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In this paper we investigate the application of qualitative spatial reasoning methods for learning the topological map of an unknown environment. We develop a topological mapping framework that achieves robustness against ambiguity in the available information by tracking all possible graph hypotheses simultaneously. We then exploit spatial reasoning to reduce the space of possible hypotheses. The considered constraints are qualitative direction information and the assumption that the map is planar. We investigate the effects of absolute and relative direction information using two different spatial calculi and combine the approach with a real mapping system based on Voronoi graphs.  相似文献   


Many neuro-imaging studies have provided evidence that the parietal cortex plays a key role in reasoning based on mental models, which are supposed to be of abstract spatial nature. However, these studies have also shown concurrent activation in vision-related cortical areas which have often been interpreted as evidence for the role of visual mental imagery in reasoning. The aim of the paper is to resolve the inconsistencies in the previous literature on reasoning and imagery and to develop a neurally and cognitively plausible theory of human relational reasoning. The main assumption is that visual brain areas are only involved if the problem information is easy to visualize and when this information must be processed and maintained in visual working memory. A regular reasoning process, however, does not involve visual images but more abstract spatial representations—spatial mental models—held in parietal cortices. Only these spatial representations are crucial for the genuine reasoning processes.  相似文献   


The goal of this paper is to present a logic-based formalism for representing knowledge about objects in space and their movements, and show how this knowledge could be built up from the viewpoint of an observer immersed in a dynamic world. In this paper space is represented using functions that extract attributes of depth, size and distance from snapshots of the world. These attributes compose a novel spatial reasoning system named Depth Profile Calculus (DPC). Transitions between qualitative relations involving these attributes are represented by an extension of this calculus called Dynamic Depth Profile Calculus (DDPC). We argue that knowledge about objects in the world could be built up via a process of abduction on DDPC relations.  相似文献   

本文介绍了模式识别的概念与基本方法,形象思维与模式识别的关系和模糊逻辑与模糊推理,提出模糊三值逻辑的推理方法,旨在进一步探讨模式识别的方法和模糊逻辑推理理论,并附应用实例。  相似文献   

In this work, the resonance problem in the artificial satellites motion is studied. The development of the geopotential includes the zonal harmonics J20 and J40 and the tesseral harmonics J22 and J42. Through an averaging procedure and successive Mathieu transformations, the order of dynamical system is reduced and the final system is solved by numerical integration. In the simplified dynamical model, three critical angles are studied. The half-width of the separatrix is calculated through a linearized model which describes the behavior of the dynamical system in a neighborhood of each critical angle. Through the resonance overlap criterion the possible regular and irregular motions are investigated by the time behavior of the semi-major axis, argument of perigee and eccentricity. The largest Lyapunov exponent is used as tool to verify the chaotic motion.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):623-634
In this work, the resonance problem in the artificial satellites motion is studied. The development of the geopotential includes the zonal harmonics J20 and J40 and the tesseral harmonics J22 and J42. Through an averaging procedure and successive Mathieu transformations, the order of dynamical system is reduced and the final system is solved by numerical integration. In the simplified dynamical model, three critical angles are studied. The half-width of the separatrix is calculated through a linearized model which describes the behavior of the dynamical system in a neighborhood of each critical angle. Through the resonance overlap criterion the possible regular and irregular motions are investigated by the time behavior of the semi-major axis, argument of perigee and eccentricity. The largest Lyapunov exponent is used as tool to verify the chaotic motion.  相似文献   

