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One year after the achievemant of the 2 weeks ANTARES french-russian mission in the MIR station in July 1992, a 22 days ALTAÏR mission with a french cosmonaut has been performed in July 1993, making use of the scientific payload remaining on board. Taking benefit of the analysis of the previous mission, the experimental protocols were adapted to refine scientific objectives and gave to the scientists the opportunity to enhance quantitatively and qualitatively their results. The french biomedical program, conducted in close scientific cooperation with IMBP and associated laboratories, was composed of 8 experiments out of which 2 were new with regards to the ANTARES program. In the field of cardio-vascular physiology and fluid regulation, the experiments: ORTHOSTATISME, DIURESE have been renewed and complemented by the TISSU experiment (proposed by a german scientist) and a real-time tele-assistance program using US echography technic and ground support from the french CADMOS support control center located in Toulouse. With respect to neurosciences objectives, to the experiments VIMINAL (cognitive processes) and ILLUSIONS (study of proprioceptives cues), was added the SYNERGIES experiment to analyse the postural adjustements during movement. The IMMUNOLOGIE experiment carried on and the radiobiological experiment BIODOSE ended.

Adding the results of the 2 missions ANTARES and ALTAÏR, and the data obtained in between onboard with russian cosmonauts, the scientists have received a wealth of physiological data and gained reproducibility and confidence in their results.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the statistics of recurrence time for extreme events is studied in this paper having in mind the problems of control and prediction of failures in spacecraft operation. The information about failures onboard satellites of various types presented by the US National Geophysical Data Center was analyzed. It was found that the probability density of recurrence intervals followed a power law of the Pareto type with an index equal to 2.3. The obtained result is consistent both with the theory of normal catastrophes and with the principle of self-organization of criticality for metastable active heterogeneous environment. A practical consequence of the obtained result consists in the fact that predictions of these extreme events should not rely on traditional models with the second-order Pearson statistics. To make predictions, the models are necessary that take into account the power law distribution of recurrence intervals for failures on satellites. The failures should be considered in these models as extreme events connected with manifestation of the space environment factors.  相似文献   

2008年2月7日,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机搭载着欧空局研制的哥伦布舱升空,并成功地将其安装在国际空间站上。哥伦布舱装备了多种仪器设备,为人类进行科学研究提供了丰富的资源。哥伦布舱内搭载的"生物实验室"机柜安装了一台具有实时在线检测能力的分析仪器——紫外可见分光光度计,对空间生命科学实验的过程产物进行在线检测。  相似文献   

飞鸿 《中国航天》2007,(12):6-8
绕月探测工程是我国继载人航天工程之后又一重大项目,嫦娥1号卫星是这项大工程的第一步。与以往我国发射卫星不同的是,嫦娥1号卫星绕月飞行使得  相似文献   

小号 《中国航天》2007,(11):12-16
根据我国探月卫星工程的四大科学目标,在嫦娥1号上搭载了8种24件科学探测仪器。它们通过数据网络连接成一个有机的整体,相互配合,  相似文献   

Summary of experiments onboard Soviet biosatellites.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physiological, morphological and biochemical studies of mammals flown onboard biosatellites of the series Cosmos revealed changes in their cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine and vestibular systems. Space flight resulted in moderate stress reactions, intralabyrinthine conflict information during movements and changes in fluid-electrolyte metabolism. Exposure to artificial gravity (1 g) decreased the level of myocardial, musculoskeletal and excretory changes, but disturbed the function of equilibrium. Studies with combined weightlessness and ionizing radiation demonstrated that weightlessness did not produce a significant modifying effect on radiation damage and postradiation recovery. Consistent changes in certain systems of animals and humans in weightlessness confirm the practical importance of biosatellite studies, which also contribute to the solution of general biology, problems associated with gravity effects on life processes.  相似文献   

We analyze the microacceleration measurements carried out onboard the Foton-11 satellite with the three-component accelerometer BETA. The microaccelerations were recorded virtually throughout the entire orbital flight of the Foton-11 satellite. The data obtained were analyzed in the following way. First they were used to determine the actual rotational motion of the satellite for several arbitrarily selected time intervals 4 h long. This problem was solved by constructing the approximation of the microacceleretation low-frequency component (previously determined from the data) by its calculated analog computed along the solutions to differential equations of rotational motion of the satellite. The approximation was made by the least squares method. As a result, those mathematical model parameters and the solutions to equations of motion were found that gave the best consistency of the microacceleretation low-frequency component and its calculated analog. Then the spectral analysis of the low-frequency component and its calculated analog was made. It was shown that, although basic harmonics of these functions coincided sufficiently well, some harmonics of the low-frequency component failed to be interpreted in terms of the satellite's rotational motion.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):880-888
The Korea Sounding Rocket-III (KSR-III) was successfully launched on November 28, 2002 from the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. The science payload onboard the KSR-III included an ozone detector and two magnetometers along with other various sensors installed to measure physical characteristics such as temperature, pressure, strain, and acceleration. The main objective of KSR-III was to evaluate the liquid propulsion engine system which has been newly adopted in the KSR series. In addition to this main objective, the science payload conducted atmospheric soundings. The payload data were transmitted to the ground station in real time by an onboard telemetry system. The UV radiometer measured the direct solar UV radiation and during the ascending phase the vertical ozone density profile was obtained. This result was compared with coincident measurements taken by other satellites, a ground station, and an ozonesonde. A fluxgate-type magnetometer was onboard the KSR-III to observe the Earth's DC magnetic field and for AC field measurements, a search-coil magnetometer was installed. This was the first Korean mission to use magnetometers on a rocket-borne platform to measure the Earth's magnetic field. Using the telemetry magnetometer data, a study on the rocket attitude was carried out. This paper will give an overview of the design, calibration, and test results of the science payload onboard the KSR-III.  相似文献   

