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We have investigated the source characteristic and coronal magnetic field structure of six impulsive solar energetic particle (SEP) events selected from Wang et al. [Wang, Y.-M., Pick, M., Mason, G.M. Coronal holes, jets, and the origin of 3He-rich particle events. ApJ 639, 495, 2006] and Pick et al. [Pick, M., Mason, G.M., Wang, Y.-M., Tan, C., Wang, L. Solar source regions for 3He-rich solar energetic particle events identified using imaging radio, optical, and energetic particle observations. ApJ 648, 1247, 2006]. Some results are obtained: first, 2 events are associated with wide (≈100°) CMEs (hereafter wide CME events), another 4 events are associated with narrow (?40°) CMEs (hereafter narrow CME events); second, the coronal magnetic field configuration of narrow CME events appear more simple than that of the wide CME events; third, the photospheric magnetic field evolutions of all these events show new emergence of fluxes, while one case also shows magnetic flux cancellation; fourth, the EUV jets usually occurred very close to the footpoint of the magnetic field loop, while meter type III bursts occurred near or at the top of the loop and higher than EUV jets. Furthermore, the heights of type III bursts are estimated from the result of the coronal magnetic field extrapolations.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are among the most magnificent solar eruptions, are a major driver of space weather and can thus affect diverse human technologies. Different processes have been proposed to explain the initiation and release of CMEs from solar active regions (ARs), without reaching consensus on which is the predominant scenario, and thus rendering impossible to accurately predict when a CME is going to erupt from a given AR. To investigate AR magnetic properties that favor CMEs production, we employ multi-spacecraft data to analyze a long duration AR (NOAA 11089, 11100, 11106, 11112 and 11121) throughout its complete lifetime, spanning five Carrington rotations from July to November 2010. We use data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory to study the evolution of the AR magnetic properties during the five near-side passages, and a proxy to follow the magnetic flux changes when no magnetograms are available, i.e. during far-side transits. The ejectivity is studied by characterizing the angular widths, speeds and masses of 108 CMEs that we associated to the AR, when examining a 124-day period. Such an ejectivity tracking was possible thanks to the multi-viewpoint images provided by the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in a quasi-quadrature configuration. We also inspected the X-ray flares registered by the GOES satellite and found 162 to be associated to the AR under study. Given the substantial number of ejections studied, we use a statistical approach instead of a single-event analysis. We found three well defined periods of very high CMEs activity and two periods with no mass ejections that are preceded or accompanied by characteristic changes in the AR magnetic flux, free magnetic energy and/or presence of electric currents. Our large sample of CMEs and long term study of a single AR, provide further evidence relating AR magnetic activity to CME and Flare production.  相似文献   

We investigate on the relationship between flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in which a flare started before and after the CME events which differ in their physical properties, indicating potentially different initiation mechanisms. The physical properties of two types flare-correlated CME remain an interesting and important question in space weather. We study the relationship between flares and CMEs using a different approach requiring both temporal and spatial constraints during the period from December 1, 2008 to April 30, 2017 in which the CMEs data were acquired by SOHO/LASCO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph) over the solar cycle 24. The soft X-ray flare flux data, such as flare class, location, onset time and integrated flux, are collected from Geostationary Environmental satellite (GOES) and XRT Flare catalogs. We selected 307 CMEs-flares pairs applying simultaneously temporal and spatial constraints in all events for the distinguish between two associated CME-flare types. We study the correlated properties of coincident flares and CMEs during this period, specifically separating the sample into two types: flares that precede a CME and flares that follow a CME. We found an opposite correlation relationship between the acceleration and velocity of CMEs in the After- and Before-CMEs events. We found a log-log relation between the width and mass of CMEs in the two associated types. The CMEs and flares properties show that there were significant differences in all physical parameters such as (mass, angular width, kinetic energy, speed and acceleration) between two flare-associated CME types.  相似文献   

