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Broad-band spectra of accreting X-ray binary pulsars can be fitted by a phenomenological model composed of a power law with a high energy rollover above 10 keV, plus a blackbody component with a temperature of few hundred eV. While, at least qualitatively, the hard tail can be explained in terms of (inverse) Compton scattering, the origin of the soft component cannot find a unique explanation. Recently, a qualitative picture able to explain the overall broad-band spectrum of luminous X-ray pulsars was carried out by taking into account the effect of bulk Comptonization in the accretion column. After a review of these recent theoretical developments, I will present a case study of how different modeling of the continuum affect broad features, in particular the cyclotron resonance features in Vela X-1.  相似文献   

The hard X-ray spectra of small subset of accreting pulsars show absorption-like line features in the range 10–100 keV. These lines, referred to as cyclotron lines or cyclotron resonance scattering features, are due to photons scattered out of the line of sight by electrons trapped in the 1012 G pulsar polar cap magnetic field. In this paper we present a review of observations, from the discovery of a cyclotron line in Hercules X-1 to recent results with RXTE and INTEGRAL.  相似文献   

Some aspects of fluid instabilities occurring in the magnetospheres of accreting neutron stars are discussed. It is pointed out that (i) in the absence of strong differential rotation, the accreting plasma should be drawn out into spiralling, sheet-like structures, resulting in efficient mixing between the two media; (ii) the Rayleigh-Taylor instability also acts to limit the X-ray luminosity in super-critical sources; and (iii) magnetic shear has a strong stabilizing influence on Kelvin-Helmholtz modes, and its presence may allow substantial amounts of material to be supported around the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Eleven X-rays pulsars have been observed by TENMA between March 1983 and April 1984. Detailed structures in the energy spectra of these X-ray pulsars were obtained using a set of gas scintillation proportional counters aboard TENMA together with pulse periods and pulse profiles. Most of the X-ray pulsars exhibit iron emission lines with the center energy at 6.4 keV.  相似文献   

Accreting black holes in binary systems exhibit two properties that distinguish them from the vast majority of binary X-ray sources: (1) rapid ≤ 1 s variability and (2) bi-modal spectral behaviour. These findings are based primarily on the observed properties of Cyg X-1 where an estimate of the X-ray source mass from radial velocity studies indicates a mass of 10 M. The recently suggested black hole candidacy of LMC X-3 is based on a similar mass estimate. The X-ray properties are similar to those of Cyg X-1 in its “high state”. The unique spectral properties of these systems are used to search for other similar systems, and new “possible” candidates are suggested, that include several transient sources. A possible spectral connection between these systems and their more massive counterparts in AGN is discussed.  相似文献   

A review is given of recent developments in the theory of emission from a magnetized plasma for accreting neutron star conditions. Some observational data on X-ray pulsars are discussed, and present problems are indicated.  相似文献   

Distributed X-ray pulsar-based navigation (DXNAV) is an effective method to realize earth-orbit satellite positioning under weak pulsar signal conditions. In this paper, we propose a new DXNAV method based on multiple information fusion. The DXNAV system principle and the pulse phase estimate Cramér-Rao lower bound are deduced. To suppress the calculation complexity and the error source, the X-ray pulsar photon time-of-arrival detected by each satellite is equivalently converted to the leading satellite directly using the inter-satellite link ranging and starlight angular distance measurement. A high precision estimate model of the pulse phase is built using pulsar standard profile, observed profile, and star-geocentric angular distance from distributed satellites. The estimated pulse phase is real-time supplied to the navigation system, which is established in the form of a deviation equation. The two-stage Kalman filter is designed to estimate the pulse phase in profile histogram bin step and the leader position in real-time step. Compared separately with the maximum likelihood phase estimate method and the celestial navigation method using only the star-geocentric angular distance, the simulation analysis shows that the estimation precisions of position and velocity are improved by 29% and 25%.  相似文献   

Observations using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) have discovered dozens of accreting neutron stars with millisecond spin periods in low-mass binary star systems. Eighteen are millisecond X-ray pulsars powered by accretion or nuclear burning or both. These stars have magnetic fields strong enough for them to become millisecond rotation-powered (radio) pulsars when accretion ceases. Few, if any, accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars have spin rates higher than 750 Hz. There is strong evidence that the spin-up of some accreting neutron stars is limited by magnetic spin-equilibrium whereas the spin-up of others is halted when accretion ends. Further study will show whether the spin rates of some accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars are or were limited by emission of gravitational radiation.  相似文献   

Autonomous navigation of Mars probe is a main challenge due to the lack of dense ground tracking network measurements. In this paper, autonomous navigation of the Mars probe Orbits is investigated using the X-ray pulsars. A group of X-ray pulsars with high ranging accuracy are selected based on their properties and an adaptive extended Kalman filter is developed to incorporate the Mars probe dynamics and pulsar-based ranging measurements. Results of numerical experiment show that the three-dimensional positioning accuracy can achieve 750m in X-axis, 220m in Y-axis and 230m in Z-axis, which is much better than the positioning results by current Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) or Doppler observations with the accuracy of 150 km or several kilometers, respectively.  相似文献   

High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars (HMXBP), in which the companion star is a source of supersonic stellar wind, provide a laboratory to probe the velocity and density profile of such winds. Here, we have measured the variation of the absorption column density along with other spectral parameters over the binary orbit for two HMXBP in elliptical orbits, as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the BeppoSAX satellites. A spherically symmetric wind profile was used as a model to compare the observed column density variations. In 4U 1538-52, we find the model corroborating the observations; whereas in GX 301-2, the stellar wind appears to be very clumpy and a smooth symmetric wind model seems to be inadequate in explaining the variation in column density.  相似文献   