“用好的作风选人,选作风好的人”必须确定相关的概念,必须进行科学的判断,必须进行正确的推理。本文试图从逻辑角度对这一选人用人原则进行梳理。  相似文献   

Ordinary estimations of the number of star collisions in our galaxy—by simple kinematic considerations—lead to a very small number of such collisions: about one or even less every millions of years. However star collisions can occur through the following indirect way which has a much higher probability. (a) Binary stars are very common in our galaxy, about 30–50% of the stars. (b) If two binary stars meet a triple system can be formed by an ordinary exchange type motion. (c) A triple system is generally decomposed into the “inner orbit” (i.e. the relative orbit of the two nearest stars) and the “outer orbit” (i.e. the relative orbit of the third star with respect to the center of mass of the two nearest stars). The major axes of these two orbits have generally small perturbations and it is the same for the eccentricity of the outer orbit. On the contrary, if the relative inclination of the two orbits is large, the perturbations of the eccentricity of the inner orbit are important and can even in some cases lead to an eccentricity equal to one, that is to a collision of the two stars of the inner orbit.Such orbits can be called “oscillating orbits of the second kind”, indeed the first oscillating orbits—conceived by Khilmi and described for the first time in an example by Sitnikov—have unbounded mutual distances rij, but the system always come back to small sizes, it has an infinite number of very large expansions followed by strong contractions and, in the three-body case, an upper bound of lim inf (r1.2 + r1.3 + r2.3) can be given in terms of the three masses and the integrals of motion. For the oscillating orbits of the second kind the mutual distances rij are bounded, but the velocities are unbounded (i.e. lim inf rij = 0 for at least one rij) and the system goes to a collision if the bodies have non-zero radius even small. The analytical study of the oscillating orbits of the second kind is a part of the general analytical study of the three-body problem, a part which must be valid for large eccentricities and large inclinations. The use of Delaunay's variables and of a Von Zeipel transformation lead to a first order integrable approximation, valid for any eccentricities and any inclinations, and giving the following results: (a) The oscillating orbits of the second kind occur when the angular momentum of the outer orbit has a modulus sufficiently close to the modulus of the total angular momentum of the three-body system. Hence these orbits occur for inclinations in the vicinity of 90°. (b) The oscillating orbits represent a set of positive measure of phase space and the first order study allows to give a rough estimation of the probability of collisions—even for stars of infinitely small radius. This probability, for given initial major axes and eccentricities and for isotropic arbitrary initial orientations, is generally of the order of m3RM (m3 being the mass of the outer star, M the total mass and R the ratio of the period of the inner orbit to that of outer orbit).One question remains to be solved: how many collisions of stars are due to that phenomenon? That question is difficult because the probability of formation of a triple system by a random meeting of two binaries is very uneasy to estimate. However it seems that, compared to the usual evaluations based on pure kinematic considerations without gravitational effects, the number of collisions must be multiplied by a factor between one thousand and one million.  相似文献   


Qualitative spatial reasoning is based on calculi which comprise relations and operation tables that encode operations like relation composition. Designing a calculus involves determining these tables and analyzing reasoning properties—a demanding task that is susceptible to errors if performed manually. This paper is concerned with automating computation of operation tables and analysis of qualitative calculi over real-valued domains like the plane 2. We present an approach to specify qualitative relations using polynomial equations that allows methods from algebraic geometry to be applied. This paper shows how reasoning with qualitative relations can be posed algebraically and demonstrates algebraic reasoning using Gröbner base analysis. We evaluate this approach and describe our implementation, which is freely available as part of the spatial reasoning toolbox SparQ.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(5):247-250
In most of the modern on-ground data processing systems for remote sensing the digital signal conversions, on the analogy of the analog signal, are defined over a field of complex numbers, C, as the digital signal values (as well as those of the analog one) may be regarded as a subset of the field. Such an approach requires substantial computing and hardware expenses. For a signal defined in the finite range N (N = 0, 1, …, n − 1) most of the algorithms require the number of operations proportional to log N, N, N2 and even to greater powers of N. That is why the building up of the data processing system mathematical model with a minute number of computations, as well as the computations organization, is a problem of great importance. It is not always necessary to build up a model using transformations over the field C. These transformations may be also defined over some other (abstract) fields, e.g. over the finite field GF(p) or finite residue ring moduli M, ZM. This approach gives numerous advantages. They are discussed in the presented paper along with limitations of the approach. A series of the data processing system models are described. The design concepts for the on-ground images processing equipment are also discussed.  相似文献   