A series of three flares of GOES class M, M and C, and a CME were observed on 20 January 2004 occurring in close succession in NOAA 10540. Types II, III, and N radio bursts were associated. We use the combined observations from TRACE, EIT, Hα images from Kwasan Observatory, MDI magnetograms, GOES, and radio observations from Culgoora and Wind/ WAVES to understand the complex development of this event. We reach three main conclusions. First, we link the first two impulsive flares to tether-cutting reconnections and the launch of the CME. This complex observation shows that impulsive quadrupolar flares can be eruptive. Second, we relate the last of the flares, an LDE, to the relaxation phase following forced reconnections between the erupting flux rope and neighbouring magnetic field lines, when reconnection reverses and restores some of the pre-eruption magnetic connectivities. Finally, we show that reconnection with the magnetic structure of a previous CME launched about 8 h earlier injects electrons into open field lines having a local dip and apex (located at about six solar radii height). This is observed as an N-burst at decametre radio wavelengths. The dipped shape of these field lines is due to large-scale magnetic reconnection between expanding magnetic loops and open field lines of a neighbouring streamer. This particular situation explains why this is the first N-burst ever observed at long radio wavelengths.  相似文献   

Solar radio burst, especially the fine structures (FSs) and the drifting pulsation structures (DPSs), may be used as an important diagnostics tool to draw the evolution map of the flare loop in the initial phase of solar flares. In this work, 52 radio events were found accompanying with DPSs. They were all observed with the Solar Radio Spectrometers (0.625–7.6 GHz) of China during 1998–2004. Combining the radio observations with LASCO-C2, Goes-8 SXR, Hα, EUV and Trace observations, we analyzed all these events and obtained some statistic conclusions: First, 88% DPSs take place at the initial phase of the radio burst, and their rich spectrum characteristics are helpful to understand the events further. Second, 83% DPSs are associated with CMEs or ejection events, and all the events are accompanied by Goes SXR flare. Third, for CMEs and DPSs, which take the first step, there is no significant predominance of either of them. The relationship between the DPSs and CMEs is still not clear in this study because of the lack of spatial resolution in the centimeter–decimeter band. However, the EIT or Trace ejection happened during the onset/end time of DPSs. They are signatures of the initial phase of CMEs. Two events will be illustrated to explain this.  相似文献   

We present observations of a C9.4 flare on 2002 June 2 in EUV (TRACE) and X-rays (RHESSI). The multiwavelength data reveal: (1) the involvement of a quadrupole magnetic configuration; (2) loop expansion and ribbon motion in the pre-impulsive phase; (3) gradual formation of a new compact loop with a long cusp at the top during the impulsive phase of the flare; (4) appearance of a large, twisted loop above the cusp expanding outward immediately after the hard X-ray peak; and (5) X-ray emission observed only from the new compact loop and the cusp. In particular, the gradual formation of an EUV cusp feature is very clear. The observations also reveal the timing of the cusp formation and particle acceleration: most of the impulsive hard X-rays (>25 keV) were emitted before the cusp was seen. This suggests that fast reconnection occurred during the restructuring of the magnetic configuration, resulting in more efficient particle acceleration, while the reconnection slowed after the cusp was completely formed and the magnetic geometry was stabilized. This observation is consistent with the observations obtained with Yohkoh/Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) that soft X-ray cusp structures only appear after the major impulsive energy release in solar flares. These observations have important implications for the modeling of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration.  相似文献   

