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用数值求解N-S(Navier-Stokes)方程的方法得到了食蚜蝇在拍动平面倾斜悬停飞行时的气动力和气动力矩,利用得到的气动力矩和已知的翅膀的惯性矩求得食蚜蝇悬停时的能耗,并将得到的气动力和能耗与正常悬停时的进行比较.主要结果为:维持食蚜蝇体重所需的举力主要由下拍产生,该举力是由翅膀的升力和阻力共同贡献的,这两点均与水平拍动的情形不同;飞行的比功率为31.71 W·kg-1,与正常悬停时接近,这表明此种悬停方式有便于进行机动飞行的优点,但不带来额外的能耗.  相似文献   

摘要: 卫星编队构型的保持对编队任务实施至关重要,针对高精度卫星编队控制策略复杂不易于实现的问题,提出了一种基于蝙蝠飞行的仿生智能编队管理策略.首先分析了编队动力学和图论理论,总结自然界中蝙蝠群体的行为规律,给出了蝙蝠飞行数学模型,以此设计了编队虚拟中心用于衡量卫星编队整体效益和局部效益,进而给出了仿生编队管理策略,算法清晰实用.最后,应用卫星编队算法对对卫星编队构型进行控制仿真验证,实现了高精度、低能耗的稳定控制.  相似文献   

针对航天器编队飞行任务对相对运动控制的要求,研究了在分段常值推力控制下航天器受迫绕飞构型的设计与控制问题。首先,基于脉冲控制下的水滴悬停构型,提出了多段常值推力控制实现水滴悬停构型的打靶方程;将打靶方程转化为求解极值问题,采用最小二乘法来求解;分析了一段常值推力可行性。然后,以连续常值小推力控制方程为基础,推导了小邻域定理,分析了近距离相对运动条件下两段常值推力控制的可行性;针对可能出现求解精度差的问题,提出了小推力增量方程来修正精度,并证明在靠近理想解的情况下多次迭代可以趋近于理想解。最后,通过数值仿真实现常值小推力控制下的水滴悬停相对运动。数值仿真结果表明常值小推力控制策略可行,研究成果完善了航天器受迫绕飞构型设计与控制的相关理论,为工程应用提供参考。   相似文献   

食蚜蝇悬停飞行时的抬升角相对较小,在上下拍起始和结束时刻要比拍动中部的大,这样就使得翅尖的拍动轨迹呈现出浅“U”形。为了分析该翅尖轨迹是否会对其气动特性产生影响,利用计算流体力学的方法分别计算了4只食蚜蝇在考虑抬升角和忽略抬升角2种情形下的气动力,分析对比了2种情形下的不同时刻绕翅膀的瞬时流线,并计算比较了2种情形下气动功率系数与平均举力系数的比值。研究结果表明:抬升角的存在会使其维持体重所需的举力增加10%左右;举力增大的同时能耗却比忽略抬升角情形下要低3%左右。   相似文献   

蜻蜓爬升过程飞行特征实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
昆虫真实飞行过程中的飞行特征是仿生流体力学机理研究的基础和关键。本文针对蜻蜓(黄蜻)大、小爬升角2种飞行状态的运动规律和动力学特性展开研究,根据蜻蜓的趋光特性诱导其进行爬升飞行。采用2台光轴相互垂直的高速摄像机进行拍摄,通过特征点匹配和三维重构方法准确地捕捉了2种爬升飞行过程中蜻蜓身体和翅膀的运动参数,并进行动力学特性对比分析。实验结果表明:蜻蜓在进行大爬升角爬升时需要的上升力大于向前的推力,最大拍动幅度比小爬升角爬升时约大40%;扑翼频率比小爬升角爬升时约大3.3 Hz,前后翅相位差相对于小爬升角爬升时减小20°以上;另外,大爬升角爬升过程中前翅前倾角度更大,这样能够使蜻蜓身体保持更大的俯仰角,翅膀能够获得更大的上升力。   相似文献   

SPC3-UUV机器鱼是在北航SPC-2仿生机器鱼UUV平台基础上经过优化改进,为提高推进效率和续航力专门研制的水下仿生航行器实验平台.通过在泳池静水中对平台的摄像机测速观测实验和功率数据采集计算机的记录,得到SPC3-UUV速度-频率,功率-频率特性曲线,由航程估算,得到该平台在不同的拍动频率下续航时间以及估算航程,同时以平台速度和续航能力为评价原则选择了长航程实验的推进频率,范围定为1.5~1.6Hz,并在北戴河长航程实验中得到了验证.SPC-3 UUV航程达到22.761km,续航时间6.25h,平均航速1.03m/s.   相似文献   

