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面向自然灾害应急的卫星协同观测策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对地观测卫星因其宏观、快速、动态、准确的优点在防灾、减灾、救灾领域发挥着重要作用,是自然灾害应急不可替代的全球观测手段。现有的卫星协同观测存在灾后有效数据不能完全覆盖灾区、亚米级空间分辨率数据匮乏等问题,不能满足日益丰富的自然灾害应急管理需求。为充分发挥在轨卫星效益,提高灾区灾后有效数据覆盖率,文章深入分析自然灾害观测环境复杂、时效性强、观测要素多、观测范围大、观测密集度高等特点,围绕空间分辨率和观测频次等关键指标,梳理典型自然灾害应急观测需求。之后,结合灾害目标特点及其时空变化规律,综合考虑星地资源状况和约束条件,提出一种自然灾害事件驱动的基于目标优先级排序和时空约束的多星协同观测策略,对解决自然灾害应急观测期间"灾后数据多,有用数据少"问题具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感技术开展铁路灾害监测与评估,对于保障铁路建设和运行安全、提升铁路防灾减灾救灾能力具有重要意义。通过分析当前铁路灾害卫星遥感应用存在的问题,结合中国卫星遥感发展和新时代应急管理工作实际,探讨了卫星遥感技术在铁路减灾、备灾、应急和恢复重建等灾害管理全过程中的实践应用需求。针对影响铁路安全的主要灾害,分析总结了卫星遥感监测与评估技术在铁路应急管理中的应用方法和应用能力。针对洪涝、地质、森林火灾和雪灾等典型灾害实例,建立卫星遥感监测评估铁路灾害的技术流程,进一步分析卫星遥感对于铁路灾害应急管理的作用效果。结果表明:卫星遥感技术能够实现铁路主要灾害的灾前风险监测和灾后损失评估,可有效支撑铁路的全过程灾害管理。通过多手段的融合运用和动态监测能提升遥感信息的决策支持作用,使其在铁路灾害的应急管理中有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

对防震救灾中卫星应用的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类的生存与发展有赖于不断抵御、抗拒各种自然灾害的侵袭,减轻自然灾害。在防震救灾工作中,以卫星为主的空间力量的广泛应用对灾前准备、救灾期间和灾后重建起着至关重要的作用。研究地震救灾中卫星应用,可以从中得到一定的启示,为更有效、更广泛的应用卫星提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

陈萱  李云  陈建光 《中国航天》2010,(11):31-36
<正>卫星技术已在减灾工作中发挥了不可替代的作用,其中专用减灾与遥感卫星可在灾前针对各类灾害的致灾因子进行持续监测,并进行风险评估和绘制灾害易发区分布图;在紧急救灾中,  相似文献   

遥感数据在自然灾害救助中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据《自然灾害救助条例》的自然灾害救助业务需求,分析了卫星遥感和航空遥感在自然灾害救助中的应用能力,利用高分辨率“快鸟”(Quickbird)卫星、地球资源观测卫星一B(EROS—B)的光学数据、“地中海盆地观测小卫星”(COSMO—Skymed)星座的合成孔径雷达数据、航空及无人机的遥感数据,结合空间分析方法,对汶川地震和玉树地震后灾民安置点规划、房屋倒损评估、帐篷动态监测、灾后灾民安置及环境、房屋恢复重建进度等进行了研究,其相关产品为政府提供决策支持信息、制定科学合理的救灾措施发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

正《国家综合防灾减灾规划(2016-2020年)》提出要加强国家自然灾害监测预警评估和风险管理能力建设,完善自然灾害监测网络,加强国家综合防灾减灾空间基础设施建设;加强国家防灾减灾信息化能力建设,充分利用卫星通信、广播电视、互联网、导航定位和移动信息终端等手段,提高信息上报、远程会商、公众服务和应急保障能力。推进北斗卫星导航系统在减灾救灾领域的应用,对于完善国家综合减灾业务信息管理与服务平台,带动地方减灾救灾技术装备能力建设,提升重大自然灾  相似文献   

紫晓 《航天》2009,(5):20-23
2008年5月12日,一场罕见的特大地震震惊中外,以遥感卫星、通信卫星等科学手段组成的“太空救援队”,为救灾指挥、次生灾害的预防、灾害评估以及灾后重建等决策提供了基础信息,为夺取抗震救灾的伟大胜利,提供了大量的基础信息。在党和政府的正确决策和科学组织下,在第一时间展开了紧急抗震救灾工作,使灾害以及次生灾害损失尽可能地降低到了最小限度。卫星在救灾中发挥了重要作用的同时,也暴露出一些不足。汶川地震逐渐离人们远去,大震过后,加强我国航天高科技的发展,构筑我国防灾减灾天基信息保障系统,日益引起专家的重视和关注。  相似文献   

