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复合材料气瓶有限元分析与爆破压力预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用ANSYS大型有限元程序建立了复合材料气瓶的有限元模型,建模中将纤维缠绕层作为复合材料层合板处理,考虑了封头处缠绕层厚度及缠绕角沿子午线不断变化的情况。针对建立的模型进行了气瓶在几个工况点下的变形分析,利用最大应变准则预测了气瓶的爆破压力。通过分析结果与相应试验结果对比,验证了建模与分析方法的正确性。  相似文献   

介绍了国际空间站哥伦布舱的系统级环境控制系统试验。该试验既没有使用大型真空设备也没有使用太阳模拟器或红外灯等外热流模拟设施,而是直接在总装大厅的大气环境下实施。试验工况包括发射、正常和故障运行等模式。试验有效验证了哥伦布舱集成全局热数学模型,以及主动热控系统和环境控制与生命保障系统的接口关系。  相似文献   

环月遥感立体影像构建的几种模式比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对环月遥感立体影像构建可能被采纳的几种模式比较,从理论上分析卫星航高、立体构像基线、影像分辨率、平面测量精度、高程测量精度诸因素间的关系。提醒注意,当保持卫星高度,用指定面阵相机作正直摄影时,提高影像分辨率却不能提高高程量测精度的事实。提出了使用双相机倾斜摄影模式提高高程量测精度的建议。  相似文献   

频谱地图是频谱资源管理、安全治理和频谱作战等应用的基础。针对传统频谱测绘局限于二维空间的问题,给出了一种面向空天地一体化需求的三维频谱数据采集和测绘系统架构,提出了一种传播模型驱动的频谱地图重构方案,能够实现稀疏采样条件下高精度的三维频谱地图绘制。该方法在单辐射源和多辐射源情况重构的频谱地图与基于射线跟踪方法获得理论结果吻合度较高。此外,针对典型场景的实测结果也进一步验证了本文方法的可行性。  相似文献   

返回式卫星是在50年代末为军事照相侦察卫星而发展起来的。自70年代后期,返回式卫星在空间微重力试验以及为将来空间站的货物运输方面有着新的广泛的用途。西欧和日本自80年代后半期开始开展返回式卫星的研制,近些年来,获得了一些进展。本文介绍了近十年来,世界各国在研制返回式卫星方面取得的进展。  相似文献   

国际空间站集成ECLSS/TCS试验综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
空间站集成ECLSS/TCS(环境控制与生命保障系统/热控系统)试验是一种系统级常压试验,用于单舱或多舱整体性能的鉴定和验收。文章介绍了国际空间站的环境试验标准,以及国际空间站计划中美国、欧洲及日本的集成ECLSS/TCS试验发展情况,主要包括试验项目、试验功能及试验平台组成等。根据国际空间站集成ECLSS/TCS试验的特点,提出了我国发展该项试验的建议。  相似文献   

在地面上用磁性液体制造流体的超重、失重和微重力环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王正良 《宇航学报》2004,25(2):179-182
磁力和重力均为非接触的力,当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相同时,磁性液体处于超重状态;当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相反时,磁性液体处于失重状态;当作用于磁性液体上磁力和重力相互抵消,磁性液体呈饱和磁化状态且处在均匀梯度磁场区域中时,磁性液体被表面张力约束成球体,磁性液体处于微重力状态。这一发现使我们在地面上能经济的、方便的、长时间的制造流体的小区域微重力环境,为研究微重力状态下的流体科学、生命科学,材料加工和器件开发等提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

In order to measure the perceived direction of "up", subjects judged the three-dimensional shape of disks shaded to be compatible with illumination from particular directions. By finding which shaded disk appeared most convex, we were able to infer the perceived direction of illumination. This provides an indirect measure of the subject's perception of the direction of "up". The different cues contributing to this percept were separated by varying the orientation of the subject and the orientation of the visual background relative to gravity. We also measured the effect of decreasing or increasing gravity by making these shape judgements throughout all the phases of parabolic flight (0 g, 2 g and 1 g during level flight). The perceived up direction was modeled by a simple vector sum of "up" defined by vision, the body and gravity. In this model, the weighting of the visual cue became negligible under microgravity and hypergravity conditions.  相似文献   