I review X-ray observations of accretion-powered millisecond pulsars and current theories for formation of their spectra and pulse profiles.  相似文献   

Our work focuses on a comprehensive orbital phase-dependent spectroscopy of the four High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars (HMXBPs) 4U 1538-52, GX 301-2, OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1. We hereby report the measurements of the variation of the absorption column density and iron-line flux along with other spectral parameters over the binary orbit for the above-mentioned HMXBPs in elliptical orbits, as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the BeppoSAX satellites. A spherically symmetric wind profile was used as a model to compare the observed column density variations. Out of the four pulsars, only in 4U 1538-52, we find the model having a reasonable corroboration with the observations, whereas in the remaining three the stellar wind seems to be clumpy and a smooth symmetric stellar wind model appears to be quite inadequate in explaining the data. Moreover, in GX 301-2, neither the presence of a disk nor a gas stream from the companion was validated. Furthermore, the spectral results obtained in the case of OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1 were more or less similar to that of GX 301-2.  相似文献   

We interpret the rapid correlated UV/optical/X-ray variability of XTE J1118+480 as a signature of the coupling between the X-ray corona and a jet emitting synchrotron radiation in the optical band. We propose a scenario in which the jet and the X-ray corona are fed by the same energy reservoir where large amounts of accretion power are stored before being channelled into either the jet or the high energy radiation. This time-dependent model reproduces the main features of the rapid multi-wavelength variability of XTE J1118+480. A strong requirement of the model is that the total jet power should be at least a few times larger than the observed X-ray luminosity, implying a radiative efficiency for the jet j  3 × 10−3. This would be consistent with the overall low radiative efficiency of the source. We present independent arguments showing that the jet probably dominates the energetic output of all accreting black holes in the low-hard state.  相似文献   

The observational evidence for gravitational wave emission from accreting millisecond pulsars, specifically the spin frequency distribution of the population, is reviewed. These continuous wave sources are promising candidates for detection by LIGO. Four theoretical mechanisms are discussed for producing the mass quadrupole moments inferred from the spin frequency data: thermal mountains (formed by gradients in the electron capture rate), r-modes in the core, magnetic mountains (formed by polar magnetic burial), and superfluid circulation in the core. For magnetic mountains, it is shown that the gravitational wave strain is inversely proportional to the magnetic moment, and that the gravitational wave spectrum displays distinctive sidebands as the magnetically confined mountain wobbles around. (The compression of the magnetic field towards the equator also modifies the physics of thermonuclear type I X-ray bursts in these objects, e.g., by thermally insulating the two hemispheres and leading to burst pairs.) For superfluid circulation in the core, it is shown that the high-Reynolds-number flow is nonaxisymmetric and emits a distinctive gravitational wave spectrum with two broad peaks.  相似文献   

In the spherical accretion onto massive objects, the matter may be heated up to temperatures as high as 1012 °K. In such a hot plasma, the thermal bremsstrahlung (e-e and e-p) and π° decay from inelastic collisions of protons are the main γ-ray sources. We determined the γ -ray production spectra from the π° decay and from bremsstrahlung for different temperatures. The expected γ-ray spectra were evaluated too in order to fit experimental data. We have fitted COS B data from 3C 273 using a two temperatures plasma model. The best fit is for
(M8 is the black hole mass in 108 M) which gives . The hard X-ray measurements do not contradict the bremsstrahlung spectrum.  相似文献   

Interplanetary spacecraft navigation using pulsars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate how observations of pulsars can be used to help navigate a spacecraft travelling in the solar system. We make use of archival observations of millisecond pulsars from the Parkes radio telescope in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method and highlight issues, such as pulsar spin irregularities, which need to be accounted for. We show that observations of four millisecond pulsars every seven days using a realistic X-ray telescope on the spacecraft throughout a journey from Earth to Mars can lead to position determinations better than ∼20 km and velocity measurements with a precision of ∼0.1 ms−1.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that energy flows from a pulsar initially as magnetic dipole radiation and then largely as a wind of relativistic particles and magnetic field which fill out an expanding spherical volume around the pulsar. We calculate here the nature and evolution of the non-thermal radiation from such a plerion, giving adequate attention to the betatron effect on the electrons induced by the non-adiabatic behaviour of the magnetic field. These calculations are of interest in the modelling of supernova remnants (SNR) like the Crab-nebula, in discussing pulsar-SNR associations and in predicting the observational features expected if a pulsar is embedded inside the remnant of SN1987A when the debris becomes transparent.  相似文献   

The gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars carry unique information about their structure and composition. Direct detection of these gravitational waves, however, is a formidable technical challenge. In a recent study we quantified the hurdles facing searches for gravitational waves from the known accreting neutron stars, given the level of uncertainty that exists regarding spin and orbital parameters. In this paper we reflect on our conclusions, and issue an open challenge to the theoretical community to consider how searches should be designed to yield the most astrophysically interesting upper limits. With this in mind we examine some more optimistic emission scenarios involving spin-down, and show that there are technically feasible searches, particularly for the accreting millisecond pulsars, that might place meaningful constraints on torque mechanisms. We finish with a brief discussion of prospects for indirect detection.  相似文献   

Recent pulsar surveys, especially those using the multibeam receiver on the Parkes radio telescope, have more than doubled the number of known pulsars, bringing the current total to about 1720. Of these, 171 have millisecond periods, 126 are members of binary systems and 99 are associated with globular clusters. Binary pulsars may be divided into several distinct groups depending on their observed properties such as pulsar period and age, binary period, eccentricity and companion mass. These groups all have different evolutionary histories. Correlations between the various properties are discussed using the increased samples now available. The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array is a project which has the goal of using timing observations of millisecond pulsars to make a direct detection of gravitational waves. The parameters and present status of the project are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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