建设灾害遥感卫星及应用服务系统,对于应对我国严峻自然灾害形势、提高综合防灾减灾与灾害应急管理能力具有重要意义。文章依据自然灾害管理的备灾、救灾、恢复重建、减灾等4个阶段特点,分析了灾害遥感存在的问题和需求;根据《国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展规划(2015年—2025年)》的卫星资源统筹原则,综合考虑高低轨与敏捷组网、高中低分辨率互补、光学与雷达星协同,提出构建"4+4+6+X"灾害监测应急虚拟卫星星座设想。星座以"4+4+6"卫星为主体,通过共享使用气象卫星、海洋卫星和其它陆地观测卫星,实现自然灾害应急观测、高分辨率观测和地球系统综合观测;阐述了综合防灾减灾卫星应用系统组成、信息服务模式,并对卫星系统建设、运行机制和产业化推广进行了展望。文章的研究结果可为交通运输、自然资源、环境保护等行业卫星系统的论证建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前我国依靠已有的气象、资源、海洋、环境减灾和高分等系列的民用卫星并利用其轨道高、覆盖范围广的优势,为我国防灾减灾事业贡献了重要的力量。但总体而言,我国现有卫星体系缺乏对自然灾害进行对地观测的基础设施的统筹规划与顶层设计,星座化高时效组网观测能力尚未形成,还不能满足多用户提出的减灾防灾需求。为此,本文在国家某民用遥感专项工程论证的背景下,提出了一种用于防灾减灾领域的多用户对地观测遥感卫星体系设计方法。  相似文献   

<正>类别:属于新一代对地遥感卫星。用途:主要用于科学试验、国土资源普查、农作物估产和防灾救灾等领域。研制单位:上海航天技术研究院。  相似文献   

The field of disaster risk management is relatively new and takes a structured approach to managing uncertainty related to the threat of natural and man-made disasters. Disaster risk management consists primarily of risk assessment and the development of strategies to mitigate disaster risk. This paper will discuss how increasing both Earth observation data and information technology capabilities can contribute to disaster risk management, particularly in Belize. The paper presents the results and recommendations of a project conducted by an international and interdisciplinary team of experts at the 2009 session of the International Space University in NASA Ames Research Center (California, USA). The aim is to explore the combination of current, planned and potential space-aided, airborne, and ground-based Earth observation tools, the emergence of powerful new web-based and mobile data management tools, and how this combination can support and improve the emerging field of disaster risk management. The starting point of the project was the World Bank’s Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA) program, focused in Central America. This program was used as a test bed to analyze current space technologies used in risk management and develop new strategies and tools to be applied in other regions around the world.  相似文献   

未来中国卫星遥感器的发展分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了国外对地观测系统的发展历程和趋势,重点研究和归纳了中国的气象、海洋、农业、灾害、资源、环境等重大发展问题对空间遥感的需求。在此基础上,提出了中国未来空间遥感器的发展建议,可为中国对地观测卫星技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

环境减灾卫星国际服务模式探索与成效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座是我国对地观测系统的重要组成部分。2008年9月6日,我国成功发射环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座A、B两颗光学小卫星(简称“环境减灾-1A、1B卫星”)。环境减灾-1A、1B卫星成功发射以来,民政部国家减灾中心(民政部卫星减灾应用中心)积极组织开展卫星在轨测试、运行管理、减灾应用、用户服务与宣传推广等工作。目前,卫星运行状态良好,各项指标正常。一年来,在成功应对国内数十场新发灾害监测与评估,积极开展国内应用服务的同时,也积极探索国际服务模式,拓展为国外救灾工作提供灾害监测产品服务,并先后成功应对澳大利亚森林大火、加拿大火灾、中缅边境火灾、海地特大地震等灾害应急监测与评估工作,在国际上获得好评,展示了我国空间技术在减灾救灾工作中的良好应用,树立了我国和平利用空间技术的大国形象。  相似文献   

用于对地观测定位的编队飞行卫星群轨道构形设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵军  肖业伦 《宇航学报》2003,24(6):563-568
编队飞行卫星群是一组小卫星,它们具有短的相对距离、相等的轨道半长轴和微小差别的其它轨道要素,它们形成相互伴随运动,并且具有一定的构形。提出将编队飞行卫星群的轨道设计技术应用于对地观测定位卫星系统中。根据设想的要求,针对由四颗伴随卫星围绕基准卫星(或一个虚拟的中心)飞行的轨道设计案例,初步分析了编队飞行卫星群的构形保持,地球引力和大气阻力的摄动影响等问题。  相似文献   