The present study examines the prevalence of subjective fatigue in young healthy males during 14 days of 6° head-down bed rest (HDBR) by using a multidimensional questionnaire. Forty-one subjects completed the Subjective Fatigue Scale questionnaire to assess the fatigue-related complaints and symptoms. The questionnaire is composed of three sections, with 10 items each. The sections measured drowsiness and dullness (Section 1), difficulty in concentration (Section 2), and the projection of physical disintegration (Section 3). The subjects answered simple questions between 1400 and 1700 on 6 measurement days before and during the HDBR period. The prevalence rate of low back pain was markedly high (80.5%) on the second day and more than 50% in the first half of the HDBR period, and any complaints related to either a lack of sleep or a deterioration in the quality of sleep continued until the end of the HDBR period. Our findings may be useful in developing preventive strategies against physical and mental fatigue associated with prolonged HDBR, horizontal bed rest, and microgravity environments.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of young Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) was studied during a Nike-Orion sounding rocket flight, which included a short-duration microgravity exposure. An infrared monitoring system was used to determine the activity level, instantaneous velocity, and continuous velocity of 240 (120 male, 120 female) fruit flies. Individual flies were placed in chambers that limit their motion to walking. Chambers were oriented both vertically and horizontally with respect to the rocket's longitudinal axis. Significant changes in Drosophila locomotion patterns were observed throughout the sounding rocket flight, including launch, microgravity exposure, payload re-entry, and after ocean impact. During the microgravity portion of the flight (3.8 min), large increases in all locomotion measurements for both sexes were observed, with some measurements doubling compared to pad (1 G) data. Initial effects of microgravity were probably delayed due to large accelerations from the payload despining immediately before entering microgravity. The results indicate that short-duration microgravity exposure has a large effect on locomotor activity for both males and females, at least for a short period of time. The locomotion increases may explain the increased male aging observed during long-duration exposure to microgravity. Studies focusing on long-duration microgravity exposure are needed to confirm these findings, and the relationship of increased aging and locomotion.  相似文献   

The paper discusses six case studies of sleeping bag design, one used by astronauts onboard the Space Shuttle and another currently being used on the ISS, which was developed by a Russian company. Two inflatable designs, one by Wubbo Ockels for ESA and one by the University of Technology in Munich in cooperation with NASA are chosen as case studies as well. Two recent designs set a new paradigm and option of sleeping in zero-g. The cut of the sleeping bag of these two design case studies allows the person to relax and sleep in the neutral body position. They were developed by Toshiroh Ikegami from Kyoto City University of Arts and astronaut Chiaki Mukai for JAXA, and by the Vienna based team LIQUIFER Systems Group in cooperation with ESA-astronaut Gerhard Thiele.Currently there is an increased interest in astronauts' and cosmonauts' sleep quality and related comfort because analysis of their sleep quality showed that sleep during long exposure to microgravity does not always ensure good recovery of cognitive and functional capabilities. Present research in the area of sleep and performance preservation include studies by the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow and the NASA-JSC study from the Behavioral Health and Performance Element Human Research Program about improving sleep quality on ISS.In the context of the paper the operational medical challenges of sleep quality will be described in order to establish the relevance of effective sleeping bag designs to support spaceflight crewmembers' well-being.  相似文献   

王振汉  张立勋  薛峰  陈旭阳 《宇航学报》2022,43(9):1268-1276
针对航天员微重力作业训练系统的重力场补偿控制这一关键技术,进行了理论和实验研究。分析了模拟微重力环境的机理,确定了微重力作业训练系统的总体结构方案,提出了一种基于电流反馈的重力补偿控制及多干扰力补偿控制策略。通过虚拟重力补偿控制实验,验证了在地面环境、动态作业过程中,模拟物体在不同空间重力加速度环境下的运动规律,实现了在重力方向模拟空间环境下物体移动的作业训练效果。研究成果为在地面实现三维作业训练系统的控制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

发射航天器与"国际空间站"进行交会对接是美国和俄罗斯两国常规性的航天活动,在每次这类飞行的全过程中因特网的有关网站都将北美航天防空司令部(NORAD)追踪测量得到的航天器的轨道根数予以公布。据此对2005年7月美国航天飞机与"国际空间站"的交会对接以及2006年3-4月俄罗斯的联盟TMA-8载人飞船与"国际空间站"的交会对接过程的轨道进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文介绍了低温推进剂的性能优势与空间管理挑战,梳理了低温流体空间管理(CFM)技术特征及其研究现状,建议按照重力依赖型与重力无关型分类开展技术成熟度提升研究。调研了美国逾半个世纪的CFM技术搭载实验研究历程,分析了各类平台的工作特性与性能优势。基于我国航天发展现状与未来需求,探析了我国开展CFM技术攻关、飞行搭载实验的可行方案。建议在我国载人空间站规划舱内低温技术实验柜与舱外暴露平台实验模块,加速我国CFM技术向工程应用的转化。  相似文献   