Campaigns to investigate the solar coronal mass ejection (CME) onset have been run using the Solar andHeliospheric Observatory (SOHO) since 1996. These have included coronagraph and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) disc imaging, along with magnetic mapping of the photosphere, in concert with EUV and UV spectroscopic observations. These campaigns have included co-ordination with ground-based observatories, and with other spacecraft, especially Yohkoh and the Transition Region and Corona Explorer (TRACE). This multi-instrument, multi-spacecraft effort has provided many rewards, with some spectacular observations of countless eruptions. It has included the discovery of unexpected phenomena such as EUV waves and groundbreaking work on coronal dimming, and the development of sigmoidal shaped structures. Much has been learnt about the CME onset yet the most basic questions still remain. We have an unprecedented view of CME eruptions, yet we are still unable to identify clearly the onset process and we do not fully understand the CME-flare relationship. With all of the campaigns producing excellent multi-wavelength observations of CMEs, how far have we progressed in the understanding of the CME onset and, in particular, the CME-flare relationship? Can we identify lines of research using the SOHO data, which will provide the answers we seek — or do we need fundamentally different observation scenarios? It is the author's opinion that we actually have the observational tools required to understand much about the onset process and the CME/flare links, and the emphasis should be on understanding the limitations of our instrumentation and on removing any preconceived ideas from our interpretations.  相似文献   

This work reports the investigation of two coronal mass ejections (CME) observed in white light, H, EUV and X-ray by various instruments both in space and on ground on February 18, 2003 and January 19, 2005, respectively. The white light coronal images show that the first CME began with the rarefaction of a region above the solar limb and was followed by the formation of its leading edge at the boundary of the rarefying region at altitude of 0.46 R from the solar surface. The rarefaction coincided the slow rising phase of the filament eruption, and the CME leading edge was observed to form as the filament eruption started to accelerate apparently. In the early stage of the second CME, a bright loop was first observed above the solar limb with height of 0.37 R in EUV images. We found that the more gradual CMEs initial process, the larger the timing difference between CMEs and their associated flares. The lower part of the filament brightened in H images as the filament rose to a certain height. These brightenings imply that the filament may be heated by magnetic reconnection below the filament in the early stage of the eruption. We suggest that the possible mechanism which led to the formation of the CME leading edge and cavity is magnetic reconnection which occurred under the filament when it reached a certain height.  相似文献   

CME在行星际空间传播时, 会导致强磁场、高密度等离子体云的出现. 回旋同步辐射是此类等离子体的一种主要的射电辐射机制, 且携带行星际磁场的重要信息. 本文重点探讨了光深τν ≤1时回旋同步辐射的发射、吸收及极化特性, 包括热电子、非热电子, 投掷角各向同性、投掷角各向异性等离子体云的回旋同步辐射过程的研究分析. 在此基础上, 推导了考虑折射指数情况下, 辐射强度、辐射亮温的表达式.   相似文献   

It is often noticed that the occurrence rate of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) increases with increase in flare duration where peak flux too increase. However, there is no complete association between the duration and peak flux. Distinct characteristics have been reported for active regions (ARs) where flares and CMEs occur in contrast to ARs where flares alone occur. It is observed that peak flux of flares is higher when associated with CMEs compared to peak flux of flares with which CMEs are not associated. In other words, it is likely that flare duration and peak flux are independently affected by distinct active region dynamics. Hence, we examine the relative ability of flare duration and peak flux in enhancing the CME productivity. We report that CME productivity is distinctly higher in association with the enhancement of flare peak flux in comparison to corresponding enhancement of flare duration.  相似文献   

对澳大利亚Culgoora天文台射电频谱仪在太阳活动第23周峰年期间记录到的米波Ⅲ型爆发(20~420 MHz),与日冕物质抛射(CME)、Hα耀斑及相关事件进行了统计分析,发现米波Ⅲ型爆发与CME的关系没有Ⅱ、Ⅳ型爆发与CME的关系密切;米波Ⅲ型爆发发生的时间在CME之前25~30 min最多;72%的CME事件伴随长寿命的Hα耀斑.从这些观测特征出发,对米波Ⅲ型爆发、CME和Hα耀斑进行了定性的解释.   相似文献   

The atmosphere of the Sun is highly structured and dynamic in nature. From the photosphere and chromosphere into the transition region and the corona plasma-β changes from above to below one, i.e., while in the lower atmosphere the energy density of the plasma dominates, in the upper atmosphere the magnetic field plays the governing role – one might speak of a “magnetic transition”. Therefore the dynamics of the overshooting convection in the photosphere, the granulation, is shuffling the magnetic field around in the photosphere. This leads not only to a (re-)structuring of the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere, but induces also the dynamic reaction of the coronal plasma, e.g., due to reconnection events. Therefore the (complex) structure and the interaction of various magnetic patches is crucial to understand the structure, dynamics and heating of coronal plasma as well as its acceleration into the solar wind.

