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本以自然通风顶层房间夏季室内热环境的研究对象,运用周期性传热理论,分别针对蓄水、覆土种植和普通传统隔热三种屋面,建立了顶层房间夏季室内热环境的数学模型并进行了验证。  相似文献   

秋天的向海湿地,景色分外诱人.一走进向海,广袤的银色沙丘扑面而来,褐色的星星草,一团团、一簇簇、一片片,摇晃着肥胖的身躯,似乎是在以独特的表达方式,欢迎前来向海游览的客人.向海自然保护区专家公寓的张总经理亲自驾车,带着我走入湿地,零距离感受向海湿地的秋色.  相似文献   

王远昌 《航空港》2015,(4):30-37
<正>在黑龙江省西部,嫩江的乌裕尔河下游,有一处世界重要的湿地,千百年来少有人走进深处,这里生息着近百种珍贵鸟类。正是出于对它的好奇和珍重,十几年来我多次从大庆或齐齐哈尔不同方向走进这片浩瀚的湿地,湿地中飘若天仙的丹顶鹤及湿地中的养鹤一家人,给我无尽的奇妙感受。中国现有国家级湿地保护区10余个,其中位于齐齐哈尔东南部及大庆西北部之间的扎龙国家级湿地保护区属丹顶鹤主要繁殖地,是丹顶鹤的故乡。每年3月中旬前后,随着气候转暖,黄河三角洲和我国南方的绝大部分丹顶鹤种群历经数日征程,又会迁回到繁殖地扎龙筑巢繁衍。  相似文献   

茶,国饮也。发于神农,闻于周公,兴于唐朝,盛于宋代。中华茶文化糅合了儒、道、释诸家思想,涵盖了选茶、蓄水、煮茶、茶具、环境、情趣等饮茶的全过程,是中华传统文化中的一朵奇葩,芬芳而甘醇。古人认为茶有十德:以茶散郁气,以茶驱睡气,以茶养生气,以茶除病气,以茶利礼仁,以茶表敬意,以茶尝滋味,以茶养身体,以茶可行道,以茶可雅志。  相似文献   

巴西是世界上动植物多样性最完备的国家,拥有世界上最大的森林和湿地。巴西政府高度重视生态环境的保护,通过立法、加大环境治理投入,大力发展绿色生态经济,更被联合国秘书长潘基文誉为“绿色经济的领跑者”。巴西绿色经济、绿色能源的巨大成功也使绿色理念渗透到航空、化工等领域。  相似文献   

城市环境治理是运用法律、经济、行政、技术和教育等各种手段,调控人类生产生活行为,协调城市经济社会发展与环境保护之间关系的一种经济社会管理模式。城市环境治理具有综合性、区域性、群众性与动态性等特征,其本质是通过影响人的行为,转变城市经济发展模式。发达国家在治理过程中,先后采取了环境行政、环境经济、环境立法、环境技术与环境教育等措施,有效地控制了主要污染的肆意蔓延,从根本上改善了环境质量,这些经验及其教训,值得中国学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

通过调查广东北部受冰雪灾害地区的湿地松、阔叶林和杉木林3种林分,比较了不同树种组成的林分在冰雪灾害下的受害特征.研究表明:林木受害类型可分为折断、弯曲、倒伏和断头4种类型;湿地松林折断的树木最多,占88%;阔叶林折断的树木占64%;杉木林没有弯曲和倒伏的树木,基本是折断和断头的类型.胸径在9.0 cm以下的杉木多数容易发生折断,而胸径在9.0 cm以上的杉木则多数容易发生断头.杉木与湿地松受害特征不同,杉木断干高较高些,而湿地松则容易在低处折断.不同林分生物量的总损失量排序为:阔叶林>湿地松林>杉木林.  相似文献   

任何产品在贮存、运输及使用中都会遇到气候、力学、生化和电磁等环境的单独、组合和综合的作用。这些环境的作用势必使产品的材料、结构受到腐蚀或破坏,造成电子器件、产品性能恶化、功能失常。产品环境适应性就是产品在各种环境作用下不被破坏、性能不会恶化而能实现其预定功能和性能的能力。航空产品除了应适应气候、力学、电磁环境外,有些产品还应适应飞机供电特性(暂短瞬变、中断、浪涌等)和运输环境的能力。以下对产品规范中如何提出气候/力学环境和电磁环境的适应性要求作进一步说明。气候/力学环境适应性要求产品规范中环境条件要求…  相似文献   