翼身结合框结构仿生设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
相似是仿生的基础,全面系统地理解工程原型的功能需求和生物体各个层次的优异结构,准确把握生物体与工程原型的相似性,是结构仿生设计的关键.为减轻翼身结合框重量,分析了竹干与翼身结合框相似的承力性能,借鉴竹干的细观结构形状和排列方式,应用结构仿生原理设计了仿生翼身结合框.有限元分析结果表明,在保证结合框强度、刚度的前提下,仿生结构与原型相比重量可减轻2.1%.  相似文献   

介绍了拖靶系统的基本组成,阐述了建立拖靶系统飞行动力学模型的意义。分别对拖机、拖靶及拖缆进行了受力分析,建立了数学模型并进行了合理假设和简化,分析了系统主要约束关系,可为拖靶系统设计及仿真研究提供参考。  相似文献   

研究一种蝴蝶(Morpho peleides)前飞时的气动力特性.在运动重叠网格上数值求解Navier-Stokes方程,对蝴蝶前飞时左、右翅膀的拍动运动以及跟随身体一起的俯仰运动进行计算.结果表明:蝴蝶主要用"阻力原理"作拍动飞行,即平衡身体重量的举力和克服身体阻力的推力均主要由翅膀的阻力提供.蝴蝶翅在下拍中产生很大的瞬态阻力(平行于拍动运动的力),对流动结构分析表明,产生此力的机制如下:每次下拍中产生了一个由前缘涡, 翅端涡及起动涡构成的强"涡环",其包含一个沿拍动方向的射流,产生此射流的反作用力即翅膀的阻力.平衡身体重量的举力主要由翅膀下拍中产生的阻力提供.上拍时(由于身体上仰,上拍实际是向后和向上拍动的),翅也产生阻力,但较下拍时小的多.平衡身体阻力的推力主要由翅膀上拍中产生的阻力提供.   相似文献   

提出了航天器稀疏编队飞行的概念及其设计方法,阐明了它与通常的紧密编队飞行的区别及其在应用上的前景。采用了一个比Hill解更为广泛的新公式来设计稀疏编队,并列举了若干稀疏编队的阵形。当各航天器距离很近时,该公式自然退化为与Hill解相同的形式。通过与Hill解的设计相比较,表明了新公式用于稀疏编队设计的优越性。  相似文献   

考虑失效模式间的关联性,提出了一种基于知识模型的机械产品设计方案失效风险评估与优选方法.该方法使用数据聚类法鉴别失效模式的主要关联关系,给出了失效模式关联系数的计算方法,实现了对失效模式关联知识的有效获取;并在产品"功能—失效模式—失效风险"知识表示的基础上,通过二维"屋顶"形三角阵和三维立方阵实现了对失效模式关联系数的表达,建立了产品"功能—失效模式—失效风险—模式关联"知识模型.在知识模型的支持下,研究了加权线性合成的关联失效模式严重度评估方法,给出了失效模式和产品功能的风险优先数计算方法,实现了基于知识的机械产品设计方案失效风险评估过程与优选.最后,通过实例说明了上述方法的有效性.   相似文献   

基于准则的大展弦比飞翼气动设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从设计实际出发,为切实提高气动性能,开展了大展弦比飞翼无人机(UAV)的气动设计及分析研究.在设计分析过程中,依据飞翼无人机的特征,提出了气动设计准则;基于设计准则,采用更新设计的策略,结合变可信度数值模拟、代理模型优化方法构建了优化设计框架;针对飞翼无人机开展了参数化表达、无限插值网格自动生成以及多轮更新优化,得到了优化推荐构型;应用γ-Reθt转捩模型方法对优化构型的气动性能进行了细致地验证分析.研究结果表明:通过气动设计,飞翼无人机设计构型很好地契合了设计准则,其巡航升阻比相比最初的原始构型提高了14%,γ-Reθt转捩模型能较细致地分析大展弦比飞翼的流动特征.   相似文献   

