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Exposure to the solar wind can have significant long term consequences for planetary atmospheres, especially for planets such as Mars that are not protected by global magnetospheres. Estimating the effects of solar wind exposure requires knowledge of the history of the solar wind. Much of what we know about the Sun’s past behavior is based on inferences from observations of young solar-like stars. Stellar analogs of the weak solar wind cannot be detected directly, but the interaction regions between these winds and the interstellar medium have been detected and used to estimate wind properties. I here review these observations, with emphasis on what they suggest about the history of the solar wind.  相似文献   

Detailed abundances of elements from hydrogen up to iron are necessary to perform a precise model of the solar structure. Most of them have been deduced from photospheric observed values, some others from the meteoritic composition. Nowadays, thanks to helioseismic constraints, they seem more and more under control. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The nature of the climatic response to solar forcing and its geographical coherence is reviewed. This information is of direct relevance for evaluating solar forcing mechanisms and validating climate models. Interpretation of Sun-climate relationships is hampered by difficulties in (1) translating proxy records into quantitative climate parameters (2) obtaining accurate age assessments (3) elucidating spatial patterns and relationships (4) separating solar forcing from other forcing mechanisms (5) lacking physical understanding of the solar forcing mechanisms. This often limits assessment of past solar forcing of climate to identification of correlations between environmental change and solar variability. The noisy character and often insufficient temporal resolution of proxy records often exclude the detection of high frequency decadal and bi-decadal cycles. However, on multi-decadal and longer time scales, notably the ∼90 years Gleisberg, and ∼200 years Suess cycles in the 10Be and 14C proxy records of solar activity are also well presented in the environmental proxy records. The additional ∼1500 years Bond cycle may result from interference between centennial-band solar cycles. Proxy evidence for Sun-climate relations is hardly present for Africa, South America and the marine realm; probably more due to a lack of information than a lack of response to solar forcing. At low latitudes, equatorward movement of the ITCZ (upward component of the Hadley cell) occurs upon a decrease in solar activity, explaining humidity changes for (1) Mesoamerica and adjacent North and South American regions and (2) East Africa and the Indian and Chinese Monsoon systems. At middle latitudes equatorward movement of the zonal circulation during solar minima probably (co-)induces wet and cool episodes in Western Europe, and Terra del Fuego as well as humidity changes in Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the Mediterranean. The polar regions seem to expand during solar minima which, at least for the northern hemisphere is evident in southward extension of the Atlantic ice cover. The forcing-induced migration of climate regimes implies that solar forcing induces a non linear response at a given location. This complicates the assessment of Sun-climate relations and calls for nonlinear analysis of multiple long and high resolution records at regional scale. Unfortunately nonlinear Sun-climate analysis is still a largely barren field, despite the fact that major global climate configurations (e.g. the ENSO and AO) follow nonlinear dynamics. The strength of solar forcing relative to other forcings (e.g. volcanism, ocean circulation patterns, tides, and geomagnetism) is another source of dynamic responses. Notably the climatic effects of tides and geomagnetism are hitherto largely enigmatic. Few but well-dated studies suggest almost instantaneous, climatic deteriorations in response to rapid decreases in solar activity. Such early responses put severe limits to the solar forcing mechanisms and the extent of this phenomenon should be a key issue for future Sun-climate studies.  相似文献   

Standard solar models, although they are free from the influence of much of the fluid motion that is bound to be present in the Sun, have been shown by helioseismology to represent the spherically averaged structure of the Sun amazingly well. This state of affairs has come about after painstaking refinements by a great many people of the pertinent microphysics, including that which controls the equation of state, the opacity, the nuclear reaction rates and the diffusion that inhibits gravitational segregation of chemical elements. It has instilled confidence in the modellers in being able to predict the composition of the solar interior. But there are consequences of the flow, related particularly to redistribution of chemical species, that can be difficult to identify observationally, yet which may degrade any inferences we might make. Their potential presence must at least be acknowledged by anyone who tries to asses the reliability of the models. This report summarizes the discussions in the preceding pages of this volume of the current theoretical and observational status of the subject, pointing to many of the caveats that have been raised, and attempting at the same time to put them into a seemingly coherent discourse in the context of our present understanding of the workings of the solar interior. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss the importance of turbulence, rotation, penetration and shear for solar dynamos (both local and global). An understanding of these processes is vital for progress towards a self-consistent theory for the generation of solar magnetic activity. I discuss the difficulties for large-scale field generation and suggest that large-scale solar magnetic activity may be driven by dynamos that arise owing to instabilities, with these dynamos modified by the presence of turbulence.  相似文献   