环境试验顺序的排列是实施航空机载设备环境试验的一个重要内容。本文探讨了环境试验顺序的选择原则、试验项目间的耦合作用、试验顺序排列等问题。 1 必要性国军标“军用设备环境试验方法”总则(GJB150.1—86)中共列有19项环境试验项目,在航标“民用飞机机载设备环境条件和试验方法”总则  相似文献   

随着导弹等航天器飞行速度的提高,环境噪声的影响已不容忽视,声振综合环境将成为惯导系统等弹上电子设备通常需要面对的力学环境条件。文章论证了有限元法适用于对捷联惯导系统这类结构紧凑型设备进行宽频域声振耦合计算,仿真计算了捷联惯导系统声振耦合模型在声振综合环境下的动力学响应,对比分析了捷联惯导系统在声振综合环境下与在单独随机振动环境、单独噪声场环境下动力学响应的联系、区别以及自身新的特点。研究结论可为设计和评估地面力学环境试验、预示与分析惯导系统在综合环境下的环境适应性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Monitoring Changes in Continental Water Storage with GRACE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swenson  Sean  Wahr  John 《Space Science Reviews》2003,108(1-2):345-354
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE , will enable the recovery of monthly estimates of changes in water storage, on land and in the ocean, averaged over arbitrary regions having length scales of a few hundred km and larger. These data will allow the examination of changes in the distribution of water in the ocean, in snow and ice on polar ice sheets, and in continental water and snow storage. Extracting changes in water storage from the GRACE dataset requires the use of averaging kernels which can isolate a particular region. To estimate the accuracy to which continental water storage changes in a few representative regions may be recovered, we construct a synthetic GRACE dataset from global, gridded models of surface-mass variability. We find that regional changes in water storage can be recovered with rms error less than 1 cm of equivalent water thickness, for regions having areas of 4 × 105 km2 and larger. Signals in smaller regions may also be recovered; however, interpretations of such results require a careful consideration of model resolution, as well as the nature of the averaging kernel. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

体全息存储具有大的存储密度、高的数据传输速率和快的读出时间等优点。虽然其基本原理早在50多年前已经被提出,但是直到现在仍然没有产品出现。本文首先分析了限制体全息存储技术发展的几个主要原因;然后,对体全息存储的几项关键技术,包括存储材料、实用部件和噪声抑制,进行了阐述;最后,给出了体全息数据存储系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have demonstrated the ability to fulfill the energy storage needs of many new technologies. The most significant drawbacks of currently available technologies, such as LiCoO 2 based Li-ion cells, is their high cost and significant environmental hazards. Li-ion cells which use a lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) spinel based cathode material should be much less costly and safer than LiCoO2 based cells. Performance data from prismatic design cells which use a LiMn2O4 based cathode material is presented and shown to meet many military performance criteria. The most significant drawback of this technology is the short cycle life  相似文献   

Flywheel technology: past, present, and 21st century projections   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the present status of flywheel energy storage technology, or mechanical batteries, and discusses realistic future projections that are possible based on stronger composite materials and advancing technology. The origins and use of flywheel technology for mechanical energy storage began several hundred years ago and was developed throughout the Industrial Revolution. One of the first “modern” dissertations on the theoretical stress limitations of rotational disks (isotropic only) is the seminal work by A. Stodola whose first translation to English was made in 1917. The next big milestones were during the 1960s and 1970s when NASA sponsored programs proposed energy storage flywheels as possible primary sources for space missions. However, it was not until the 1980's when microelectronics, magnetic bearing systems and high power density motor-generators became enabling technologies. The next decade proved that a mechanical battery could surpass chemical batteries for many applications  相似文献   

Regenerative Fuel Cell System (RFCS) technology for energy storage has been a NASA power system concept for many years. Compared to battery-based energy storage systems, RFCS has received relatively little attention or resources for development because the energy density and electrical efficiency were not sufficiently attractive relative to advanced battery systems. Even today, RFCS remains at a very low technology readiness level (TRL of about 2 indicating feasibility has been demonstrated). Commercial development of the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells for automobiles and other terrestrial applications and improvements in lightweight pressure vessel design to reduce weight and improve performance make possible a high energy density RFCS energy storage system. The results from this study of a lightweight RFCS energy storage system for a remotely piloted, solar-powered, high altitude aircraft indicate an energy density up to 790 wh/kg with electrical efficiency of 53.4% is attainable. Such an energy storage system would allow a solar-powered aircraft to carry hundreds of kilograms of payload and remain in flight indefinitely for use in atmospheric research, Earth observation, resource mapping, and telecommunications. Future developments in the areas of hydrogen and oxygen storage, pressure vessel design, higher temperature and higher pressure fuel cell operation, unitized regenerative fuel cells, and commercial development of fuel cell technology will improve both the energy density and electrical efficiency of the RFCS  相似文献   

