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3月21日,民航空管系统党建和思想政治工作研讨会在广州召开,这是空管一体化改革完成后首次召开的空管系统党建和思想政治工作研讨会。会议总结交流了2007年民航空管系统党建和思想政治工作,研究讨论空管系统一体化管理后党建和思想政治工作的新形势、新要求,部署了今年党建和思想政治工作各项要求。  相似文献   

同志们:2008年是民航空管体制改革后空管系统一体化运行的第一年。民航空管系统的主要任务是:全面落实全国民航工作会议和安全会议的各项要求,着力加强民航空管系统一体化运行保障,确保空管安全,  相似文献   

在2008年民航空管系统党建和思想政治工作研讨会上,民航局空管局党委周毅洲书记要求各级党委把缓解一线员工工作压力作为思想政治工作的主要着力点,采取各种措施,大力推进思想政治工作创新,做好一线员工思想减压和疏导工作,确保空管运行持续安全,确保空管队伍持续稳定。笔者通过对河南空管分局一线管制员工作压力的形成以及压力对管制员身心和工作影响的调研分析,  相似文献   

民航局李家祥局长在全国民航工作会议上提出了民航强国战略,民航局夏兴华副局长在民航局空管局工作会议上提出了空管系统走内涵式发展道路,为2010年民航空管系统的工作明确了目标,指明了  相似文献   

一、落实好“三横三纵”体系建设关键要提高认识。统一思想民航空管系统一体化管理以来.民航空管的工作性质和重点发生了变化,无论是社会公众.还是航空公司都对空管的运行效率和服务质量怀有较高的期望。民航事业的持续快速健康发展也需要航空活动的安全顺畅作为保证.“三横三纵”体系建设就是民航局空管局审时度势,提出的创造性解决方案,是空管系统全面、协调、可持续发展的基础.是实现空管系统科学发展的保证,  相似文献   

1月24日,全国民航空管工作会议在北京召开。民航总局空管局领导、各地区管理局分管空管工作的领导、以及来自全国民航空管系统单位的主要负责人出席了会议。  相似文献   

同志们: 2009年是民航空管系统完善一体化管理机制、实现新发展的重要一年。民航空管系统的主要任务是:以胡锦涛总书记对空管工作的重要指示为指导,全面落实全国民航工作会议和李家祥局长、王昌顺副局长在空管系统研讨会上的重要讲话精神,确保运行持续安全,提高管制服务质量,建设和谐空管系统。下面我向大会作空管系统工作报告。  相似文献   

●专业探索●专稿1-(4)王昌顺副局长在全国民航空管工作会议上的讲话1-(8)马健副部长在全国民航空管工作会议上的讲话1-(10)全面贯彻落实科学发展观努力开创民航空管系统工作新局面———民航总局空管局苏兰根局长在全国民航空管工作会议上的讲话3-(4)我国低空空域开放有关问题  相似文献   

同志们:2005年就要过去了,2006年马上就要到来。岁末年初之际,我们通过视频会议的方式,把民航空管系统的所有单位和同志们召集在一起,共同学习刚刚结束的民航工作会议精神,回顾过去一年空管取得的成绩,展望明年空管系统的发展,并向空管系统全体干部职工拜年。首先,我代表民航总  相似文献   

2008年1月21日,全国民航空管工作会议在北京隆重召开。会议提出,2008年--2010年空管系统的总体发展思路是:以党的十七大精神为指导,全面落实科学发展观,以全面提高空管系统“安全、容量、效率、服务”为目标,坚持机制创新、管理创新、技术创新,加快构建民航空管系统运行保障服务体系,全面完成空管系统“十一五”规划建设,大力提升空管系统综合保障能力,推动民航空管系统全面发展与进步。  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(1):12-18
Who are the best partners for a US manned mission to Mars? Arguments have been made for a joint US-Soviet manned mission which would improve relations between the superpowers and prevent the weaponization of space. However, from the viewpoint of the US space advocate, the issue is which is the most expeditious way to get humans to Mars. Let's go to Mars, the author argues, but with allies and friends rather than the USA's primary competitor on Earth.  相似文献   