A dependence of the polar cap magnetic flux on the interplanetary magnetic field and on the solar wind dynamic pressure is studied. The model calculations of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes at the ionospheric level are presented. The obtained functions are based on the paraboloid magnetospheric model calculations. The scaling law for the polar cap diameter changing for different subsolar distances is demonstrated. Quiet conditions are used to compare theoretical results with the UV images of the Earth’s polar region obtained onboard the Polar and IMAGE spacecrafts. The model calculations enable finding not only the average polar cap magnetic flux but also the extreme values of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes. These values can be attained in the course of the severe magnetic storm. Spectacular aurora often can be seen at midlatitude during severe magnetic storm. In particularly, the Bastille Day storm of July 15–16, 2000, was a severe magnetic storm when auroral displays were reported at midlatitudes. Enhancement of global magnetospheric current systems (ring current and tail current) and corresponding reconstruction of the magnetospheric structure is a reason for the equatorward displacement of the auroral zone. But at the start of the studied event the contracted polar cap and auroral oval were observed. In this case, the sudden solar wind pressure pulse was associated with a simultaneous northward IMF turning. Such IMF and solar wind pressure behavior is a cause of the observed aurora dynamics.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the solar corona as observed during solar minimum with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS, on SOHO is discussed. The large quiescent coronal streamers existing during this phase of the solar cycle are very likely composed by sub-streamers, formed by closed loops and separated by open field lines that are channelling a slow plasma that flows close to the heliospheric current sheet. The polar coronal holes, with magnetic topology significantly varying from their core to their edges, emit fast wind in their central region and slow wind close to the streamer boundary. The transition from fast to slow wind then appears to be gradual in the corona, in contrast with the sharp transition between the two wind regimes observed in the heliosphere. It is suggested that speed, abundance and kinetic energy of the wind are modulated by the topology of the coronal magnetic field. Energy deposition occurs both in the slow and fast wind but its effect on the kinetic temperature and expansion rate is different for the slow and fast wind.  相似文献   

There are three major types of solar wind: The steady fast wind originating on open magnetic field lines in coronal holes, the unsteady slow wind coming probably from the temporarily open streamer belt and the transient wind in the form of large coronal mass ejections. The majority of the models is concerned with the fast wind, which is, at least during solar minimum, the normal mode of the wind and most easily modeled by multi-fluid equations involving waves. The in-situ constraints imposed on the models, mainly by the Helios (in ecliptic) and Ulysses (high-latitude) interplanetary measurements, are extensively discussed with respect to fluid and kinetic properties of the wind. The recent SOHO observations have brought a wealth of new information about the boundary conditions for the wind in the inner solar corona and about the plasma conditions prevailing in the transition region and chromospheric sources of the wind plasma. These results are presented, and then some key questions and scientific issues are identified. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evidence for acceleration of charged particles in the solar atmosphere is reviewed with specific reference to production of gamma rays and neutrons at the Sun. Fluxes of these components at the Earth, based on theoretical assumptions are also reviewed and estimates and conditions for obtaining observable fluxes from Syrovatskii's dynamic dissipation model are considered. Knowledge about the Sun, to be derived from such observations, is discussed. Finally, a brief review of the present status of experimental observations and suggestions for new experimental approaches are given. Work performed while author was a guest of the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, München, on sabbatical leave from the University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, U.S.A. Partially supported by a NATO Senior Fellowship in Science.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is a spacecraft-to-spacecraft tracking mission that was developed to map the structure of the lunar interior by producing a detailed map of the gravity field. The resulting model of the interior will be used to address outstanding questions regarding the Moon’s thermal evolution, and will be applicable more generally to the evolution of all terrestrial planets. Each GRAIL orbiter contains a Lunar Gravity Ranging System instrument that conducts dual-one-way ranging measurements to measure precisely the relative motion between them, which in turn are used to develop the lunar gravity field map. Each orbiter also carries an Education/Public Outreach payload, Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle-School Students (MoonKAM), in which middle school students target images of the Moon for subsequent classroom analysis. Subsequent to a successful launch on September 10, 2011, the twin GRAIL orbiters embarked on independent trajectories on a 3.5-month-long cruise to the Moon via the EL-1 Lagrange point. The spacecraft were inserted into polar orbits on December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2012. After a succession of 19 maneuvers the two orbiters settled into precision formation to begin science operations in March 1, 2012 with an average altitude of 55 km. The Primary Mission, which consisted of three 27.3-day mapping cycles, was successfully completed in June 2012. The extended mission will permit a second three-month mapping phase at an average altitude of 23 km. This paper provides an overview of the mission: science objectives and measurements, spacecraft and instruments, mission development and design, and data flow and data products.  相似文献   

