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卫星星座系统多学科设计优化研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
陈琪锋  戴金海 《宇航学报》2003,24(5):502-509,533
分析了卫星星座系统设计包含的星座设计、卫星设计、发射选择等学科之间的耦合关系,特别是卫星各分系统之间的耦合关系,建立了包括发射费用分析、成本分析在内的卫星星座系统多学科分析模型。在此基础上,采用分布式协同进化MDO算法,将星座设计优化和卫星的设计优化在自治基础上充分协同,对一个同时包含离散/连续设计变量、需进行星座结构和参数同时优化的虚拟的海洋监视卫星星座系统进行了多学科设计优化。算法对离散设计变量采用二进制编码,连续设计变量采用实数编码,并分别采用相应的进化算子。采用最大长度编码,根据一定的规则确定基因的显性和隐性,来处理结构和参数同时优化引起的设计变量维数可变的问题。设计结果显示了多学科设计优化的优势和分布式协同进化MDO算法对卫星星座系统这样的复杂多学科设计优化问题的有效性.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly clear in recent years that the issue of space debris, particularly in low-Earth orbit, can no longer be ignored or simply mitigated. Orbital debris currently threatens safe space flight for both satellites and humans aboard the International Space Station. Additionally, orbital debris might impact Earth upon re-entry, endangering human lives and damaging the environment with toxic materials. In summary, orbital debris seriously jeopardizes the future not only of human presence in space, but also of human safety on Earth. While international efforts to mitigate the current situation and limit the creation of new debris are useful, recent studies predicting debris evolution have indicated that these will not be enough to ensure humanity?s access to and use of the near-Earth environment in the long-term. Rather, active debris removal (ADR) must be pursued if we are to continue benefiting from and conducting space activities. While the concept of ADR is not new, it has not yet been implemented. This is not just because of the technical feasibility of such a scheme, but also because of the host of economic, legal/regulatory, and political issues associated with debris remediation. The costs of ADR are not insignificant and, in today?s restrictive fiscal climate, are unlikely/to be covered by any single actor. Similarly, ADR concepts bring up many unresolved questions about liability, the protection of proprietary information, safety, and standards. In addition, because of the dual use nature of ADR technologies, any venture will necessarily require political considerations. Despite the many unanswered questions surrounding ADR, it is an endeavor worth pursuing if we are to continue relying on space activities for a variety of critical daily needs and services. Moreover, we cannot ignore the environmental implications that an unsustainable use of space will imply for life on Earth in the long run. This paper aims to explore some of these challenges and propose an economically, politically, and legally viable ADR option. Much like waste management on Earth, cleaning up space junk will likely lie somewhere between a public good and a private sector service. An international, cooperative, public-private partnership concept can address many of these issues and be economically sustainable, while also driving the creation of a proper set of regulations, standards and best practices.  相似文献   

针对国内外空间活动产生的碎片,文章采用多脉冲推力作用下的轨道机动仿真方法,在主要考虑总速度增量为2 km/s的约束条件下,计算碎片清除所需要的速度增量、任务时间以及清除个数。仿真结果表明,单次任务可以清除12块分布比较集中的碎片。研究结果可为我国今后空间碎片清扫任务的设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

空间碎片环境现状与主动移除技术   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
概述了空间碎片环境现状和对航天活动的影响,讨论了空间碎片主动移除对保持空间碎片环境稳定的必要性。空间碎片研究重心先从防护转向减缓,再转到主动移除,最终是清洁空间。评述了空间碎片主动移除技术现状,指出天基激光主动移除空间碎片技术具有很好的工程应用潜力。  相似文献   

卫星星座的相对几何和区域覆盖重复周期   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈力  申敬松  胡松杰 《宇航学报》2003,24(3):278-281
研究了在设计δ星座或者由几个δ星座的某些卫星构成的星座时经常需要考虑的三个问题:任意两颗卫星是否在同一条星下点轨迹上,同一条星下点轨迹上的卫星通过某一区域的相对顺序和星座对某特定区域或地点覆盖重复周期的计算。首先对δ星座中卫星之间的相对几何关系做了详细的分析,给出了第一个问题的判断准则,并进一步导出了位于同一条星下点轨迹上的卫星通过某一指定地区的相对顺序以及相应的时间间隔的计算方法。在解决前两个问题的基础上,针对由一个或几个δ星座(或子星座)构成的设计星座,给出了计算其区域覆盖重复周期的方法。  相似文献   

为了快速、便捷分析天基侦察系统的对地覆盖性能,开展综合对比分析,设计开发天基侦察卫星星座对地覆盖性能仿真分析系统。仿真系统基于VS2010平台开发,通过软件交互接口调用STK引擎完成计算,使用Matlab编译的库函数完成仿真数据处理及可视化输出。仿真系统采用Redis数据库实现输入参数和仿真结果的存储,并提供与外部程序静态和动态交互功能。仿真系统提供独立仿真和协同仿真两种工作方式,可独立运行分析星座覆盖性能,也可作为其它仿真系统的一部分,在外部命令控制下运行。经应用测试,该系统可以快速、有效完成卫星星座对地面目标的覆盖性能对比分析,为天基侦察系统星座构型设计论证提供支撑。  相似文献   