本文叙述了在导弹控制系统试验中因平台倒台而造成飞转的基本原理,为了控制国平台飞转而造成的故障损失,提出建立平台防飞软件的设计依据。  相似文献   

In a number of flights, cosmonauts and astronauts have experienced aggravation of their health status and general condition in the initial hours and days in a weightless environment. One of the trigger mechanisms for the onset of these unfavourable conditions at the start of space flight is a redistribution of body fluids and a blood shift towards the head. To ensure controlled hypohydration as a countermeasure to the deleterious effects of 0-g and to investigate the feasibility to control adaptation, six cosmonauts were administered lasix once a day during the first 3 days of a mission. All data of the experiment (correction test, questionnaire, hematocrit) were recorded on a special form in the logbook and transmitted to the control centre for processing. Results showed that the diuretic weakened the sensation of discomfort and improved the cosmonauts' general condition. Objective indices of the correction test indicate an increased work ability of cosmonauts. After hypohydration, circulating plasma volumes in the group were reduced by 6.8 + 1.0% on average.  相似文献   

The problem of construction of quasi-synchronous orbits which pass through a prescribed point over the surface of Phobos at a prescribed instant of time is considered. The orbits should pass as close as possible to the surface of Phobos at each passage above the planned region of landing.  相似文献   

今年是民航实施“十一五”规划的开局之年,空管系统作为民航飞行安全的重要保证部门,责任重大。空管体制改革虽然只有短短的4年时间,但空管系统各单位在抓安全、促改革、谋发展等方面还是取得了有目共睹的成绩。对杭州空管来说,今年将努力实现安全运行49周年,可以说,形势喜人,形势逼人。但我们也应该清醒地认识到,当前空管安全形势在总体向好发展中还存在着局部不够稳定的现象,包括我们在内也出现了一些不尽人意之处,值得认真反思,予以高度警惕。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach for a complex and innovative project requiring international contributions from different communities of knowledge and expertise. Designing a safe and reliable architecture for a manned mission to Mars or the Asteroids necessitates strong cooperation during the early stages of design to prevent and reduce risks for the astronauts at each step of the mission. The stake during design is to deal with the contradictions, antagonisms and paradoxes of the involved partners for the definition and modeling of a shared project of reference. As we see in our research which analyses the cognitive and social aspects of technological risks in major accidents, in such a project, the complexity of the global organization (during design and use) and the integration of a wide and varie d range of sciences and innovative technologies is likely to increase systemic risks as follows: human and cultural mistakes, potential defaults, failures and accidents. We identify as the main danger antiquated centralized models of organization and the operational limits of interdisciplinarity in the sciences. Beyond this, we can see that we need to take carefully into account human cooperation and the quality of relations between heterogeneous partners. Designing an open, self-learning and reliable exploration system able to self-adapt in dangerous and unforeseen situations implies a collective networked intelligence led by a safe process that organizes interaction between the actors and the aims of the project. Our work, supported by the CNES (French Space Agency), proposes an innovative approach to the coordination of a complex project.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency contributes to the Neurolab mission through the delivery of the ESA Developed Elements for Neurolab (EDEN). Those elements include one set supporting the Autonomic Nervous System experiment and one set supporting the Neurovestibular (so-called ATLAS) experiment. This second set is called the Visual and Vestibular Investigation System (VVIS). This paper describes the main characteristics of the VVIS and its various subsystems. The scientific objectives and operational constraints of the ATLAS experiment to be carried out with this equipment during Neurolab are presented to underline the correspondence between the VVIS design and the scientific requirements. Further scientific and technical perspectives for the VVIS, particularly within the scope of the International Space station, are also proposed.  相似文献   

王伟林  宋旭民  王磊 《宇航学报》2020,41(2):215-223
针对空间翻滚目标等一类相对运动复杂的接近控制问题,首先重点研究了基于微分几何理论的相对运动建模,建立视线旋转坐标系下的三维相对运动方程;然后将三维相对运动解耦为视线瞬时旋转平面内的相对运动和该平面的转动,建立了统一的控制器设计框架,形式统一简洁、物理意义明确,消除传统制导与控制策略中俯仰、偏航通道的耦合因素影响;最后通过六自由度仿真算例证明,相对运动模型物理意义明晰、鲁棒性强、控制精度高、工程实现容易。  相似文献   

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