We have developed a 2D semi-empirical model (Sittler and Guhathakurta 1999) of the corona and the interplanetary medium using the time independent MHD equations and assuming azimuthal symmetry, utilizing the SOHO, Spartan and Ulysses observations. The model uses as inputs (1) an empirically derived global electron density distribution using LASCO, Mark III and Spartan white light observations and in situ observations of the Ulysses spacecraft, and (2) an empirical model of the coronal magnetic field topology using SOHO/LASCO and EIT observations. The model requires an estimate of solar wind velocity as a function of latitude at 1 AU and the radial component of the magnetic field at 1 AU, for which we use Ulysses plasma and magnetic field data results respectively. The model makes estimates as a function of radial distance and latitude of various fluid parameters of the plasma such as flow velocity V, temperature Teff, and heat flux Qeff which are derived from the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, respectively, in the rotating frame of the Sun. The term "effective" indicates possible wave contributions. The model can be used as a planning tool for such missions as Solar Probe and provide an empirical framework for theoretical models of the solar corona and solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The goal of Working Group 1 was to discuss constraints on solar wind models. The topics for discussion, outlined by Eckart Marsch in his introduction, were: (1) what heats the corona, (2) what is the role of waves, (3) what determines the solar wind mass flux, (4) can stationary, multi-fluid models describe the fast and slow solar wind, or (5) do we need time dependent fluid models, kinetic models, and/or MHD models to describe solar wind acceleration. The discussion in the working group focused on observations of "temperatures" in the corona, mainly in coronal holes, and whether the observations of line broadening should be interpreted as thermal broadening or wave broadening. Observations of the coronal electron density and the flow speed in coronal holes were also discussed. There was only one contribution on observations of the distant solar wind, but we can place firm constraints on the solar wind particle fluxes and asymptotic flow speeds from observations with Ulysses and other spacecraft. Theoretical work on multi-fluid models, higher-order moment fluid models, and MHD models of the solar wind were also presented. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to study the various -ray-production mechanisms in solar flares and to calculate the flux, the spectrum, and the decay curves of radiation. Using the continuity equation and taking into account the energy losses for solar-flare-accelerated particles, we obtain the time-dependent particle distribution and thus the time behavior of the resulting rays. The important processes for producing rays in solar flares are found to be nonthermal electron bremsstrahlung, decay of neutral mesons, positron annihilation, neutron capture, and decay of excited nuclei. The results are applied to several known solar flares. For a large flare such as the class 3+ on February 23, 1956, continuous rays with energies up to 100 MeV from electron bremsstrahlung and neutral meson decays are observable at the orbit of the Earth by existing -ray detectors. Line rays from positron annihilation (0.51 MeV), neutron capture (2.23 MeV), and deexcitation of excited nuclei O16 (6.14 and 7.12 MeV) and C12 (4.43 MeV) are particularly strong and well above the continuous -ray background due to electron bremsstrahlung. These lines can be detected at the Earth.NASA-NRC Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