针对LEO卫星网络中由于流量分布不均导致的拥塞问题,以及多种通信业务带来的QoS保障问题,提出了基于区域划分的多业务QoS路由算法(MSR-RP).算法考虑了信关站有限分布造成的漏斗流量问题,一方面通过划分动态区域,减少区域节点数量,降低了算法整体计算复杂度;另一方面,在轻负载区域采用最短路径算法计算路由,重负载区域采...  相似文献   

卫星星座地面供配电测试系统研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星地面供配电测试系统是卫星综合测试系统中的重要分系统之一。文章介绍了一套自行开发研制的卫星星座模式下的地面供配电测试系统,该系统主要由地面电源、PLC通用供配电测试设备、工业控制计算机、卫星等效器、DC/DC主备份切换测试设备等构成;其中通用供配电测试设备采用了组态技术,基于PROFIBUS、PLC、STEP 7和WinCC等进行开发,实现了实时显示、控制输出、报警记录、数据归档、冗余备份等功能,可靠性和可扩展性程度高,为设备的模块化、通用化和系列化提供了一个有效的途径,满足了卫星星座综合测试的需要。  相似文献   

天基激光清除空间碎片方案与可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了激光烧蚀驱动机理和空间碎片降轨清除原理,通过分析计算确立了空间碎片降轨清除判据和2 种降轨清除模式。理论计算给出了清除1200、800 和500 km 三个典型低地球轨道上空间碎片所必须的速度增量、激光器功率、单脉冲能量、激光发射镜直径等主要参数值。对比分析显示现有的硬件指标和条件能够满足清除低地球轨道上空间碎片的设计要求,因此,天基激光清除空间碎片方案从技术角度是可行的。  相似文献   

The development of a fiber based laser architecture will enable novel applications in environments which have hitherto been impossible due to size, efficiency and power of traditional systems. Such a new architecture has been developed by the International Coherent Amplification Network (ICAN) project. Here we present an analysis of utilizing an ICAN laser for the purpose of tracking and de-orbiting hyper-velocity space debris. With an increasing number of new debris from collisions of active, derelict and new payloads in orbit, there is a growing danger of runaway debris impacts. Due to its compactness and efficiency, it is shown that space-based operation would be possible. For different design parameters such as fiber array size, it is shown that the kHz repetition rate and kW average power of ICAN would be sufficient to de-orbit small 1–10 cm debris within a single instance via laser ablation.  相似文献   

文章分析了现有的空间碎片清除方式,并以800~1200 km低地球轨道高度上1~10 cm量级的空间碎片为清除目标,提出了天基轻气炮清除碎片的新方法。首先分析了轻气炮有效载荷在典型参数下的弹丸加速能力;之后根据将碎片降轨使其坠入大气层烧毁的设想,提出天基轻气炮共面清除碎片的方式,并选择轨道高度800 km的圆轨道作为碎片运行轨道进行可行性分析。计算表明,对半径10 cm、厚度1 cm的铝合金圆板碎片(质量211.95 g),使用初速1 km/s、重10 g的黏性弹丸可按任务方案达到清除效果。此外,计算出该参数弹丸对轨道高度800~1200 km的圆轨道上可清除的最大碎片质量为500~825 g,证明轻气炮弹丸对1~10 cm的碎片具有较强的清除能力。最后,分析了以轻气炮为有效载荷的航天器在完成清除碎片任务时的关键技术。  相似文献   

Active exploration of the space leads to growth of a near-Earth space pollution. The frequency of the registered collisions of space debris with functional satellites highly increased during last 10 years. As a rule a large space debris can be observed from the Earth and catalogued, then it is possible to avoid collision with the active spacecraft. However every large debris is a potential source of a numerous small debris particles. To reduce debris population in the near Earth space the large debris should be removed from working orbits. The active debris removal technique is considered that intend to use a tethered orbital transfer vehicle, or a space tug attached by a tether to the space debris. This paper focuses on the dynamics of the space debris with flexible appendages. Mathematical model of the system is derived using the Lagrange formalism. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the mutual influence of the oscillations of flexible appendages and the oscillations of a tether. It is shown that flexible appendages can have a significant influence on the attitude motion of the space debris and the safety of the transportation process.  相似文献   