将基于信息的优化方法引入基于非参数模型的加速寿命试验优化设计中,针对恒定应力和步进应力两种应力加载方式,分别给出了基于比例危险-比例优势模型的试验优化设计方法.通过对数似然函数建立Fisher信息矩阵和方差-协方差矩阵,并采用基于信息的优化方法建立最优化问题.这种试验优化设计方法可以有效地提高模型参数评估精度,并且避免了传统的优化方法(即将一个与可靠性相关的函数的渐进方差在一个给定区间内的积分值作为优化目标)当目标函数中给定的积分区间变化时将得到不同优化结果的局限.最后给出了应用该方法进行加速寿命试验优化设计的仿真实例.  相似文献   

简要综述西方科技强国的态势感知概念、态势感知系统研发现状与应用、主要研发计划,总结其经验与教训,分析中国发展态势感知技术的迫切性与突破点.提供解决方案,介绍科研课题"微纳仿生空间态势感知器"中的态势感知概念、包括需求分析、模型设计、概要设计、应用设计的系统顶层设计内容.态势是指生物或系统对其内部状态和外部环境的"综合印象",包括自身状况和变化趋势、外部环境呈现出的某种状态和形势、发展趋势等.具有类似生物感知能力的态势感知器需要对自身状况、外界环境的多种物理量进行综合监测,其目的在于获取自身和环境的全面的、系统的信息.应用成熟的微纳米技术成果,以仿生学为主要理论导引,采用快速原型法设计开发基于微纳米技术和仿生学的态势感知器,可以广泛应用在太空、军事、环境保护、工业、消费电子等领域.  相似文献   

We present the results of a streamer-fluid model used to investigate the electrodynamical coupling between the troposphere and upper atmosphere due to the penetration of lightning electric fields into the mesosphere and the lower ionosphere, generating sprites. The model solves the continuity equation for electrons and ions coupled to Poisson equation. The dominant physical response of the atmosphere is the formation of a screening-ionization wave. The wave shields the atmosphere above it from the action of the lightning field and, together with the conductivity reduction below it due to attachment, the wave amplifies the total field below it, allowing for the penetration of intense electric fields in the mesosphere as it propagates downwards into regions of higher density that compress the wave. This is the key physical mechanism for sprite inception. We evaluated the effects of the thundercloud charge geometry, lightning current waveshape, atmospheric conductivity, via different electron density profiles, and the effect of ionization, attachment and electron mobility coefficients in the electrical breakdown process, related to halo production, and sprite streamer initiation. The results showed that electrons with higher mobility are more efficient in shielding the lightning electric field before breakdown, causing delay, and they contribute to the formation of the streamer seed after breakdown, anticipating the sprite streamer inception. Similarly, a higher effective ionization rate, produced by modifications in the attachment and ionization coefficients, anticipates sprite inception. The simulations with 6 different electron density profiles, and therefore conductivities, spanning 4 orders of magnitude, showed that the altitude of breakdown and sprite initiation, as well as their time delays from the lightning discharge are directly related to atmospheric conductivity: higher conductivities produce halo and sprite inception at lower altitudes with longer delays and may hinder sprite formation. We document that variations of 30 times in the lightning current leads to sprite initiation altitudes in the range 66.0–73.5 km, with delays between 1.550 and 34.500 ms, while variations of 4 orders of magnitude in the conductivity profile lead to initiation altitudes 61.0–70.6 km, with delays in the range 3.825–9.825 ms. Consequently, we suggest that lightning characteristics dominate over atmospheric parameters in determining sprites’ initiation altitude and delay. The simulation of a −CG, with a constant current of 30 kA, did not produce a sprite seed, confirming an asymmetry in the response of the atmosphere to positive and negative lightning. This is due to the free electron drift direction that is away from the screening ionization wave, preventing the formation of the streamer seed for the great majority of −CGs. The same does not apply to halos, which depend on the occurrence of breakdown and can be produced by discharges of both polarities.  相似文献   

为了高效地分析空间飞越过程中航天器的初始位置对发射窗口的影响,研究了空间飞越任务流程,提出了不同初始条件下发射窗口的数值计算方法。在此基础上,为提高计算效率,研究了代理模型技术,包括样本点选取方法、代理模型构造方法和精度校验方法。对比分析了径向基函数(RBF)模型和Kriging模型,结果证明前者精度更高。使用RBF模型对不同初始条件下的发射窗口进行计算,耗时仅为使用真实模型时的0.29%,且精度校验满足要求,表明代理模型可以快速有效地分析初始条件对发射窗口的影响,为空间飞越轨道规划与设计提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