The concept of geomagnetic storm-producing solar plasma flows has evolved and advanced considerably over the last 100 years or so. This particular field of study began in an effort to understand geomagnetic disturbances and the aurora. The purpose of this paper is try to follow the ways in which early concepts evolved to later ones, not to review each concept in detail. It is fascinating to see a step-by-step buildup of these concepts, from the earliest idea of flow of solar electrons to coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The time line, though tentative, of the studies of geomagnetic storm-producing plasma flows is presented. The author hopes that this paper will serve young researchers in particular to consider how they plan to advance further this scientific field. There is still much uncertainty about geomagnetic storm-producing solar plasma flows. Some of the major questions are listed from the point of view of a geophysicist in the summary sections by grouping them in terms of the quiet-time solar wind, solar streams from corona holes and CMEs associated with solar flares.  相似文献   

The modulation of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere seems to be dominated by four major mechanisms: convection, diffusion, drifts (gradient, curvature and current sheet), and adiabatic energy losses. In this regard the global structure of the solar wind, the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF), the current sheet (HCS), and that of the heliosphere itself play major roles. Individually, the four mechanisms are well understood, but in combination, the complexity increases significantly especially their evolvement with time - as a function of solar activity. The Ulysses observations contributed significantly during the past solar minimum modulation period to establish the relative importance of these major mechanisms, leading to renewed interest in developing more sophisticated numerical models, and in the underlying physics, e.g., what determines the diffusion tensor. With increased solar activity, the relative contributions of the mentioned mechanisms change, but how they change and what causes these changes over an 11-year solar cycle is not well understood. It can therefore be expected that present and forthcoming observations during solar maximum activity will again produce very important insights into the causes of long-term modulation. In this paper the basic theory of solar modulation is reviewed for galactic cosmic rays. The influence of the Ulysses observations on the development of the basic theory and numerical models are discussed, especially those that have challenged the theory and models. Model-based predictions are shown for what might be encountered during the next solar minimum. Lastly, modulation theory and modelling are discussed for periods of maximum solar activity when a global reorganization of the HMF, and the HCS, occurs. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Genesis mission returned samples of solar wind to Earth in September 2004 for ground-based analyses of solar-wind composition, particularly for isotope ratios. Substrates, consisting mostly of high-purity semiconductor materials, were exposed to the solar wind at L1 from December 2001 to April 2004. In addition to a bulk sample of the solar wind, separate samples of coronal hole (CH), interstream (IS), and coronal mass ejection material were obtained. Although many substrates were broken upon landing due to the failure to deploy the parachute, a number of results have been obtained, and most of the primary science objectives will likely be met. These objectives include He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope ratios in the bulk solar wind and in different solar-wind regimes, and 15N/14N and 18O/17O/16O to high precision. The greatest successes to date have been with the noble gases. Light noble gases from bulk solar wind and separate solar-wind regime samples have now been analyzed. Helium results show clear evidence of isotopic fractionation between CH and IS samples, consistent with simplistic Coulomb drag theory predictions of fractionation between the photosphere and different solar-wind regimes, though fractionation by wave heating is also a possible explanation. Neon results from closed system stepped etching of bulk metallic glass have revealed the nature of isotopic fractionation as a function of depth, which in lunar samples have for years deceptively suggested the presence of an additional, energetic component in solar wind trapped in lunar grains and meteorites. Isotope ratios of the heavy noble gases, nitrogen, and oxygen are in the process of being measured.  相似文献   

成杰  董鹏生 《飞机工程》2005,(4):42-44,52
座舱压力制度体现了人体生理和飞机结构对座舱压力和座舱内外压差的要求,是座舱压力控制系统的设计依据。详细介绍了气动式和数字式两种不同类型的座舱压力控制系统的部件及其功能。说明了两种系统的控制面版、控制器、驱动机构、排气活门和安全活门等结构/机构的组成及工作原理和使用功能。分析了性能的优缺点。还介绍了数字式控制系统的手动控制模式、系统故障检测和告警功能。  相似文献   

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