不同于地面稀布阵相参阵列雷达,分布式星群平台具有高速运动特性,相应地全相参合成效率受限于星间的空时频同步误差、波束指向误差等系统误差约束。提出了一种基于分布式星群的全相参雷达低副瓣波束形成设计方法。首先,从星群系统规模、星间安全距离、远场条件、探测链路等因素入手推导了有效探测距离区间。接着,给出了同步误差、波束指向误差以及卫星高速运动特性对全相参合成效率的定量影响评估方法。最后,利用空时频多维联合方法实现了低副瓣稳健波束形成,可有效增加无模糊视场范围,适用于实际星群规模有限的应用场景。仿真结果验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为构建利用柔性机械臂捕获空间碎片的系统仿真模型,首先分析梳理空间碎片捕获典型任务流程,包括轨道转移、位置保持、路径规划、动量稳定控制等阶段;然后针对任务流程分别搭建基于Simu Link的路径规划、动量缓冲控制、姿态控制、动力学和轨道仿真等子系统;各个子系统之间以TCP/IP的方式进行数据交互,最终完成空间碎片软捕获任务姿轨控仿真系统的构建。  相似文献   

区域观察小卫星星座重构方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于小红  冯书兴 《宇航学报》2003,24(2):168-172
在对地观测任务中,经过优化设计的卫星星座通常具有较强的适应能力。但是,当星座中某颗卫星失效或地面需求发生变化时,就需要进行星座重构,以恢复或增强对部分地区的观察能力。提出了小卫星区域观察组网的方法,重点探讨了在应急情况下区域观察小卫星星座的重构问题,研究了节省能量的卫星轨道机动方法,特别提出了保持轨道属性和星座基本构形的预置量机动方法,分析了应急机动星座重构的几种情况,给出了每种情况的星座重构策略。  相似文献   

在当前天基激光移除碎片方案设计中,通常采用kJ级高能激光器、100 m/s大速度增量和简单降轨模型计算移除系统参数,然而kJ级天基高能激光器尚未实现。文章基于目前实验室现有的J级激光器水平,参考现阶段碎片移除方案,针对特定区域的目标空间碎片,结合碎片轨道特性信息建立降轨模型,仿真研究目标碎片在低能量天基激光驱动下的运动过程和降轨效果,分析了影响目标碎片降轨效果的因素。对部署在500 km轨道高度的天基平台移除附近碎片的仿真结果表明,速度增量和降轨高度的变化具有累积效应,提高频率、增大有效作用距离等可延长激光烧蚀驱动时间,进而增强碎片降轨效果。分析表明,J级小能量激光器通过长时间的烧蚀,也可有效驱动和移除1~10 cm碎片。  相似文献   

导弹攻防是空间对抗的重要领域.采用以信息技术为基础的电子攻击手段对目标防御系统实施对抗是导弹突防的有效措施之一.信息认知是夺取制天权的制高点.信息攻击的制高点是对目标信息传感器的信息掌握和信息认知.提出采用微小卫星星座侦察站专职从事对特定区域雷达传感器的信息获取、监视和认知的设想,并对卫星轨道及时间段无缝侦察星座作了初步构想.  相似文献   

2015 年2 月3 日,美国DMSP-F13 卫星发生爆炸解体,产生了百余块编目空间碎片。该卫星解体碎片主要分布在轨道高度600~1200 km 范围内,其中近50%的编目碎片在轨寿命将超过20 年,会对未来空间碎片环境构成长期影响。结合我国空间碎片环境工程模型SDEEM 对DMSP-F13 解体事件的分析结果显示,此次解体事件造成邻近轨道区域内空间碎片空间密度增加,对该区域航天器安全运行产生影响。  相似文献   

空间碎片国际机制发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对空间碎片国际机制(多边谈判机制)的分析,指出其发展趋势,从而为中国参加相关谈判工作提供参考。空间碎片国际机制的发展已呈现出明显的政策化、法律化和制度化的趋势。无论是从外空利益争夺、外空战略实现,还是从中国航天事业可持续发展、中国航天立法体系完善的角度来讲,积极参加空间碎片技术合作与规则制定的国际谈判都具有重要意义。从国内建设上来看,中国应尽快制定“技术—政策(战略)—法律”三位一体的解决思路和具体方案;从国际层面看,可以借鉴美国一直坚持和贯彻的“技术—政策—国内规则—国际软法—国际法”外空策略,来开展空间碎片减缓和清除等方面的技术与规则制定的合作。  相似文献   

Low earth orbit has become increasingly congested as the satellite population has grown over the past few decades, making orbital debris a major concern for the operational stability of space assets. This congestion was highlighted by the collision of the Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 satellites in 2009. This paper addresses the current state of orbital debris regulation in the United States and asks what might be done through policy change to mitigate risks in the orbital debris environment. A brief discussion of the nature of orbital debris addresses the major contributing factors including size classes, locations of population concentrations, projected satellite populations, and current challenges presented in using post-mission active debris removal to mitigate orbital debris. An overview of the current orbital debris regulatory structure of the United States reveals the fragmented nature of having six regulating bodies providing varying levels of oversight to their markets. A closer look into the regulatory policy of these agencies shows that, while they all take direction from The U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices, this policy is a guideline with no real penalty for non-compliance. Various policy solutions to the orbital debris problem are presented, ranging from a business as usual approach to a consolidated regulation system which would encourage spacecraft operator compliance. The positive aspects of these options are presented as themes that would comprise an effective policy shift towards successful LEO conservation. Potential economic and physical limitations to this policy approach are also addressed.  相似文献   

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