随着现代航天技术的发展 ,传统卫星开始向质量轻、体积小、任务单一、成本低廉、研制周期短、风险小、能快速灵活发射的微小型卫星发展 ,相应的对有效载荷也提出了微小型化的要求。作为有效载荷的重要部分 ,红外相机的微小型化更是有效载荷小型化的重点和难点。文章对小型红外相机的发展方向进行了论述 ,对红外相机的各个组成部分的小型化发展作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Some results of studying the electrons with energies of tens to hundreds of keV at the low and near- equatorial geomagnetic latitudes by using the instruments Sprut-V and Ryabina-2 onboard the Mirspace station in 1991 are presented. It is found that at L< 1.2 the enhanced electron fluxes are sporadically detected, being localized within three longitudinal intervals, 180° W–0°–15° E, 90°– 120° E, and 160° E–180°–135° W. The most intense electron fluxes are observed at the lower edge of the near-equatorial boundary of the inner radiation belt on longitudes of the South Atlantic Anomaly between 14 and 20 h MLT. The occurrence of electron bursts does not depend on the geomagnetic disturbance level. A hardening of the electron spectra is observed near the geomagnetic equator. At L< 1.1, the more energetic particles are located closer to the geomagnetic equator. The results are compared with the data on the low-frequency waves and fields at low and near-equatorial latitudes obtained by the Ariel-4and San Marco Dsatellites, as well as by the spacecraft and ground-based observations of the thunderstorm global distribution. The thunderstorms are considered as a possible source of electron production near the geomagnetic equator.  相似文献   

The energetic particle experiment MEP-2 onboard the Spectr-R high apogee satellite is briefly described. The instrument measures fluxes and spectra of electrons (30 keV–350 keV) and ions (30 keV–3.2MeV), using two pairs of silicon detectors. The example of first observations upstream from the bow shock illustrates its successful operation in space. Unique observations of ~30 s strong fluctuations of energetic ions with energies up to two hundred keV are discussed.  相似文献   

Manned spaceflight has been an important element of the German space program over the last decades. This is demonstrated by the nationally managed space missions Spacelab D-l (1985), D-2 (1993), and MIR '92 as well as by the participation in the 1st Spacelab mission FSLP (1983), the NASA missions IML-1 (1992) and IML-2 (1994), as well as in the ESA missions EUROMIR '94 and '95. On February 12th, this year, the German cosmonaut Reinhold Ewald was launched together with his Russian colleagues Wasilij Zibliew and Alexander Lasudkin onboard of a Soyuz spacecraft for another stay of a German cosmonaut onboard of the Russian Space Station MIR. This mission--the so-called German/Russian MIR '97--was, of course, another cornerstone with regard to the cooperation between Russian and German space organizations. The cooperation in the area of manned missions began 1978 with the flight of the German cosmonaut Sigmund Jahn onboard of Salyut 6, at that time a cooperation between the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic in the frame of the Interkosmos Program. In March 1992, it was followed by the flight of Klaus Dietrich Flade with his stay onboard of MIR. After two further successful ESA missions, EUROMIR '94 and '95 with the two German cosmonauts Ulf Merbold and Thomas Reiter and with a marked contribution of German scientists, the decision was taken to perform another German/Russian MIR mission, the so-called MIR '97. In Germany, MIR'97 was managed and performed in a joint effort between several partners. DARA, the German Space Agency, was responsible for the overall program and project management, while DLR, the German Aerospace Research Establishment, was responsible for the cosmonaut training, for medical operations, for the mission control at GSOC in Oberpfaffenhofen as well as for user support.  相似文献   

A number of scientific and technical experiments were carried out and are still being carried out onboard the Mirorbital station in various fields: physics of fluids, space materials study, astrophysics, biotechnology, and so on. The quality and reliability of space experiments are essentially dependent on a knowledge of real microgravitational situation onboard a satellite, which essentially depends on vibrational perturbations. A lot of vibration processes studies have been done up to now on the Mirstation in the following lines of research: control of dynamic and exploitation regimes when carrying out biotechnological and technological experiments; determination of the contribution of different onboard systems and mechanisms to the total vibration perturbations power; and investigation of distributions of microacceleration levels and dynamics of vibration processes in different modules and segments of the orbital station. This paper presents the results of the analysis of vibration perturbations produced by some standard onboard Mirstation systems in a configuration when the KVANT-2 and KRISTALL modules were arranged along the yaw axis of the mainframe. It is shown that due to strong requirements for tolerable levels of the microaccelerations onboard the International Space Station (ISS), the investigations of microgravitational situation, as an integral part of the technological environment, now have a high priority.  相似文献   

