and a stage of deceleration with injection to an orbit of the asteroid’s satellite. In doing this, the problem of optimal control is solved for cases of ideal and piecewise-constant low thrust, and the optimal magnitude and direction of spacecraft’s hyperbolic velocity “at infinity” during departure from the Earth are determined. The spacecraft trajectories are found based on a specially developed comprehensive method of optimization. This method combines the method of dynamic programming at the first stage of analysis and the Pontryagin maximum principle at the concluding stage, together with the parameter continuation method. The estimates are obtained for the spacecraft’s final mass and for the payload mass that can be delivered to the asteroid using the Soyuz-Fregat carrier launcher.  相似文献   

The 3 : 1 mean motion resonance is studied in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem (Sun-Jupiter-asteroid). Using double numerical averaging, the equations are constructed that describe the secular evolution of eccentricity and perihelion longitude of the asteroid orbit. The region of adiabatic chaos is isolated in the phase space of the system under study.  相似文献   

无控航天器、火箭末级以及空间碎片再入地球大气层后可能未烧尽,残存的小碎片高速撞击地面,对人类安全和生态系统构成极大威胁。提前预测其再入轨迹并采取预防措施能够有效降低地面风险。文章对无控航天器和空间碎片再入工程预测模型,包括航天器模型、动力学模型、气动热模型和烧蚀解体模型的研究现状进行跟踪与总结,也介绍了国内外有公开资料的工程应用软件,并讨论若干关键问题和进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

石英灯加热器热流场计算方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石英灯辐射加热是航天飞行器结构热试验中使用最广泛的气动热模拟方式,获取石英灯加热器辐射流场对提升航天器结构热试验精度、评估试验结果和验证结构设计具有重要意义。文章结合石英灯加热器辐射热流场预示的特点,讨论几种辐射热流场计算模型的适用性,并通过理论、试验与仿真算例相结合的方法,对比分析几种辐射计算软件的计算精度和应用性,给出各计算软件的应用策略,可为试验热环境的准确快速获取提供参考。  相似文献   

The mathematical model, which allowed us to reconstruct the rotational motion of the Bion M-1 and Foton M-4 satellites by processing the measurements of onboard magnetometers and the angular velocity sensor, is sufficiently detailed and accurate. If we slightly lower the requirements for accuracy and transfer to a rougher model, i.e., we will not update the biases in measurements of the angular velocity component, then the measurement processing technique can be significantly simplified. The volume of calculations in minimizing the functional of the least-square technique is reduced; the most complicated part of calculations is performed using the standard procedure of computational linear algebra. This simplified technique is described below, and the examples of its application for reconstructing the rotational motion of the Foton M-4 satellite are presented. A noticeable distinction in the reconstructions of motion, constructed by simplified and more exact techniques, is revealed in processing the measurements over time intervals longer than 4 hours.  相似文献   

I Slesak  H Slesak  J Kruk 《Astrobiology》2012,12(8):775-784
Abstract In the Universe, oxygen is the third most widespread element, while on Earth it is the most abundant one. Moreover, oxygen is a major constituent of all biopolymers fundamental to living organisms. Besides O(2), reactive oxygen species (ROS), among them hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), are also important reactants in the present aerobic metabolism. According to a widely accepted hypothesis, aerobic metabolism and many other reactions/pathways involving O(2) appeared after the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. In this study, the hypothesis was formulated that the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) was at least able to tolerate O(2) and detoxify ROS in a primordial environment. A comparative analysis was carried out of a number of the O(2)-and H(2)O(2)-involving metabolic reactions that occur in strict anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, and aerobes. The results indicate that the most likely LUCA possessed O(2)-and H(2)O(2)-involving pathways, mainly reactions to remove ROS, and had, at least in part, the components of aerobic respiration. Based on this, the presence of a low, but significant, quantity of H(2)O(2) and O(2) should be taken into account in theoretical models of the early Archean atmosphere and oceans and the evolution of life. It is suggested that the early metabolism involving O(2)/H(2)O(2) was a key adaptation of LUCA to already existing weakly oxic zones in Earth's primordial environment. Key Words: Hydrogen peroxide-Oxygen-Origin of life-Photosynthesis-Superoxide dismutase-Superoxide reductase. Astrobiology 12, 775-784.  相似文献   