This paper describes the current effort to develop a standardized data set, or suite of digital video sequences, that can be used for test and evaluation of digital video motion detectors (VMDs) for exterior applications. We have drawn from an extensive video database of typical application scenarios to assemble a comprehensive data set. These data, some existing for many years on analog videotape, have been converted to a reproducible digital format and edited to generate test sequences several minutes long for many scenarios. Sequences include non-alarm video, intrusions and nuisance alarm sources, taken with a variety of imaging sensors including monochrome CCD cameras and infrared (thermal) imaging cameras, under a variety of daytime and nighttime conditions. The paper presents an analysis of the variables and estimates the complexity of a thorough data set. Some of this video data test has been digitized for CD-ROM storage and playback. We are considering developing a DVD disk for possible use in screening and testing VMDs prior to government testing and deployment. In addition, this digital video data may be used by VMD developers for further refinement or customization of their product to meet specific requirements. These application scenarios may also be used to define the testing parameters for future procurement qualification. A personal computer may be used to play back either the CD-ROM or the DVD video data. A consumer electronics-style DVD player may be used to replay the DVD disk. This paper also discusses various aspects of digital video storage including formats, resolution, CD-ROM and DVD storage capacity, formats, editing and playback  相似文献   

For many military applications, low-frequency oscillators are required which maintain their frequency within 5 parts in 104 after they have been exposed to an acceleration of 30 000 g and also after a storage period of 5 years. In addition, the same stability must exist while a constant acceleration of, say, 5000 g is applied. The characteristics of mechanical systems and various electrical circuits proposed for time bases will be summarized. It will be shown that oscillators, based on the use of RC networks and solid-state negative feedback amplifiers, can fulfill the requirements. It will also be shown that, for cost reduction, the conventional amplitude control over many cycles can be replaced by an instantaneous limiter without detrimental effects on stability. A hybrid timer, consisting of an electronic oscillator, synchronizing a spring-driven mechanical clock, is suggested.  相似文献   

徐立  张宁  李华  阮旻智  周亮 《航空学报》2020,41(4):223441-223441
针对"长期贮存,一次使用"装备初始贮存方案评估及优化问题,分析了常见寿命分布组件的可靠度模型,建立了贮存期内组件及装备完好数量评估模型;以达标概率指标为约束条件,组件初始购置费用为优化目标,建立了组件初始贮存方案优化模型,提出了基于边际效益值的优化方法,开展了算法复杂性分析。算例分析表明,所建初始贮存方案评估模型的评估精度较高,优化后的初始贮存方案能够在满足达标概率要求的同时,使得组件购置费用最低。边际优化算法在保持计算精度的同时有效提高了计算效率。提出的模型和优化算法能够为装备保障人员制定合理的装备单元贮存方案提供决策支持。  相似文献   

基于秩相关系数的加速贮存退化失效机理一致性检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
冯静 《航空动力学报》2011,26(11):2439-2444
利用加速贮存试验数据推断长贮产品贮存寿命的前提是,提高应力水平仅仅增大失效速率而不改变失效机理.提出了基于Spearman秩相关系数的贮存退化失效机理一致性检验的非参数定量方法.分析了加速贮存退化失效机理一致性检验的内涵就是检验退化曲线形状的一致性;然后给出了基于Spearman秩相关系数检验配对样本序列一致性的原理和步骤;进一步,通过某型发射药实例数据和单调递减退化仿真数据,验证了方法的有效性.   相似文献   

近年高密度航天发射任务和不断提升的数据采集处理能力使得试验数据规模呈几何级数增长,但目前采用的传统试验数据存储管理和应用服务手段已难以适应任务发展的形势要求.针对航天任务参试系统多、地域跨度广、试验数据采集源多、规模增长迅速、业务应用复杂及用户多样等特征需求,采用云存储和云计算技术,提出了一种基于云平台的分布式数据中心架构,论述了基于两级数据中心的应用服务模式,实现了两级数据中心的整体设计,支持全系统计算资源、存储资源、网络资源和业务资源的统一调度管理,支持计算节点、存储节点和网络节点的动态扩展,能够较好地满足海量飞行试验数据的长期存储管理和高效应用服务需求.  相似文献   

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