The present article will emphasize the need for three-dimensional modeling accounting for the complexity of the solar atmosphere to understand these processes. Some advances on 3D modeling of the upper solar atmosphere in magnetically closed as well as open regions will be presented together with diagnostic tools to compare these models to observations. This highlights the recent success of these models which in many respects closely match the observations.  相似文献   

Ten years after the first observation of large-scale wave-like coronal disturbances with the EIT instrument aboard SOHO, the most crucial questions concerning these “EIT waves” are still being debated controversially – what is their actual physical nature, and how are they launched? Possible explanations include MHD waves or shocks, launched by flares or driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), as well as models where coronal waves are not actually waves at all, but generated by successive “activation” of magnetic fieldlines in the framework of a CME. Here, we discuss recent observations that might help to discriminate between the different models. We focus on strong coronal wave events that do show chromospheric Moreton wave signatures. It is stressed that multiwavelength observations with high time cadence are particularly important, ideally when limb events with CME observations in the low corona are available. Such observations allow for a detailed comparison of the kinematics of the wave, the CME and the associated type II radio burst. For Moreton-associated coronal waves, we find strong evidence for the wave/shock scenario. Furthermore, we argue that EIT waves are actually generated by more than one physical process, which might explain some of the issues which have made the interpretation of these phenomena so controversial.  相似文献   

A popular scenario for electron acceleration in solar flares is transit-time damping of low-frequency MHD waves excited by reconnection and its outflows. The scenario requires several processes in sequence to yield energetic electrons of the observed large number. Until now there was very little evidence for this scenario, as it is even not clear where the flare energy is released. RHESSI measurements of bremsstrahlung by non-thermal flare electrons yield energy estimates as well as the position where the energy is deposited. Thus quantitative measurements can be put into the frame of the global magnetic field configuration as seen in coronal EUV line observations. We present RHESSI observations combined with TRACE data that suggest primary energy inputs mostly into electron acceleration and to a minor fraction into coronal heating and primary motion. The more sensitive and lower energy X-ray observations by RHESSI have found also small events (C class) at the time of the acceleration of electron beams exciting meter wave Type III bursts. However, not all RHESSI flares involve Type III radio emissions. The association of other decimeter radio emissions, such as narrowband spikes and pulsations, with X-rays is summarized in view of electron acceleration.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of plasma and magnetic field that can produce adverse space weather at Earth and other locations in the Heliosphere. Due to the intrinsic multiscale nature of features in coronagraph images, wavelet and multiscale image processing techniques are well suited to enhancing the visibility of CMEs and suppressing noise. However, wavelets are better suited to identifying point-like features, such as noise or background stars, than to enhancing the visibility of the curved form of a typical CME front. Higher order multiscale techniques, such as ridgelets and curvelets, were therefore explored to characterise the morphology (width, curvature) and kinematics (position, velocity, acceleration) of CMEs. Curvelets in particular were found to be well suited to characterising CME properties in a self-consistent manner. Curvelets are thus likely to be of benefit to autonomous monitoring of CME properties for space weather applications.  相似文献   

Several methods for CME speed estimation are discussed. These include velocity derivation based on the frequency drifts observed in metric and decametric radio wave data using a range of coronal density models. Coronagraph height–time plots allow measurement of plane-of-sky and expansion speeds. These in turn can enable propagation speeds to be derived from a range of empirical relations. Simple geometric e.g., cone, models can provide propagation velocity estimates for suitable halo or partial halo events. Interplanetary scintillation observations allow speed estimates at large distances from the Sun detecting in particular the deceleration of the faster CMEs. Related interplanetary shocks and the arrival times and speeds of the associated magnetic clouds at Earth can also be considered. We discuss the application of some of these methods to the transit to Earth of a complex CME that originated earlier than 16:54 U.T. on 07-NOV-2004. The difficulties in making velocity estimates from radio observations, particularly under disturbed coronal conditions, are highlighted.  相似文献   