This paper advances scenarios for an evolutionary approach to the establishment of a Human Mission from Planet Earth involving exploration and utilization of the Moon and Mars. Of critical importance are the concepts of robotic–human and Moon–Mars synergies. The paper discusses the rationale variables that have an influence on types of space activities pursued and thus the policy that leads to particular scenarios. In this regard, the technological, scientific, and sociopolitical/socioeconomic impacts and consequences related to a Human Mission from Planet Earth are examined.  相似文献   

The International Space Station (ISS) is the result of collaboration between 15 countries [Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) between the Governments of Canada, the United States of America, Japan, Russia and ESA member States, concerning co-operation on the civil International Space Station, 1998]. Originally planned as a scientific facility, a shift in policy of the partners has recently occurred towards commercialisation of the Station. This article is a response to this policy shift. Based on a report prepared by a Master of Space Studies class at ISU, it set outs to identify the major constraints in which the potential commercial user must operate and proposes solutions for both commercial user and the partner space agencies to facilitate this commercialisation process. At a time when spacefaring nations face reduced fiscal resources and increasing pressure from their constituencies to justify the huge costs of the ISS, commercialising utilisation seems a logical solution. Clearly, successful commercialisation can help recover some of the development and operating costs of the ISS. The structure of the article is divided into two main parts. The first part proposes new solutions to existing constraint to ISS commercialisation in areas of policy, law, technology and business. Its conclusions are integrated and unified into A New Approach towards ISS commercialisation. This approach is then applied in part two to two case studies: the International Space Satellite Servicing Station (I4S) and protein crystallisation. The article then concludes with a recommended approach to the future of ISS commercialisation.  相似文献   

Acetylene occurs, by photolysis of methane, in the atmospheres of jovian planets and Titan. In contrast, acetylene is only a trace component of Earth's current atmosphere. Nonetheless, a methane-rich atmosphere has been hypothesized for early Earth; this atmosphere would also have been rich in acetylene. This poses a paradox, because acetylene is a potent inhibitor of many key anaerobic microbial processes, including methanogenesis, anaerobic methane oxidation, nitrogen fixation, and hydrogen oxidation. Fermentation of acetylene was discovered approximately 25 years ago, and Pelobacter acetylenicus was shown to grow on acetylene by virtue of acetylene hydratase, which results in the formation of acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde subsequently dismutates to ethanol and acetate (plus some hydrogen). However, acetylene hydratase is specific for acetylene and does not react with any analogous compounds. We hypothesize that microbes with acetylene hydratase played a key role in the evolution of Earth's early biosphere by exploiting an available source of carbon from the atmosphere and in so doing formed protective niches that allowed for other microbial processes to flourish. Furthermore, the presence of acetylene in the atmosphere of a planet or planetoid could possibly represent evidence for an extraterrestrial anaerobic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Holm NG  Andersson E 《Astrobiology》2005,5(4):444-460
The potential of life's origin in submarine hydrothermal systems has been evaluated by a number of investigators by conducting high temperature-high pressure experiments involving organic compounds. In the majority of these experiments little attention has been paid to the importance of constraining important parameters, such as the pH and the redox state of the system. This is particularly revealed in the apparent difficulties in interpreting experimental data from hydrothermal organic synthesis and stability studies. However, in those cases where common mineral assemblages have been used in an attempt to buffer the pH and redox conditions to geologically and geochemically realistic values, theoretical and experimental data seem to converge. The use of mineral buffer assemblages provides a convenient way by which to constrain the experimental conditions. Studies at high temperatures and pressure in the laboratory have revealed a number of reactions that proceed rapidly in hydrothermal fluids, including the Strecker synthesis of amino acids. In other cases, the verification of postulated abiotic reaction mechanisms has not been possible, at least for large molecules such as large fatty acids and hydrocarbons. This includes the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction. High temperature-high pressure experimental methods have been developed and used successfully for a long time in, for example, mineral solubility studies under hydrothermal conditions. By taking advantage of this experimental experience new and, at times, unexpected directions can be taken in bioorganic geochemistry, one being, for instance, primitive two-dimensional information coding. This article critically reviews some of the organic synthesis and stability experiments that have been conducted under simulated submarine hydrothermal conditions. We also discuss some of the theoretical and practical considerations that apply to hydrothermal laboratory studies of organic molecules related to the origin of life on Earth and probably also to the other terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