运用流体动力学分析,指出了涡轮流量计的Thompson—Grey理论模型中存在的各种缺陷。计算结果表明,改进后的模型与实际情况的吻合程度有了很大提高,涡轮流量计仪表系数的理论估计值与实际值之间的偏差由原来的±(4%~6%)下降至±1.5%以内。  相似文献   

基于共享模型的工作流表单系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
表单是应用系统中信息传递的主要载体.分别分析了表单系统和工作流系统的运行过程,分析了传统表单工作流系统中表单与工作流的结合方式,研究了基于建模的方式对表单模型和工作流模型进行定义,并在建模过程中对二者进行结合,同时采用分域的方式对工作流表单进行划分并在同一流程模型中共享同一表单,并提出了一种基于共享模型的工作流表单系统的开发方法,该方法采用表单引擎和工作流引擎技术,分离表单数据和工作流数据的处理,按表单模型和流程模型的结合点定义使工作流引擎处理表单数据,对该方法的过程和特点也进行了详细的介绍.   相似文献   

Existing amplitude scintillation prediction models often perform less satisfactorily when deployed outside the regions where they were formulated. This necessitates the need to evaluate the performance of scintillation models developed in one region using data data from other regions while documenting their relative errors. Due to its variation with elevation angle, frequency, other link parameters and meteorological factors, we employed three years (January 2016 to December 2018) of concurrently measured satellite radio beacons and tropospheric weather parameters to develop a location-based amplitude scintillation prediction model over the Earth-space path of Akure (7.17oN, 5.18oE), South-western Nigeria. The satellite beacon measurement used Tektronix Y400 NetTek Analyzer at 1 s integration time while meteorological parameters, namely; temperature, pressure and relative humidity were measured using Davis Vantage Vue weather station at 1 min integration time. Comparative study of the model’s performance with nine (9) existing scintillation prediction models indicates that the best and worst performing models, in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), are the Statistical Temperature and Refractivity (STN) and direct physical and statistical prediction (DPSP) models with values 11.48 and 51.03 respectively. Also, worst month analysis indicates that April, with respective enhancement and fade values of 0.88 and 0.90 dB for 0.01% exceedance, is the overall worst calendar month for amplitude scintillation.  相似文献   

HF radio wave observations have been carried out with an oblique ionospheric sounding (OIS) method on the radio path from St. Petersburg to Longyearbyen (Svalbard), and experimental ionograms were obtained for December 2001. These ionograms have been analysed to investigate the impact of the main ionospheric trough (MIT) and magnetic disturbances on the signals on this path. The observations during weakly disturbed (Kр = 2) magnetic conditions on 14–15 December 2001 were compared with predictions from ray-tracing through a numerical model of the ionosphere. The ray-tracing computer program synthesizes the OIS ionograms by means of the “shooting method”. This method calculates trajectories of HF radio waves for different values of elevation angle and transmission frequency. There was a variety of calculated trajectories, from which we choose those which reach the receiver, and the selected paths provide a synthesis of the oblique ionograms. To simulate HF radio wave propagation, we apply a three-dimensional distribution of the electron density calculated with the mathematical model of the high-latitude ionosphere developed in the Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI). These numerical simulations permit us to interpret specific peculiarities of the OIS data such as abnormal propagation modes, increased delays of signals, enhanced MOF (maximum observed frequency) values etc. New results of the study are summarised as follows. (1) An unusual feature of the propagation along the path is the change of propagation mechanism during substorms on entering a path midpoint (or 1-hop reflection point) to the MIT. (2) Even weak substorms, having the distinguished intensities, lead to the appearance of different types of irregularities observed by the CUTLASS radar and therefore to the different propagation modes and F2MOF values. (3) The PGI model of the ionosphere was first used for ray-tracing at high latitudes. The model results are basically in a good qualitative agreement with experimental observations. This model provides the satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental F2MOF values while not correctly representing the fine structure of the experimental OIS ionograms at night. An agreement between the calculated and experimental data is better for day and evening hours than at night.  相似文献   

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