The chances that Earth will collide with a significant near earth object (NEO) within the next century are very small, but such a collision is possible, would be catastrophic, and could happen at any time. Much discussion has been devoted to methods of diverting these objects away from Earth through the use of space technology. However, if these efforts are unsuccessful, we would need to implement effective strategies to survive the event, no matter how cataclysmic. To date, disaster management for various impact scenarios has not been addressed (except in novels and Hollywood films). An impact disaster may be many orders of magnitude greater than any disaster the human species has ever experienced. Initially, technology and experience gained in other large-scale disasters will most likely form the foundation of how these impact events will be managed and classified. Given the size and energy of the projectile, the estimated area of damage, and whether impact effects might be localized or global in nature, we can begin to build basic disaster response scenarios, anticipate public health concerns, and formulate questions in need of answers. Questions we must deal with include: what will be required technologically, sociologically, and medically to survive? What types of evacuation plans and warning systems might be required? Capabilities in need of further investigation include: technological protection strategies related to ‘impact winter’, expanded chemical hazard control methodologies, food storage and production, roles of national governments, and international cooperation. Whatever the magnitude and severity of the event, we must reflect on what we know, what capabilities we can apply, develop or adapt, and seriously investigate what might be done to manage it and survive.  相似文献   

Small satellites have captured a continuously increasing share of the market in the fields of science, technology and recently also in the telecommunications and Earth observation areas. User requirements and market opportunities for space based satellite systems for Earth observation products have grown substantially in the past decade. Criteria for the utilization of different classes of satellite systems (small and large) and analogies to developments in other areas, e.g. the telecommunications field are discussed. The end to end character of service and product oriented systems as key criteria for market success in the scientific, applications and commercial areas is underlined. Recent developments in the global change, the Earth observation applications and commercial sectors are reviewed and compared. Opportunities for small satellites in the field are related to technology advancements, cost reduction options, and progress in the state of the art in system design.  相似文献   

GEOSAR (synthetic aperture radar on geosynchronous satellite) becomes a potential method of space-borne geoscience remote sensing. Though it has attractive characters such as extra long observing time and very large observing area the unique geometry and relative motion are quite different from straight line required by SAR, and long integration time also causes delay by troposphere and ionosphere. Curvature of the Earth is no long negligible in GEOSAR. Especially, principle of azimuth compression in GEOSAR should be different from that of traditional SAR.In order to fulfill practical GEOSAR such problems should be solved. A new solution of azimuth compression together with motion compensation is presented here by taking the advantages of GEOSAR movement. A new method to overcome the Earth curvature in range compression of EACH footprint is testified. After compensating the Earth curvature traditional methods for range cell migration correction can be used in GEOSAR. Multi-sub-aperture method is applied to eliminate the phase delay caused by troposphere. This modified imaging algorithm makes it possible for GEOSAR to have long integration time and high resolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the design and construction of a composite focal plane assembly (FPA) for the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Earth observing, visible–infrared imaging radiometer. The FPA is a complex structure that incorporates a number of features aimed at reducing mass, power and volume. These include the use of silicon and ceramic substrates for high density tracking and temperature stabilisation, removable test structures for component verification prior to final assembly and high levels of integration.  相似文献   

星载微波辐射计作为海洋观测的一种重要技术手段,能够全天时、全天候对海洋环境参数进行长期连续的观测,具有宽幅、高精度等特点,能够为数值预报、台风监测、防灾减灾等应用提供重要保障。随着海洋应用需求不断提升,星载海洋微波辐射探测技术也向着更高分辨率、更高精度的方向发展。文章对高分辨率海洋微波辐射测量新技术的概念、系统组成以及发展情况进行了介绍,包括基于密集馈源阵列的多波束推扫辐射计、集中式综合孔径辐射计以及分布式综合孔径辐射计。文章结合三种高分辨率微波辐射测量技术的特点和当前技术水平对未来星载海洋微波辐射测量技术的发展思路进行了讨论,对其中的重要的关键技术进行了梳理,并针对不同应用需求给出了发展建议。  相似文献   

The paper outlines the history of space missions for discovery and observation of near-earth objects, whose orbits are within that of the Earth, with using Venus gravity to enter the orbits advantageous for observing the Atira asteroids.  相似文献   

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