Organic macromolecules ("complex tholins") were synthesized from a 0.95 N(2)/0.05 CH(4) atmosphere in a high-voltage AC flow discharge reactor. When placed in liquid water, specific water soluble compounds in the macromolecules demonstrated Arrhenius type first order kinetics between 273 and 313 K and produced oxygenated organic species with activation energies in the range of approximately 60+/-10 kJ mol(-1). These reactions displayed half lives between 0.3 and 17 days at 273 K. Oxygen incorporation into such materials--a necessary step toward the formation of biological molecules--is therefore fast compared to processes that occur on geologic timescales, which include the freezing of impact melt pools and possible cryovolcanic sites on Saturn's organic-rich moon Titan.  相似文献   

Space systems play an important role in today's society by generating or transmitting information from source to sink(s). The acquisition of the space system is often justified by the type, quantity and quality of information provided or transmitted. This work posits that the value of a class of space systems derives from and can be assessed through the value of information these systems provide. To this effect, a Bayesian framework is developed to assess system value in which systems are viewed as information sources, and stakeholders as information recipients. Information has value to stakeholders as it helps to update their beliefs, enabling them to make decisions that can yield higher expected pay-offs than in the absence of information. This increase in expected pay-offs is ascribed to the value of the system. Based on this idea, a new metric, Value-of-Design (VOD), is introduced to quantify the value of a class of space systems with unpriced services. The Bayesian framework assesses the Value-of-Design for the space system by considering the impact of the information transmitted on the actions taken by stakeholders, and estimating the resulting pay-offs from these actions. The framework here developed is then applied to the case of an Earth Science satellite that provides hurricane information to oil rig operators in the Gulf of Mexico. Probability models of stakeholders’ beliefs, and economic models of pay-offs are developed and integrated with a spacecraft design tool. Results from the application point to clusters of payload instruments that yielded higher information value, and minimum information thresholds below which it is difficult to justify the acquisition of the system. Additionally, the system is analyzed in Cost-VOD trade space to provide program managers with additional insights into the coupling of a system's predicted value generation and its associated lifecycle cost.  相似文献   

Grigorenko  E. E.  Lyubimov  G. P. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(3):219-227
In this paper we consider a large-scale enhancement of the intensity of solar protons (E = 1–20 MeV) observed in June 1991 for 26 days at different points of interplanetary space, onboard ULYSSES (in the time period under consideration it was located at a heliocentric distance of 3 AU, at an angular distance of 70° to the East of the Sun–Earth line and 3° to the South of the ecliptic plane) and GRANAT (which was orbiting around the Earth spending most of its flight time outside the Earth's magnetosphere). An approximation is made of the complex time profile of the enhancement of the solar cosmic ray (SCR) intensity on the basis of the reflection model of their propagation in the heliosphere. It has been established that, in this event, the transport of SCR particles in the interplanetary space was mainly carried out in the traps made up by the fronts of radially moving flare disturbances. The parameters of these fronts obtained when modeling this enhancement of SCR allow one to estimate the characteristic dimensions of the regions of effective capture of SCR. Comparison of the results of approximations obtained for the data from GRANAT and ULYSSES spacecraft demonstrated an increase in the regions of capture of SCR when the radial distance from the Sun increases.  相似文献   

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