Space systems play an important role in today's society by generating or transmitting information from source to sink(s). The acquisition of the space system is often justified by the type, quantity and quality of information provided or transmitted. This work posits that the value of a class of space systems derives from and can be assessed through the value of information these systems provide. To this effect, a Bayesian framework is developed to assess system value in which systems are viewed as information sources, and stakeholders as information recipients. Information has value to stakeholders as it helps to update their beliefs, enabling them to make decisions that can yield higher expected pay-offs than in the absence of information. This increase in expected pay-offs is ascribed to the value of the system. Based on this idea, a new metric, Value-of-Design (VOD), is introduced to quantify the value of a class of space systems with unpriced services. The Bayesian framework assesses the Value-of-Design for the space system by considering the impact of the information transmitted on the actions taken by stakeholders, and estimating the resulting pay-offs from these actions. The framework here developed is then applied to the case of an Earth Science satellite that provides hurricane information to oil rig operators in the Gulf of Mexico. Probability models of stakeholders’ beliefs, and economic models of pay-offs are developed and integrated with a spacecraft design tool. Results from the application point to clusters of payload instruments that yielded higher information value, and minimum information thresholds below which it is difficult to justify the acquisition of the system. Additionally, the system is analyzed in Cost-VOD trade space to provide program managers with additional insights into the coupling of a system's predicted value generation and its associated lifecycle cost.  相似文献   

The motion of a satellite with aerodynamic efficiency along a low near-circular orbit is considered in the paper. The controls of bank angle γ and lift coefficient Cy are used as control functions. The introduction of a small parameter (? = (?0 · S · g02G)) makes it possible to integrate an adjoint system of equations and to obtain an approximate solution to the complete problem in the class of piecewise-constant control functions. Maximum values for the coordinates of heading angle η and lateral derivation from the plane of a reference orbit ?, which are connected with orbit plane angle by the relation cos i = cos ? · cos h, are used as criteria of maneuvering capability for a satellite with aerodynamic efficiency. Optimal programs for bank angle and incidence variation are derived and the influence of lift-to-drag ratio on the vehicle maneuvering capabilities has been estimated.It is shown that the process of the optimal motion is a special kind of gravitational skipping similar to the Keplerian motion but with continuous descent.  相似文献   

The stationary orbits around an asteroid, if exist, can be used for communication and navigation purposes just as around the Earth. The equilibrium attitude and stability of a rigid spacecraft on a stationary orbit around a uniformly-rotating asteroid are studied. The linearized equations of attitude motion are obtained under the small motion assumption. Then, the equilibrium attitude is determined in both cases of a general and a symmetrical spacecraft. Due to the higher-order inertia integrals of the spacecraft, the equilibrium attitude is slightly away from zero Euler angles. Then necessary conditions of stability of this conservative system are analyzed based on the linearized equations of motion. The effects of different parameters, including the harmonic coefficients C20 and C22 of the asteroid and higher-order inertia integrals of the spacecraft, on the stability are assessed and compared. Due to the significantly non-spherical shape and rapid rotation of the asteroid, the effects of the harmonic coefficients C20 and C22 are very significant, while effects of the third- and fourth-order inertia integrals of the spacecraft can be neglected. Considering a spacecraft on a stationary orbit around an example asteroid, we show that the classical stability domain predicted by the Beletskii–DeBra–Delp method on a circular orbit in a central gravity field is modified due to the non-spherical mass distribution of the asteroid. Our results are confirmed by a numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE) program consists of three satellites which were launched on 16th August 1984. The scientific aim of the mission is to inject lithium and barium tracer ions inside and outside the Earth's magnetosphere and to detect and monitor these ions as they diffuse through the inner magnetosphere. The first of these three satellites, the U.S. Charge Composition Explorer (CCE) was launched into an elliptical orbit of apogee 8 Re. The other two satellites are the West German Ion Release Module (IRM) and the U.K. Subsatellite (UKS), both of which were launched on the same vehicle into a highly elliptical orbit of apogee 18 Re. At discreet intervals during the mission the IRM will release ions into the solar wind, and the movement of these ions will be monitored by the UKS. Depending on the particular scientific requirement, the UKS has to be positioned accurately at a given distance behind the IRM. Initially the UKS has to be located 100 km behind the IRM, and held there for ~9 months. It will then be moved a distance of ~1 Re behind the IRM. In order to manoeuvre the UKS around its orbit, a cold gas jet system is incorporated on the satellite, allowing impulses to be applied both along and perpendicular to the orbit velocity vector. The orbit control system also has to cater for relative orbit changes due to air drag at perigee, as the IRM and the UKS have different areamass ratios. This paper presents an account of the orbit control system implemented on the UKS, together with the mathematical approach adopted, and results from manoeuvres made in the first weeks of the mission.  相似文献   