SGKW轨道在线生成技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
天基对地打击动能武器(SGKW)用于从太空对地面高价值战略目标进行快速、准确的打击.针对作战实时性要求,探讨了SGKW的轨道在线生成技术.首先,利用庞特里亚金极大值原理将时间最短打击轨道的最优控制问题转化为两点边值问题.由于约束条件中存在优化参数,一种基于"遗传算法+序列二次规划"的组合优化算法被用于求解伴随变量初值和再入点参数.为了提高轨道生成的速度,在大量离线优化数据的基础上建立了BP神经网络预测模型,其预测值通过序列二次规划算法稍加修正,即可满足相应任务的落点精度要求.仿真结果验证了上述方案的有效性.  相似文献   

为了解空间环境对热控涂层性能的影响,文章设计了舱外热控涂层搭载试验方案,包括试验件配置、在轨试验和回收方法。试验件在轨试验期间安放在载人航天器密封舱前舱门外,暴露于空间环境中;在实现对接、建立组合体后,航天员不需太空行走即可实施对搭载试验件的回收及再次安装等操作。该方案若成功应用并回收试验件至地面,我国将首次获得热控涂层空间飞行试验数据。  相似文献   

The results of studying vibration microaccelerations aboard the International Space Station are presented. The study was performed using the measurement data of the MAMS low-frequency and the SAMS high-frequency accelerometers. For the study, six intervals of measurements were selected, performed in 2005. During these intervals the station was flying in the standard orbital orientation, attitude control engines were not switched on, and the crew rested. Discrete and continuous spectra were analyzed on selected intervals. The most significant disturbances with the discrete spectrum (cyclic trends) have been found. Using the second order autoregression model, parameters of the most significant disturbances with the continuous spectrum were determined. This study was carried out as a part of the technical experiment “The ISS environment”.  相似文献   

The method and the results of investigating the low-frequency component of microaccelerations onboard the Foton-11satellite are presented. The investigation was based on the processing of data of the angular velocity measurements made by the German system QSAM, as well as the data of measurements of microaccelerations performed by the QSAM system and by the French accelerometer BETA. The processing was carried out in the following manner. A low-frequency (frequencies less than 0.01 Hz) component was selected from the data of measurements of each component of the angular velocity vector or of the microacceleration, and an approximation was constructed of the obtained vector function by a similar function that was calculated along the solutions to the differential equations of motion of the satellite with respect to its center of mass. The construction was carried out by the least squares method. The initial conditions of the satellite motion, its aerodynamic parameters, and constant biases in the measurement data were used as fitting parameters. The time intervals on which the approximation was constructed were from one to five hours long. The processing of the measurements performed with three different instruments produced sufficiently close results. It turned out to be that the rotational motion of the satellite during nearly the entire flight was close to the regular Eulerian precession of the axially symmetric rigid body. The angular velocity of the satellite with respect to its longitudinal axis was about 1 deg/s, while the projection of the angular velocity onto the plane perpendicular to this axis had an absolute value of about 0.2 deg/s. The magnitude of the quasistatic component of microaccelerations in the locations of the accelerometers QSAM and BETA did not exceed 5 × 10–5–10–4m/s2for the considered motion of the satellite.  相似文献   

During the past ten years the French laboratories working in the field of fluids and material sciences had access to regular, long-lasting manned missions onboard the Russian MIR Space Station. Beyond the French scientific program that was performed with the ALICE apparatus, a cooperative research program was developed with DLR, NASA and RSA. This cooperation was based on bartered agreements that included the joint utilization of the instruments onboard the MIR station (ALICE, TITUS furnace from DLR, vibration device from RKK Energia) and the funding of dedicated cartridges (DLR) or thermostats (DLR and NASA), as well as launch services (NASA) by the Cooperating Agencies. We present a review of this program with a particular emphasis on its scientific results and on the progress that has been achieved in science and applications. They covered a large field of condensed matter physics, from material sciences to near-critical and off-critical phase separation kinetics and near critical fluid hydrodynamics (thermoacoustic heat transport and vibrational convection). The high microgravity relevance of all these investigations naturally led to outstanding results that was published in the world's best scientific journals. The analysis of the latest experiments performed during the PEGASUS mission shows they will not be an exception to that evaluation. Off-critical phase separation with NASA, pressure-driven piston effect and equiaxed solidification with DLR, heat transport under calibrated vibrations with RKK Energia, all will be presented. The conclusion will stress the international character of this microgravity research program, the conditions of its success and what can be gained from it in the perspective of the space station utilization.  相似文献   

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