肖原  胡俊  王双峰  赵建福 《宇航学报》2010,31(7):1877-1882
利用高度分别为10 mm,12 mm和14 mm的水平窄通道对微重力环境下热薄材料表面的火焰传  相似文献   

The experience of human spaceflight has taught us that aging can be modulated, accelerated and decelerated. This is also confirmed by a number of experiments on animal models. However in order to be effective in managing aging and maintaining quality of life, a new approach needs to be adopted, one that many today call functional medicine or anti-aging medicine that in its essence is very similar to the medical approach provided to the astronauts by space agencies. Space medicine therefore can become a vehicle for the promotion of a new way of doing medicine on Earth.  相似文献   

A comprehensive goal of the Canadian Space Agency studies (CCISS, Vascular and BP Reg) has been to investigate the efficacy of current exercise countermeasures to maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health on return to Earth after up to 6-months in space. Results from the CCISS experiments revealed no significant change of in-flight heart rate during daily activities or sleep, and small, but variable between astronauts, post-flight elevation. The between astronaut differences were exaggerated during measurement of spontaneous baroreflex slope, which was reduced post-flight (P<0.05) during paced breathing with 3 astronauts having significant correlations between reduced baroreflex and reduced RR-interval (consistent with reduced fitness). Cerebrovascular autoregulation and CO2 response were mildly impaired after flight. Some loss of in-flight fitness of astronauts in Vascular was reflected by the increase in HR at a work rate of 161±46 W of 12.3±10.5 bpm, 10.4±5.9 bpm and 13.4±5.7 bpm for early-flight, late-flight and R+1, respectively. On return to gravity, changes in resting heart rate for supine (5.9±3.5 bpm), sit (8.1±3.3 bpm) and stand (10.3±10.0 bpm) were small but variable between individuals (from −5 bpm to +20 bpm in post-flight standing) and not related to the change in exercise heart rate. In Vascular astronauts, pulse wave transit time measured to the finger tended to be reduced post-flight and carotid artery distensibility was significantly reduced (P=0.03, and n=6). The heart rate and baroreflex data suggest that some astronauts return with cardiovascular deconditioning in spite of the exercise regimes. However, greater arterial stiffness is common among all astronauts studied to date. The new CSA project, BP Reg, will monitor inflight blood pressure in an attempt to identify astronauts in greater need for countermeasures. Future research should focus on whether Vascular changes in astronauts might make them an appropriate model to study the mechanisms of arterial aging on Earth.  相似文献   

介绍了中性浮力实验方法的原理和它在实验中所需的各种条件、设备以及实验用液体的选择。该实验方法能简便地模拟液体的微重力状态 ,并能给表面张力贮箱的设计提供很大的帮助。可利用它测量各种加速度下贮箱中推进剂的位置和形状 ,为表面张力贮箱推进剂管理装置(PMD)的设计提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

孙晨  徐向华  梁新刚 《宇航学报》2016,37(5):612-617
针对空间蒸汽压缩热泵系统中压缩机的润滑问题,对不依赖重力回油的汽车涡旋压缩机进行改变倾角的实验,研究重力方向对涡旋压缩机及热泵系统运行的影响。结果表明压缩机在0°~360°范围内改变角度时,热泵系统均能正常工作;当吸热量为2500~3500W时,蒸发温度最大变化量为1.3℃,蒸发冷凝温差以及热泵系统性能系数(COP)的最大变化量分别为3.2%和6.3%,重力无关性较好。压缩机的性能与循环油量有关,本实验中压缩机在倒置的角度下,沉积的润滑油与冷却剂一起进入热泵系统参与循环,使其性能略有提高。  相似文献   

GPS中频信号处理的Simulink实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于M atlab/S imu link软件,设计实现了GPS接收机的核心部分之一的数字中频信号处理模块的仿真模型。模型可实现中频信号的捕获、跟踪和解调处理。给出在所模拟的信号源输入条件下的处理结果,结果表明模型的设计正确可行。模块可以为各种新的GNSS高性能信号处理方法的设计和评估提供一个可视化的研究平台。  相似文献   

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