Imaging interplanetary CMEs at radio frequency from solar polar orbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) represent a great concentration of mass and energy input into the lower corona. They have come to be recognized as the major driver of physical conditions change in the Sun–Earth system. Consequently, observations of CMEs are important for understanding and ultimately predicting space weather conditions. This paper discusses a proposed mission, the Solar Polar Orbit Radio Telescope (SPORT) mission, which will observe the propagation of interplanetary CMEs to distances of near 0.35 AU from the Sun. The orbit of SPORT is an elliptical solar polar orbit. The inclination angle between the orbit and ecliptic plane should be about 90°. The main payload on board SPORT will be an imaging radiometer working at the meter wavelength band (radio telescope), which can follow the propagation of interplanetary CMEs. The images that are obtained by the radio telescope embody the brightness temperature of the objectives. Due to the very large size required for the antenna aperture of the radio telescope, we adopt interferometric imaging technology to reduce it. Interferometric imaging technology is based on indirect spatial frequency domain measurements plus Fourier transformation. The SPORT spacecraft will also be equipped with a set of optical and in situ measurement instruments such as a EUV solar telescope, a solar wind ion instrument, an energetic particle detector, a magnetometer, a wave detector and a solar radio burst spectrometer.  相似文献   

Almost 10 years of solar submillimeter observations have shown new aspects of solar activity, such as the presence of rapid solar spikes associated with the launch of coronal mass ejections and an increasing submillimeter spectral component in flares. We analyse the singular microwave–submillimeter spectrum of an M class solar flare on 20 December, 2002. Flux density observations measured by Sun patrol telescopes and the Solar Submillimeter Telescope are used to build the radio spectrum, which is fitted using Ramaty’s code. At submillimeter frequencies the spectrum shows a component different from the microwave classical burst. The fitting is achieved proposing two homogeneous sources of emission. This theoretical fitting is in agreement with differential precipitation through a magnetically asymmetric loop or set of loops. From a coronal magnetic field model we infer an asymmetric magnetic structure at the flare location. The model proposed to quantify the differential precipitation rates due to the asymmetry results in a total precipitation ratio Q2/Q1≈104–105, where Q1(Q2) represents the total precipitation in the loop foot with the high (low) magnetic field intensity. This ratio agrees with the electron total number ratio of the two sources proposed to fit the radio spectrum.  相似文献   

We present the evolution of magnetic field and relationship with the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions from a series of photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station near Beijing, and also longitudinal magnetograms by MDI of SOHO, white light and 171 Å images by TRACE and soft X-ray images by Yohkoh.The conclusions in the analysis of the formation process of complex and delta magnetic configuration in some super active regions are the following: (1) The magnetic shear and gradient provide the non-potentiality of the magnetic field of active regions reflecting the existence of electric current. (2) Some of large-scale delta active regions could be due to the emergence of highly sheared non-potential magnetic flux bundles from the subatmosphere with amount of magnetic helicity, in addition to the emergence of twisted magnetic ropes. (3) We also present some results on the study of the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions.  相似文献   

The Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope obtains several images every 90 minutes. Data from the declining phase of the solar cycle have been used to compare the X-ray signal with other indicators of activity and to study coronal heating. X-ray emission from a north polar coronal hole is found broadly consistent with results of previous EUV observations. In diffuse emission regions, temperature rises to around 2.2 MK and levels off in the height range 1.5 – 1.9 RO. Such emission underlies streamers and may be the source of the low-speed solar wind. X-ray signatures for Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events which involve the detection of reduced X-ray intensities in the corona, have been developed with Yohkoh data. CME observations are described  相似文献   

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