Five hot flow anomalies (HFA) recorded by the Tail Probe of the INTERBALL satellite in 1996 are analyzed in present work. For the five chosen events the authors determined the characteristics of current sheets whose interaction with the bow shock front led to formation of an HFA, as well as the directions of external electric fields and the directions of motion of these HFAs over a shock front. The analysis of plasma convection in an HFA body is carried out; the average velocities of plasma motion in the HFA are determined in a coordinate system linked with the normal to a current layer and with the normal to the bow shock. According to the character of plasma convection in an HFA body, these five events may be divided into two types, which also differ in the direction of the motion over the front of the bow shock. In the first-type HFAs, the convection of plasma has a component directed from the intermediate region confirming its identification as a source of energy for the formation of an HFA. In the second-type HFAs, plasma motion from the intermediate region in leading and trailing parts is less expressed. This fact, as well as the great variation of peculiar velocities in the body of anomalies, allowed the assumption that second-type anomalies are nonstationary. Evidence is presented that the anomalies considered in the paper are bordered with shocks formed in solar wind passing a large-scale, decelerated body of heated plasma.  相似文献   


Visualization and imagistic reasoning appear central to expert practice in science; however, expert use of these strategies on authentic tasks has not been examined in detail. This study documents how science experts use both algorithms and imagistic reasoning to solve problems. Using protocol analysis, we report expert chemists' preferential use of algorithms for solving spatial problems and imagistic reasoning for deducing spatial transformations. We observed experts employ algorithms to solve the majority of spatial tasks while reserving imagistic strategies to solve a class of tasks that required translating between representations. Strategy used varied widely among experts and tasks.  相似文献   

In a sequence of papers on the topic of message construction for interstellar communication by means of a cosmic language, the present author has discussed various significant requirements such a lingua should satisfy. The author’s Lingua Cosmica is a (meta) system for annotating contents of possibly large-scale messages for ETI. LINCOS, based on formal constructive logic, was primarily designed for dealing with logic contents of messages but is also applicable for denoting structural properties of more general abstractions embedded in such messages. The present paper explains ways and means for achieving this for a special case: recursive entities. As usual two stages are involved: first the domain of discourse is enriched with suitable representations of the entities concerned, after which properties over them can be dealt with within the system itself. As a representative example the case of Russian dolls (Matrjoshka’s) is discussed in some detail and relations with linguistic structures in natural languages are briefly exploited.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize changes of serum proteome profile during 7-day “dry” immersion (DI). The experiment with DI consisted of three series: control group without countermeasures (10 men), with using mechanical stimulation (6 men) and low-frequency myostimulation (5 men) as preventive means. Serum samples were fractionated using ClinProt robot (Bruker Daltonics) on magnetic beads (weak cation exchange magnetic beads—MB WCX) prior to mass-spectral profiling. It was obtained 170 peaks after fractionation of serum samples in each group. On 7th immersion day peak areas of fibrinopeptide A (m/z=1206; 1464), angiotensin II (m/z=1051), high molecular mass kininogen fragment (m/z=2133 Da) and C3-fragment of the complement system (m/z=1350 Da) were significantly decreased comparing with pre-experimental values of all experimental series. Peak areas of apolipoprotein C III (m/z=9419) and C4a fragment of the complement system (m/z=3206 Da) were increased. On 7th day of the recovery peak areas of all changed peaks were not close to pre-experimental values. This fact provided evidence of incomplete recovery of an organism after DI. The depth of the alterations had considerable individual variability. Thereby the detected changes of serum proteome profile in the experiment. They indicated a reorganization of the hormonal, immune systems and lipid metabolism. The use of myostimulation and mechanical stimulation as countermeasures partly compensated adverse effects of 7-day dry immersion on the parameters of coagulation system (fibrinopeptide A) and lipid metabolism (apolipoprotein CIII).  相似文献   

A new single range controller design approach for use with nonlinear liquid propellant engines (LPE) is developed. The approach is based on a describing function model of the nonlinear LPE coupled with the application of the H control theory. The approach is applicable to nonlinear LPEs of a general nature without any restrictions on nonlinearity type, number of nonlinear terms, nonlinearity arrangement, or system order. The approach is applied to an existing nonlinear LPE, and the results are compared with those obtained with an alternative method that was previously reported in the open literature.  相似文献   

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